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Axios: Trump is pulling U.S. out of Paris climate deal


Does the Commerce clause stop states like CA and NY from joining to require certain environmental standards when it comes to power supply/sales of goods?

It means that the federal government can preempt/void a state law, but nothing currently prohibits. Most commerce today is actually regulated at the state level by the Uniform Commercial Code that states individually adopt.

The commerce clause means that the federal government can prevent a farmer from growing subsistence crops. Basically that the federal government has no limitation except where explicitly prohibited.


Nintendo's Pro Bono PR Firm
Few more months and the world might boycott American products. The hate we have against Trump is now palpable in french medias. It's starting to cross the WTF line, to grow into something darker. Looks like it's the same in Germany and nordics countries.

I don't what we can do to bring Republicans back to their reason, butwe need to find it quickly.
Few more months and the world might boycott American products. The hate we have against Trump is now palpable in french medias. It's starting to cross the WTF line, to grow into something darker. Looks like it's the same in Germany and nordics countries.
Good. America fucked up.
This seems more like the EPA / Coal thing. It's a bone to toss to any moron who's willing to swallow this garbage. We were already on track to meet the carbon levels for the Paris agreement IIRC and that's all Obama's doing. Since Obama put the wheels in motion, they can't be stopped. Market factors will ensure the industry continues to develop because green tech is getting cheaper and the industry is booming.

I've also been reading that this will likely take a while and the administration will get sued to hell and back.
Few more months and the world might boycott American products. The hate we have against Trump is now palpable in french medias. It's starting to cross the WTF line, to grow into something darker. Looks like it's the same in Germany and nordics countries.

I don't what we can do to bring Republicans back to their reason, butwe need to find it quickly.

Good, sanction us to hell and back.


This seems more like the EPA / Coal thing. It's a bone to toss to any moron who's willing to swallow this garbage. We were already on track to meet the carbon levels for the Paris agreement IIRC and that's all Obama's doing. Since Obama put the wheels in motion, they can't be stopped. Market factors will ensure the industry continues to develop because green tech is getting cheaper and the industry is booming.

I've also been reading that this will likely take a while and the administration will get sued to hell and back.
Literally every major news outlet has said we're going to miss our target because of trump even before this.
How long until we start to see a divestment movement against american companies. At some point americas gross dependence of fossil fuels becomes a security threat for the world.


Few more months and the world might boycott American products. The hate we have against Trump is now palpable in french medias. It's starting to cross the WTF line, to grow into something darker. Looks like it's the same in Germany and nordics countries.

I don't what we can do to bring Republicans back to their reason, butwe need to find it quickly.

Good. Please help get Trump out of power.


It means that the federal government can preempt/void a state law, but nothing currently prohibits. Most commerce today is actually regulated at the state level by the Uniform Commercial Code that states individually adopt.

The commerce clause means that the federal government can prevent a farmer from growing subsistence crops. Basically that the federal government has no limitation except where explicitly prohibited.

Thank you. So what you're saying is they can attempt to do it but the federal government can stop it if they tried?


China is going to have cleaner air than us if we don't get someone not actively trying to kill off his own country and world in the next term.

I feel for the first good President after this train wreck. Forget the first 100 days, they're going to have their first 100 weeks trying to un-undo everything Obama set in place.
China is going to have cleaner air than us if we don't get someone not actively trying to kill off his own country and world in the next term.

I feel for the first good President after this train wreck. Forget the first 100 days, they're going to have their first 100 weeks trying to un-undo everything Obama set in place.

not only that but they will be more advanced in green tech.

the US is still hanging onto their combustible furnaces
Get this walking accident out of the White House Jesus. Americans WAKE UP.

He has record low approval ratings.

We are protesting this chump pretty much every weekend. Republicans are afraid to talk to their own constituents because of the amount of hate they're getting.

There's not much more we can really do unless we have a French Revolution style event over here.


Not to sound too downtrodden or cynical... But what the fuck did all of this marching we've done accomplish?

Doubling down on anti-science global climate denial and backing out of this deal, making it more difficult for a woman to receive an abortion, re-instituting mandatory minimums... He's just following the shit Republican agenda unabated.

I feel like Democratic leaders aren't putting this energy into where it's needed- Focusing on midterm/local elections, voter registration, and driving home the point that the only way to actually get anything done is to get out and fucking vote.


What i do wonder is where is the backlash from the so called progressives in hollywood, the musicians and all the celebrities? Do they just don't care?


I wish Trump's dad pulled out...now we're stuck with this moron as our president. Why is it so hard for these old people to do what's right? Fix this shit for your kids and the future, stop being so short minded.


Pretty messed up Trump is pulling out if this and also ripping med care up. So many Americans are going to die because of this shit.





Nintendo's Pro Bono PR Firm
What i do wonder is where is the backlash from the so called progressives in hollywood, the musicians and all the celebrities? Do they just don't care?
You're right, there are too few of them. Fear of losing a third of their public, most likely.


What i do wonder is where is the backlash from the so called progressives in hollywood, the musicians and all the celebrities? Do they just don't care?

Maybe because Trump has not made any official announcement yet? Thus far, it are close sources stating he supposedly made a decision, but he tweeted he will soon announce his final decision.
"greatest coutry on earth".

fuck you Trump, and fuck you America.

fortunately the market itself is moving towards renewables for economic reasons, so this isn't as all-bad as it may seem.

but, it's still really bad.

seriously fuck you Trump [and sorry but fuck you America as well, i mean mostly the bad parts that led to his election but i'm sure you get my drift].


Not to sound too downtrodden or cynical... But what the fuck did all of this marching we've done accomplish?

Doubling down on anti-science global climate denial and backing out of this deal, making it more difficult for a woman to receive an abortion, re-instituting mandatory minimums... He's just following the shit Republican agenda unabated.

I feel like Democratic leaders aren't putting this energy into where it's needed- Focusing on midterm/local elections, voter registration, and driving home the point that the only way to actually get anything done is to get out and fucking vote.
Trump would do what he wants regardless and has tried...

... but he also keeps failing. Our protests kept the Muslim ban in check. The border wall is still not up. The GOP healthcare debacle is blowing up in their face. Etc. etc.

We are making a difference, because as damaging as Trump has been, this is only 1% of what he threatened to do.
Trump is too cowardly to back down from exiting the Paris Accords. And he's not smart enough to understand that he has more than enough domestic enemies already, it's stupid to continue creating more internationally.


Who are the people on the other side? Influential people, that is.

I want to know their names.

Leave group via NYT: "Here are the major players hoping to sway President Trump’s decision on the landmark climate agreement."
Dozens of conservative groups
The Competitive Enterprise Institute called the climate accord “a key part of President Obama’s war on America’s most affordable and abundant energy — coal, oil, and natural gas.” Grover Norquist, a prominent conservative activist, called the Paris deal a “debacle.”
At least 22 Senate Republicans
James Inhofe of Oklahoma organized a letter to Mr. Trump arguing that participating in the Paris accord could undermine White House efforts to dismantle domestic climate policies like the Clean Power Plan.

“We applaud you for your ongoing efforts to reduce overregulation in America.”
– A letter from 22 Republican Senators to Mr. Trump.
The National Mining Association
After a vote by its membership in April, this key lobbying group for the coal industry reversed its previously neutral stance and sent a letter to Mr. Trump urging withdrawal, arguing that the Paris agreement was detrimental to coal miners.
At least 12 House Republicans
A letter signed by a group of House Republicans called the Paris deal “anti-coal” and opposed the notion of sending further climate aid to developing countries.
Stephen K. Bannon, President Trump's chief strategist
Mr. Trump pledged to exit the Paris accord during the campaign, and Mr. Bannon has pushed the president to keep that promise to his base.
E.P.A. chief Scott Pruitt
Privately, Mr. Pruitt has argued that staying in the Paris climate accord could thwart his efforts to roll back the Clean Power Plan — even though most legal experts say the agreement imposes no obligations on the United States.

“It’s a bad deal for America. It was an America second, third, or fourth kind of approach.”
– Mr. Pruitt on “Fox & Friends” in April.
Few more months and the world might boycott American products. The hate we have against Trump is now palpable in french medias. It's starting to cross the WTF line, to grow into something darker. Looks like it's the same in Germany and nordics countries.

I don't what we can do to bring Republicans back to their reason, butwe need to find it quickly.

Good, keep the pressure on them. Heed nothing to Trump, the Republicans, and the Russians. They are dark forces that need to be pushed back into the recesses and then extinguished through better education and societal inclusion. This societal inclusion must include minorities but also poor and working class people of all ethnic backgrounds.

It's not going to be an "either or" that solves everything. We need a "both" approach. The divide and conquer tactics taken by the industrial incumbents of power via their media proxies are literally sending civil society trending into a death spiral.


LOL @ all of the media attention the issue of climate change is getting now. Where was this fucking coverage leading up to the election? No, all they wanted to talk about all day was polls, polls,@kellyannepolls.

Hard to take them seriously now when they didn't take this seriously when it mattered.


LOL @ all of the media attention the issue of climate change is getting now. Where was this fucking coverage leading up to the election? No, all they wanted to talk about all day was polls, polls,@kellyannepolls.

Hard to take them seriously now when they didn't take this seriously when it mattered.

Consume better media. It's out there. The power to solve this problem rests in your hands.


Consume better media. It's out there. The power to solve this problem rests in your hands.

I really didn't hear the environment as a big talking point out of any media outlets during the lead up to the election. But yeah, CNN is all I get on cable, so I sometimes watch it while I'm working.


I really didn't hear the environment as a big talking point out of any media outlets during the lead up to the election. But yeah, CNN is all I get on cable, so I sometimes watch it while I'm working.

What are you talking about? Climate change was a huge topic throughout the election.


What are you talking about? Climate change was a huge topic throughout the election.

I didn't hear the media talking about it much. It came up in debates a few times, but again, I don't have access to all channels, just CNN. Maybe on Fox and friends, they brought it up on a daily basis. :p
There ya go

I sent an email to Tillis this morning. Didn't realize the stupid fuck urged Trump to pull out of this. Why in the name of all that's holy would a senator from a state that is dealing with beach erosion due to rising tides want to pull out of a climate change agreement?

I mean, the stupidity of it is just mind-boggling.
LOL @ all of the media attention the issue of climate change is getting now. Where was this fucking coverage leading up to the election? No, all they wanted to talk about all day was polls, polls,@kellyannepolls.

Hard to take them seriously now when they didn't take this seriously when it mattered.

No you're right. And it's easy to say consume better media but clearly the majority of Americans don't so its understandable to be pissed at these awful news networks.
I understand that it's not really fair for the americans that didn't vote for him (and I know neogaf is heavily anti-trump) but fuck you america.

I'm an American who voted against Trump, and quite frankly, if the rest of the world voted us off the planet, my last thought before dying would be "I can't blame them".
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