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What the hell does George Broussard do all day? (New PA)


I chuckled.


Humor based around the "Duke Nukem is never coming out" premise is so old, so easy, and so tiresome that if you are going to do it then you have to be really inventive to succeed. Combining it with another equally tired premise ("Everquest is addictive, huh huh") does not work.


border said:
Humor based around the "Duke Nukem is never coming out" premise is so old, so easy, and so tiresome that if you are going to do it then you have to be really inventive to succeed. Combining it with another equally tired premise ("Everquest is addictive, huh huh") does not work.



Queen of Denmark
border said:
Humor based around the "Duke Nukem is never coming out" premise is so old, so easy, and so tiresome that if you are going to do it then you have to be really inventive to succeed. Combining it with another equally tired premise ("Everquest is addictive, huh huh") does not work.
So true.

-1 PA.
border said:
Humor based around the "Duke Nukem is never coming out" premise is so old, so easy, and so tiresome that if you are going to do it then you have to be really inventive to succeed. Combining it with another equally tired premise ("Everquest is addictive, huh huh") does not work.

They obviously needed more wang.


(more a nerd than a geek)
Scrow said:
I don't even get that joke. I'm out of the loop on this one...
Good grief, how long has Duke Nukem forever been in development again? I just realized that it's been postponed for at least an entire generation of game consoles... now I'm feeling old.


DavidDayton said:
Good grief, how long has Duke Nukem forever been in development again? I just realized that it's been postponed for at least an entire generation of game consoles... now I'm feeling old.
I think it was first formally announced in 1997, but some archives hint that actual development began back in 1995-96

With the formal date, it's been almost a 6 year wait. Since Duke 3d's release however, it's been a 8 year wait going on 9


(more a nerd than a geek)
Tenguman said:
I think it was first formally announced in 1997, but some archives hint that actual development began back in 1995-96

What do they do for -money- over there, again? I'm hopelessly out of the loop... what side projects have they sold in order to continue the financing of this little pipe dream?


DavidDayton said:
What do they do for -money- over there, again? I'm hopelessly out of the loop... what side projects have they sold in order to continue the financing of this little pipe dream?

They release shit games, most off the duke franchises that I believe they outsource to other devs


$50/hour, but no kissing on the lips and colors must be pre-separated
DavidDayton said:
What do they do for -money- over there, again? I'm hopelessly out of the loop... what side projects have they sold in order to continue the financing of this little pipe dream?

You kidding? They're still raking in mad cash from the stellar title that is Shadow Warrior...


Duke Nukem Forever needs to be one of the best FPS games ever released because with a 8-9 year wait along with shitty spin-offs, Duke has already lost its mass appeal. Even the fanbase is starting to turn, with a very very few hardcore fans still holding out.


Definately. The skeptics will DESTROY 3Drealms for anyting less than a Half-Life 2/Halo 2 killer. Development has gone one way to long for people not that have that expectation.


border said:
Humor based around the "Duke Nukem is never coming out" premise is so old, so easy, and so tiresome that if you are going to do it then you have to be really inventive to succeed. Combining it with another equally tired premise ("Everquest is addictive, huh huh") does not work.


Pretty weak.

You kidding? They're still raking in mad cash from the stellar title that is Shadow Warrior...

Shadow Warrior fucking ruled. Sure, it wasn't a great departure from a standard formula, but it still fucking rocked. I'd say that Blood is probably the better of the pack of non-Duke 3d Build titles, though.


stonedwal said:
Pretty weak.

Shadow Warrior fucking ruled. Sure, it wasn't a great departure from a standard formula, but it still fucking rocked. I'd say that Blood is probably the better of the pack of non-Duke 3d Build titles, though.


all you Build haters need to STFU and CBUTRYWSF!

that old DNF trailer looked great, to bad it wasnt released back then :b

EDIT: TS, this PA really ITF
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