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Sony’s PlayStation 5 Exclusives VS Microsoft’s Concerning Future of Exclusive Games


Yeah, that's why MS bought them.

Just my opinion.... I kinda like games as service so for me thats not something that bad.
I think Microsoft bought them because of Hellblade but they also stated, they want to provide freedom to devs. Devs wanted to work on BE, so we have BE...

They also wanted Hellblade 2, so it is real and they also wanted to work on Project Mara so we have that too
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IMO Sony has built a trust with the gamers ever since the PS3 that they deliver both AAA exclusives with high production values (Last of Us,God of War,Uncharted,Horizon etc) as well as unique and more "niche" exclusive games like Bloodbprne,Dreams,The Last Guardian, Gravity Rush etc. They have been builting this culture of software variety and freedom in their studios that caters to a very wide variety of gaming tastes (especially if you include the console exclusives they get from Japanese 3rd party studios) and they do that without ever interfering with the creative choices of their studios.

MS on the other hand has still a lot of things to prove. They have yet to prove that all these new aquisitions are free to create anything they want and not being enforced to create small games to fill the gaps of Gamepass. But most importantly they have yet to prove that they are in it for the long term (like Sony) and not just trying to impress with a short term effort and then give up if this new initiative doesn't work out for them.

Sony's studios and their exclusives have failed many times during the PS3 era yet Sony continued to believed in their approach even if it seemed as if they were burning money. They also continued their approach regardless of who was the president of Playstation. I hope MS has the same mentallity and doesn't change course when the first failure arrives or when Phil Spencer steps down as president.
If they follow Sony's steps then i'm sure eventually we will see great exclusive games from them as well that will cover a wide variety of gaming tastes.But it will take too long to be where Sony currently is and to built gamer's trust for the longterm.
I'm kinda worried for the change of Shuhei Yoshida for Hermen Hulst as the head of WWS. We've only known WWS under Yoshida.


I'm sure you know that Bleeding Edge was in development before NT acquisitions, as NT stated many times...
... Or not. Either way, just stop

There always excuses though tht doesn't explain crackdown 3, recore and a slew of other games that missed the mark terribly. Microsoft had the option to scrap the idea or give it more time and change it, they decided to release mediocrity.


I think Microsoft bought them because of Hellblade but they also stated, they want to provide freedom to devs. Devs wanted to work on BE, so we have BE...

They also wanted Hellblade 2, so it is real and they also wanted to work on Project Mara so we have that too
Sure, but those games won't feed Game Pass and Xcloud as much as something like Halo Infinite or even Bleeding Edge, MS wants people to sign for their services and keep paying the subscription for a long time, also, hopefully, get in to their dlcs and microtransactions.

That, in my opinion, is a valid plan and I hope it works out. That's why I think that MS, rather than try to compete with Sony and Nintendo for the best exclusives, will focus on the best services.
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IMO Sony has built a trust with the gamers ever since the PS3 that they deliver both AAA exclusives with high production values (Last of Us,God of War,Uncharted,Horizon etc) as well as unique and more "niche" exclusive games like Bloodbprne,Dreams,The Last Guardian, Gravity Rush etc. They have been builting this culture of software variety and freedom in their studios that caters to a very wide variety of gaming tastes (especially if you include the console exclusives they get from Japanese 3rd party studios) and they do that without ever interfering with the creative choices of their studios.

MS on the other hand has still a lot of things to prove. They have yet to prove that all these new aquisitions are free to create anything they want and not being enforced to create small games to fill the gaps of Gamepass. But most importantly they have yet to prove that they are in it for the long term (like Sony) and not just trying to impress with a short term effort and then give up if this new initiative doesn't work out for them.

Sony's studios and their exclusives have failed many times during the PS3 era yet Sony continued to believed in their approach even if it seemed as if they were burning money. They also continued their approach regardless of who was the president of Playstation. I hope MS has the same mentallity and doesn't change course when the first failure arrives or when Phil Spencer steps down as president.
If they follow Sony's steps then i'm sure eventually we will see great exclusive games from them as well that will cover a wide variety of gaming tastes.But it will take too long to be where Sony currently is and to built gamer's trust for the longterm.


I'm kinda worried for the change of Shuhei Yoshida for Hermen Hulst as the head of WWS. We've only known WWS under Yoshida.
Didn't know Sony had now a child of one the 2 country pushing ordoliberalism at their head....prepare for low budget and austerity
(european joke)


Sure, but those games won't feed Game Pass and Xcloud as much as something like Halo Infinite or even Bleeding Edge, MS wants people to sign for their services and keep paying the subscription for a long time, also, hopefully, get in to their dlcs and microtransactions.

That, in my opinion, is a valid plan and I hope it works out. That's why I think that MS, rather than try to compete with Sony and Nintendo for the best exclusives, will focus on the best services.
Yup. Thats why only handful of devs worked on BE and that's why majority of studio is working on Hellblade 2


Didn't this happen only last year? almost all the WWS's games we know of were planned during Yoshida's time.
Edit: Sorry, Shuhei was still president. You're right. Dunno what Shawn's title was so.... (Kinda strange)
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You won't get burnt and that's your opinion. I for one felt last Halo was generic and mp wasn't that good (it's just my opinion). Gears was run of the mill and OK. I can see why you prefer Forza.

Bro we all have tastes and that's cool. I'm a person who hated Witcher 3 bcus of its combat and too much dialog, thought Botw was alright not great and dropped Red Dead after like three hours due to boredom. lol I know I must be crazy.

So much of this is subjective but then again their is a consensus of Sony's superiority in this respect based on a multitude of different opinions.
I agree with you in all the things you said about Gears. i too getting tired of this game i didnt even bother to play 5 . and while the story was misleading in halo 5 based on the marketing, the game still was fun to play and i finished the single player twice.

I Also agree with you on the witcher 3 or most if not all western RPGs. they are just not for me at al. ( aside from Cyber punk i want that so bad )


No, Shawn was head of WWS for a couple years I believe...
Wikipedia says otherwise tho "On 7 November 2019, Sony announced that Yoshida had stepped down as President of SIE Worldwide Studios amid a company reshuffle to become head of a newly formed initiative that will focus on nurturing external independent creators. The new initiative will focus on supporting external developers that are creating 'new and unexpected' experiences for the gaming industry.[4] He was replaced by Hermen Hulst, the former studio head of Guerrilla Games.[5] "
Looking at wikipedia, Shawn was like for a couple of months in WWS before leaving, and back to Shuhei.
I wonder what was going on at that time, it's around the same time that all this shuffles started to happen.


Wikipedia says otherwise tho "On 7 November 2019, Sony announced that Yoshida had stepped down as President of SIE Worldwide Studios amid a company reshuffle to become head of a newly formed initiative that will focus on nurturing external independent creators. The new initiative will focus on supporting external developers that are creating 'new and unexpected' experiences for the gaming industry.[4] He was replaced by Hermen Hulst, the former studio head of Guerrilla Games.[5] "
Looking at wikipedia, Shawn was like for a couple of months in WWS before leaving, and back to Shuhei.
I wonder what was going on at that time, it's around the same time that all this shuffles started to happen.
Yeah, it's crazy that we still know nothing. Of course it could make people look bad.... so maybe it's for the best!


It’s all just subjective and down to what type of games you like to play as they all offer something a bit different with their exclusives.

Sony is going to continue to have the best first party games for my tastes as cinematic, narrative-driven action adventure games are my favorite.

Nintendo will be second as I grew up on them and still love a lot of their main franchises (but not as many of there secondary franchises or spinoffs).

MS will probably have more things that interest me next gen with their recent acquisitions (I like some Obsidian games, liked Hellblade etc), but they are just more focused on shooters, racers, online gaming and games as a service and most of that stuff holds little appeal to me behind blowing throw the campaigns in Halo and Gears once. I haven’t enjoyed things like Ori and Cuphead either. I’ll just continue to play those campaigns and other things that may interest me via Gamepass for PC if I upgrade my PC and can live without their games if not.


They aren’t really comparable. Sony has built a name throughout the generations and expectations for their games are sky high, which is a testament to their work, but that can also lead to big disappointments.

Microsoft has been changing gears every generation, not quite knowing who or what they want to “be”. They are now in the midst of another change up, and once again expectations are being “reset”. For the fans that means hope for a better future, for the industry it means there’s room for cautious optimism but expectations are kept in check.

My hope for Xbox is that they go as further away from Sony/Nintendo as possible so that they can carve their own identity. Betting on strategy games has been a good start.


I agree with you in all the things you said about Gears. i too getting tired of this game i didnt even bother to play 5 . and while the story was misleading in halo 5 based on the marketing, the game still was fun to play and i finished the single player twice.

I Also agree with you on the witcher 3 or most if not all western RPGs. they are just not for me at al. ( aside from Cyber punk i want that so bad )

I feel you bro, in contrast I can spend hundreds of hours playing Nioh or Souos/Bloodborne ganes which I have done abd got the Plat in Bloodborne.


While I mostly play on PlayStation, I hope and even believe that both will rock it. Gonna be great because guess what my RTX2070 is good enough for 1080p120 and that's gonna be real swell.


I wont know until i see the games.
Personally, only a few Sony exclusives interested me this gen, Persona 5 for the most part.
On the other hand, i really like the Forza Horizon series and i'm excited for Flight Simulator 2020 (except if its subscription based, then it'll be a big pass from me)

Either way, i'll be sticking with pc for now. Wouldn't buy either console until later in the gen anyway.


I think if MS can get a superhero IP as an exclusive like sony with Spiderman, it will be a big break for them.

This is exactly the wrong way to go about it. The insistence by some people that Xbox has to chase PlayStation blow for blow is bollocks and only seems like a good idea to fanboys.
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Sony don't have anything to prove to me personally.

They have given great exclusives in every generation. I expect to see the likes of GOW2, Spiderman 2 and more special games from ND next gen. Plus many more.

Microsoft on the other hand does. Lets wait and see.
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I say it a lot but it’s not fair to expect MS to bridge the games gap overnight. MS is investing in studios, the seeds are planted, it takes time. MS will launch some more first party winners next-gen, sooner or later. Again, it just takes time. Hellblade 2 (and further installments) has incredible potential already.

It’s unrealistic for MS to overtake Sony next-gen but it should just be about bridging the gap as much as possible. Even the odds a little and set up for a close race next-next gen


perm warning for starting troll/bait threads
Lol I don't think that Sony will have a Game with ambition of Halo Infinite.

343i is big team of +600 employees (Sucker punch,Bend studios and Guerrilla combined)

And pretty sure The next Playground Games RPG and the next big RPG at Obsidian leaded by Chris Parker will be at HZD level.

HZD is not big enough (scope) than people think. Is 60-70 hours with light RPG system, is not like +150 Hours of TW3,FNV/Skyrim etc...
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I'm not so sure about exclusives anymore.

When a generation begins, there are almost no exclusives (except for 1 or 2) and most sales comes from price and power (look at what has happened historically). Games come later in the gen and are the ones that keep selling the console. This time, however, is "different".

Sure, Microsoft will launch its "exclusive" titles on the Windows platform, but so will Sony. The term "exclusives" will be tied only to "console exclusive", since all of the games will arrive to PC as well.

Is this bad or good? Only time will tell, but since AAA titles are becoming increasingly expensive in producing, it is normal that a company wants as much revenue as possible from that game.


Horizon 2? A sequel to that soulless Far Cry clone? Not sure why you see such promise for that but to each their own.
I'm as much of an Xbox fan as they come but I really like the Horizon franchise and I hope they continue. They had great story telling and also nailed the gameplay and graphics. Not bad for a studio that isn't gigantic. Plus I watched the making of documentary of Horizon (you can find it on youtube) and really liked how they came up with the idea of the game. I also believe they should never make another Killzone. Shadowfall was close to depressing as I have ever seen and having to be a launch game isn't an excuse..

Atomic Odin

This is exactly the wrong way to go about it. The insistence by some people that Xbox has to chase PlayStation blow for blow is bollocks and only seems like a good idea to fanboys.

I mean that is what they have been trying to do since the Xbone launch mostly, where have you been?

Why is getting an IP in a super popular genre as an exclusive to bring in more people and expanding your userbase is such a bad idea?


perm warning for starting troll/bait threads
We just need to wait big digital event from both.

Pretty sure MS will show the next 2 years of Exclusive to show consumers that they have tons of exclusions for the future.

And I think that's going to force Sony to follow and why not show GOW2, HZD2 and Spiderman 2 to set the industry on fire.

Because Godfall,Demon's souls,Rachet, today is like "niche" franchise who not surpasses +10M of sales like HZD,Spidey etc...


The PS5 will have Uncharted, Spider-man 2, Lost Soul Aside, God of War 5, Granblue Fantasy Relink, Days Gone 2, Ratchet and Clank, Project Awakening, Horizon 2, Wild, Gran Turismo 7, Quantum Error

It's going to be so hard to beat this lineup

More excited for Halo then any of those honestly.

Will definitely pick up a PS5 for God of War but I found Horizon to be too fetch questy and dropped it early on.

Spider-Man was okay but the searching for back packs and toy black cats and doing those silly Doc Oc electrical puzzles was probably the worst side content I’ve ever seen.

Rest of those games are meh. Maybe buy. Maybe skip. It’s all just personal preference at the end of the day.

And if you’re an actual gamer you give these new MS teams the space and time to work rather than run them down.

This rush to bury them early really just makes you look like you’re threatened by them and a bit concerned.


Gold Member
Well, the best predictor of the future is the past, so if I had to place a bet, it would be on Sony. However, I think the playing field will be more even this time, because of the studio acquisitions.


I mean that is what they have been trying to do since the Xbone launch mostly, where have you been?

Why is getting an IP in a super popular genre as an exclusive to bring in more people and expanding your userbase is such a bad idea?

Because the assumption is “Sony got themselves a hit with Spider-Man so we should copy them. Let’s get somebody to work on a Captain America game!”

It’s copy cat and won’t expand your user base if the game fails to be as good or better than what the other guys did.

Sure, get a big license and make a great game. But there’s an ocean of possibilities out there, don’t try to copy the other guy. Get Star Wars, get Game of Thrones, or be even more interesting and give me Blade Runner or Dune.


perm warning for starting troll/bait threads
More excited for Halo then any of those honestly.

Will definitely pick up a PS5 for God of War but I found Horizon to be too fetch questy and dropped it early on.

Spider-Man was okay but the searching for back packs and toy black cats and doing those silly Doc Oc electrical puzzles was probably the worst side content I’ve ever seen.

Rest of those games are meh. Maybe buy. Maybe skip. It’s all just personal preference at the end of the day.

And if you’re an actual gamer you give these new MS teams the space and time to work rather than run them down.

This rush to bury them early really just makes you look like you’re threatened by them and a bit concerned.

For me,
Xbox must show its difference in its games, show that they are different from Sony.

That's why I lose my head when I hear people say that XBOX must have its Uncharted etc ...

Sony focuses on cinematic narrative solo games.

Xbox must have a Big Sci-fi game / Cyberpunk (Halo and Perfect Dark Reboot)

Xboix must have a The Witcher like / Skyrim like (Fable Reboot and New Big IP at Obsidian leaded by Chris Parker)

Etc ...

They must be inspired by the EA of the 2000s where it came out of varied and innovative experiences. (Dead Space, Mass effect, Mirror Edge, Brutal legends) etc ...

For me is XSX Day one because it will be the console of Wrpg like XBOX OG again. But I really hope Horror game and J-RPG will come too.


Sony always will get my money. They're exclusives are some of my favorite games and was dope to see them take chances with Dreams and Death Stranding.
I feel like MSFT has a chance to catfish me lol show this sexy console and then bland games (hope they have some gems this gen).
Regardless I'm PC PS5 and switching it this gen


I'm surprised if Xsex will have even 10 interesting games total in the end. (interesting to me)

Forza, gears of war = I could not care less

Halo = could play it, but not worth to get system for 1 game

fable = maybe, if it is like first one

To me, xbox exclusives offer nothing or not much, kind of like modern Nintendo, I dont like mario&pals so it kind of leaves just Zelda and even those arent as good as hyped usually.

I think that XBOX being american console is just too damn american, aka thinking they are the greatest, wisest and best in everything in way too bold way.

Sony is like watching Japanese cook or artisan perfecting an act that in theory should be just a waste of time with all perfected moves and little things, but it is just too fascinating to stop watching it.


Much more excited for Xbox Studios. Currently playing The Bard Tale 4 and Torment from InXile and also playing Pillars Of Eternity from Obsidian.

I want RPGs and that is what Xbox is bringing. Looks like RPG will be Xbox Game Studios identity and for that I am super excited. Just to think we have Fable coming from a world class studio like Playground Entertainment. Fable is a game I will take over anything that Sony has.

InXile is rumored to be working on a AAA RPG. Obsidian is said to be working on a AAA Skyrim level RPG. Here is newly released concept art from that game.


To the previous news I would like to add these Concept art from the Obsidian team about "supposedly" their next game.

As for Xbox One X and PS5 I will just quote directly from AMD,

" The Xbox Series X is going to be a beacon of technical innovation leadership for this console generation "
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For me,
Xbox must show its difference in its games, show that they are different from Sony.

That's why I lose my head when I hear people say that XBOX must have its Uncharted etc ...

Sony focuses on cinematic narrative solo games.

Xbox must have a Big Sci-fi game / Cyberpunk (Halo and Perfect Dark Reboot)

Xboix must have a The Witcher like / Skyrim like (Fable Reboot and New Big IP at Obsidian leaded by Chris Parker)

Etc ...

They must be inspired by the EA of the 2000s where it came out of varied and innovative experiences. (Dead Space, Mass effect, Mirror Edge, Brutal legends) etc ...

For me is XSX Day one because it will be the console of Wrpg like XBOX OG again. But I really hope Horror game and J-RPG will come too.

I agree. Sony’s preoccupation with forests is getting tired. I get that it’s a graphical trick because rendering a city with npcs is more demanding than a river but I’m kinda tired of that setting. God of War looks miles better than Spider-Man for that reason but if I see one more forest I think I might snap. Would love to see a Naughty Dog do sci-fi game.


I agree. Sony’s preoccupation with forests is getting tired. I get that it’s a graphical trick because rendering a city with npcs is more demanding than a river but I’m kinda tired of that setting. God of War looks miles better than Spider-Man for that reason but if I see one more forest I think I might snap. Would love to see a Naughty Dog do sci-fi game.
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I don't think devs necessarily need a AAA budget to make a really good game, but I think AAA games can generate more sales because they are easier sell/advertise/hype.

Interestingly MS have been talking up Halo infinite as a AAAA title, whatever a AAAA title is, I see it as just inviting unnecessary pressure.
It's because MS now call budget games AAA so they somehow had to qualify Halo as AAAA.


It'll def. be interesting to see what MS pumps out and I wouldn't just dismiss them....

If Halo Infinite is great that series could easily make a comeback and be top tier again, the rumored Fable reboot could be special, a huge AAA RPG from Obsidian sounds awesome esp. if some of the rumors around it are true, Forza Horizon 5 will be mind blowing as it always is, Hellblade 2 I'm sure will turn heads, etc....

Now with Sony, you know what you're getting and it's one of the reasons many like myself will be there Day 1, I can't wait....

I think this is the first gen in a quite a few years where no matter what side you choose, you won't be disappointed with the games, services, etc.
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We just need to wait big digital event from both.

Pretty sure MS will show the next 2 years of Exclusive to show consumers that they have tons of exclusions for the future.

And I think that's going to force Sony to follow and why not show GOW2, HZD2 and Spiderman 2 to set the industry on fire.

Because Godfall,Demon's souls,Rachet, today is like "niche" franchise who not surpasses +10M of sales like HZD,Spidey etc...

Force? I think you haven't been paying attention. Sony has a game plan and timing and Microsoft isn't forcing them to do anything. What thy show is what I'm sure they been bad planned. That's how thy've been handling this, not very different than ps4 reveal. If thts the case thy would have been revealed the hardware itself since thts what Microsoft did awhile ago. Sony are the market leaders, have way more mindshare, thats why what thy are doing isn't reactionary.

Thy'll show games and probably game play demos as thts the trend thy started years ago blowing off the roof with uncharted 2 live demo while competition was still showing live action nonsense and cgi.

If anything micro has definitely been taking pointers from Sony talking about things like "making their staple ips more open like uncharted and gow or hammering Sony's initial message of giving more devs freedom, etc
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Sony will kill it. Even with Xbox being a more powerful console once Sony shows horizon zero dawn 2 or god of war 2 on the PS5 all of that TFLOPS talk will go out the window and melt peoples faces.

Microsoft. We still have to see, but I'm not dismissing them. Grounded looks okay. We haven't seen gameplay of Hellblade 2 yet. Things are still uncertain or too early to tell
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There is no doubt that Sony has the better exclusives and by a large factor. However, for my own personal tastes, I'll take Hellblade 2's universe over any other franchise that Sony is doing. But that's just because I like sword/shield medival themed games. But I also like space games and so there is a chance that a particular Sony exclusive will tickle me.

MS may have more up their sleeve though..
I dont think is fair to tease us with riddles such as "aparticular sony exclusive".
Unless i missed something i am unaware of a space game but you could tell me what it is.
Please and thank you


Gold Member
As someone who doesn't really enjoy third-person, heavy narrative games, Sony have a long way to go to diversify their first-party output.

People make fun of MS's Halo, Gears, Forza. But at least that's three different genres!

-uncharted 4 semi-linear action adventure indiana jones style with both melee and ranged combat against realistic human enemies, climbing and spectacular set-pieces
-horizon open world action rpg with mostly ranged combat with bows and traps against dinobots in a post-apocalyptic world with tribes and a scifi story.
-gow wide-linear\sandboxy action rpg with mostly spectacular melee moves against mythological creatures and giant monsters and a lot of puzzles and rpg loots.
-spiderman super-hero open world game with acrobatic comic style combat and some stealth sections

they feel, play and looks very different from each other, even the tone or storytelling is pretty different, they aren't the same just because have trees or third person camera.

sony games are the same only for people who really haven't played them or just like to bullshit in forums.

gow and halo, in both you kill alien enemies with dudebro\macho storytelling and futuristic weapons, only difference is first or third person, look how easy it is to wrongly accomunate these games with bullshit arguments.
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Gold Member
I'm as much of an Xbox fan as they come but I really like the Horizon franchise and I hope they continue. They had great story telling and also nailed the gameplay and graphics. Not bad for a studio that isn't gigantic. Plus I watched the making of documentary of Horizon (you can find it on youtube) and really liked how they came up with the idea of the game. I also believe they should never make another Killzone. Shadowfall was close to depressing as I have ever seen and having to be a launch game isn't an excuse..

Glad you enjoyed it. I beat the game but I’m also a sucker for Ubisoft collect-a-thon style games. Graphically it was great but other than that I found it had zero personality or anything unique. Story was forgettable, the NPCs were laughably irrelevant, combat was solid but only a few times required any thought. I look forward to seeing what they can do with a sequel but idk why people put the franchise on such a pedestal after one average game.
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