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[Push Square] Gran Turismo 7's PS5, PS4 Campaign Requires an Online Connection


Gold Member
That's hilarious. I'm surprised GT7 doesn't look light years above Forza though. I'd imagine a non open world would look much better than an open world racer. What happened?!

One of those "screenshots" is from a menu and the other is actually from the game.

That's what happened.

You might want to refer to your previous post in this thread to get an idea of the situation unfolding yet again.

Still sucks though. They should allow players to opt out if that.

100% but this is PD and they couldn't be bothered to do it for Sport so I'm not expecting them to change now.

is there hope left for KAZ?
maybe gran turismo needs a new producer?
That man is using Kinect motion controls to control the car on the screen behind him. Look carefully how the multiplier is going up with his sick dance moves.

Microsoft x Sony production.


Folks saying everyone has stable internet will be the first to moan when Sony announces they are shutting down GT Sport servers after this has released.

"Craig Turismo" made me chuckle, it's so childish but part of me is glad Sony is getting some grief for cross-gen games after that whole "we believe in generations" talk
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One of those "screenshots" is from a menu and the other is actually from the game.

That's what happened.

You might want to refer to your previous post in this thread to get an idea of the situation unfolding yet again.

100% but this is PD and they couldn't be bothered to do it for Sport so I'm not expecting them to change now.
You do realize that doesn't mean anything, right? A closed track racer should look light years better than an open world racer.

Think Mark, think!

If motorsport looks better, then there really is an issue. PD has a track record of amazing models, till they started recycling.


Probably to push microtransactions and other online related stuff unfortunately.
GT Sport has an option to disable the MTX so players never see them. So no, its not online because of MTX. Its the way they build the game to feel conected with other players like i explained some posts above. Still should let players progress the campaing even offline. Cuz if servers go down for maintnance ur are stuck doing arcade races only and cant progress with ur single player untill the servers are back up.


Gold Member
You do realize that doesn't mean anything, right? A closed track racer should look light years better than an open world racer.

Think Mark, think!

If motorsport looks better, then there really is an issue. PD has a track record of amazing models, till they started recycling.

Before you go any further I'd advise you to look into where the GT7 screenshot comes from.

I've actually already told you but you haven't put two and two together yet.
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You do realize that doesn't mean anything, right? A closed track racer should look light years better than an open world racer.

Think Mark, think!

If motorsport looks better, then there really is an issue. PD has a track record of amazing models, till they started recycling.

Sony makes jaw dropping beautiful games with best in class visuals...

GAF - "Needs better gameplay, just a movie"

Sony makes the best racing sim esport game, focused on competitive multiplayer gameplay...

GAF - "Needs better graphics, too ugly"

Transparent hypocrisy at its finest.
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I can't even play that 1 game in a year on GT Sport because that shit require GB's of update i will never do. (And most of the times i need to update the PS4 also to access the PSN) Forced unnecessary DRM are trash. And people defending it are even worse. Just for what, enabling some microtransaction? Anticheat, anti piracy measures? Who knows, i know only it's anticonsumer, and will make the game die before it's time. Without considering all the other cons. If you're without connection (for a reason or another) or, as i said don't update the game, you can't play. Servers close = dead retrogaming and used copies. If Sony explode or goes bankrupts the game die, if the sony psn get's hacked the game die , if your state or provider decide to block the connection to sony servers, the game become unusable ecc ecc.
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Before you go any further I'd advice you to look into where the GT7 screenshot comes from.

I've actually already told you but you haven't put two and two together yet.
Let me ask you this since you are pressing me...

Why does everything look flatter than a chick with no ass?

Why isn't that as present in other popular racers?

Sure, you claim it's at the title screen, but again, why so flat?

2 and 2 together, equates to a 3d environment, not a 2d one. I'm sure we both know that by now? Yes?

Why are those same 2d trees seen in gameplay, like in the first trailer?

Genuinely asking, for a friend ofc
At the end of last year, I randomly lost my internet for 2 weeks. My ISP couldn't determine what my issue was so it took a while to fix. Let's say GT7 released at the time and I wanted to play single player on a game I purchased, I wouldn't have been able to play it for 2 weeks. It's completely unneccesary and it's anti consumer.


Let me ask you this since you are pressing me...

Why does everything look flatter than a chick with no ass?

Why isn't that as present in other popular racers?

Sure, you claim it's at the title screen, but again, why so flat?

2 and 2 together, equates to a 3d environment, not a 2d one. I'm sure we both know that by now? Yes?

Why are those same 2d trees seen in gameplay, like in the first trailer?

Genuinely asking, for a friend ofc

Why does Flight Sim look like dogshit without a constant internet connection?


Genuinely asking, for a friend


Gold Member
This could be the very first time that I agree with one of your posts. Although perhaps a Managemt change would be better.

Polyphony take a geological age to make their games, and at the same time are not head and shoulders above their competition. Something needs to change
Even that would work

They seem so insulated from the rest of Sony. Imagine they were building their environments with Horizon's tech

The rest of Sony's teams improve and benefit eachother except Polyphony

And its not a language barrier considering Kojima did it

They honestly do some things really well but some stuff so backwards. They remind me of Game Freak where they can just coast on success

Im probably being a bit harsh but their unwillingness to keep up with Forza is grating


I'm buying gt7 for sports mode anyway. Single player in racing games is not my thing. But it shouldn't excuse the lack of offline mode for single player. I hope they fix it for those people. Having saying that need to start saving for my wheel


Gold Member
Let me ask you this since you are pressing me...

Why does everything look flatter than a chick with no ass?

Why isn't that as present in other popular racers?

Sure, you claim it's at the title screen, but again, why so flat?

2 and 2 together, equates to a 3d environment, not a 2d one. I'm sure we both know that by now? Yes?

Why are those same 2d trees seen in gameplay, like in the first trailer?

Genuinely asking, for a friend ofc

Hedgehog Keep Going GIF by MOODMAN

I'm genuinely astonished as to how someone goes from posting this:

The irony grows so strong with this one. So many talk shit about something, only for the smell of their own feces to hit them in the nose.

To exhibiting exactly the same behaviour in the space of 30 minutes.


Why does Flight Sim look like dogshit without a constant internet connection?


Genuinely asking, for a friend
Because whole map used in online mode weights 2pb (yes petabytes, there is no mistake there) and in offline mode you only get super simplified data they were able to fit into consoles and PCs drives. But why you even ask that? What that has to do with GT? Does it have whole earth as playable map?
Why does Flight Sim look like dogshit without a constant internet connection?


Genuinely asking, for a friend
Not sure how this pertains to the question I asked about GT7, which just so happens to be the subject of this thread? At least FS2020 has 3d textures, so I'm not sure what you're trying to prove?

Hedgehog Keep Going GIF by MOODMAN

I'm genuinely astonished as to how someone goes from posting this:

To exhibiting exactly the same behaviour in the space of 30 minutes.
My post was specifically pointing this out! Imagine shitting on a game for something lacking, only for it to show up in their own game!!

Think Mark, think!!!!

I honestly believe GT7 should look much better, especially this long into production. People like to pick at things, and this is something that needs to be dissected!

Don't worry GHG GHG keep trying to put the pieces together!



Not sure how this pertains to the question I asked about GT7, which just so happens to be the subject of this thread? At least FS2020 has 3d textures, so I'm not sure what you're trying to prove?

Oh yeah Flight Sim has the best 3D textures for sure lol. The best ever


Because whole map used in online mode weights 2pb (yes petabytes, there is no mistake there) and in offline mode you only get super simplified data they were able to fit into consoles and PCs drives. But why you even ask that? What that has to do with GT? Does it have whole earth as playable map?
Funny how all of you "concerned" about GT's interest connectivity needs are somehow totally silent about Flight Sim's internet connection requirements.
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What will everyone do when Sony decides to turn off the GT7 servers?
Play GT8 or 9 or 10?

But what about the only console you can enjoy offline and which doesn't need activation?
Anyway, it's a stupid decision.
If you argue that I guess you are fine with Xbox, too.
And would be fine with every game needing to be online for single player.
I am fine with that. My consoles haven’t been offline for more than an hour since maybe……..2006?
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I agree. If the only reason for the online connection is to shove MTX in your face then it should not be a requirement... but people will still buy it anyway so if it's happening it's happening.
Exactly. Has anyone tried F1 2021? The moment you load it up it blasts you in the face with a big online store to make the drivers do fortnite dances before you even get to the main menu. It's embarassing.
Jesus christ... Stop projecting.

Dissect away:



So do you honestly think that photo mode looks better than the photo mode in Forza? Serious question, asking for myself.

If you think so, you've concluded that you are biased at this point, and can only point one thing out with a game, while having a big blind eye to your games preference. AKA, biased af, with not a clue about graphics. Pick one.


Gold Member
So do you honestly think that photo mode looks better than the photo mode in Forza? Serious question, asking for myself.

If you think so, you've concluded that you are biased at this point, and can only point one thing out with a game, while having a big blind eye to your games preference. AKA, biased af, with not a clue about graphics. Pick one.

This is beyond sensational.

So those are the cherry picked screenshots but the one where the original source is from a menu is not? The one that is a trailer screen-grab of a menu is the only "screenshot" that is worthy of dissection?

And you have the gall to talk about "bias"? Please spare me.
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This is beyond sensational.

So those are the cherry picked screenshots but the one where the original source is from a menu is not?
Is it only the menu though? Sensational that you aren't picking up that the game isn't as good looking as you or many others think. You can cherry pick all you want, but it's obvious as fuck one looks much better than the other, regardless of menu picture, photo mode, random shot, etc. You can keep playing the jester role of you'd like, but anyone with a pair of eyes can tell which one looks better.

Here's the kicker, both games are cross gen, so what is the excuse GHG GHG ?

PD is known for having the best graphics in racing games. That has always been the case and always will be.
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I’d expect PD/Sony to follow the pattern of closing the servers of the preceding titles 6 months or so after the release of their successors.

  • GT5: Released November 2010. Servers shut down May 2014.
  • GT6: Released December 2013. Servers shut down March 2018.
  • GT Sport: Released October 2017. Servers presumably shutting down late 2022 or early 2023.
Wait... the fuck...? How are they getting away with this? Imagine if EA sut down Battlefield servers after the next game comes out.
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