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Winter 2012 Anime Thread 2.22: You Can (Not) Outpost Cajunator

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The Light of El Cantare
Yeah, I would say it's quite a bit better in Japanese. That's not to say that it's a master piece, but the characters are actually decent, and most of the idiocy in the English version wasn't present in the original.

That's one more show for the to marathon list, then. YGO:TAS made me end up loving the 4kids version because of the meddling, but if there's a decent (albeit more serious) story in there, I'd be very interested in watching the Japanese original.




The Knight in the Area 10:
  • I am sexually harassed by the bad animation and bad art. :(
  • They couldn't get any hilarious German for the Germans? Lazy.
  • I understand the need for making the protagonists shine and all, but it is very disappointing to see matches devolve into "Maradona vs Pelé" fantasy games. Giant Killing worked because it gave each member of the team a due weight -victories felt like a genuine team effort, and setbacks had more impact because it was made clear that everyone in the squad was working their arses off towards a goal. The Knight in the Area (and Súper Campeones to an extent) are very much more focused to particular character drama about Seven and Kakeru. They are the ones the audience is rooting for specifically, but by concentrating on their personal dilemma the direction siphons out much of the excitement a football match actually conveys.
  • A
    scoreline should, in theory, provide lots of entertainment value, but the way it was presented (
    ) made it clear that, right now, the animators don't give a shit about the sport itself.

tl;dr I rather be watching Giant Killing instead. Or even Chihayafuru.

The high schoolers "attacks" was hilarious yet so awkward for gym. I was wanting to see if Mina was like multilingual.

I think the anime needs a tournament arc or something, to spice things up since, I think Ive reached my limits with the personal drama.


Sucks at poetry
Jellyfish Princess 1 - 3


Dem eyebrows...




Good grief, that was amazing... I need more of this.

Regulus Tera

Romanes Eunt Domus
I just got into the Giant Killing manga recently. Where does the anime stop? Should I bother with the anime if I've read all 22 available volumes of the manga?

I haven't read the manga, but it stops right after
they beat 3-2 the team that was leading the league or something
. Even so, Giant Killing looks like fucking Akira when compared to The Knight in the Area, and that's talking about a show that had CGI people on the bleachers.
The high schoolers "attacks" was hilarious yet so awkward for gym. I was wanting to see if Mina was like multilingual.

I think the anime needs a tournament arc or something, to spice things up since, I think Ive reached my limits with the personal drama.
The shift in focus to Nadeshiko Japan was refreshing in the beginning. I just was disappointed in the way it was handled. Hopefully real competitive matches will get a better treatment.


Setec Astronomer
Is there nostalgia for the (probably butchered) English dub? Did I miss out on anything?
Whenever I think Sailor Moon, the english OP is the first thing that comes to mind. It was great. The dub was good, too. (Had nothing to compare to at the time, and I was a kid so someone else can chime in on this)
Still not as bad as what 4kids did to One Piece or Nelvana did to CardCaptor Sakura.
DiC's dub of Sailor Moon is the original anime hackjob.

- Added spoiler intro to ep 1
- Many episodes cut, including ep 6
- Final two eps of series one condensed into one
- Many scenes cut or edited
- Some scenes reordered
- All original music removed
- Addition of cheap cgish scene transitions
- Names and terminology changed, and often inconsistently
- Nature of enemies wIped, put under a blanket banner they can't decide whether it's Negaverse or Negaforce.
- Examples of truly awful voice acting, like MOOHHLLY
- Examples of incredibly suspect plot and dialogue rewriting
- Horrible treatment of the second series: First half of the second arc was aired after the series one ending, then it abruptly went back to the start of the first arc, then when that finshed it ended with nothing resolved from the second arc.


DiC's dub of Sailor Moon is the original anime hackjob.

- Added spoiler intro to ep 1
- Many episodes cut, including ep 6
- Final two eps of series one condensed into one
- Many scenes cut or edited
- Some scenes reordered
- All original music removed
- Addition of cheap cgish scene transitions
- Names and terminology changed, and often inconsistently
- Nature of enemies wIped, put under a blanket banner they can't decide whether it's Negaverse or Negaforce.
- Examples of truly awful voice acting, like MOOHHLLY
- Examples of incredibly suspect plot and dialogue rewriting
- Horrible treatment of the second series: First half of the second arc was aired after the series one ending, then it abruptly went back to the start of the first arc, then when that finshed it ended with nothing resolved from the second arc.

Looks like a lot of legitimate problems. I'll have to watch it subbed sometime soon.
Yuri Seijin Naoko-san

I like the art style and the character animation is quite attractive. That's the only nice thing I can say about this OVA. There is no chemistry between the characters, mostly due to the poor performance of the VAs, the direction is low-energy and disjointed, and the dirty humor is painfully awkward. It completely fails at being a comedy.


Glass Fleet: The Legend of the Wind of the Universe 11

"Have you ever found yourself moist with tears of shame?" - Vetti Lunard Sforza de Roselait

Holy shit, this continues to out-do itself with each and every episode. God I love this show

The galaxy in revolution. Renaissance.


Glass Fleet: The Legend of the Wind of the Universe 11

"Have you ever found yourself moist with tears of shame?" - Vetti Lunard Sforza de Roselait

Holy shit, this continues to out-do itself with each and every episode. God I love this show

The galaxy in revolution. Renaissance.

Vetti is an incredible character in an incredible show.


Brave 10 - episode 1

Saizo is chilling in the woods and comes across a girl being pursued. Her name is Isanami and she is HNNNG AS FUCK. Well it turns out she is a
princess who escaped from her land after watching every single person dear to her murdered in cold blood
. Saizo agrees quite reluctantly to let her come with him and so begins a hell of a lot of problems.
This is actually pretty interesting all things considered. Will watch more of it.

Also, guys I recommend watching the original Burn Up movie. Its really awesome. Hand drawn animation, adult themes and that good old Rated R police movie type of scenario. This is how great anime used to be made. Definitely check this out if you are a fan of high-tech police shows.

DiC's dub of Sailor Moon is the original anime hackjob.

- Added spoiler intro to ep 1
- Many episodes cut, including ep 6
- Final two eps of series one condensed into one
- Many scenes cut or edited
- Some scenes reordered
- All original music removed
- Addition of cheap cgish scene transitions
- Names and terminology changed, and often inconsistently
- Nature of enemies wIped, put under a blanket banner they can't decide whether it's Negaverse or Negaforce.
- Examples of truly awful voice acting, like MOOHHLLY
- Examples of incredibly suspect plot and dialogue rewriting
- Horrible treatment of the second series: First half of the second arc was aired after the series one ending, then it abruptly went back to the start of the first arc, then when that finshed it ended with nothing resolved from the second arc.

THis is the reason why I say I havent actually watched Sailor Moon.
im sorry but defending your sisters blatantly pedophilic interests for the sake of an incestual romance (dont even try to deny it at this point) is so morally messed up that I cant see him as anything other than fuel for the pandering fire.
Perhaps thats why her friends were more entertaining, because their interests, while nerdy, were not super questionable.

I can't understand it either, but as this thread has again proven, there are indeed some people who, through some fit of hard to believe denial, deny that oreimo's about incest.

And honestly, when you see people denying something that is proven that blatantly over and over and over, there's really not much to say... they're clearly too deep in denial to ever admit the obvious, unfortunately.

I mean, I do know that having them like eachother but never quite confirm it with eachother is one of the points of the franchise, but that doesn't mean that they don't both incestuously love eachother inside, that's for sure!

I do disagree about the "pedophilic" thing, though. The proper definition of pedophilia is sexual interest in pre-pubescent children, and I don't think that applies here...

One problem I have with OreImo is right in the first episode, when Kirino reveals her hobby to Kyousuke. This whole scene is actually very very nicely done, except there’s one thing that continues to bug me; the staggering size of her collection. This was clearly done with the idea of really driving home to the audience that Kirino is really fucking hardcore, but the problem I have is this: Kirino is a minor, and while the story tries to get away with this with the whole modeling job she does, I know how expensive that shit is, and the amount of cash she’d have to have to be able to buy all of those discs, figures, eroge etc. We’ll let slide for now the idea of how much money a teenage model would actually make, and focus on my major problem; most of the time when a child model/celebrity makes money, it’s not paid to them directly because of various Child Labor laws. So this money would instead go to some sort of Custodial Account that managed by her parents. So while it is the child’s money, the parents are the only ones who can withdraw from the Custodial Account until the child comes of age (which is why you hear stories about children who made tons of money as actors, etc. but then never see a dime of that money themselves as their parents spent it all). And with the amount of money that would be necessary to buy all of those DVDs/BDs/Figures/Games etc, there’s absolutely no way on earth the parents would just blindly keep withdrawing that money from the account and give it to her without asking just what she’s apparently spending thousands of dollars on. And the thing is, the point could have EASILY been driven home without all of the merchandise. She could have just had some Meruru DVDs and maybe one figure with a couple of games and just talked about them incredibly passionately, which she kind of does anyway. That would have MORE than sufficed, and been a million times more believable.

But okay, whatever, it’s a silly premise so I have to just let that slide, right? Okay, I will. But what I will NOT let slide is a victim of the “writing as he goes along” problem I mentioned earlier. The last episode where
Kyousuke suddenly goes to America to get Kirino back. The thing is, travelling across country would be one thing. Travelling to another country requires a PASSPORT! We never establish at any point in the story, ever, that Kyousuke has ever been to another country at any point in his life, and as such I would conclude he likely wouldn’t have one. You don’t just go to your local airport and get a passport that day, applying for a passport usually takes at least a month. So that entire plot point just made me throw my hands up and say “Bullshit!” at the screen. And all it would have taken is maybe in some prior episode have Kyousuke give some anecdote about a family trip they took when they were younger where maybe Kirino and Kyousuke weren’t yet on bad terms, make it some sort of reminiscence scene or something. Then just insert a brief scene of him digging for that old passport hoping it’s still valid, and just barely it is or something. THEN I’d have been totally okay with that, but this whole bit is sloppily written, or rather I’m guessing the author realized it when he got to it but decided to make no mention of passports in the hopes that his readers wouldn’t notice.
Nice try, but I noticed! >>;

So yeah, there are aspects of OreImo I would say aren’t well written. But it’s not what I’d call poorly written overall either.

While you're right that these things don't make sense, and complaining about them is reasonable, anime usually have elements like that that fail any logic test, so really you probably could come up with a list like that for just about anything. Some people would saht that because of that these things aren't worth mentioning, but I'd disagree and say no, they ARE worth mentioning, and maybe someday if people complain enough writers might actually start thinking about the details of their plots...

I know, probably not going to happen, but it'd be nice.

I will never ever ever ever understand anyone who thinks Kirino even approaches a resemblance of a believable little sister. I can only assume such people have never had siblings and have never known anyone who has. Violent tsundere tendencies are as far from reality as you can get when it comes to characterization. There is no depth at all to Kirino. She's a textbook tsundere. She does something wrong, blames brother, punches him. Now, it's commonplace to try to put the blame on your siblings when you've messed up in real life. However, there's a huge difference between the reality of "oops, I broke a cup, I'll say my little bro did it" and anime's "Oh I walked in on you bathing, this is somehow your fault and I'm going to beat you up for it". Where do you see believability in there? What's more, her character never changes from being a tsundere either. There's no character growth, no changes in how she acts. If Oreimo is such a character-driven show, then there should at least be some character growth.
This is all entirely true. Neither of them act like believable siblings at all. He loves her inside so he's willing to put up with whatever stuff she throws at him, she loves him inside but is in deep denial so she beats on him to cover it... neither one has much of anything to do with the way real sibling relationships work.

You're right that the basic concept COULD have been something believable, but it didn't take that direction.

(The one defense for Kirino I could offer is that characters like that, with that little depth and character development, are of course extremely common in anime and manga... it's not really anything special here, really, just another example of poor but common character design.)

Please point out one single moment of character growth that steps outside the box of generic tsundere for Kirino in Oreimo. Oh wait, that moment doesn't exist, because Oreimo isn't a character driven show, it's a cardboard-cut-out pandering driven show.
Yeah, this kind of series mostly exists for otakubait and to keep going indefinitely, not to ever have an actual ending or significant plot or character development. Or at least, to not have more than a minute fraction of it in each volume. And then they only animate the first part, and you get something like this series here.

I have a little sister, and during her younger years if I was teasing her or whatever it wasn't completely unheard of for her to give me a quick elbow jab (and it hurt like hell too). Obviously this is an anime and there's going to be a lot of exaggeration to the extend of her actions for humor, but my point is that an attitude like that on a lesser scale isn't as uncommon as you might think.
Yeah, but as I said above, the reasoning behind why she does it is entirely different from the reasoning behind why real people do those things.

Of course you're right that siblings fight or hit eachother sometimes, though, yeah.

My point is more that when my little sister would do something like that to me, she wasn't getting off scottfree! :3

Now, exaggeration is a staple of comedy. However, if the defining trait of a character is treated as comedy, and thusly exaggerated to the point of the typical tsundere violence, it defies the point of becoming a meaningful, believable character point.
Stuff like yelling and hitting eachother are generally significantly overstated in anime comedy. Macodin's complained about this before, if I remember right, and I agreed... there's way too much hitting-as-comedy in anime.

The defining trait of a tsundere is that she/he starts out predominately disliking/being antagonistic to the chosen character (usually the main character). As the series proceeds, he/she gradually begins to show off the "dere" side more. I don't see how Kirino realizing she does care for Kyousuke after all is a break of any sort for the tsundere role.
Yeah, it's not, it's just the dere side showing.

Kyousuke does whatever Kirino wants. He never displays any intelligent thought of his own that would run counter to what Kirino wants him to do. There's a line between helping and supporting a family member, and becoming a slave to that person, and kyousuke manages to cross it in the very first episode. He has no personality. If you care to remember the happenings of the first episode (I'd rather not), Kyousuke starts out not knowing or caring about what Kirino does. It's a fantastic opening for the character, since it already hints at the fact he's a spineless apathetic shell who's sole purpose is to bumble his slack-jawed way through the tattered remnants of the plot. Now of course, I would never overlook the shining moment of raw, unfettered character development that takes the second half of the episode by storm. Descending in a ray of unholy light, the realization that he wants to know more about his sister dawns in the empty recesses of Kyouseke's mind. It's the single largest moment of Character Growth in the show, so it deserves special mention. Kyousuke decides to engage Kirino about her everyday life, enjoying sharing the highlights of her modelling shoots, her activities with her friends, the games she plays. He accepts and understands her fascination with eroge, anime, and other otaku activities. Furthermore, he opens up about his own personal life, telling Kirino about his daily activites, such as

Huh. What does he do?


He couldn't even proactively do anything with Kirino. He takes no true interest in her. He is never the instigator of anything in their relationship. His sole purpose is to be a convenient tool for Kirino.

He's a doormat.

edit: dammit, I missed another reply from Ruronizel since this took so long to type. :(
So basically you hate most harem protagonists, because they're like that a lot of the time.

... I know, a lot of people here hate them for reasons just like that, and a lot of the time it's a good point. They ARE generally extremely weak characters who are unbelievably indecisive and weak-willed. That's how the genre works, pretty much, because a lot of the time, if they weren't like that the writers couldn't think of a reason why the guy would still have a harem of girls going after him without him picking someone as a girlfriend...

He just comes across as a caring brother imo. There didnt seem to be anything particularly incestuous or strange about how he related ti Kirino. He took credit for the dvd and did other things to cover her butt, but it didnt seem beyond the realm ofvwhat a brother might do for a younger sister.
And how much of the series have you watched?
Also, guys I recommend watching the original Burn Up movie. Its really awesome. Hand drawn animation, adult themes and that good old Rated R police movie type of scenario. This is how great anime used to be made. Definitely check this out if you are a fan of high-tech police shows.

Are we talking adult themes here or "adult" themes?
Brave 10 - episode 1

Saizo is chilling in the woods and comes across a girl being pursued. Her name is Isanami and she is HNNNG AS FUCK. Well it turns out she is a
princess who escaped from her land after watching every single person dear to her murdered in cold blood
. Saizo agrees quite reluctantly to let her come with him and so begins a hell of a lot of problems.
This is actually pretty interesting all things considered. Will watch more of it.

Man, I wanted to like Brave 10, but after suffering through nothing is going on and one episode where it was pretty much SAIZO! over and over, I couldn't take it anymore. But, at least you thought the first episode was decent. :p


The Light of El Cantare
Glass Fleet: The Legend of the Wind of the Universe 11

"Have you ever found yourself moist with tears of shame?" - Vetti Lunard Sforza de Roselait

Holy shit, this continues to out-do itself with each and every episode. God I love this show

The galaxy in revolution. Renaissance.

I've tried to avoid reading anything to do with Glass Fleet as it's likely that I'll marathon it someday, but I caught a glimpse of the image in your post and had to take a better look.

Whatever it is that I'm seeing, I'm in awe. Silent, baffled awe. I've never seen such...erm...incredible character design.


I do disagree about the "pedophilic" thing, though. The proper definition of pedophilia is sexual interest in pre-pubescent children, and I don't think that applies here...

she is shown explicitly drueling and making perverse comments while playing porn games about little children, its the same deal as the incest where its so borderline that it might as well be put in the category.
I guess its the same deal as people who are into loli stuff, where they say that its fine because nobody is being hurt.
justification for perversion, using perversion inside perversion
we have to go deeper!


The Light of El Cantare
Oh and GAF I just watched mouretsu episode 1, and it was good! GAF surely doesn't disappoint! :)

Don't be discouraged if you find episodes 2-5 more difficult to watch; there's great stuff on the other side.

Brave 10 - episode 1

Saizo is chilling in the woods and comes across a girl being pursued. Her name is Isanami and she is HNNNG AS FUCK. Well it turns out she is a
princess who escaped from her land after watching every single person dear to her murdered in cold blood
. Saizo agrees quite reluctantly to let her come with him and so begins a hell of a lot of problems.
This is actually pretty interesting all things considered. Will watch more of it.

Bail out while you still can. Isanami's presence is diminished in subsequent episodes and when she is on screen, she's an annoying one-note character. Brave 10 is a putrid heap of terrible fights and anemic yaoibait and gets progressively worse with each episode. Watch Sengoku Basara instead if you haven't seen it.


Battle Arena Toshinden OVA

So I have a guilty pleasure and that's terrible anime based on fighting games. Tonight I decided to revisit Battle Arena Toshinden, a 1996 OAV that takes place one year after the game of the same name which, coincidentally, came out a year before. The game was well reviewed and spawned several sequels so I assume it was well received. Personally I haven't revisited the game itself in years and imagine it didn't age well at all. With a running time of about an hour, I didn't expect this to be high art but hoped to at least be entertained. I'm not even sure I managed that much.

There's no real story worth spoiling here so running without tags once again.

It starts out with Sho Shinjo running around and offing people that participated in the first Toshinden tournament. This involves him attacking an aircraft carrier and shooting down a helicopter with his sword for some inexplicable reason as I'm not even sure a tournament fighter was present. His brother, Eiji Shinjo, is introduced not too long after this. We're given a flashback scene that's a callback to the end boss of the game itself before he comes to his senses as his best friend, Kayin, shows up. Since this is based on a fighting game, they immediately engage in a duel. They end in a draw, they talk about things, and together visit another fighter, Rungo Iron, who is severely injured after being run through a test fight by some nebulous Organization that I'm sure would have some relevance if I had better recall of the game.

Kayin goes his way to hunt the Organization on his terms while Eiji takes off to protect Sofia who also participated in the tournament. He stops in a small town and bullies some kids playing soccer before she shows up. She takes Eiji home, they talk, she showers and develops a crazy look on her face, then proceeds in the nude to crawl into his bed before trying to stab him. Eiji jumps out the window, now fully clothed, with her behind him, also fully clothed. In the end, the power of love/friendship/whatever prevails as Eiji decides to take her strike head-on in a fit of trust. This breaks the control she was under and thus she was free. Sho shows up, beats the shit out of Eiji, and the big twist is it wasn't Sho at all. He blows up after Eiji realizes the truth and defeats him after which the leader of the Organization, Uranus, shows up to shoot him. End Act 1.

The second half begins with Eiji visiting the knife wielding circus loli named Ellis (who also participated in the tournament). She gets in a fight with a scythe wielding maniac named Chaos who was killed by her father, Gaia, the year before and promptly loses. Eiji and Kayin save her who in turn are beat down by Chaos only for Gaia to appear and fight him to a standstill. Ellis interferes and ends up poisoned and the only option is to venture to the Organization's base to recover the antidote. Everyone's rueful for a while then get down to business. The hidden base turns out to be some huge pair of towers in plain view on a certain mountain road along the coast and all the other previously defeated fighters (and then some) join up to lend a hand. Kayin and Gaia end up in combat with a more powerful Chaos.

Eiji realizes he chose the wrong tower to ascend, says fuck it, and uses his motorcycle to jump across. Problem: Chaos' secret is that he can't be hit by the fighter's normal moves since he's now programmed to be their perfect opponent. Solution: Use special moves that aren't yours. This works pretty well and Eiji makes Chaos explode. Uranus doesn't really care and informs the fighters that the data she has is enough to continue her Man Machine Project. Sho finally shows up for real, puts a knife through what is evidently the only copy of the data, lets everyone know he just blew up the production facility that were making pisspoor copies of him and just ups and disappears. Disappointing given he's such a badass in the games. Everyone meets up to say goodbye and remind each other the next time they meet up it'll be a fight to the death. Eiji and Kayin return to administer the antidoe to Ellis before parting ways.

Sadly, the crazy therein is pretty boring, the fights aren't satisfying and involve calling out special attacks with names like Lollypop or Honeymoon, and the story itself is just a loose pretense for people to cross swords. Things go boom, the stage is set for the second game (available at a fine retalier near you), and I'm left reflecting on life and feeling I
should stop watching this kind of stuff. The visuals are below par as well so I can't even enjoy this as mindless fun.

In, Battle Arena Toshinden features:

Stunning character design

guys with glowy eyes

dynamic action

tough talking cops

stoic swordsmen with hair flowing in the wind

hard hitting news reporting by the BBC

a knight on horseback

and the ability to leave this look on your face upon viewing.


Don't be discouraged if you find episodes 2-5 more difficult to watch; there's great stuff on the other side.

Bail out while you still can. Isanami's presence is diminished in subsequent episodes and when she is on screen, she's an annoying one-note character. Brave 10 is a putrid heap of terrible fights and anemic yaoibait and gets progressively worse with each episode. Watch Sengoku Basara instead if you haven't seen it.

THanks for the warning. I will settle for looking at pics of Isanami instead of watching.

It's quite a good short, though I suppose the title might be referencing the old definition of the word.

I think that might be the case, except
black swordsman also laughs at the very end
. It might just be BOTH definitions together. That would be more like Studio 4C.


We all know there's no way to give people good taste. American researchers in the 60's experiment all kinds of drugs and other coercion devices, but to no avail.

Why have you failed us, science?

I think that might be the case, except
black swordsman also laughs at the very end
. It might just be BOTH definitions together. That would be more like Studio 4C.
Yes, it's probably referencing
the book she gave him
as well.



Toei is currently withholding the licensing rights from the rest of the world. There's the old ADV release but the quality is horrible. Pioneer did a much better job but they only cover S, Supers, and the movies.

I don't think that's completely right. Or at least they gave back the rights to Italy to release the DVDs since 2011. Amazon.it link to see


You would think Sailor moon was popular enough for SOMEBODY to take the risk on a license.
I think newer series are am uch bigger risk of failure due to a lack of awareness. Everybody knows about Sailor Moon.
Im also eternally pissed at Viz for cancelling the Full Moon O Sagashite release after volume 7. fuck them.


The Light of El Cantare
THanks for the warning. I will settle for looking at pics of Isanami instead of watching.

You'll probably have to settle for screens from the show. Isanami has virtually no fanart, which is a shame considering that I think she has surprisingly cute (if really fanservicey) design for a generic female-viewer-insert in a trashy bishounen show.


Martian Successor Nadesico 06 -07


This is how you properly do technobabble in anime.

It's sucks
how Yurika had to make that tough decision and all the people in that surviving colony on Mars died, not to mention one of the original scientists too joined them. The harsh realities of the situation and the disproving of their invincibility in a harsh manner was really well-done. Not to mention watching the green-ness of Yurika and her experience as a captain with real battle experience was really brought out here, and man were a lot of realities brought out. This show continues to keep grounding itself, and I really love it.

Akito's non-harem harem continues to build,
copious amounts of hnnnnnnnnnnggghhhhhh occur,
and fuck the Admiral went out like a bro to make up for his past mistakes. Also, we get the introduction of a half-dark face villainous-looking character who leads Nergal (i'm guessing). What plot is in store for us next episode!?


This show is so awesome and I literally can not stop watching. I can't believe I missed something as awesome as this.


You'll probably have to settle for screens from the show. Isanami has virtually no fanart, which is a shame considering that I think she has surprisingly cute (if really fanservicey) design for a generic female-viewer-insert in a trashy bishounen show.

She really is a cute design. So wasted :(
Pocket Monsters Diamond and Pearl 162:
Urara came up with a pretty good strategy there. Using Encore in a contest battle to play around with the time limit was actually pretty innovative, and she probably deserved to win just for coming up with something like that. Hikari did a pretty good job in figuring out how to get around that, but I felt like she got way too many points because the writers realized they needed Hikari to win somehow and were kind of in a corner.

Nadesico is pretty great.

It's downright amazing. Not only is it great on a first viewing, but it seems to get better each and every time I rewatch it. The level of detail in the plotting and development is crazy.


K-On!! 18

I like the way you think Mugi!

I've tried to avoid reading anything to do with Glass Fleet as it's likely that I'll marathon it someday, but I caught a glimpse of the image in your post and had to take a better look.

Whatever it is that I'm seeing, I'm in awe. Silent, baffled awe. I've never seen such...erm...incredible character design.
Only an incredible show like Glass Fleet is worthy of such incredible character designs.

Wonzo vanquished. Envelope is up next. Cajunator is without mercy.
a mere mortal such as myself can only make so many inane posts about anime. i am no match for the god king of cute.


Mugi could sit there with her eyebrows raised and sit perfectly still and still she would be more interesting than Azu-Nyan, which is shameful.
Is Azusa anything more than moeblob in K-ON!! ?


Kamisama no Memouchou - 01

Bahahaha, it's like they thought oh fuck, there's no fanservice yet? and pulled out a random scenario to showcase a loliservice shot right at the end.

Episode was good otherwise. The mystery was pretty intriguing and conclusion was satisfying, sucks that everything will be average from here on out until near the end.

Narumi is a shitty main character, though.


Glass Fleet: The Legend of the Wind of the Universe 11

"Have you ever found yourself moist with tears of shame?" - Vetti Lunard Sforza de Roselait

Holy shit, this continues to out-do itself with each and every episode. God I love this show

The galaxy in revolution. Renaissance.

Vetti is undeniably one of the most memorable characters in anime history.


Arcade Gamer Fubuki 1


The menu is pretty awesome with the Sega font being used. This show is pretty cute. the art reminds me of Nana Seven of Seven a bit.

This quite accurately sums up what this show is like though.
"When Fubuki's skirt is blown up and the passion panties reveal themselves, the entire universe's gaming spirit descends upon Fubuki. and she then becomes THE INVINCIBLE ARCADE GAMER!!!!"

Yeah. So that's arcade gamer Fubuki. I'll revisit this show later when I'm in the mood for more stupid. By the way, the text on that cover reads "From the screenwriter of cowboy Bebop". not his best days I assure you.


I don't think that's completely right. Or at least they gave back the rights to Italy to release the DVDs since 2011. Amazon.it link to see
damn, now i kinda wish i paid more attention during my italian classes. :(

Mugi could sit there with her eyebrows raised and sit perfectly still and still she would be more interesting than Azu-Nyan, which is shameful.
Is Azusa anything more than moeblob in K-ON!! ?

Vetti is an incredible character in an incredible show.
Vetti is undeniably one of the most memorable characters in anime history.
behold, the face of greatness:



You would think Sailor moon was popular enough for SOMEBODY to take the risk on a license.
I think newer series are am uch bigger risk of failure due to a lack of awareness. Everybody knows about Sailor Moon.
Im also eternally pissed at Viz for cancelling the Full Moon O Sagashite release after volume 7. fuck them.

Nobody wants to take the risk. DiC nearly went bankrupt and never was the same after Sailor Moon ended its first run. CookieJar now owns them and does government toons for the networks now. 4Kids last i heard might be bought to ClassicMedia becoming a divison - and they might do Government Toons as well.

such is the fate of those that try and buck the mainstream.
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