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Wired: Next Playstation will be call Playstation 5. More details.


I wish, but I simply can't - the games take 5-6 years to develop already, only to be released in a half-product state, they are either a bug fest or seriously lack content (or both). Microtransactions, lootboxes., season passes, games as a service, pay to win, forced open-world in everything - the list goes on and on, this entire generation is a mistake, a not-so-funny joke, and guess what? It will only get worse, no doubt about it. I can already see 70-80$ price tags, we just need a game like GTA6 or something to push it through, and nobody will bat an eye. So yeah, the hardware isn't as much of a concern, but all the support around the hardware is. And on top of everything - we're hitting uncanny valley so damn hard already, and with more processing power and more "realistic" graphics, the issue of creepy characters/animations will only expand, to a great extent. Hopefully I'm wrong, but I have to see it to believe it first.
Hey now, we all have complaints about aspects of the industry. But if you're posting here in gaming you must still enjoy parts of it. Try to ignore the bad stuff and just enjoy the confirmed news when it comes out. Maybe something will click with you, and maybe not. But if you don't give the positive aspects of a new generation a chance its probably time for a new hobby. Not trying to criticize you at all. Just hoping you have a little fun or maybe give the troubling stuff some distance so you can focus on things more positive for you.


Gold Member
You need to spend like a thousand bucks to get good ray tracing on PC right now, and the SSD tech is new tech, they've said so multiple times.

It's not really new. It's NMVe, which you can get in your PC right now if you have the right motherboard. And the drives are a bit less than normal SSDs too.
Tensor cores to what exactly? I mean why have a hardware feature that is not used for games?
They will have only the equivalent to RT cores.

Maybe Deep Learning in games? BTW the solution AMD has for Tensor Cores on MI60 is better cost-effective except for training while that there are rumors AMD is working is something Tensor Core like too but it is not for gaming.
I guess you missed the "PS5 GPU will do machine learning" memo?

RT cores (fixed-function BVH) != Tensor cores (INT8 acceleration, which is useful for machine learning/neural networks)

Don't confuse those two. Totally different things.


The games are gonna be more expensive on those 100gb discs I think right? At least at first, gone are the £50/$50 starter rrp games.

£70/$70 per base game do you reckon Minimum? With some games up to £100 for gold editions, ultimate editions hitting 140 on physical, digital prices even higher. A few months to a year in that should come down to about 49.99.

So what’s that in Australia like $5000 aud per censored Mortal Kombat game? 😉nah kidding mates it’s more like $130 aud right? over in Canada $115 cad?

Because we all know how the pricing goes, it never quite matches the USA, These days I feel like they interchange the $ for the £ rather than the correct exchange rate.

And we’re fucked after Brexit on Game pricesin the UK anyway, even if the rest of the world stays around the PS4 RRP entry point prices.


They/Them A-10 Warthog
I would prefer games go to $80 and devs stop the predatory MX and loot box shit. I am also incredibly naive... :(


There's nothing noteworthy except the features of the controller. This could be a game-changer depending on how devs use it.
The games are gonna be more expensive on those 100gb discs I think right? At least at first, gone are the £50/$50 starter rrp games.
Not really. We have plenty of 100GB games already (RDR2 comes to mind). TLOU2 is coming soon...

They have season passes/DLC/MTX to recoup the costs.
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Gold Member
That's not at all what that means.

Think about the hard drive in a game console, spinning like a 5,400-rpm vinyl record. For the console to read a piece of information off the drive, it first has to send out the disk head—like a turntable needle—to find it. Each “seek,” as it’s known, may entail only a scant handful of milliseconds, but seeks add up. To minimize them, developers will often duplicate certain game assets in order to form contiguous data blocks, which the drive can read faster. We’re talking common stuff here: lampposts, anonymous passersby.

But data adds up too. "If you look at a game like Marvel's Spider-Man," Cerny says, "there are some pieces of data duplicated 400 times on the hard drive." The SSD sweeps away the need for all that duping—so not only is its raw read speed dramatically faster than a hard drive, but it saves crucial space.


They/Them A-10 Warthog
There's nothing noteworthy except the features of the controller. This could be a game-changer depending on how devs use it.
I am actually kind of curious how annoying it would be getting finger strain by pulling and holding a bow in Horizon Zero Dawn 2 over and over again. These are also cool features that will be turned off by any serious MP gamer.

Honestly, I just hope my battle beaver DS4 works on PS5 or BB starts modding DS5s asap. :D

Great company btw, 2000x better than scuf.

It's not really new. It's NMVe, which you can get in your PC right now if you have the right motherboard. And the drives are a bit less than normal SSDs too.

You're right, I could totally get this right now...



Fafracer forever
Hardware based vs Hardware accelerated.
Terminology on this was 'never' ambiguous - 'accelerated' has been used for the entire history of GPUs to describe what they do in hardware.
Basically the other term was never really a thing.


They/Them A-10 Warthog
You're right, I could totally get this right now...

You do realize that the PS5 will be great day one and age every day after that right?

PCs just keep getting better every year. Any advantage PS5 has (which will be very small) will be passed up real quick. Stop trying to compare or "beat" PCs.

And I say that as someone who will buy two PS5s on launch day.
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Gold Member
You're right, I could totally get this right now...

Good job finding a 15TB server drive just to make the price be as high as possible.

1TB NMVe drives are usually a little cheaper than 1TB SSD drives depending on the brand.



Gold Member
It is new, NVME is not much better than SSD for gaming.

That is only because of the interface being so damn slow on the PC compared to the drive. AMD is the only maker with PCIe4.0 at the moment, and even then it is under utilized.

The console solution being proprietary and lightning fast should help PC gaming on that front since games will be designed around that solution.
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Plays with kids toys, in the adult gaming world
If you like linear third-person cinematic movies with gameplay sections between long cutscenes...sure.


Just like how Sega CD was the place to be for FMV games if that isn't your cup of tea your SOL
You do realize that the PS5 will be great day one and age every day after that right?

PCs just keep getting better every year. Any advantage PS5 has (which will be very small) will be passed up real quick. Stop trying to compare or "beat" PCs.

And I say that as someone who will buy two PS5s on launch day.

Who's denying the ever evolving nature of the PC landscape? The point is the power at launch and the difference between an old PC and an old console is games still get optimized for your old console. Launching with stronger performance than affordable PCs at the time is going to be huge, last gen did not do that.

Good job finding a 15TB server drive just to make the price be as high as possible.

1TB NMVe drives are usually a little cheaper than 1TB SSD drives depending on the brand.

I legit just googled NVMe and that came up, my dude. Is your 100 dollar one going to compare to what's in a PS5 or Scarlet?


CliffyB's Cock Holster
I mean the PS1 doesn't look too drastically different than the consumer one.


Thats because it wasn't a devkit. That was a Test Playstation. Basically a stock PS1 with modified drive firmware that omitted checking validation codes on discs and the ability to play audio CD's.

A Playstation devkit was a regular PC attached to a box (SN systems did the EU ones) that assisted with cross-compiling and data transfer between the two devices.
Yea, they're using that technology. Not the big server drives.

That''s an evasion, I'm asking if it's totally analogous with the 100 dollar version without any bells, whistles or extra storage that one doesn't have. I'm asking for the actual price point the level of SSD these systems will have is when it's a separate entity bought for PC.


Gold Member
No, he simply said during an old Wired interview that it supports BC with PS4, never to what extent it does, if its only some digital titles, or like the ps3 with disc based games also.

Fanboys took it as 100% and kept parroting it over and over.

Why would it only do digital and not disc, when nothing runs off the disc? The game fully installs and the disc is used as an executable check like back in the day on the PC.

There is no difference between a downloaded version or disc version of any game on the PS4 or XB1 other than a disc check executable wrapper versus a digital license wrapper.

I think people also like to concern troll, like they did with "it will only be software RT, they confirmed it"! And here we are.
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Gold Member
That''s an evasion, I'm asking if it's totally analogous with the 100 dollar version without any bells, whistles or extra storage that one doesn't have. I'm asking for the actual price point the level of SSD these systems will have is when it's a separate entity bought for PC.

On the PC NVMe drives attach to a M.2 slot. No one knows how it'll be interfaced on the PS5 and Scarlett yet. Could be soldered right on the board for all we know. But it's the same technology.

And yes, it's the same as the $99 PC drives; that's why a 1Tb drive could be realistic at launch next year.
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On the PC NVMe drives attach to a M.2 slot. No one knows how it'll be interfaced on the PS5 and Scarlett yet. Could be soldered right on the board for all we know. But it's the same technology.

Still not really addressing the idea I'm putting forward that you don't know what the NVMe equivalent available to PC gamers will be and how much it'll run them.


haha, its fun to even consider a piece of "news" that next Sony's console will be named "Playstation 5".


Another pad with useless shit and parallel stick, good god sony...
Don’t see what the big deal is, yes my Xbox controller is my go to when gaming on PC but switching to DS4 or even a Switch Pro controller is fairly seamless besides remembering button layout.
All controllers have good and bad points , can’t say the asymmetrical sticks on the DS4 are bad just take a couple of minutes of hands on time to get reacquainted.
That is how nVidia does with RTX.

nVidia RTX have hardware acceleration units for some critical ray-tracking maths only.

You don't have to exactly copy Nvidia's approach.

You could chose to do ray / BV tests on dedicated or specialised hardware, but do ray / triangle intersection tests in a shader [edit: on more RT friendly CUs], for example.

You could also allow more developer control over acceleration structures.

I look forward to seeing AMD and Intel's approaches compared to Nvidias. Nvidia's RT cores are dead silicon if not used for RT, which is itself dependant upon accepting Nvidia's black box approach to RT. There may be a better way to integrate RT workloads into the traditional render and compute pipelines, with the necessary modifications.

So I have no ideia what you guys are trying to say that is not applied to nVidia or Microsoft... just because it is Sony there will be always a "but" lol

Err ... come again?

I said that I think Sony and MS will have very similar implementations, both based largely on AMDs technology ...?
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Kinda thinking PS4 reveal event will be March or April, I'd suspect they'd want to get some separation with TLOU launch, but leave themselves with time to tease price-point for E3 and leave themselves wiggle-room to react to whatever moves MS makes at that event.

Agreed. I think they want to save the reveal of the look of the system, games and other tidbits for a bigger reveal. I like all this info coming out as it means they are planning for a reveal that has more relevant info in terms of content or features etc.

Not doing full PS4 BC would be suicide

I disagree. Its a nice feature, but....have you not considered Wii U and XONE where both BC yet got outsold by PS4 with ZERO BC? Soooooo I'm buying a PS5 day 1 like I bought a PS2, PS3 and PS4 day 1. PS5 not being BC wouldn't make me do anything differently as...I OWN A PS4 ALREADY, its a nice feature, but I don't buy systems to play older systems as I'm not sure how many really buy something for that purpose. By that logic, the reason to own a XONE is for a 360....you'd have a better argument saying to just never buy a XONE and just keep your 360 or something. So I think PS5 having BC is a good move and clearly easier since PS4 has a more streamlined set up vs PS3, but its nothing I'd say is needed or "suicide" if its not there or anything.

Again... WIi U and XONE are BC, yet...clearly they didn't outsell PS4. Tells you all you need to know about that impact or lack there of from this topic.

The talk about installing game in parts, tell me SSD is only 512GB...while games are on 100GB disk.
I hope Sony goes 1TB since those are faster and last longer.

They probably will, but at a later date or simply have the option for users to just upgrade themselves. I'll do exactly like how I did this gen. I had 500GB and bought a 2TB and I'm good lol I still have like 1 TB of room left. If I can install and uninstall quickly, I don't really care that much regarding space as we only play 1 game at a time, not 5 or 6 etc. Storing it is pointless if I'm just buying all my games on disk and installing based on use at the time. At most I'm on 3 games during a week or something. Like a Multiplayer title like Battlefield, short single player,


That is only because of the interface being so damn slow on the PC compared to the drive. AMD is the only maker with PCIe4.0 at the moment, and even then it is under utilized.

The console solution being proprietary and lightning fast should help PC gaming on that front since games will be designed around that solution.

You talking about interface being the PCIE? NVME is already faster than SSD in PCIE 3.0 and games aren't even that much faster.
The games are gonna be more expensive on those 100gb discs I think right? At least at first, gone are the £50/$50 starter rrp games.

And we’re fucked after Brexit on Game pricesin the UK anyway, even if the rest of the world stays around the PS4 RRP entry point prices.

I was in Game today.

Borderlands 3 normal edition : £53!!! I was nearly sick
Borderlands 3 deluxe edition : £70!! I nearly had a hernia
Borderlands 3 super deluxe edition : £92!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I had kittens right there in shop.
Season pass; £40.

even the bog standard+ season pass costs NINETY FUCKING QUID. If I wasn't buying it for a birthday present I would have walked the fuck out. I asked the woman in Game why it was so expensive, her answer? "yeah, well, all games are this expensive now. If you had have preordered it in store it would have only cost £47." Only £47.

Fuck game


OT : if the PS5 is launching next holiday, does that mean scarlett will launch in spring?
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Gold Member
You talking about interface being the PCIE? NVME is already faster than SSD in PCIE 3.0 and games aren't even that much faster.

Because the games are not designed around it as I mentioned. Having consoles which are usually the baseline, should theoretically improve that for NVME/SSD PC gaming.
You're baiting and trying to argue in circles. You asked if it's analogous to the $100 NMVe drives, and it is. MS and Sony aren't inventing new hard drive tech, they're using NMVe.

I'm not baiting, wtf, the larger argument is the idea that PC gaming is just as good/affordable as getting something like a PS5 and in order to preserve that illusion you've been using evasive language surrounding the SSD tech.
Why would it only do digital and not disc, when nothing runs off the disc? The game fully installs and the disc is used as an executable check like back in the day on the PC.

There is no difference between a downloaded version or disc version of any game on the PS4 or XB1 other than a disc check executable wrapper versus a digital license wrapper.

I think people also like to concern troll, like they did with "it will only be software RT, they confirmed it"! And here we are.

To get people to buy it again?
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