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My coworker thinks I'm stalking her because I found her home address on a website

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A mod who was brave enough to change the title but not brave enough to share who they were or that it was.

My friend years ago had a neighbor had a cat he used to pet. One day he saw it walking home and waited to pet it once it came away from the porch. A few minutes later the mother and daughter came home. "Ill say hi and ask to pet their cat" he thought. Another few minutes they stayed in the car. Eventually the father came out to tell him he's creeping out his wife and daughter. All of ten minutes had passed; He explained the situation. Great guy but this situation he was oblivious to how he was being perceived.

I don't think I'm alone in having strange situations like this happen to them.

He stalked the Cat to the location on a porch. Waited nearby or on the front property in hopes the cat would come back from the Porch. (maybe fenced so he didnt go to porch)
Man/YourFriend stands there and waits for a Mother and Daughter to come out of their car. mother and Daughter do not leave the car and are scared because they see a man just staring at them, or their house, or their cat, waiting in thought.

hmmmm.......... i think you're just trolling everyone here now with these stories.
Sure, mentioning it to her is a big issue, not least because it's liable to make her feel at the very least uncomfortable, but I disagree with the replies that suggest this was the only problem.

Thinking that a coworker is signaling interest to you by asking if you have a girlfriend five minutes after meeting you is kinda weird and socially inept, asking her out the next day is another step.

Searching a database for info on her after you've asked her out and been rebuffed is creepy. Period. This isn't checking out someone who asked you on a date to make sure they're not dangerous, it's just creepy.


That thread title is hilarious. And that OP is priceless.

Acknowledging that you know information such as her adress is creepy. It would seem like you were, in fact, stalking her.

I shouldn't even have to say this though.


That thread title is hilarious. And that OP is priceless.

Acknowledging that you know information such as her adress is creepy. It would seem like you were, in fact, stalking her.

I shouldn't even have to say this though.

"I know."

Lol... so fucking creepy.


You messed up and I think everyone would be weirded to be told you looked them up on a site you needed to pay for.

On another note though I can understand retaining information from random innocent google searches and if you say them it would weird the person out even though it shouldn't. I find myself always playing forgetful because that's the social norm. Like I remember random embarrassing things coworkers said to me years ago in a conversation, then now they're railing against someone doing that exact same thing and I'm just there thinking I remember when it was you doing or saying something like that. If I pointed it out people would think it's weird. Having a good memory scares people, so I always pretend I don't know things.
You messed up and I think everyone would be weirded to be told you looked them up on a site you needed to pay for.

On another note though I can understand retaining information from random innocent google searches and if you say them it would weird the person out even though it shouldn't. I find myself always playing forgetful because that's the social norm. Like I remember random embarrassing things coworkers said to me years ago in a conversation, then now they're railing against someone doing that exact same thing and I'm just there thinking I remember when it was you doing or saying something like that. If I pointed it out people would think it's weird. Having a good memory scares people, so I always pretend I don't know things.

well you look creepy, so good thing you do that!
Was it stalking when in the good old days you'd simply ask a friend of her for info ?

At a certain point, yeah.

"Hey, your friend Amanda seems nice, can I get her number?"
"Umm, sure I guess."
"Cool, cool, while you are at it, can I get her home address too."
"Umm, Ok, that's a little much before you even ask her out."
"True, true... but, you know, while we're at it, what about her date of birth."
"Dude, why would you..."
"You know, I should also probably know the make, model and license plate of her car too."
"What does that even..."
"Actually, you know what, you should just give me her WIFI password since I'll be waiting outside her house anyway."
"No. No, you're a weirdo."
Is searching up info on a person you like stalking? No. Obsessive? Yes.

Is telling that person that you know info about them that they didn't tell you yet creepy? Yes.

Give me a break, high and mighty GAF. Acting like 75% of you guys haven't lurked a persons social media when you're digging her/him 🙄🙄


Is searching up info on a person you like stalking? No. Obsessive? Yes.

Is telling that person that you know info about them that they didn't tell you yet creepy? Yes.

Give me a break, high and mighty GAF. Acting like 75% of you guys haven't lurked a persons social media when you're digging her/him 🙄🙄
What the hell
Give me a break, high and mighty GAF. Acting like 75% of you guys haven't lurked a persons social media when you're digging her/him 🙄🙄

Some of us are old enough to have dated before social media. Back then you just followed them around in an unmarked, windowless van.


Is searching up info on a girl you like stalking? No. Obsessive? Yes.

Is telling her that you know info about her that she didn't tell you yet creepy? Yes.

Give me a break, high and mighty GAF. Acting like 75% of you guys haven't lurked a girls social media when you're digging her ����

Well, for one, there's a difference between looking someone up on facebook, and looking up someone you recently had a short conversation with, and telling them to their face that you know their birthday and their home adress since you tracked it down after said conversation.

One is normal. The other is creepy.


Damn, with all the people I've randomly google searched in my life I must be a professional stalker by now. Who knew it was so easy to become a serial criminal?
I hope no one in the thread is actually seriously accusing the OP of stalking. It's a weird thing where everyone does it but getting caught doing it is a major taboo.
i was watching this thread last night, you're like one of 3 people here saying he isn't a stalker
What the hell

If a girl I like isn't creeping me on social media then I want nothing to do with her!! 😤😤

Some of us are old enough to have dated before social media. Back then you just followed them around in an unmarked, windowless van.
Welcome to the new digital world! No vans needed now 😈😈

Well, for one, there's a difference between looking someone up on facebook, and looking up someone you recently had a short conversation with, and telling them to their face that you know their birthday and their home adress since you tracked it down after said conversation.

One is normal. The other is creepy.

You're totally right. Thats a damn good point when you put it like that. Just had to make sure you guys knew the difference! 😤😤😤


Is searching up info on a person you like stalking? No. Obsessive? Yes.

Is telling that person that you know info about them that they didn't tell you yet creepy? Yes.

Give me a break, high and mighty GAF. Acting like 75% of you guys haven't lurked a persons social media when you're digging her/him 🙄🙄

Checking out what someone chooses to share about themselves on social media is waaaay different then looking up their personal details (unless they share that stuff on social media)
Checking out what someone chooses to share about themselves on social media is waaaay different then looking up their personal details (unless they share that stuff on social media)

To be fair the mere existence of a database like that where you can find someones info using just an email at the click of a button is insanely fucking weird


Sheeeesh OP.

You need to wise up a little. The very fact that you know what she said in the bathroom is in itself creepy and stalkery. Please don't tell her you know what she said
To be fair the mere existence of a database like that where you can find someones info using just an email at the click of a button is insanely fucking weird

Yea. Personally I'd prefer they didn't exist or at the least made it illegal to monetize people's private information.

Gotta pay for premium membership to fucking stalk someone. Trash.
This immediately came to mind:

Deadly Cyclone

Pride of Iowa State
To be fair the mere existence of a database like that where you can find someones info using just an email at the click of a button is insanely fucking weird

Incredible thread.

To add a note to your post, you'd be surprised what's out there. My wife has worked on political campaigns for a few years and campaigns have access to all the public info about you. That includes address, phone, voter status, demographic, etc.

Basically anything census-related or public record is out there.

Looking it up and telling someone you know where they live is still creepy, though.


Wrong about commas, wrong about everything
Somebody probably pointed that out already but.....how did you hear what she said to somebody else in the bathroom....

Ray Wonder

Founder of the Wounded Tagless Children
Somebody probably pointed that out already but.....how did you hear what she said to somebody else in the bathroom....

This is what I want to know. OP got so defensive and annoyed at our response to this, yet he won't say how he heard them in the bathroom.
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