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White Georgia teens celebrate graduation with a Drake lyric (they chose poorly)

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Online Ho Champ
I think its pretty easy to see that it doesn't matter what people do the word is a racial slur, the question is , when is it ok to call another human being a slur of any kind?

Short answer its not. The word has spilled out into the public because dumbasses (of the black variety) go around saying it without regard to who's around them. When i was growing up you didn't say that word around other people, it was essentially fowl language. But i was taught that , by parents and adults in my neighbourhood and family . Many kids are raised by entertainment now , their parents are absent or self absorbed, no home training so what do they care. If you don't care no one else will.

So now its going to depend where you are , places I've lived/been your mileage will vary being non african american and saying "nigga" trying to get away with that.

Plenty of black people will deem a response unworthy, but some might be wrong place and time, shit could get violent. Sometimes people play the "but I'm not white" minority that sits on the fence saying nigga when its beneficial to them card. One that spouts off
"nigga" all day every day, but makes sure everyone remembers "oh no I'm Dominican" " I'm Puerto Rican" " I'm <insert minority that looks black enough>", " arab" , etc etc that doesnt matter they are all weak hearted anyway ignore them all.

That proud to say "nigga" attitude is mostly, online bravery though. They were born and raised in that, I'm not surprised or judgemental of it, but I don't have to accept their justification for doing something clearly and always wrong and try an smooth stuff over, its wrong. What really makes black people mad is when another ethnic group tries to "make us understand" how they were using the word. They need to understand, its a slur, and a black person being a human individual can take it however they want to take it, and their perception , or even reaction to being called the slur, is INDEPENDENT of the meaning of the word. "But DonasaurusRex why do so and so say the n-word then?" Cause people are and do wrong every day, that's the basic truth of this life and world. Is what it is, but don't compound that wrong by then saying how people should react to it, people have names and are individuals for a reason use their name. What rule is there against using someone's proper name in the name of respect?

My only advice to those who HAVE TO SAY THIS WORD , do it within context of a relationship with another person because it LIMITS who is exposed to what YOU consider right and wrong , and acceptable. Then no disrespect is done because things are mutually agreed on.


People look like hypocrites getting mad about this, but tolerating other people saying it. If its a horrible word, then its a horrible word period. If its okay for some folks to say it, then there's no reason why others should be able to say it.
I thoroughly agree. I can't believe that we could agree on something after your black president thread!
I am not. If we let these students progress into their academic careers and spread their agenda and racist views, what kind of behaviour are we encouraging and where do we draw the line. The 'n' word is a historically terrible, demeaning word and these students should be reprimanded.

There you go again not putting the /s at the end of your posts.


Anyone using the word, unless sarcastically should be embarrassed. Black people don't own the word and any attempt to restrict its use to a specific race is inherently racist in itself.

No one restricts, just realize that it carries weight and context. And generally might not be a good look.


Anyone using the word, unless sarcastically should be embarrassed. Black people don't own the word and any attempt to restrict its use to a specific race is inherently racist in itself.

Lol no it's not. Different groups have words that they use that, if used by other people or in other contexts, would be considered offensive. I have gay friends who call each other fags but if I just went around calling people fags, it wouldn't be looked at the same because I'm not a member of that group, and that's fine. I've never understood why white people (white men in particular) get so upset at the notion that there are words that aren't ok for them to say, lest they offend others. Why do you want to call someone a nigga/nigger so bad? But if it's so important to you, then simply watch where you say it. There's nothing wrong with showing some tact.
Lol no it's not. Different groups have words that they use that, if used by other people or in other contexts would be offensive. I have gay friends who call each other fags but if I just went around calling people fags, it wouldn't be looked at the same because I'm not a member of that group, and that's fine. I've never understood why white people (white men in particular) get so upset at the notion that there are words that aren't ok for them to say, lest they offend others. Why do you want to call someone a nigga/nigger so bad? But if it's so important to you, then simply watch where you say it. There's nothing wrong with showing some tact.

Just burns white people so bad there is something they can't say. Complaining about the "PC Police" is just codeword for "Let me say offensive/racist/sexist shit about others", sorry those days are over, deal with it. You can say whatever you want but prepare to face the consequences.
Lol no it's not. Different groups have words that they use that, if used by other people or in other contexts, would be considered offensive. I have gay friends who call each other fags but if I just went around calling people fags, it wouldn't be looked at the same because I'm not a member of that group, and that's fine. I've never understood why white people (white men in particular) get so upset at the notion that there are words that aren't ok for them to say, lest they offend others. Why do you want to call someone a nigga/nigger so bad? But if it's so important to you, then simply watch where you say it. There's nothing wrong with showing some tact.

Million dollar question.
Well not me personally, I'd rather no one use the word at all. But there are white people that want to use it because it's a part of pop culture that they enjoy.

"Bitch" is part of pop culture, yet I don't want to go around calling women bitches and think there won't be any backlash for it.
"Bitch" is part of pop culture, yet I don't want to go around calling women bitches and think there won't be any backlash for it.
The difference is bitch is almost always used as a derogatory term, so going around using it is almost always seen as derogatory. Whereas nigga is used as a term of endearment sometimes and an insult other times.


The difference is bitch is almost always used as a derogatory term, so going around using it is almost always seen as derogatory. Whereas nigga is used as a term of endearment sometimes and an insult other times.

Plenty of women and some gay men use bitch as a term of endearment.
The difference is bitch is almost always used as a derogatory term, so going around using it is almost always seen as derogatory. Whereas nigga is used as a term of endearment sometimes and an insult other times.

Bitch more and more is used as a term of endearment between women (and gay people). It can also be used as an insult between or towards women.

Nigga is used as a term of endearment between two black people. It can also be used as an insult between or toward black people.

Everyone wants to be black and part of the "cool" parts of the culture, but no one wants to BE black.
Plenty of women and some gay men use bitch as a term of endearment.
I would not say plenty of women use it as a term of endearment. I'd say some do, but not nearly to the degree that you see the word nigga used in popular culture.
Everyone wants to be black and part of the "cool" parts of the culture, but no one wants to BE black.
This is true of pretty much any culture that gets popular.


How did anyone come to the conclusion that the majority of women still don't think that bitch is a term of endearment?
By being around a bunch of women, listening to songs/albums made by women, and watching movies starring women.

But anyway, it doesn't matter whether you think a lot of women like bitch or not, the point is that there has always, and will continue to be, words that certain groups of people think are innocuous when used in that group but offensive when others use them.


Bitch more and more is used as a term of endearment between women (and gay people). It can also be used as an insult between or towards women.

Nigga is used as a term of endearment between two black people. It can also be used as an insult between or toward black people.

Everyone wants to be black and part of the "cool" parts of the culture, but no one wants to BE black.


You touched on the exact same thing Paul Mooney did a while back.

As for these kids, yeah they did something silly that deserved more thought than they put into it.
By being around a bunch of women, listening to songs/albums made by women, and watching movies starring women.
Yeah, and if I quoted any of those songs or movies, no one would be on me saying I'm trying to degrade women or that I shouldn't be using the word. Because it's been so desensitized by pop culture.

I can also use terms like "That's a bitch" or "Son of a bitch." out in public and I doubt anyone would get on me, because popular culture has twisted the word out of it's original meaning to the point that every context people say it in isn't offensive.


I would not say plenty of women use it as a term of endearment. I'd say some do, but not nearly to the degree that you see the word nigga used in popular culture.

This is true of pretty much any culture that gets popular.

I would say plenty of women. It is used in movies, tv, music and among other women. It is used just like nigga is used.

Yeah, and if I quoted any of those songs or movies, no one would be on me saying I'm trying to degrade women or that I shouldn't be using the word. Because it's been so desensitized by pop culture.

I can also use terms like "That's a bitch" or "Son of a bitch." out in public and I doubt anyone would get on me, because popular culture has twisted the word out of it's original meaning to the point that every context people say it in isn't offensive.

So wait, now you're claiming bitch is used a lot in popular culture?


Yeah, and if I quoted any of those songs or movies, no one would be on me saying I'm trying to degrade women or that I shouldn't be using the word. Because it's been so desensitized by pop culture.

I can also use terms like "That's a bitch" out in public and I doubt anyone would get on me, because popular culture has twisted the word out of it's original meaning to the point that every context people say it in isn't offensive.

Thats great, I'm not sure what your point is, however. Not to mention that what you just wrote completely goes against what you just said minutes ago.

Nigga/nigger has a much more loaded history and when the only picture online is a group of white kids with a giant banner saying "nigga", people are going to be upset.
I would say plenty of women. It is used in movies, tv, music and among other women. It is used just like nigga is used.

So wait, now you're claiming bitch is used a lot in popular culture?
I never said it wasn't used in popular culture. I said it wasn't used to the degree that nigga is, and in reality I don't think nearly as many women call their friends bitches. The majority of the time I hear bitch being thrown around from a woman is still to insult another woman. I never said it didn't happen at all, just that it's not as common.


I never said it wasn't used in popular culture. I said it wasn't used to the degree that nigga is, and in reality I don't think nearly as many women call their friends bitches. The majority of the time I hear bitch being thrown around from a woman is still to insult another woman. I never said it didn't happen at all, just that it's not as common.

You said that it wasn't used as much as nigga and then contradicted yourself by saying it was used so much that it has lost all meaning. So which is it? Is it not used as much as nigga or is it used so much everyone is desensitized to it?
Thats great, I'm not sure what your point is, however. Not to mention that what you just wrote completely goes against what you just said minutes ago.

Nigga/nigger has a much more loaded history and when the only picture online is a group of white kids with a giant banner saying "nigga", people are going to be upset.
First off, I already said earlier in the thread that what the kids did was dumb, and that frankly, I don't think any one should use the word. I understand why people are upset. I was simply answering the question of "Why are there white people that want to say the word nigga?". The answer is because it's part of pop culture now and people like to emulate pop culture.

Second, it doesn't go against what I said. I said that women do not use it as a term of endearment that much. That does not mean the word hasn't evolved into other uses that people see as less offensive. A woman can't use "That's a bitch" as a term of endearment towards another woman.
You said that it wasn't used as much as nigga and then contradicted yourself by saying it was used so much that it has lost all meaning. So which is it? Is it not used as much as nigga or is it used so much everyone is desensitized to it?
Women can be desensitized to hearing the word used in a general sense, that doesn't mean they want it to be thrown at them as a term of endearment. The same way I can hear the word "Asshole" in plenty of different situations and not get offended, but I don't want my friends calling me asshole every time they see me.
First off, I already said earlier in the thread that what the kids did was dumb, and that frankly, I don't think any one should use the word. I understand why people are upset. I was simply answering the question of "Why are there white people that want to say the word nigga?". The answer is because it's part of pop culture now and people like to emulate pop culture.

Second, it doesn't go against what I said. I said that women do not use it as a term of endearment that much. That does not mean the word hasn't evolved into other uses that people see as less offensive. A woman can't use "That's a bitch" as a term of endearment towards another woman.

Women can be desensitized to hearing the word used in a general sense, that doesn't mean they want it to be thrown at them as a term of endearment. The same way I can hear the word "Asshole" in plenty of different situations, but I don't want my friends calling me asshole every time they see me.

"Women now don't need a man. If you see a woman making money and doing her thing that's a bitch on her independent shit."
"Women now don't need a man. If you see a woman making money and doing her thing that's a bitch on her independent shit."
That's not the way I was using the phrase and you know it. There are also probably plenty of women who would not enjoy being called a bitch in that statement because it completely changes the context of why you're using the word bitch.

Ivan 3414

White kids in georgia were saying "nigga" even back when I was in high school(03-07). Funny thing was I was the only kid who would be offended and I would be shrugged off because the kids saying it were cool and I was a "lame ass nigga who watched anime and wanted to be white".....funny how the world comes full circle.

Crap music is a cancer.

So you're projecting your angst towards mean kids, at the entire catalog of rap music, because you were bullied in high school. And you believe rap music is "cancer," because rappers said the n-word.



Sorry, but there's a pretty big difference between addressing an authority figure by their first name (or calling someone by their nickname when you don't know them well), and using a slang term that is dispersed throughout popular culture.

You don't address this authority figure by their first name. His wife, his mother, and his father do. This is the concept you are ignoring.

This is a very poor analogy. President is a title, and people refer to him as Barack all the time.

Same as above: you don't address the President by his first name. His wife, his mother, and his father do (even though he is still THEIR President, too)

And in regards to "referring" to him as Barak: I said call him Barak. I'm sure people refer to him in all types of ways.

The problem is this is not a clear cut issue, and usual approach to it is "just accept it" because there are some nuances people don't want to delve into. For instance just picture a parent trying to explain this to their child who so far may have grown up in a relative non-racist environment unlike some or most of us.

"Ok dear, I know you like this music and these movies and there is nothing wrong with that but you cannot repeat, sing, write or emulate these words and phrases because of your skin color. Yes I know your cousin says these words everyday and every other post on Facebook but see his father is black and since both of your parents are white you cannot use those words because they are hurtful if they come from a white person even if you mean no malice and are just trying to emulate your cousin or movie you saw"

If I was a kid nowadays I would probably have to be on drugs to make it through. Awkward as hell. Not saying I have an answer, but at some point it would be nice if we could leave the kids colorblind.

Like above: sometimes because you aren't part of a particular group, you are forbidden from using that group's vernacular (and in this case, it's especially forbidden because of the history it carries)
White kids in georgia were saying "nigga" even back when I was in high school(03-07). Funny thing was I was the only kid who would be offended and I would be shrugged off because the kids saying it were cool and I was a "lame ass nigga who watched anime and wanted to be white".....funny how the world comes full circle.

Crap music is a cancer.

Wow this just screams enlightened and euphoric angst.
That's not the way I was using the phrase and you know it. There are also probably plenty of women who would not enjoy being called a bitch in that statement because it completely changes the context of why you're using the word bitch.

And if a black person is angry and yells at another black person and says "Fuck you, you just a nigga in a suit!" context has been changed and is no longer endearing. Doesn't mean you can use the word.

If bitch is a bit too hard for you to grasp and you insist on fighting it, we can draw a much better comparison in the words "fag" and "queer". Gays can and do say it ALL the time as words of endearment and both are words associated with hatred by history...but you can't go around calling them that because you're not part of the culture.

Contrary to popular belief, not all cultures have to let you "in".
And if a black person is angry and yells at another black person and says "Fuck you, you just a nigga in a suit!" context has been changed and is no longer endearing. Doesn't mean you can use the word.

If bitch is a bit too hard, we can draw a much better comparison in the words "fag" and "queer". Gays can and do say it ALL the time as words of endearment...but you can't go around calling them that because you're not part of the culture.

Contrary to popular belief, not all cultures have to let you "in".
Again, I don't give a shit about saying the word. There's no burning desire for me to say it. I was merely answering your question. You might not like the answer. But there are white people who want to say nigga because the word is very prevalent in pop culture and is frequently used in a positive light by people some white people admire. The same way that there's no good reason to smoke cigarettes, but people started trying to emulate people in movies that were smoking by smoking themselves.

Also, your example doesn't really line up, because there are multiple ways that as a man I could use the word bitch in a general sense and most people wouldn't get offended. That's generally not true of white people and the word nigga.

Red Mage

These students are obviously racist and shouldn't be allowed to study at university.

I am not. If we let these students progress into their academic careers and spread their agenda and racist views, what kind of behaviour are we encouraging and where do we draw the line. The 'n' word is a historically terrible, demeaning word and these students should be reprimanded.

Between suggesting you refuse to play Mario games because they're racist and these posts, I'm thinking this must surely be some kind of joke account.

First of all, whether or not someone is a bigot has no bearing on if they should be allowed to attend a university. The very idea that some individual or group gets to determine what someone can do with their life based not on their qualifications or merits, but outside factors, goes completely against what this country is supposed to be about.

Secondly, if anything, these kids would likely benefit the most from attending a university, as it'd introduce them to people and concepts outside of their local bubble. A university would be where they had the best chance to learn a little sensitivity and to question views they've held their whole lives.

Your suggestion would result in bigots being given what they'd view as a valid reason for their prejudice, ingraining it into their mindset even further and spreading to those who know the individuals and their offspring. Their message/agenda would still spread as anyone can open up a youtube account these days and sites like stormfront are, sadly, fairly active.


Again, I don't give a shit about saying the word. There's no burning desire for me to say it. I was merely answering your question. You might not like the answer. But there are white people who want to say nigga because the word is very prevalent in pop culture and is frequently used in a positive light by people some white people admire. The same way that there's no good reason to smoke cigarettes, but people started trying to emulate people in movies that were smoking by smoking themselves.

Also, your example doesn't really line up, because there are multiple ways that as a man I could use the word bitch in a general sense and most people wouldn't get offended. That's generally not true of white people and the word nigga.
You can say whatever you want but don't think there won't be consequences of you run around using slurs to the wrong people.-


Second, it doesn't go against what I said. I said that women do not use it as a term of endearment that much. That does not mean the word hasn't evolved into other uses that people see as less offensive. A woman can't use "That's a bitch" as a term of endearment towards another woman.

Women can be desensitized to hearing the word used in a general sense, that doesn't mean they want it to be thrown at them as a term of endearment. The same way I can hear the word "Asshole" in plenty of different situations and not get offended, but I don't want my friends calling me asshole every time they see me.

What does this matter? Some black people don't like other black people calling them "nigga", either.

Your attempt to quantify how many people think it's OK and how many people don't is kinda pointless. In both instances, it is recognized that the word is frequently used as a term of endearment/in-group insult that would otherwise be viewed as inappropriate coming from another race/sex.
What does this matter? Some black people don't like other black people calling them "nigga", either.

Your attempt to quantify how many people think it's OK and how many people don't is kinda pointless. In both instances, it is recognized that the word is frequently used as a term of endearment/in-group insult.
Please read the entire page. I never said it was OK to say the word recreationally, and I'm not the one who brought the word bitch into the situation. You're also taking that sentence out of context. All I did was try to answer the question of "Why do white people feel the need to say the word nigga."

I'm not arguing that it should be OK for white people to say it, if it were up to me, no one would say it. I'm arguing the motivation behind them wanting to.


I have gay friends who call each other fags but if I just went around calling people fags, it wouldn't be looked at the same because I'm not a member of that group, and that's fine.
No, it's not. I don't agree that homosexuals can call each other fags or what have you and then complain when other non-homosexual people use them.
I've never understood why white people (white men in particular) get so upset at the notion that there are words that aren't ok for them to say, lest they offend others.
I'm not upset, I just find the idea of people wanting equality, while at the same time wanting special treatment, to be ludicrous.
If you don't like the word, you shouldn't be using it- you don't get to make special rules as to who can and can't use it.


I'm not upset, I just find the idea of people wanting equality, while at the same time wanting special treatment, to be ludicrous.
If you don't like the word, you shouldn't be using it- you don't get to make special rules as to who can and can't use it.

Being able to say nigga free of consequence is special treatment? It seems like you're upset. It's seems like you think it's unfair that us blacks can say nigga free of consequence and you can't.


Please read the entire page. I never said it was OK to say the word recreationally, and I'm not the one who brought the word bitch into the situation. You're also taking that sentence out of context. All I did was try to answer the question of "Why do white people feel the need to say the word nigga."

I'm not arguing that it should be OK for white people to say it, if it were up to me, no one would say it. I'm arguing the motivation behind them wanting to.

And....I didn't accuse you of this.

You are totally reframing the argument (which you did to jmood88 at one point, but I don't think he caught it). Like when you changed the argument from "calling" a woman a bitch to "quoting" someone calling someone a bitch.

You are all over the place.


Being able to say nigga free of consequence is special treatment?

Everyone should be allowed to use it and black people should be just as open to consequences for using it, as any other race.

Edit for clarification:- When I say everyone should be allowed to use it, I should clarify that those using it would be liable to the same punishment or none, as anyone else (black or otherwise).


No, it's not. I don't agree that homosexuals can call each other fags or what have you and then complain when other non-homosexual people use them.
Why do you care what people in certain groups call themselves?
I'm not upset, I just find the idea of people wanting equality, while at the same time wanting special treatment, to be ludicrous.
If you don't like the word, you shouldn't be using it- you don't get to make special rules as to who can and can't use it.

What does not wanting to be discriminated against based on race/sex/sexual orientation/whatever have to do with groups having their own words that can sound acceptable when used by people outside of that group?


No, it's not. I don't agree that homosexuals can call each other fags or what have you and then complain when other non-homosexual people use them. I'm not upset, I just find the idea of people wanting equality, while at the same time wanting special treatment, to be ludicrous.
If you don't like the word, you shouldn't be using it- you don't get to make special rules as to who can and can't use it.

This isn't special rules or special treatment. And being able to say nigga free of consequence is anything but special. This "special rule" is called language and it that's how language always work. Let me requote this analogy

"Let me give you another one: Suppose you and your significant other call each honey. Now suppose I call your SO honey. Would that be appropriate with y'all? I doubt. Suppose your SO calls someone who isn't you and is a stranger to you honey. Would you be cool with that? Considering what that word means in your relationship I highly doubt that you would just shrug off your SO using it with someone else if you're in a monogamous relationship with the person."


I'm concerned about the double standard of it, which is in itself inequality.

You're just arguing for the sake of arguing. No one is physically stopping you or any other white male from saying nigga, but you need to be smart about when you say it, just like every other damn word in the world. I don't understand why this is so hard for you to grasp.
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