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Y'know, even despite all these new fangled systems, the SEGA Master System....

Is still the only system that you can buy and play a game just on the console itself. I was reading GameSpots easter eggs and found out about the SMS little puzzle game. I just hooked it up, and it's actually quite fun! It got me thinking how awesome it would be if Microsoft, Nintendo, and Sony were to include something along those lines.

Of course, I would sure like to know how the person found out.


Fallen Xbot (cannot continue gaining levels in this class)
Synbios459 said:
Is still the only system that you can buy and play a game just on the console itself. I was reading GameSpots easter eggs and found out about the SMS little puzzle game. I just hooked it up, and it's actually quite fun! It got me thinking how awesome it would be if Microsoft, Nintendo, and Sony were to include something along those lines.

Of course, I would sure like to know how the person found out.

the premium 360 will have a puzzle game preloaded on the hdd


I think I was like 12 years old when I got a SMS for Christmas - the deluxe version that came with 3 games, light gun, and 3d glasses, which I swear caused me to have nearsightedness 10 years later.

Anyway, I remember my mom letting me call the Sega hint line to get help with a game. I think it was Rocky and I couldn't knock Ivan Drago out for anything and I was getting pissed. I called the number and they said to press a certain button for information on a free hidden game included with all SMS. I pressed the button and it gave detailed instructions on how to access it. I then told all my friends who had SMS, then I got crowned king of the dorks.


Fork 'em, Sparky!
Isn`t it called Snail Race or something like that? I remember stumbling across it when I was younger one time...I think I was going to play Hang-On and it popped up. Nice surprise.

SMS is one of my favorite systems still, thanks to PS, Y`s, and Miracle Warriors.
demi said:
Dreamcast had Sega Swirl!
Yeah, but you had to use a disc. I'm talking about just simply turning on the system without anything in it and have a game to play.

.....Speaking of SEGA Swirl, did anyone ever use that email feature? I never figured it out, I thought you'd do a move and email it, and vice versa, but that would take FOREVER just to get through one game.

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
sega master system convinced me to rebuy it after the ps1 was out, because I was broke and could get that and bubble bobble (I swear the best home version ever) for 10 bucks.

Musashi Wins!

I like the game and visualizer with the 360. I could see messing around with both. These are the small nice things I am able to feel about the 360 right now.


I would bang a hot farmer!
Synbios459 said:
Of course, I would sure like to know how the person found out.
I'm pretty sure that the instructions on how to play it was in the SMS manual.


Gold Member
AlteredBeast said:
Isn`t it called Snail Race or something like that? I remember stumbling across it when I was younger one time...I think I was going to play Hang-On and it popped up. Nice surprise.

SMS is one of my favorite systems still, thanks to PS, Y`s, and Miracle Warriors.

Wasn't it called labyrinth? I loved this game when I was a kid.

for SMS I played Ghost house, enduro racer, Zillion, Ys, California games, wonderboy, lord of the sword, secret commando, phantasy zone and many others. Master system rocked!


Optimistic said:
The Master System that was released in Australia (and I'd assume other PAL regions) had Alex Kidd.

Depends on when you bought it. Original system had the snail game, later version had Hang On, later version (I believe when the Mark II was released) had Alex Kidd In Miracle World.


My Master System had Hang-On and Safari Hunt preloaded AND the snail game.

Afaik, the snail game got booted only on the Alex Kidd in Miracle World version (and all versions after that one).


I think the official name was "Maze Game", and I'm fairly certain it was built into every version of the original Master System model. I had the version that had Hang On and Safari Hunt built in, but Maze Game was also accessible via the code. A friend of mine actually beat that game, which was quite a feat...I think I was four or five screens away from beating it.

Anyway yeah, Maze Game ruled, and the Master System rocked...gave me three wonderful years before we got the Genny.
swoon said:
which model of sms should i be looking for?

i think early versions have maze game. I got mine the year it came out, 1986 i think, and it has Maze game (speaking of which, the system still runs like a champ. its like Nintendo built the damn thing or something). A friend of mine got his later on, probably around the late 80s and his had Hangon/Safari Hunt built in, and according to the people in this thread, ALSO maze game. Probably all the older style, block systems had built in games. The Master System II though, im not so sure.
Optimistic said:
The Master System that was released in Australia (and I'd assume other PAL regions) had Alex Kidd.

Started with the Master System Power Base ($499 AUD, blol), which had Safari Hunt, Hang On and the Snail Game built in. Then there was the SMSII which had Alex Kidd or Sonic, depending on when you bought it.
swoon said:
i'm not too worried about the maze game, which is the more reliable model?

that i don't know. Never had a SMSII, but like i said, my SMS is still running strong, and i used to play the hell out of it. With something that old, i think its just a crapshoot.


Don't forget that Sony always includes the 'taking it back to the games shop after 2 months for a replacement' game with all its consoles.



Another option (though this would be harder to find) is a Master Gear adapter for Game Gear, which was an incredibly cool way of playing SMS games on that GG screen. And I guess you could also try for a PowerBase converter, which allowed SMS games to be played on the Genny.



which I got on 02/17/89
How did the glasses work out? When I bought my SMS from Ebay awhile back it came with a pair but I don't have any games for them.


Didn't later versions of the SMS have Psycho Fox built in? I could have sworn a friend of mine had one that did.

I didn't even know about the hidden puzzle game, btw. That's pretty cool. I wish I still had my system.
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