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NPD Sales Results for January 2014 [Up3: PS4/XB1 #1/#2 best selling; Poke/SM3DW/ALBW]

Honest question here. If 143k Xbox one units sold is awful for the month of january, then is ps4 selling less than 300k really that much better when compared to how many units both sold in nov and dec? Maybe I'm missing something.

The PS4 is practically sold out. And you would estimate MS and Sony are stocking at least a similar amount, MS possibly more considering country distribution, so MS potentially only selling half its allocated stock, in its strongest country.


I wonder if IMDB (the parent company) is aware of the professional manner in which their IMDB India employee is using a public facing company Twitter account.

Well, they're aware now (I couldn't resist pointing it out to them...) :)

That is a classic meltdown, unbelievable that this person is using a company provided Twitter as a platform to embarrass themselves this much.

At least Tim Dog is likely unemployed and just has his own platform to spout shit


Likewise, 2 out of 3 companies doing badly doesn't mean a poor market - it can simply mean 2 poor products which consumers are less interested in. The PS2 generation was very heavily skewed to one platform, but nobody says the overall market was weak then.

Things are vastly different on the software publishing front than they were during that era. Drastically more expensive as well. I highly highly doubt anyone will see anything like the ps2 again, especially when faced with higher development costs yet again, higher prices for everything, contracted and much safer and studied output. In the current conditions I would consider it miraculous to see. Software sales are just as unhealthy as the rest of the traditional market.


Not Banned from OT
Likewise, 2 out of 3 companies doing badly doesn't mean a poor market - it can simply mean 2 poor products which consumers are less interested in. The PS2 generation was very heavily skewed to one platform, but nobody says the overall market was weak then.

Difference is the PS2 was brining in new gamers to the market and expanding it. This time around the market is shrinking the question is how many 10's of millions of consoles it shrinks by.
Oh? A Time Wizard is amongst us!

While I certainly think anything is possible and Titanfall will sell well. We have started to hear rumblings that MS themselves may think the majority of the audience who would've bought an XB1 for Titanfall may have already bought the console.


Difference is the PS2 was brining in new gamers to the market and expanding it. This time around the market is shrinking the question is how many 10's of millions of consoles it shrinks by.

Shrinking vs the Wii generation is kind of inevitable. If Sony and MS can grow the PS360 audience,they will consider that a success.

Ah but what this gif doesn't show, is that the guy lands on his Titan, marches over to Sony HQ, and does things that are considered highly unprofessional.


Is the market really shrinking? I think the gamers from the PS2 era are still here.

The ps1, ps2, Ds and Wii sold outside the traditional core gaming market that the ps4 is currently enamouring. You need the mass market to reach anywhere near those kinds of numbers (which would signify a healthy market)
And which game did I get first for my new PS4? Resogun :p

And you have chosen wisely, Resogun is currently the only PS4 game I want to play as well. Similarly, the first game I got for soon-to-be-mine Xbox One was Crimson Dragon. But we are exceptions, the mass market would never go for that.


Likewise, 2 out of 3 companies doing badly doesn't mean a poor market - it can simply mean 2 poor products which consumers are less interested in. The PS2 generation was very heavily skewed to one platform, but nobody says the overall market was weak then.

Pretty sure that's exactly what it is. I think consumers are more savvy than people give them credit for, especially the hardcore one's, of which there are still millions. Having said that, the big numbers are with the casuals, and these new consoles are still not in casual pricing territory. Tbh, the 360 and PS3 are in dire need of some hefty price cuts themselves. They're still not close to being in the region of being casual impulse buys, the way the $130 PS2 was.
I wonder if IMDB (the parent company) is aware of the professional manner in which their IMDB India employee is using a public facing company Twitter account.

Well, they're aware now (I couldn't resist pointing it out to them...) :)

Lame. Let whoever have their little meltdown and laugh at it. Why would you tattle on them and help them potentially lose their job? How is that funny to anyone?


Not Banned from OT
Is the market really shrinking? I think the gamers from the PS2 era are still here.

It is shrinking won't reach the 260+ million last time around. With how the Xbone and Wii:U are selling the PS4 will have to put up better than Ps2 numbers to match that generation. Even if the PS4 sells a great 110 million units good chance the totals be not much higher than the PS2 alone.
Lame. Let whoever have their little meltdown and laugh at it. Why would you tattle on them and help them potentially lose their job? How is that funny to anyone?

That's obviously not an official IMDB account. Look at the pics, look how it suddenly started tweeting after a long time off, it's just some random nutjob that's probably not affiliated with IMDB.
The ps1, ps2, Ds and Wii sold outside the traditional core gaming market that the ps4 is currently enamouring. You need the mass market to reach anywhere near those kinds of numbers (which would signify a healthy market)

With the exception of the Wii, none of those systems reached a mass market audience until later in their lives. Launch is when you normally cater to the hardcore. They will be ok with a small library, high prices, etc.

Prices will come down, and the game libraries will increase. The mass markets will come.


Software sales are more than slumping they are really bad. 1 game had 100k sales on a platform. The best selling game sold 333000 on 4 combined platforms. If those numbers don't worry you at all I don't know what to say.

NPD tracks only NA region. It also fails to count any digital game sales. You also can't look at the sales of the specific games in that month to extrapolate entire industry health. Only amount spent buying games and number of copies of all games across the entire industry count. Because the individual games this month may just be getting the sales numbers they deserve and gamers are buying other games and spreading the number of sales across a wider variety of titles.


Let me ask you guys a question, a serious question.

Has there ever been a product category that got bigger every 5 years for 20 consecutive years? We're talking about staples of the American household like the television.

Now we have a drastically different industry. Indie, mobile, Steam. Yet console software is still what keeps the companies in business for the most part. Console gaming doesn't need to get bigger every 5 years for the industry to remain relevant. Companies just need to sell the games they make.
Let me ask you guys a question, a serious question.

Has there ever been a product category that got bigger every 5 years for 20 consecutive years? We're talking about staples of the American household like the television.

Now we have a drastically different industry. Indie, mobile, Steam. Yet console software is still what keeps the companies in business for the most part. Console gaming doesn't need to get bigger every 5 years for the industry to remain relevant. Companies just need to sell the games they make.

The problem is that the publishers have been scaling things with the assumption that the market for the AAA home console experience is gonna keep growing.


The problem is that the publishers have been scaling things with the assumption that the market for the AAA home console experience is gonna keep growing.

That's their problem. Let them fail. Other publishers will step up. They always do. The overall demand is still there and that's what counts.


Junior Member
Last January there was the suggestion that scrapers returning the Wii U decreased it's January sales. So this years Wii U number might actually be a significant decline from last years real number.

Wii non-gamer audience collapsed.
3DS collapsing
Sony handheld audience collapsing
Music game audience collapsed
Many licensed games completely disappearing
Gran Turismo collapsing
Soul Calibur collapsing
COD declining
Last gen collapsing
Xbone sales collapsing(50% or less of where they should be this month)
Software sales as a whole collapsing

We're also not seeing much in the way of new IP to replace franchises that are in decline. GTA is probably 3 or 4 years away.



Let me ask you guys a question, a serious question.

Has there ever been a product category that got bigger every 5 years for 20 consecutive years? We're talking about staples of the American household like the television.

Now we have a drastically different industry. Indie, mobile, Steam. Yet console software is still what keeps the companies in business for the most part. Console gaming doesn't need to get bigger every 5 years for the industry to remain relevant. Companies just need to sell the games they make.

More like, budgets need better spread, and resources better used to create a wider variety portfolio of games. The all or nothing, AAA high budget business model IS NOT sustainable in this kind of market situation.
The ps1, ps2, Ds and Wii sold outside the traditional core gaming market that the ps4 is currently enamouring. You need the mass market to reach anywhere near those kinds of numbers (which would signify a healthy market)

Not really. The PS1 did 106M, right? The PS3 and 360 both did more than 80M and are still selling (at least the PS3 is worldwide). Fairly sure the number of core gamers is higher or equal to last gen than it was during the PS1 era. Casuals on the PS1 and PS2 form a small % of purchasers.

DS and Wii are different though since those systems were made for the more casual audience.


That's their problem. Let them fail. Other publishers will step up. They always do. The overall demand is still there and that's what counts.

Yeah like the current publishers have after the massive contractions that happened in a much healthier market.... Oh wait.

That's a very presumptuous statement there. The more likely outcome of a contraction is that the developers let go, should they re enter developing, will continue migrating to the non traditional markets.
More like, budgets need better spread, and resources better used to create a wider variety portfolio of games. The all or nothing, AAA high budget business model IS NOT sustainable in this kind of market situation.

Wait so hiring a boat for PR events and Comic cons just to slightly bump up the foot traffic for that one event isn't a good use of budget?

Likewise, 2 out of 3 companies doing badly doesn't mean a poor market - it can simply mean 2 poor products which consumers are less interested in. The PS2 generation was very heavily skewed to one platform, but nobody says the overall market was weak then.

AAA games didnt cost 100m to make back then. And we are yet to see how "healthy" the PS4 sales are, since, unlike other generations, the prior machine (ps3) nosedived the moment the next gen console was released.


Wait so hiring a boat for PR events and Comic cons just to slightly bump up the foot traffic for that one event isn't a good use of budget?

I just finished playing Assassin's Creed 4. I recognize the Jackdaw from that video game. I think I'll go buy some DLC. brb.
AAA games didnt cost 100m to make back then. And we are yet to see how "healthy" the PS4 sales are, since, unlike other generations, the prior machine (ps3) nosedived the moment the next gen console was released.

AAA games didn't have DLC, microtransactions, and season passes to help inflate their revenue per user back then.

In the end, publishers will adapt and alter their business models, or else they will be replaced with companies that can.
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