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Halo Infinite Multiplayer is out NOW


You're missing something. It's a beta.
Hell, you've done a pretty good job of demonstrating why they do it, I guess. Any criticism leveraged against the game? Just a beta guys, criticism invalid.

Shit, I'm surprised CDPR didn't call Cyberpunk a paid beta when it released, it might have worked on a few people.
People generally are more forgiving about something that launches as a beta. Think back to when GMAIL first launched, they kept that silly beta label for a very long time and slowly faded that away.


Gold Member
Im enjoying it. First time ive played halo multiplayer in years. Surprisingly I still am good at it. Played countless ranked games.

Though my dumb ass drove my teammates into a giant hole on BTB. I got a message saying very cool. I laughed.

Never drive a warthog on a map you never played before.


Gold Member
I use an Elite 2 as well, I'm already tinkering with the settings, those take time to trial and error and find a personal comfort. Overall good but there are many times in a fight I feel like it's the controls why I lost a shot or two or tracking and enemy, rather than just my aim plain missing. If I feel like I'm fighting the controls over just missing I'm calling that out. At the moment I'm confident some settings adjustments will deliver me to a place where it's my mistakes rather than control issues. 343 have given a ton of settings to customise as does the controller app/elite 2.

I agree they are distinct in terms of weapons. I disagree in terms of shield damage feedback, it's too busy/noisy.

Behemoth is only in social and it's weighting against strongholds in small indoor maps is feeble. I'd look up my stats for how often we played that over like a 8 hour sessions across 8 buddies but it's close to only once or twice. Of course ranked is all esports and no vehicles at all, again another gripe of mine. Why does esports get all the ranked? It's not what Halo 2 or 3 had as the most popular ranked playlists. This idea that competitive has to be what esports says is the "McDonalds Halo" I refer to.

Maps like Recharge or Live Fire or Aquarius don't support such play. Maps like Behemoth or Bazaar sure do. Again I reference how I've posted so many times about "default" Halo being forced to be the same as "hardcore/esports" Halo. These maps are so weighted that there is very little difference playing ranked vs social. If they're taking ranked as esports all the time and all those settings/maps don't weight that shit in social so much. Default Halo was always far more popular than esports Halo. 343 made that mistake with the split and arena/esports focus with Halo 5. They're doing it again with Infinite it terms of their management of playlists, maps and weightings. It will affect the long term popularity. Battle Royale ate Arena games breakfast because who wants to always play against stacked sweats and have to be on point every single beat of every single game on small maps with a cycle time measured in seconds.

I've posted plenty about Apex and Halo, I'll not shit up this thread with that. YMMV.
I agree. I feel like its the controls as well as to why i don't get certain kills. I turned the joystick acceleration down to 1 and the aim (horizontal / vertical) sensitivity to 3.5. I feel its easier to aim with those settings. I noticed my kill count has improved and accuracy.


Honest question, big team has only one skin for all maps with just reshaped rocks and pines? Small arenas are all diff but big team maps looks all kind the same.
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I really want to keep playing this and enjoying it, but the random 30 FPS animations make it feel extremely CHOPPY. I am playing on series x BTW.


Do you really need to be rewarded? The whole point is just to play so I’m not sure what your argument is here. The reward is that the game is fun and you enjoy its gameplay loop. You shouldn’t need to unlock things all the time for it to be fun.
If you need to see a progression bar and a number that changes, play ranked.
I don't think he was simply talking about a number change + progression bar — Call of Duty: Modern Warfare was a game that first launched on PS3/X360 and it felt rewarding with the weapons you unlocked, etc. You both need to understand people look for different things in games. Given that Halo Infinite has launched as a F2P game, many people are going to give it a try that might not expect it to be "vanilla" Halo. That is completely OK.

To clarify, I am referring to the post by the person who Lucifer was responding to but I ended up touching on some things you were already discussing.
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While most games are getting delayed, that team gave us the game early..

Yeah I put down AUD$69.96 for battle pass bundle and spare credits etc. I love Halo and know between campaign and multi I'll have years of enjoyment. As much as I post frustrations and feedback I still enjoy the mechanics of Halo. Same goes for Apex and its battle pass, support the games and devs you want to see more from.
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Just got a rare Steam achievement - A fellow of infinite jest (kill three players with the ball in a matchmade oddball game) - 0.7%
Feels like it takes too long to level up though
Psst....you can't express that in a thread about Halo! That's not what Halo is about!
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Gold Member
pc players with high cpu usage, just turn minium framerate to off, and set ur maximium to ur monitor refresh rate. shit has such high cpu usage for some damn reason.
Why do I care about my CPU usage if it’s keeping my minimum frame rate up? I want dynamic scaling or whatever is keeping my minimum above 60


I played against bots only so far since I've been too busy and forgot to check. Can you pause the game if it's just you and bots?


Gold Member
So tired but want to keep climbing the ranks.
netflix tech GIF


If only my penis was as big as my GamerScore!
Anyone else enjoying BTB the most so far? I am playing pretty much only that mode right now.

Xaero Gravity

Played a few more hours since I actually have a day off.

Seeing a lot of super fancy Spartans already.

I'm actually enjoying the store/battle pass. Not because I'm using it but because it brings me perverse joy to repeatedly stomp brightly-colored, deep-pocketed peacocks while I'm still rocking the grey cadet armor.

Schadenfreude at its finest.

Enjoy that $20 chest plate, ya dingus.
Jokes on you, at least they look pretty :messenger_smiling_hearts:


found a great compromise on visuals and performance and finally got rid of framepacing issues after hours of tweaking. Res set to native (1440), minumum and maximum framerate both set to 120, rivatuner framecap set to 118. I cranked up textures and texture filtering to ultra cause I had the headroom with vram and those settings have little impact on performance. My vram usage is right at "ideal". I have in game sharpening at 0 and NIS sharpening on at 40% (no scaling). Game looks sharp even on BTB and holds right around my framecap. Feels very smooth.

If anyone else tries this let me know how it works for you
yeh progression is not great. U can play a ton of games, kick ass...and get like 200xp at most. which is like an 1/8th of a bar.

i just realized that pepsi-man shader is free in the store. So thats how ppl have it. Shops a little expensive. Like for $10 u should get a whole armor set and shader. But those bundles are 20. And for 10 u just get like a helmet, visor and attachment


So while I was looking forward to this I haven't really been following any news or updates so I had no idea they were going back to old school Halo player movment..the balls! Even though I liked the movement and the spartan moves in Halo 5 I think this was the right call and the game feels great. Looking forward to jumping back on.


My friend is having a issue with the screen being cut off...he tried vertical/horizontal display margins with no success.

Any help with this please?


NeoGAFs Kent Brockman

Greased Lightning is a secret achievement in Halo Infinite that can be a little tricky to unlock. Here's a quick explainer to get you there.

Halo Infinite's multiplayer surprise released on November 15th alongside Xbox's 20th Anniversary Stream. While the multiplayer is still officially in beta, it's free-to-play, fully featured, and carries progression into the final release. The Spartan Academy tutorial actually includes some story not seen in the Halo Infinite campaign, so it's worth it to complete even if you know how to play the game.


It’s really good but I’m just not in to capture the flag and btb. Looking forward to playing team slayer and the campaign.

Naked Lunch

You could tell there are a ton of new Halo players on here. Most matches people just run right past rockets or oversheild. Crazy.

Secondly and more importantly, having a shitty progression system creates worse matches. It has been barely over 24 hours since this launch and we already have BTBs and Quick Play filled to the brim with players ignoring objectives to sit by weapon and vehicle spawns to get challenges for their BP completed. Even if you are one to ignore the progression system, others are not. Unless you play in sweaty ranked matches (which very few players do) or only in full parties (which again, very few people do), you will see this nearly every single match. This shit isn’t fun. This shit ruins games.
Nice post in general.
While to me personally, the progression system of Halo means nothing - I definitely see your point here. I heard a dude screaming over the mic about how he was trying to finish some challenge all match. Now that ive looked at them - alot of those challenges do promote shit gameplay especially on objectives.
It just goes back to that modern gamer mindset of always needing something to unlock.


Gold Member
I probably won't have a group to play with until the 8th. Would be really nice to not have to play objective game types with randoms ... (slayer playlist please).


Here's a reaction dump. I like the essence of the game, good foundation to build out from but this beta is far from being ready for a long term successful game. I'll go as far as being concerned but wanting to play more.

WHERE THE FUCK IS SERVER/REGION SELECTION?!#@!!@! You have to be joking we cannot select just Australia and search away. Or change that to global on our choice to find faster matches. FFS.

Again I don't like this split of Arena or something big and chaotic e.g. arena vs halo 5 warzone or Infinite BTB. It's just missing the largest parts of what was so successful in CE, 2 & 3; default 4v4 Halo with light vehicles. Fuck me where are maps like valhalla/standoff/burial mounds, modes like assault, some boots mixed with some vehicles that last awhile. They really missed this mark with the game split down the middle again as in Halo 5 and they've done it again with Infinite. Fuck!

Good they focus on objective. Bad the turned everything into strongholds and oddball. Enough esports shit. Assault, stockpile, headhunter, VIP, flags, bombs...these are the good objective games. For the list of available games the weighting on strongholds is too skewed by far.

Where is match composer from MCC? Why aren't we allowed choice in what we search for? Again.

Jumping isn't high enough, I shouldn't have to clamber for everything, clamber should be for more insane elements and not basic map movement by design. I like clamber but not required every 2 seconds. Bump jump height by 5-10% and we're good with existing map design.

Feedback usability is a total joke. This outline, damage glow and superfluous design elements like electric sparks/lightning coming out of various damage levels of enemies is stupid and just clusterfucks the feedback. I get that 343 want Spartan customisation and progression but not at the cost of clarity. You literally lose the visual clarity on enemies, especially with glows/grenades/gunfire/shields flaring etc. Halo has lost it's visual clarity in enemy and damage identification, it's going backwards not forwards.

The ping system isn't fast or detailed enough, doesn't really have clean UI elements for teammates or contextual information all that well. Look at Apex's version and the map design with ping system in mind. It's far more mature, useful during gameplay and clean for identification as well as communication. Overall the flow of movement, squad comms/pings and indoor vs outdoor play is better in Apex.

The commando weapon isn't worth picking up anymore, that needs to change.

Default aiming on controllers/elites controllers isn't good. There's some strange acceleration and it's going to take time. Obviously aim assist has dropped off with crossplay being a thing now, which is fine, but that shouldn't equate to poor default aiming out of the box.

Overall the maps and engagement design is what I'm calling "McDonalds Halo". It's built for action all the time, even in BTB. Especially in ranked there is no pacing beats to the encounters like the true Halo feeling e.g. sanctuary or the pit you decide based on overall real time map knowledge of enemies and teammates combined with weapon placements/timings. Now in Infinite you have very little knowledge on arena maps of where or when for enemies and overall game flows. It's very chaotic and random, that's not Halo.

The audio awareness is no where near as good as games like Apex Legends or previous Halo successes like Halo 2 or 3 and leads to very poor awareness for enemies attacking. The trouble here is the timing, with or without radar you can literally only hear a sword enemy sprinting and have enough time to turn around and be killed, maybe a couple of shots into them. Same goes for strongholds over slayer, the audio range and clarity just doesn't enable online play to be reactive enough.

The maps really don't have the same strategical elements as ones like Standoff or High Ground or Zanzibar where you can traverse ridges, sightlines and more to really stealth your way into an enemy base or flank an engagement to leverage the drop and turn a win. It's go all the time with very random attack vectors far too often.

The party system is fucking shit. It gets player icon counts wrong for how many are in the game. It doesn't real time update the Xbox friends status list for who is doing menu vs matchmaking even in the same party searching (this was incorrect and mixed within the same party) etc. The join option greys out even where you're in a party chat and trying to join with friends you're talking to. The UI is just cumbersome jumping around mates in various modes.

Statistics are not found on Halo Waypoint. Halo Tracker already has a functional player stats overview and game history running. Why does your Waypoint Infinite service record only have battle pass stuff and none of your actual history/stats?

Right now honestly Apex Legends is the better Halo game. There I said it. 343 have the foundational elements of a great game that can steal players away for a very long time or keep them coming back on cyclic content drops. That said, 343 lack the up front studio decisions combined with map design and game mechanics that make a good game into a great one while keeping players engaged to progress their skills or teamwork over time. There are basic missing elements as simple as region selection or player choices for modes making things just feel ancient in the modern online FPS landscape and adding to player/party frustrations.

I'm really looking forward to the campaign, I/friends are wishing for PvE to be a thing with Infinite but right now various long time Halo buddies and I came away last night as a very mixed bag with some in depth sessions in social, ranked and BTB last night.
I pretty much agree with the majority of what you said. I'm not an Apex player, but for me, the Crucible in the Destiny series felt more like Halo than Halo 5 did. So far for me, Infinite is just a tweak on Halo 5 and not really a return to Bungie Halo.

This is basically all small arena maps, just like Halo 5, with a few BTB maps. Someone mentioned it earlier, but all the outdoor BTB maps do feel kinda samey. The arena maps do have a better flow than Halo 5, IMO.

I'm not a fan of the Battlepass progression system and wish it was more like MCC, which I find quite enjoyable. I wish the daily, weekly and seasonal challenges were more like MCC as well. Battlepass has a heavy mtx scam vibe to me and it wants me to spend money to progress, which leaves a bad taste in my mouth.
The prices aren't cheap either. $20 for one armor set... WTF man.
That Battlepass Ultimate bundle is spendy as well. In the end, a $60 full price game is cheaper and doesn't give me a vibe I'm being scammed.

Overall though, I'm enjoying myself, but the jury is still out for me if this will be my main jam game.

Edit: Not having lifetime multiplayer stats and KDA ratios in the game or on Waypoint is lame as well. Hopefully that changes soon.
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These challenges are reminding me a bit of Destiny quests with PvP-related requirements - asking players to do these specific individual tasks is just counterproductive to team play. It's worse here as you're forcing people into objective-based games and pushing them to ignore all that and go do this other thing if they want XP, since there's hardly any other way to get it. I get that there's always time for 343 to rework this, but it just seems like a headscratcher of a choice on their part. I also get that some people don't care at all about this, and just play for fun. It's just there is an XP system in place, it's just a bad one. Hell, I don't care all that much about it, I've been playing for hours and still only just about to hit level 2 but I will admit that a more satisfying progression system would definitely have this turn into something I could definitely see myself playing for a while.

Cutty Flam

Valhalla remake is solid. And High Power looks like a lot of fun
Still need to see Deadlock and how that map plays for BTB gametypes
As much as I love halo , this really feels lackuster
The gameplay is king applies here which it really is but besides that
Every single thing in the game feels like a passion project out of college and not a AAA game at release.
This is not a beta it's just a coverup name so whatever problem u face they can say it's a beta and will fix it throughout it's life cycle.

The most basics of things like if I want to play slayer only , I can't do it is such a major turn off , the progression system is literally a punch on the dick
These challenges are reminding me a bit of Destiny quests with PvP-related requirements - asking players to do these specific individual tasks is just counterproductive to team play. It's worse here as you're forcing people into objective-based games and pushing them to ignore all that and go do this other thing if they want XP, since there's hardly any other way to get it. I get that there's always time for 343 to rework this, but it just seems like a headscratcher of a choice on their part. I also get that some people don't care at all about this, and just play for fun. It's just there is an XP system in place, it's just a bad one. Hell, I don't care all that much about it, I've been playing for hours and still only just about to hit level 2 but I will admit that a more satisfying progression system would definitely have this turn into something I could definitely see myself playing for a while.
That's another example of a developer that cares more about their BATTLEPASS then they do about their own game. Far from the worst thing I've seen in a live service game but annoying and it does hurt the experience. They're not about to let anything get in the way of getting players grinding and ultimately spending $.

This is the type of thing that annoys me about Halo going free to play. Free to play is not some big favor 343 is doing for us.
I pretty much agree with the majority of what you said. I'm not an Apex player, but for me, the Crucible in the Destiny series felt more like Halo than Halo 5 did. So far for me, Infinite is just a tweak on Halo 5 and not really a return to Bungie Halo.

This is basically all small arena maps, just like Halo 5, with a few BTB maps. Someone mentioned it earlier, but all the outdoor BTB maps do feel kinda samey. The arena maps do have a better flow than Halo 5, IMO.

I'm not a fan of the Battlepass progression system and wish it was more like MCC, which I find quite enjoyable. I wish the daily, weekly and seasonal challenges were more like MCC as well. Battlepass has a heavy mtx scam vibe to me and it wants me to spend money to progress, which leaves a bad taste in my mouth.
The prices aren't cheap either. $20 for one armor set... WTF man.
That Battlepass Ultimate bundle is spendy as well. In the end, a $60 full price game is cheaper and doesn't give me a vibe I'm being scammed.

Overall though, I'm enjoying myself, but the jury is still out for me if this will be my main jam game.

Edit: Not having lifetime multiplayer stats and KDA ratios in the game or on Waypoint is lame as well. Hopefully that changes soon.

Oh, and having to check my Battle Pass progression in the shop is a slimy mtx move as well. 😏

Too right on Infinite feeling like a tweak on Halo 5 and not a full return to grass roots Halo. Bungie always fought to keep MLG out of the main game, for lack of a better phrase. 343 have split things right down the middle and lost one of the pillars of Halo entirely for multiple title releases now.

The battlepass is pretty expensive, honestly the recent MCC skins and cosmetics kill what is on offer with Infinite so far as well. It's also really glitchy to buy into the battlepass bundle and not just have your 25 levels instantly upgrade. I was buying 200 credit +1 level upgrades and going from level 1, 2 3 etc. Then I hit the XP grant button and bought that for 100 only to then have my 25 levels unlock. I was lost between 3 games trying to work out where by 2800 credits went and 25 levels weren't ticking over. $20 skin is bullshit levels. I'm happy to sink in $10-$40 for a battlepass over 3-6 months but I really expect to be able to earn just about anything in game from that. Not having things locked away or purchase as expensive one offs.

I/buddies are the same at the moment, want to play more but the hype as settled and we're feeling uncertain about this Halo social or BTB so far. More time with it will tell.
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If only my penis was as big as my GamerScore!
Some weapons definitely need some buffing. They nerfed the hell out of my commando and a lot of the new weapons seem useless. Hope they tweak it soon.
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I'm so used to switching to knife and melee with the mouse in CSGO that my brain won't accept to press F for it.
I'm always dead before remembering the correct input.

Angry Jon Bernthal GIF by NETFLIX

Also I'm confused about shield and the best way to kill an enemy here, should I shoot the body to destroy the shield and then the head or should I just shoot the head?
I sometimes feel the enemy is killing me with a few bullets but I usually need an entire magazine to get a frag.


Sad to see people dunking on the mixed playlist. I love Slayer too but CTF and Oddball just end up being deserted in Halo after a couple of years. This keeps ranked really fresh IMO, you need to be a complete player to progress.


Quick question, when later battle passes are released will we have to choose which one we progress in or will they all progress at the same time (like exp. share in Pokémon)?


Gold Member
Sad to see people dunking on the mixed playlist. I love Slayer too but CTF and Oddball just end up being deserted in Halo after a couple of years. This keeps ranked really fresh IMO, you need to be a complete player to progress.

Oddball is actually my favourite mode on ranked playlist so far.

I get that some people just want slayer so I hope they provide a 24/7 slayer playlist for those people and leave the modes in ranked as they are, really enjoy the variety and I'm having great fun.


Hi guys. Does this game have some sort of hidden elo system for non ranked? Or is it mostly just random who you play with/against


Gold Member
pc players with high cpu usage, just turn minium framerate to off, and set ur maximium to ur monitor refresh rate. shit has such high cpu usage for some damn reason.
Any idea why i can't find the 1440p or 1800p resolution in the resolution slider? It only show weird ass resolutions but not the classics.

I'm forced to play at 4k (the native res of my tv) with terrible slowdowns because this fucking game doesn't have a normal resolution select slider like 99,99% of other games.
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