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Woman auctioning off her virginity at $400,000 to help her family

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I am not sure if this should be legal, or at least there should be a money cap. This being allowed and getting profile will bring up some murky questions. I suppose you could argue though that making it public might keep it cleaner. She is going to do it anyway, and it could be worse through other avenues. Still, while it is her decision, it just highlights how many chumps are out there willing to pay so much money...If the money wasn't big, she would probably consider other ways of getting by...


I don't see why not.

If someone is willing to pay for it, god bless.

I don't under stand peoples mad desire for virgins but hey whatever, if a hymen is worth 400K to you... each to there own.

If I could go back in time and sell mine for 400K? hell yes I would.

This obsession in our culture with sex and virginity, just plain silly.


Start a kickstarter campaign to help your family, don't auction up your virginity. But you do work at a brothel so...


There are 175,330 members on GAF. If everyone donates around $2,30 and then hold a Modbot raffle, one of us can, you know, help her out with their financial trouble.

ACE 1991

Some people have huge virginity fetishes, and/or like the idea of "corrupting purity" or something. And apparently hundreds of thousands of dollars to spend. It definitely is strange.

That said if someone was going to pay me almost half a mil for my virginity, I'd seriously consider.

Only seriously? I'll take off my clothes right now, regardless of who it is (granted they are STD free).


Totally up to her and the guy that wins that's for sure, but it's still way too much money for a virgin. Like wtf. One of the girls at the brothel that had had experience well give a guy a better time than a virgin will.

I thought this was like an article from The Onion at first, but I guess CNN is close enough jfc.

The onion version of this would be about a male nerd out of shape virgin selling his virginity for like $2.25 and some combo 2 at taco bell or something similar.


No One Remembers
When I read this thread earlier I thought it said $40k... not $400k. Jesus that's insane.

Either way, it's her body she can do what she wants with it. Though I think it is sad that in order to provide she has to do this.
Can't say I'm bothered. Don't think virginity has any special value and it's no fun 'losing' it, so smart of her to capitalize on something normally unpleasant. If she thinks that's the best/fastest option for her to get money, then whatever. Her call.


Not judging her, you got to do what you got to do. Being a virgin doesn't mean anything now adays so good on her for getting paid. As for the sap paying 400k... her?


And here we fucking go.

Pray tell how is it wrong?


To make it relative.

That 400g probably is worth less to the person who is willing to throw it out than that $400 some regular bloke might pay for a lay.

Also how do you know a guy is going to take her virginity?

There is being progressive and being obtuse - if this happens, it's a 99.9% chance it's a guy haha


Man the guy is not spending his money correctly. 400K for one virgin! The money would be better spent on 400 prostitutes.


Some of my admittedly depraved thoughts:

1. Is there a process for virginity verification beyond her word? I mean, a speculum can reveal a lot, but it's not necessarily foolproof.

2. If she really wants to get the big payday, she should make a deal to live stream the event as an internet pay per view with Brazzers or some other company. She could be in the millions with that sort of thing - especially if they can verify authenticity beforehand. The defloration fetish is big out in Cyberpornland and would no doubt attract a lot of anxious viewers.

3. For the ultimate shitshow, if Donald Trump somehow wins the election, he should make this his victory lap. It would be the fitting and almost logical end to a long campaign.


Some of my admittedly depraved thoughts:

1. Is there a process for virginity verification beyond her word? I mean, a speculum can reveal a lot, but it's not necessarily foolproof.

2. If she really wants to get the big payday, she should make a deal to live stream the event as an internet pay per view with Brazzers or some other company. She could be in the millions with that sort of thing - especially if they can verify authenticity beforehand. The defloration fetish is big out in Cyberpornland and would no doubt attract a lot of anxious viewers.

3. For the ultimate shitshow, if Donald Trump somehow wins the election, he should make this his victory lap. It would be the fitting and almost logical end to a long campaign.

Yeah in this day and age the hymen being intact isn't really a seal of freshness, I was with my ex girlfriend for two and half years and her's only broke towards the end for no apparent reason (wasn't even rough sex)


Imagine her having a very elastic hymen which won't break during sex. Sad that she has to go through this in order to provide.


Yeah, I don't believe anyone has bid that high, not even close. It sounds like a marketing stunt to me, and it worked I guess.
Sex is way overvalued in the U.S. This is just a silly reflection of the puritanical narrative of sex that has been allowed to permeate through our culture.
I really think that 400k is a joke bid, no one in ther right mind would pay 400k for what seems like a "one night stand"

if you have that kind of cash to throw around you could hire some high class "clientele" for months, mybe at that exact same bunny ranch.




I bet someone gives her 400k without taking her v-card

I'm gonna guess this may be the intended route. Make it out to be a huge deal, then have some rich conservative give her the money and not have sex with her.

And if it doesn't happen, back out saying you felt like the person wasn't the right one.


I don't understand the people looking down on this. Who here has a 'first time' story that is better than almost half a million dollars?


I don't understand the people looking down on this. Who here has a 'first time' story that is better than almost half a million dollars?


I lost my virginity to my girlfriend at the time and whom I stayed with for a few years during high school.

We're both married to other people, in different parts of the world, with kids but we'll always have those few special years together as teenagers.

That's better than some dude paying me $400k to fuck my virgin vagina.
there is no wrong here...she has something people are willing to pay top dollar for, she is consenting to it, the guy paying probably has more money than he/she knows what to do with on top of them knowing it's really going to help out a family. sex ain't no big deal guys.



I lost my virginity to my girlfriend at the time and whom I stayed with for a few years during high school.

We're both married to other people, in different parts of the world, with kids but we'll always have those few special years together as teenagers.

That's better than some dude paying me $400k to fuck my virgin vagina.

You could've had both.


Good god, look at her. Dude can rent a Yatch and fill it full of good looking women that would sleep for far less. Must be a prank.
What a waste of money. And honestly would having sex with a man who has to unload almost half a million dollars for sex be anything other than traumatic?
400k wow. She certainly has a high opinion of herself.

Also never understood the fetishising of virginity. Is it purely a religious thing?
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