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Why did Microsoft design the Xbox Series X the way it did?


If only my penis was as big as my GamerScore!
If there is one thing I never do while gaming, it's stare at my console. That said, I actually like the look. It's simple and clean. Now if the PS5 looks anyyhig like that garrish Dev kit, now that would be something.
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Why does the way the box looks matters to you? Once you have it on the shelf,floor or countertop you ha e no need to care about what it looks like. Hasn't your mother ever told you it's what's on the inside that couts
I think the general idea is to show that is strong as a pc... Or something...

Honestly I think it's dumb... Pc gamers will think: "why would I want another pc... Weaker"... While casuals will go: "eh? this is not a video game console".

Also... Maybe... MS simply didn't care and said: "whatever works...We gotta sell services".

Why, why..why ..there's always a PeeCee crowed being dragged in, "PC gamers will think what, what??!!!!" who gives a flying @#$%& , this aimed for us, console gamers.


I really dig the design actually. I like it even more knowing that prioritization in performance is driving the radical shift in design relative to the previous consoles, and is not just for the sake of aesthetics.
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it puts a lot on the ps5 design. after the ps5 devkit was shown, and then the xbox xsx, what will the final ps5 look like and will it be weaker? ._.


Lucky it's just your opinion and you dont run the design division over at MS.
Oh rly!?

That's mind shattering! I thought that every post anyone made on the internet dictated the reality... And not their opinions.... Incredible, who would imagine that a post on a video game forum is just an opinion.... Mind-blowing. 2020 started with a bang!:messenger_squinting_tongue:
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Oh rly!?

That's mind shattering! I thought that every post anyone made on the internet dictated the reality... And not their opinions.... Incredible, who would imagine that a post on a video game forum is just an opinion.... Mind-blowing. 2020 started with a bang!:messenger_squinting_tongue:
Whatever you just said and happy 2020
Series X is super plain looking. I was telling a friend the other day they could have put an "X" On the Box or something. The aesthetics of a system is just as important for marketing the system as anything else, as bad as I wanted the original Xbox the "COOL" factor with the X on top and the design just made me want it more. It's like MOST designers these days have absolutely no imagination.

I'm personally more of an Xbox guy over PS, but I give props to Sony for having the balls to do such a bold design (If design stays close to develop kits), Whether you think it's ugly or not, PS5 design reminds me of them 90's mock-ups of futuristic systems.


Lord of Edge.
Yeah will be interesting to see if they come out as tone deaf.

Last gen they focused on games + the living room (initially anyway)

This gen they might focus on powa bit not so much on how to utilize that power.

Queitly hoping the investestment in first party brings the goods.


Looking at the dimension, it could probably fit only a 12cm fan at the bottom. The drive may even obstruct part of the fan.
Not sure how the heatsink can make use of the fatter internal volume without making the weight lopsided.

Hence Im not sure if this design is for 'great' cooling or like some said, copying Apple trash can design to look 'different'.

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