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What Happened To The All Female League of Legends Team? (Spoiler Alert: They got BTFO!)

The Alien

What exactly is wrong with having female only leagues in the fgc and esports? I mean women's tennis is incredibly popular despite the huge disparity in talent compared to the men. I think it would bring more female talent to esports, as of now a lot of females don't participate on a competitive level because they know they'll just get BTFO and embarrassed trying to compete on a level playing field with men.
Now you done did it.
You're in trouble....#cancelled.


Well what is that difference? What is that something? Hardcore Gaming is not as popular among women as men so there aren't going to be a lot of Representatives. So far less people to pull from at a professional level. This is just pure logic. Are we gonna say Native Americans are worse at vidoegames too, cause if I got a bunch together the play leauge they would be trash too. There is not enough information to make any logical conclusions about women's skill in gaming.

So what competitive sport or hobby are women better than men at?


Who’d have thought that getting into these tournaments through skill alone would be the right way to do things.

No doubt their failures will be somehow blamed on the male patriarchy holding them back though.


Fuck if I know. Why does it matter?
You stated that women are not inferior at gaming it's just not enough women are interested and you can't draw a conclusion, so how do you explain why they're worse at practically every other competitive hobby or sport, is that also due to interest? are they just not interested in anything?
You stated that women are not inferior at gaming it's just not enough women are interested and you can't draw a conclusion, so how do you explain why they're worse at practically every other competitive hobby or sport, is that also due to interest? are they just not interested in anything?
I never stated women were inferior, I said there was not enough information to logically determine that women are always going to be worse than men at leauge if legends. I guess one video by some guy is enough for you if you have an agenda of thinking women are inferior. Also bringing in allusions to sports where women have a physical disadvantage to men seems like an agenda as well. What I don't care for is arguing is if men are innately better than women at videogames because I don't give a fuck and it doesn't matter in any meaningful way.


I never stated women were inferior, I said there was not enough information to logically determine that women are always going to be worse than men at leauge if legends. I guess one video by some guy is enough for you if you have an agenda of thinking women are inferior. Also bringing in allusions to sports where women have a physical disadvantage to men seems like an agenda as well. What I don't care for is arguing is if men are innately better than women at videogames because I don't give a fuck and it doesn't matter in any meaningful way.
Than why respond to this topic or are you just mad because you can't defend your position? I just posted how one of the greatest female chess players in the world admits women can't compete against men, no physical advantage there. I think it's a foregone conclusion women just can't compete against men, not just in league of legends but in fighting games also, they're better off creating their own leagues and playing with similar competition.
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Than why respond to this topic or are you just mad because you can't defend your position? I just posted how one of the greatest female chess players in the world admits women can't compete against men, no physical advantage there. I think it's a foregone conclusion women just can't compete, not just in league of legends but in fighting games also, they're better off creating their own leagues and playing with similar competition.
I responded to the topic because the title was misleading and the video provided was just a PR stunt, not proof that women suck at Leauge. My point has nothing to do with gender politics, it's about logical fallacy. I'm also not interested in wading into gender politics on this site because people can be racist and sexist here and I just don't care. If you think men are superior to women due to innate differences fine, think that, that's what I don't care about. I'm not trying to change your mind here. But using this video as proof is fucking stupid.


I responded to the topic because the title was misleading and the video provided was just a PR stunt, not proof that women suck at Leauge. My point has nothing to do with gender politics, it's about logical fallacy. I'm also not interested in wading into gender politics on this site because people can be racist and sexist here and I just don't care. If you think men are superior to women due to innate differences fine, think that, that's what I don't care about. I'm not trying to change your mind here. But using this video as proof is fucking stupid.
I don't know the video was pretty convincing proof that women suck at league of legends, have a nice day
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I responded to the topic because the title was misleading and the video provided was just a PR stunt, not proof that women suck at Leauge. My point has nothing to do with gender politics, it's about logical fallacy. I'm also not interested in wading into gender politics on this site because people can be racist and sexist here and I just don't care. If you think men are superior to women due to innate differences fine, think that, that's what I don't care about. I'm not trying to change your mind here. But using this video as proof is fucking stupid.

But bro why do you hate men




This demonstrates why equality of opportunity, should trump equality of outcome.

That's simpleton bullshit (so one could say simp). There should be equality of opportunity, but there's not. Because of conditioning, because of neo-feminism and because of sexism. The day there is true equality of opportunity, then don't worry there'll be as many good female players as there are men...because proportionally there are as many females as there are male (equipped with a brain, two eyes and two hands...)


That's simpleton bullshit (so one could say simp). There should be equality of opportunity, but there's not. Because of conditioning, because of neo-feminism and because of sexism. The day there is true equality of opportunity, then don't worry there'll be as many good female players as there are men...because proportionally there are as many females as there are male (equipped with a brain, two eyes and two hands...)
These are some f'cked up mental gymnastics with no proof, have a like
She won 23 majors.

Roger Federer only won 20 majors.

23 > 20

Facts don't care about your feelings!

How about these stats, Fed is the GOAT.

Fed has more titles overall than Serena and far more weeks as world #1, dominantly so e.g. in the hundreds more for both stats. Arguably Fed has faced more consistent and higher caliber opponents over the decades as well. Fed has also played more matches, consistently played more major slam finals, retired far less matches than Serena etc etc. The guy is one of the greatest athletes of all time as well as the talent. Serena is the ladies GOAT but Fed has her by a wide margin if you're just looking at tennis overall.
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How about these stats, Fed is the GOAT.

Fed has more titles overall than Serena and far more weeks as world #1, dominantly so e.g. in the hundreds more for both stats. Arguably Fed has faced more consistent and higher caliber opponents over the decades as well. Fed has also played more matches, consistently played more major slam finals, retired far less matches than Serena etc etc. The guy is one of the greatest athletes of all time as well as the talent. Serena is the ladies GOAT but Fed has her by a wide margin if you're just looking at tennis overall.
Plus roger didn't lock himself in a panic room when the sports association drug testers came to his house


I responded to the topic because the title was misleading and the video provided was just a PR stunt, not proof that women suck at Leauge. My point has nothing to do with gender politics, it's about logical fallacy. I'm also not interested in wading into gender politics on this site because people can be racist and sexist here and I just don't care. If you think men are superior to women due to innate differences fine, think that, that's what I don't care about. I'm not trying to change your mind here. But using this video as proof is fucking stupid.
They pulled a PR stunt too - apparently Faker once had lose to one of the members until he was crying (lol), with feminist media also lauding up their "story" as a stopgap to male dominant esports. It was hilarious as fuck.

Though I guess you wouldn't stop bitching even if you're being ignorant about the subject. The video is on point btw, if that's not obvious enough.


What exactly is wrong with having female only leagues in the fgc and esports? I mean women's tennis is incredibly popular despite the huge disparity in talent compared to the men. I think it would bring more female talent to esports, as of now a lot of females don't participate on a competitive level because they know they'll just get BTFO and embarrassed trying to compete on a level playing field with men.

We segregate sports because men are physically superior to women.

What's the justification for segregating esports? "Women can't win so let's make a league just for them"? Sounds sexist to me.


If there's a market and audience for it then why not?

Making a separate league just so women can win enforces the stereotype that women are worse at games.

It also makes it harder for them to actually get good because they won't play against the stronger players.


... Come on.


This doesn't say anything about women's aptitude for esports, it doesn't say anything about 'misogyny', it doesn't say anything about gender wars in any way.

It just says a random Russian team hired a bunch of randoms who cleaned up alright and sexploited them for some publicity. The girls involved were selected for their 'looks', not their gaming chops, and they endured what any normal person would endure if thrust into the professional arena for no good reason.

Any extra crud being read into this is just wacky as all get-out.
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Making a separate league just so women can win enforces the stereotype that women are worse at games.

It also makes it harder for them to actually get good because they won't play against the stronger players.
Those stereotype is forced by the data present, no matter how skewed it is, which can still change in the future.

Also why won't they play against stronger players when can already do that now, and still struggling? It's just a league with sponsors and tickets.

We already had scholarships and jobs quotas exclusively for women so why not we just level up the simp game, and let capitalism do their work.


Also why won't they play against stronger players when can already do that now, and still struggling? It's just a league with sponsors and tickets.

Because they'll be training against other all female teams? Teams that are weaker.

We already had scholarships and jobs quotas exclusively for women so why not we just level up the simp game, and let capitalism do their work.

Yeah I disagree with those to, they're sexist and should be abolished as well. That's not capitalism.


Because they'll be training against other all female teams? Teams that are weaker.

Yeah I disagree with those to, they're sexist and should be abolished as well. That's not capitalism.
Because they can’t win anyway.
I’ve never seen an all female team of any kind of competition works properly.
Any pro all male team would’ve train harder and crazier, with stronger mental, endurance and unity as a team.

Most of the time women would just give up, because it’s not worth the price when they can just cheat on the situation, which is good because that means they’re smart. Why fight when we can sit down and benefit?

We should giving people false hope, like body positivity bullshit. Just be smart.
The capitalism is another point entirely.


Because they can’t win anyway.
I’ve never seen an all female team of any kind of competition works properly.
Any pro all male team would’ve train harder and crazier, with stronger mental, endurance and unity as a team.

Most of the time women would just give up, because it’s not worth the price when they can just cheat on the situation, which is good because that means they’re smart. Why fight when we can sit down and benefit?

We should giving people false hope, like body positivity bullshit. Just be smart.
The capitalism is another point entirely.

I can't tell if you're serious anymore.


One of the best female chess player in the world admits they can't compete with men

That means little, but the fact is that only 3 women made it into (all gender) top 100.
That being said, not sure about Chiburdanidze (she's an interesting example, by the way, tiny Republic of Georgia with population of 5.5 million, held Women's World Champion's title for 37 years (!!!)), but I recall Polgar did compete successfully on non-female championships.

There is an interesting counter example: Poker. Even though women barely play it on "pro" level and are vastly outnumbered, the only person to win top title twice (and in a row (!!!)) was a woman. Perhaps men are lucky that women not interested in it.

Most of the time women would just give up, because it’s not worth the price when they can just cheat on the situation, which is good because that means they’re smart. Why fight when we can sit down and benefit?
Biologically, becoming #1 doesn't bring women nearly as much (if at all) as it does for men.
Hence, men are inclined to fight for the top spot, while women find it to be useless (for them).
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Gold Member
I bet the boys train for this shit like 50x times more than any female team.

Female are not as serious as nerd boys when it comes to "professional gaming"most probably.


But girls do suck at games.

They actually don't.

The problem is girls are simple not interested in highly competitive games like that. They are more into social games. While men are typically more about competition.

Honestly whereever i saw females being good in games are typical in games that consist out of chatboxes with buttons.
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Male and female brains are wired differently.

We have thousands of years of genes destined to survival where each gender had its role.

Every attempt to disqualify our history will be WRONG.

That's not wrong, that's not true either, mostly that's pseudo-scientific naturalism. For exemple a naturalist would say that the Lion is the king of the jungle, therefor according to ideological anthropomorphic projections from humains, the male Lion hunts for food and is a predator.

Nature not being "stupid" or doing pseudo-science, it turns it's completely false: female lions having a higher ratio of muscle to fat therefor being more agile, and having no mane therefor being more discreet, are the ones who mostly hunt, while the male lion having a lower muscle to fat ratio but being heavier, is the one better equipped to "stay home" to protect the kids and the territory and even evolved a big mane to intimidate away predators.

So your "survival" bullshit has nothing to do with science, anthropology or even zoology, it's just simpleton ideological projection. However current women's and men's brain are indeed wired differently on average, and there are reasons that don't have much to do with genetics which are just the encoded pass-through of conditioning, experience, health etc...


JFC look at all these simps, so if women are objectively inferior to men at something its simply because not enough of them are interested and have so many better things to do than train and get good, gotcha.
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That's not wrong, that's not true either, mostly that's pseudo-scientific naturalism. For exemple a naturalist would say that the Lion is the king of the jungle, therefor according to ideological anthropomorphic projections from humains, the male Lion hunts for food and is a predator.

Nature not being "stupid" or doing pseudo-science, it turns it's completely false: female lions having a higher ratio of muscle to fat therefor being more agile, and having no mane therefor being more discreet, are the ones who mostly hunt, while the male lion having a lower muscle to fat ratio but being heavier, is the one better equipped to "stay home" to protect the kids and the territory and even evolved a big mane to intimidate away predators.

So your "survival" bullshit has nothing to do with science, anthropology or even zoology, it's just simpleton ideological projection. However current women's and men's brain are indeed wired differently on average, and there are reasons that don't have much to do with genetics which are just the encoded pass-through of conditioning, experience, health etc...

Imagine writing all this bs and actually thinking you're schooling someone. Lions hunt just as much as lionesses. Do you think every lion has a pride to do his bidding? Even the ones that do have one, also hunt together with them at times, simply because there are certain types of prey that they are better equipped to kill. Manes have many uses, intimidation might not even be one or if it is, not the main one (lol).

Data shows that they are thicker on colder climates and thinner on hot ones, so they might serve as insulation. Biologists have speculations too, some claim they are for protecting the throat in a hunt/fight, others claim its a sexual marker, to show how fine a specimen one is, etc, etc.

Here, a couple of articles that show how they are both perfectly fine hunters, not one is "better" than the other, rather filling their own niche of hunting tactics, like you know, nature found roles for them to work in.

https://www.pri.org/stories/2013-03-19/male-lions-new-study-shows-how-they-hunt#:~:text=A new study shows that,females cooperate together to hunt.&text=Male lions are proving to,females do all the work.

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Is this supposed to prove that A) women suck at e-sports, or that B) the SPECIFIC all-female team sucks at e-sports?

Because I can't shake the feeling it's B), but some people make it seem like it's A).

Haven't seen the video (at work right now) but based on what is being said here I'm guessing it could also be C) Members of pro gaming teams should be selected for their skill, not gender.


So what competitive sport or hobby are women better than men at?
Dr. Mario
No joke the women on my family are insane at it.

interestingly enough they weren't interested in it at all at first... and then once convinced to play it they skyrocketed through the family ranks like nothing.
My aunt even answered a phone ... had a conversation and stomped me with 16 viruses left....
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I'd say that a gender can't be written off entirely. I mean, maybe they are not at the levels of pro players but they can be competent enough to destroy a regular player. I'd think that's proof that the potential is there.

Not in this case which was only an effort to push the "gamer gurlz" angle.


I'd say that a gender can't be written off entirely. I mean, maybe they are not at the levels of pro players but they can be competent enough to destroy a regular player. I'd think that's proof that the potential is there.

Not in this case which was only an effort to push the "gamer gurlz" angle.
I agree that's why they should have their own leagues, I would tune in to watch a female FGC tournament as long as they have some skill and they are compelling matches, I don't really expect them to be daigo or punk, of course it doesn't hurt when the females are both hot.

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