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XCOM 2 |OT| Be Aggressive! Be Be Aggressive!


Quickly losing steam to finish the game. Late game is very, very annoying.

- You run out of tech way early. There are very few grades of weapons, which was one of the main criticisms of the first game. We'll all be running around with plastic looking plasma weapons for most of the game. Why? Could we maybe have endgame weapons that don't look like alien dildos.

- Fly to a site, spend .1 seconds scanning it before getting interrupted. After happening a couple of dozen times I am very, very sick of the world map mechanics. At least let me pick up my start of the month supplies for one single time without some absolutely critical going down on the other side of the globe.

- I've stopped caring about customising my gear, since I'm not unlocking new stuff and the endgame weapons/armor look hundred times worse than the starting stuff. The armor designers are obviously Mass Effect fans. I'd love to equip the starting armors again, but since the wound system was designed by Satan that would just result in more frustration.

- Retaliation missions have become "Run through the Chrysilid minefield and hope you've spawned near enough civilians". But hey, at least the civilian AI has improved since...no, wait. They still stand still next the enemy, even after being shot at. I've failed my last 3 because there is no way you can sprint to the opposite end of the map while either fighting or avoiding the enemies. RNG at its finest.

- I'm installing the timer mod after I post this. Instead of having a reasonable timer system, where the timer is only present on missions where they'd make sense, and the timer only starts once detected, they have this static timer limit which doesn't scale as the game progresses.

- I don't even try and maintain the Avatar project anymore. I don't even get why it's there. You can't stop it. You can't keep up with the gains, even when hitting every event. The game never explains the Avatar tracker fully, and it advances seemingly without anything actually happening. The mechanics are so poorly explained and obfuscated because I doubt they want to player to see how bullshit it is.

- Andromedons are plain cheating. Hit one with a 14 damage attack while they're at 2 hp, and they only take 2 hp before going back to full hp.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
I need more customization options soon guys, my GI Joes dont look different enough from each other. Thats worse than bugs or performance issues to be honest!



Holy fuck these new sectopods

It attacked twice for 11 and started charging its laser after that - thankfully it decided killing the mission objective was more important than killing my soldiers. I really need more elerium to build my plasma weapons.

Question: if you give your Grenadier a Flashbang, does it get a radius boost like the Frag does?

Yes. And it's glorious.
Oh man you guys weren't kidding about the anti aliasing, my PC should be able to crush this and it was pretty choppy. Smooth sailing after I turned the MSAA down though. This game is fucking incredible!!


Oh wow the bonus abilites from the advance warfare center thing are nice. Just got one that gives free overwatch if you spend your turn dashing.

Dr Dogg

So finally got my Guerilla Tactics School up and running. Just in time too as I've a batch of new recruits twiddling their thumbs and the next mission I went on was my second Blacksite. Thank christ I had a 5th slot and took my vets as I almost got hammered. Not particularly a lot of aliens to deal with, 9 in the map before backup, but the composition of each team of 3 was really testing. Sadly one of my vets didn't make it.
You'll be missed Newton. Even if with that nickname you unexplictedly were rubbish at hacking and always got caught. Still the new red shirts on the next mission were fucking killing it.


Huh, the "NOPE!" maneuver actually worked. That is, I opened a door, and activated two pods. "Hi, I'm a Viper! Or FIVE! Also, we have a Shieldbearer." My Ranger then closed the door and everyone else set up for Overwatch. It was still a really ugy fight, can't believe I didn't lose anyone, my healer specced Specialist worked overtime and then some. Five Vipers at the same time just ain't right.

So, I got a Facility available. I should just go for that ASAP now, right? The aliens are Avatar'ing way too fast for my tastes. If I understand it right, taking it out should be a -2 to the Doom Tracker. One for taking out a facility, one for the points it has accumulated.

Also, somewhat spoilery question. I got a Skulljack. Now what?
Can I use that on any officer, or does it have to be a specific one? Because if it's any, I'm taking it Facility hunting.


Huh, the "NOPE!" maneuver actually worked. That is, I opened a door, and activated two pods. "Hi, I'm a Viper! Or FIVE! Also, we have a Shieldbearer." My Ranger then closed the door and everyone else set up for Overwatch. It was still a really ugy fight, can't believe I didn't lose anyone, my healer specced Specialist worked overtime and then some. Five Vipers at the same time just ain't right.

So, I got a Facility available. I should just go for that ASAP now, right? The aliens are Avatar'ing way too fast for my tastes. If I understand it right, taking it out should be a -2 to the Doom Tracker. One for taking out a facility, one for the points it has accumulated.

Also, somewhat spoilery question. I got a Skulljack. Now what?
Can I use that on any officer, or does it have to be a specific one? Because if it's any, I'm taking it Facility hunting.

Skulljack needs to be used on an officer for the mission. It can be used on normies for small intel bonuses, the proving ground project is called Skull Mining.

PROTIP: Don't do Skulljack on the Facility, trust me.
I dont want to knock it down to easy but my god veteran after a few weeks (especially the 1st blacksite) is kicking my ass.
on the defending avenger take out the emp mission
and honestly im just thinking about restarting.


Skulljack needs to be used on an officer for the mission. It can be used on normies for small intel bonuses, the proving ground project is called Skull Mining.

PROTIP: Don't do Skulljack on the Facility, trust me.
But I didn't get a Skulljack mission...? Wait and see? And/or go knock over the facility since what else is there to do? (And don't you DARE answer that, game. I know you want to.)


But I didn't get a Skulljack mission...? Wait and see? And/or go knock over the facility since what else is there to do? (And don't you DARE answer that, game. I know you want to.)

Skulljack mission should be one of the first missions you get, when you build the thing. It doesn't appear in your To Do list?
Is a squad member getting Shaken somewhat randomized in post-mission? I finished a mission with two soldiers getting shook, accidentally did something dumb back at base and had to reload the last save on the final turn of the previous mission. Finished it exactly like I had but only one of them went home Shaken.


Official GAF Bottom Feeder
Well, this is annoying :/

I keep getting this error when I try to load up my game about a missing mod, Free Camera Rotation. Except... it is enabled.

I'm losing my campaign over this, whyyyyy

This happened to me, I fixed it by unsubbing the mods and resubbing them.


It's a spoiler to be too specific, just yes, do it on one of those instead of something like a facility
Somehow that feels like a trap for classic X-Com players. You go to a base to get a Commander to win in that. Now going to a base for an officer is wrong.


Restarted and am rocking my way through the early stages of this third playthrough. Lost a sniper but none else so far, with three flawless missions. Gonna go for magnetic weapons ASAP once I realized they're global, which took me by surprise the last time. Would have spent my supply more wisely if I knew.

I haven't found the timers bothersome for quite a while now. It feels like I've adapted my playstyle pretty well around getting use out of my turns.


So, quick thoughts, 12 hours in:

- MUCH harder than Enemy Within
- Performance so far is actually pretty good - I guess I got lucky. My 970 runs fine with everything maxed out.
- Fucking Codex wiped out my squad. Doing the black site and that at the same time was a horrible idea.
Realizing that sometimes countering dark events, like pushing back retaliations, can actually hurt you bad because you're setting up missions to be so damn close together that have no time to recover/heal soldiers.
So has anyone else experienced this glitch?

Assaulting a train mission, a
enemy decides to
my sniper. During the animation for it, the camera swung behind buildings some distance away. When the animation ended, the
(and my sniper) have teleported across the map behind said buildings.

It didn't end there. The buildings are further into the map, and activates another pod of enemies. Mission wipe. Best sniper and Ranger dead.


Making a slow progress on Ironman Commander. This game is such a huge improvement over EU/EW which already was one of my all-time favourite games.

I love it.


So has anyone else experienced this glitch?

Assaulting a train mission, a
enemy decides to
my sniper. During the animation for it, the camera swung behind buildings some distance away. When the animation ended, the
(and my sniper) have teleported across the map behind said buildings.

It didn't end there. The buildings are further into the map, and activates another pod of enemies. Mission wipe. Best sniper and Ranger dead.
It's the same with the building damage, there's really no rhyme or reason why anything catches fire or breaks. I had a
jump up on a tower thingy, take a swipe at my sniper and trash the tower in the process. They both ended up falling down and dying. Looked pretty awesome though.


So has anyone else experienced this glitch?

Assaulting a train mission, a
enemy decides to
my sniper. During the animation for it, the camera swung behind buildings some distance away. When the animation ended, the
(and my sniper) have teleported across the map behind said buildings.

It didn't end there. The buildings are further into the map, and activates another pod of enemies. Mission wipe. Best sniper and Ranger dead.

Not that extreme, but I had a viper teleport with a soldier a little bit after I killed it.


So has anyone else experienced this glitch?

Assaulting a train mission, a
enemy decides to
my sniper. During the animation for it, the camera swung behind buildings some distance away. When the animation ended, the
(and my sniper) have teleported across the map behind said buildings.

It didn't end there. The buildings are further into the map, and activates another pod of enemies. Mission wipe. Best sniper and Ranger dead.

Had a baddie fire an explosive at my Ranger on the first floor of a building. Took out the floor, but my Ranger was stuck in the air. When the building fire spread to the tile she was on physics kicked in and dropped her to the ground.

Had a berzerker get disoriented, then start a charge and get stuck in the animation. Game just stood there as his animation played in super slow motion without actually moving him forward. After a minute or two of this, his turn ended, and he appeared way further on in between my squad.


I'm starting to think there's too many systems in play and they're not working well with each other. The balance feels wonky, it's hard to explain. Some missions I get stomped so hard (especially with reinforcements) that I really don't see a way I could have won especially with turn limits forcing you to take risks you know are bad. You don't have the luxury of subtly or being methodical which does stimulate a different kind of pace and interesting sets of decisions to make. On the other hand, it makes the game feel sloppy and rushed at times, almost too chaotic and messy to be really enjoyable.
One super annoying thing I've come across so far is some of my soldiers (grenadiers?) can shoot their own cover own overwatch. I've had it happen twice already. They try to overwatch behind a destructible full cover, and they just shoot straight through the cover and miss the alien, destroy said cover, and proceed to get crit shot by the alien.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
Rangers are so fucking risky, but...but dat sword slash!
My soldiers seem to have a hard time rifle butting windows open. Not that it has any bearing on the gameplay, but it does make the cinematic camera angle moments a lot less cool.


Steam reviews are surprisingly low. They're mostly performance complains but still.
One super annoying thing I've come across so far is some of my soldiers (grenadiers?) can shoot their own cover own overwatch. I've had it happen twice already. They try to overwatch behind a destructible full cover, and they just shoot straight through the cover and miss the alien, destroy said cover, and proceed to get crit shot by the alien.

The neat thing is that XCOM2 has a replay function so you can export the file and send it to Firaxis so they can see the same thing on their own computers. Should make it a lot easier to debug issues like this.

(I'm not sure if this feature is implemented yet, just saw a video on it right before release)


I dont want to knock it down to easy but my god veteran after a few weeks (especially the 1st blacksite) is kicking my ass.
on the defending avenger take out the emp mission
and honestly im just thinking about restarting.

I knocked it down to easy and I'm still having trouble :(

What is the Avatar project anyway? I've just been assuming that if it gets to the end it's an instant game over? There just doesn't seem to be a way to get your team powerful enough to take on the blacksite mission before that.


So when you make an experimental grenade or ammo, do you not get to keep it if you lose it? I made some sweet acid grenades, but the grenadier that was carrying them died in battle, and now I can't make them. Do I have to keep making experimental grenades at the proving grounds until I get them again?


I love rangers for their shotguns and how devastating they make a flank attack.

The Melee is kinda useless unless you're finishing off a pod imo.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
is there any trash loot safe to sell on the black market like in the first game?

like all these alien corpses for example?


So when you make an experimental grenade or ammo, do you not get to keep it if you lose it? I made some sweet acid grenades, but the grenadier that was carrying them died in battle, and now I can't make them. Do I have to keep making experimental grenades at the proving grounds until I get them again?

You need to get the grenades back from the dead dude I believe.


I love rangers for their shotguns and how devastating they make a flank attack.

The Melee is kinda useless unless you're finishing off a pod imo.
If you score one or more kills on your turn, you are granted a single bonus move.

Perfect for melee.


There's an ability to get another action if your melee attack kills an enemy.

Yeah I know about it, but I had to restart. Still stuck in the relative early game xD

Or there's some chain attack thingie. Something along the lines of what you're saying.
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