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wow far cry first evar xbox video awesome


Fallen Xbot (cannot continue gaining levels in this class)
the game really didnt look so hot in person (IMO). i think the hand cam turned mpeg hides a lot of the flaws.
that game looked really good in that video, hoping to get some direct screenshots or movies to compare with..

but the island locale, and the jetski especially, looking friggin sweet.
I somehow doubt that the Xbox version is going to do the brilliance of Far Cry on PC justice. It just seems like the core gameplay is so processor- and RAM-intensive.


adrockthekid said:
I somehow doubt that the Xbox version is going to do the brilliance of Far Cry on PC justice. It just seems like the core gameplay is so processor- and RAM-intensive.

core gameplay = graphics?


Did nobody notice the craptacular shadows?

Yes I did and btw did anyone notice the framrate, sub 30fps in first person games sucks

Just buy the PC version hahhahahaha just kiding buy whatever the f@#k you want


being watched
TheGreenGiant said:
wow. XBOX really is the no.1 destination for PC ports.

Get it on your pc; way better.

Or get it on your Xbox, along with Halo 2, Kameo, Fable and Riddick. :D

Nice vid. :D


TheGreenGiant said:
wow. XBOX really is the no.1 destination for PC ports.

Get it on your pc; way better.
And what if you don't feel like spending $1500-$2000 for a good gaming PC? Are any of these games that good that they're worth spending that much money? Let's see spending $150 to play one of the best looking Xbox FPS games versus spending $1500 to play one of the best looking Xbox games with better shadows? Gee I don't know what people should do.

I'm gonna be playing Far Cry Instincts, Halo 2, SW: Republic Commando, Doom 3, and maybe even Call of Duty and Half-Life 2 on Xbox and I'm not going to have spend my entire savings to be able to do so. These games may not end up being as good looking on Xbox as they could be on a very high end PC, but they're also still some of the best looking games on the Xbox. And last time I checked Xbox was still pumping out amazing visuals (Riddick, FSW, Ninja Gaiden, Rallisport 2, Splinter Cell, DOA) so that actually means something.

The only PC to console conversion that looks really bad on Xbox is Battlefield, but that's mainly because EA is probably targetting the PS2 specs as usual.


---- said:
And what if you don't feel like spending $1500-$2000 for a good gaming PC? Are any of these games that good that they're worth spending that much money? Let's see spending $150 to play one of the best looking Xbox FPS games versus spending $1500 to play one of the best looking Xbox games with better shadows? Gee I don't know what people should do.

I'm gonna be playing Far Cry Instincts, Halo 2, SW: Republic Commando, Doom 3, and maybe even Call of Duty and Half-Life 2 on Xbox and I'm not going to have spend my entire savings to be able to do so. These games may not end up being as good looking on Xbox as they could be on a very high end PC, but they're also still some of the best looking games on the Xbox. And last time I checked Xbox was still pumping out amazing visuals (Riddick, FSW, Ninja Gaiden, Rallisport 2, Splinter Cell, DOA) so that actually means something.

The only PC to console conversion that looks really bad on Xbox is Battlefield, but that's mainly because EA is probably targetting the PS2 specs as usual.

TheGreenGiant said:
wow. XBOX really is the no.1 destination for PC ports.

And thats why I like my Xbox. I like PC games but I dont want to buy a gaming PC. This laptop is enough for me.

Xbox is awesome. Awesome is Xbox.


being watched
Well wether you spend $500, $1000 or $1500. You won't be playing the best FPS this year.


But people with the crap little $150 box will. :D


Well wether you spend $500, $1000 or $1500. You won't be playing the best FPS this year.


But people with the crap little $150 box will. :D

We already ARE playing the best FPS this year. It's called UT2K4. Play it and never play another FPS ever again.


I agree, it doesn't look as good as the PC version (there were some really noticable things like the the framerate, the low res shadows, and the near draw distance for foilage).

But in the end, I think it will be an impressive title that will be a lot of fun. The Jetski alone is an interesting addition that will change gameplay.


Grandma's Chippy
Well wether you spend $500, $1000 or $1500. You won't be playing the best FPS this year.
Halo was cool and all...in console terms....but IMO it didn't hold a candle to many PC shooters. It's just not the same. I remember people arguing with me how it was so far beyond all shooters because it had a story (been done), great graphics (duh, been done), tons of weapons (done), big environments (done) and AI that was reportedly far beyond any PC game (yeah...been done). Why people can't look at things on their own merrits is beyond me.

Best console shooter ever? Probably...

Best shooter ever period? Not quite.

Admitedly, it was a cool story though.
"Likewise, anyone that thinks spending upwards of $1,000 to play video games is a fucking idiot."

I'm sorry, could you please write a complete sentence so I could reply accordingly?



Grandma's Chippy
Fujisawa said:
Likewise, anyone that thinks spending upwards of $1,000 to play video games is a fucking idiot.

Quote that.
I spent about that for my new system...not for just playing games though ;P

I do a lot of Photoshop and video work for fun and slow computers suck ass for that stuff. Though I do use it mainly for gaming :D
"Likewise, anyone that thinks spending upwards of $1,000 to play video games is a fucking idiot."

Thinks what of spending upwards of $1,000 to play video games? I MUST KNOW.

And for the record, Mr. Pockets has the right idea. There's more to a computer than just playing games, sonny! This is my one stop music-listening/producing, graphics editing, video editing, AND gaming machine.

And if you're going to use a lame acronym like LOL, at least make sure you're "lawling" at something that's actually witty.


If you could find one, a $1000 gaming PC would be an extremely low end gaming PC.

$1000 will get you nowhere at DELL, Gateway, Alienware, Voodoo, HP/Compaq. You can't run games like these decently on a $1000 PC. Maybe if you do bargain bin shopping for pieces at tradeshows and on the internet you can slap something together for close to that and have a low end gaming PC. But I'm talking about buying a high end gaming PC like a normal person from a manufacturer versus buying an Xbox like a normal person from a retailer. Hell even buying just a top of the line graphics card for your current PC and spending $400+ isn't worth it. And that's assuming that you have a good CPU already and lots of RAM in your computer. Every time these PC developers show off games like Doom 3/Unreal/Half-Life 2 they're running them on 3GHz+ PCs with a gig of RAM and a graphics card that probably hasn't even been released yet. For the amount of increase in visual quality over the Xbox versions of these games it isn't worth the cost. Although I must thank the people who do buy all the bleeding edge technology to play these games because they bring down the costs for the rest of us.

What I would do if I was starting off from scratch and had neither is I would pick up a factory reconditioned Xbox for like $99 this Fall and then spend all of my money on the games instead of blowing it all on computer hardware so that I could only play 1 or 2 games. The more you can avoid wasting your money on hardware the better in my opinion.


I agree with you Mr Pockets, there are a ton of reasons to own a nice high-end PC. I'm just trying to point out why that same old tired argument "Why would I play this when I can play the superior PC version?" really holds no water.


I'm looking at buying a new PC, and it looks like for all the stuff I do (graphics and music) it'll end up around $1500 US without the monitor.

But let's just assume I'm getting it only for games, I still think that a $1000 computer wouldn't do Far Cry justice. Remember, this is a game that requires insanely high specs to begin with.

So if you really want to play Far Cry with all of the details on, at 60 fps, at high resolutions, you are going to pay more than $1000. If this was any other game, I'd agree, $1000 is enough to have a game like UT 2004 or BF1942 run perfectly fine.
"If you could find one, a $1000 gaming PC would be an extremely low end gaming PC. "

Oh dear lordy, here we go.

Radeon 9800 Pro -- 225
Stick of 512mb PC3200 ram, 105
Biostar KT400MB and Athlon 2500+ -- 150
Antec case with powersupply -- 110
DVD/CD rom/burner-- $80
Sound Blaster Audigy2ZS -- 90
windows XP Home -- 100
80GB hard drive -- 80
17" NEC monitor -- 160
Ballpark figure for a keyboard and mouse...let's go high and say -- 50 combined

$1150, rounding up on the prices, using all retail parts and HARDLY low end. All prices via TCWO or newegg, both reputable companies. If you switch to OEM parts/prices, that'll easily drop 2-300 dollars. Anything else or are you too busy pulling the foot out of your mouth?


Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
Ooh, ooh, anti-PC gamer trolls. Tre, dude, you're doing a pretty shitty job at providing an adequate defense ;b

$1000 will get you nowhere at DELL, Gateway, Alienware, Voodoo, HP/Compaq. You can't run games like these decently on a $1000 PC. Maybe if you do bargain bin shopping for pieces at tradeshows and on the internet you can slap something together for close to that and have a low end gaming PC. But I'm talking about buying a high end gaming PC like a normal person from a manufacturer versus buying an Xbox like a normal person from a retailer. Hell even buying just a top of the line graphics card for your current PC and spending $400+ isn't worth it. And that's assuming that you have a good CPU already and lots of RAM in your computer

Wow, look, an uninformed idiot ranting away at the idiocy of buying $400 video cards.

Hey, guy, if you're putting together a new gaming rig that will be able to play games like Far Cry and Half-Life 2, you can spend $150 for a cpu/mobo, $200 for a video card, $200 for ram, $50 for a case/psu, $200 for a nice 19" monitor (or significantly less for a smaller size or non-flat) , + whatever hard drive fits your non-gaming needs and have a very decent system that can do a hell of a lot more than play "1 or 2 games."

But let's just assume I'm getting it only for games, I still think that a $1000 computer wouldn't do Far Cry justice

Far Cry runs great on my 2400+ w/ 512mb ddr266 + 9800 pro, at high resolution with effects cranked up. Far from a $1500+ rig.
"Tre, dude, you're doing a pretty shitty job at providing an adequate defense ;b"

Gimme a break, I hadn't typed a serious reply until just the one above you :p.


Far Cry runs great on my 2400+ w/ 512mb ddr266 + 9800 pro, at high resolution with effects cranked up. Far from a $1500+ rig.

How much was that system?

Because my point was:

So if you really want to play Far Cry with all of the details on, at 60 fps, at high resolutions, you are going to pay more than $1000.

I really think that you'll be going over the $1000 mark to play Far Cry, I never claimed that it would cost $1500, but I know that Far Cry is a pretty advanced game and needs a high end system.


Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
Fujisawa: The title of the thread is irrelevant. I know trolls; I've been a member of these forums long enough to spot them pretty easily. You trolled this thread with your unintelligible mess of an argument, a few times over at that.

Now, how about a little game. You come up with a substantiation for "anyone that thinks spending upwards of $1,000 to play video games is a fucking idiot," especially in light of all the other reasons to own a PC (that you of course pretended to address in an attempt to sound objective), and you get to keep your posting privelages.

How much was that system?

Not every component is new by any means, but the going prices are:

2400+ -- $67
Asus Mobo -- $50
512mb ddr266 -- $78
9800 Pro -- $220
WD 120gb 8mb -- $89
Case/PSU -- paid $30, but let's say $50
Lite-on DVDRW -- $70

$624 w/o monitor, and the HDD size and presence of a DVD burner didn't affect my performance with the game.


You know EviLore, if you spent even half the time and money you spend on PC parts and put it towards getting laid, you might not be in such a bad mood.
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