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No bald cap? Lies!
Errr... that's how the confrontation with the Illusive Man went?

But yeah, this is how they should have played it. Don't bother explaining the Reapers, don't even have any communication with them. Leave them as this enigmatic force coming to wipe out the universe with the finale being finding a way to stop them.

Well its one way. Theres like 4 or 5 ways the convo can go.


My reaction after beating mass effect 3



How about this, the catalyst needed is an intact reaper. You use whatever bullshit the IM was planning to control the reapers, manage your way aboard Harbringer, and bring that asshole to the citadel and force him to sacrifice himself to save the galaxy.

Also when Shepard takes over he can say "Assuming Direct Control"



Listen to that motherfucking song and say that it was used well in the game.

Sooo much potential down the toilet because when you saw that cutscene, all you were thinking was "So what actually happens? This isn't how I thought it would be"

Yeah that song is pretty great, although I wish it just went straight into the credits theme instead of that brass section at the end. The Fleet Arrives is pretty great too.
I don't want to play Mass Effect 3 or any of the Mass Effect games again or any Bioware game ever again. I feel like I wasted my time (and money) with this series. I was really enjoying the game a lot up till the point Shepard was risen on that glowing platform....goddamn it. How do you drop the ball so hard like this?


Speaking of The Fleet Arrives, a little disappointed we didn't see Rachni ships, the Mercenary group ships, and the Batarian fleet. As well as some Krogan chilling out on various ships (since they weren't allowed a fleet). And for that matter, no fucking Rachni ground troops :(.


Is it bad I was laughing when I jumped into the green beam? The setup was so awkward I couldn't do otherwise. I mean there is a small ghostly kid who is in fact the catalyst and that tell you can merge the DNA of organic with synthetic by throwing yourself into a green beam. It's hilarious when he says oh well my plan failed because you made it here so here are your options. Come on, Shepard turns into some robot human hybrid and get disintegrated.


Holy shit at all the hate towards the ending. Am I seriously one of the only ones who thought it was fantastic?

Also, what's the deal with new game+ this time around? Same as before?
Alright guys, here comes the LumpOfCole™ interpretation of Mass Effect 3's ending. Sit down harder than you're already sitting down because it's a Beggar King sized whopper.

I believe what we really saw at the end of Mass Effect 3 was a vague but evidenced throwback to Eternal Darkness's true ending, in which many galaxies of the multiverse have changed forever and turned Shepard into a legend in each respective universe.

Every player that plays the Mass Effect series has been playing in the same multiverse with different decisions made by Shepard that have fundamentally altered the way the galaxy in each universe has played out, and Shepard's independent mind has adjusted the course of the galaxy so significantly in each universe that a power higher than the Reapers felt forced to intervene (or else organics in subsequent cycles will finally carve the means fend off the Reapers without the need for a Crucible).

If the cycle becomes organically broken, then the universes that comprise the multiverse will begin to become too different from one another, bringing chaos and instability to every universe until they all break apart. The Reapers were the stewards of making sure this wouldn't happen.

I bring up Eternal Darkness because its endings were also color coded as Red, Green, and Blue (although obviously in very different means).


Every player crafted his or her own universe as part of this multiverse, but the "Shepard's hand" we see in the special "Destroy" ending sequence is the one and only Shepard that survives - in all other universes, Shepard sacrifices himself or herself and takes himself or herself out as the anomaly that can disrupt the entire multiverse.

( To see the 'Destroy ending where Shepard survives, click here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6AdWqlsQjWo )

This, I believe, is Bioware carving out a canon for the franchise's future. I believe Bioware will crowdsource all of the decisions leading up to the Destroy ending sequence and the most popular outcome of each significant decision of the entire series will be the one where a male Shepard survives. You don't see your Shepard's hand in that final cutscene, but you see the hand of the Shepard that survived. To put it another way: Of all the universes that make up the Mass Effect multiverse, Shepard only survived in one and that universe is the future of the franchise.

This also means your choice only matters in a way that voting counts in a democracy - Bioware will go with whatever is most popular (or, let's be honest, whatever choices they want to go with) in order to set a stage for the future of Mass Effect.
Holy shit at all the hate towards the ending. Am I seriously one of the only ones who thought it was fantastic?

Also, what's the deal with new game+ this time around? Same as before?

Don't know how invested you are in this ip but this is not the ending the die hard fans want to see. A big focal(me included) don't like this ending and thinks the franchise deserves a better ending one that doesn't commit IP suicide or take away big chunks from the franchise.
This also means your choice only matters in a way that voting counts in a democracy - Bioware will go with whatever is most popular (or, let's be honest, whatever choices they want to go with) in order to set a stage for the future of Mass Effect.

nah they'll pull an invisible war and say that shepard tried to merge but failed, causing most of the reapers to be destroyed, and the ones that weren't destroyed were controlled by shepard's implants found in the wreckage
I just finished it. I definitely didn't dislike the ending. It wasn't what I expected and it wasn't what I wanted, but I don't hate the ending. I chose to merge synthetics and organics. It has some very interesting concepts, but it did feel a wee bit sloppy. But a slightly disappointing and unexpected last 10 mins doesn't detract from the superb 30 hours that led up to it.

Those 30 hours are some of the very best hours I've spent playing games.


What was so fantastic about it?

I enjoyed every moment of the final mission, the limping to the beam, walking past all the corpses, reveal of husk Illusive Man, and getting to make the final decision how to handle the Reapers. An incredibly difficult scenario, but an epic one. It was heartbreaking on so many levels, knowing how much was lost like the mass relays and whatever else depending on the path. I was very touched by the post-credits cinematic with the old man too, gave me goosebumps.
I enjoyed every moment of the final mission, the limping to the beam, walking past all the corpses, reveal of husk Illusive Man, and getting to make the final decision how to handle the Reapers. An incredibly difficult scenario, but an epic one. It was heartbreaking on so many levels, knowing how much was lost like the mass relays and whatever else depending on the path. I was very touched by the post-credits cinematic with the old man too, gave me goosebumps.

10/10 troll, well done.


brazen editing lynx
Holy shit at all the hate towards the ending. Am I seriously one of the only ones who thought it was fantastic?

The main thing that people have an issue with is that none of your past choices ever mattered. It retroactively hurts the entire trilogy, and also it's replayability. Each ending is virtually the same apart from the color of the explosion. It also comes out of nowhere with no lead up whatsoever.

The ME games are damn fine, and I'd say that ME3 is the best one apart from the last 15 minutes. Hell, I still think it's the best franchise to debut this gen. It's just the conclusion that fucking sucks.


I enjoyed every moment of the final mission, the limping to the beam, walking past all the corpses, reveal of husk Illusive Man, and getting to make the final decision how to handle the Reapers. An incredibly difficult scenario, but an epic one. It was heartbreaking on so many levels, knowing how much was lost like the mass relays and whatever else depending on the path. I was very touched by the post-credits cinematic with the old man too, gave me goosebumps.

Then yes, you were probably one of the few that liked it.

I'm still hedging my bets this wins GotY. It'll be the new Metal Gear.


The main thing that people have an issue with is that none of your past choices ever mattered. It retroactively hurts the entire trilogy. Each ending is virtually the same apart from the color of the explosion. It also comes out of nowhere with no lead up whatsoever.
The ME games are damn fine, and I'd say that ME3 is the best one apart from the final 15 minutes. Hell, I still think it's the best franchise to debut this gen. It's just the conclusion that fucking sucks.

I definitely agree with that actually, they should have done something. However I still enjoyed the ending. :_\


Holy shit at all the hate towards the ending. Am I seriously one of the only ones who thought it was fantastic?

Also, what's the deal with new game+ this time around? Same as before?

From the second the platform raises and Shepard meets with that thing is an abomination. There is no redeeming quality about it and everyone involved with it should be jailed to prevent future atrocities to gaming.

I feel like I was mentally raped today. I don't even want to talk about it.

BeesEight said:
I'm still hedging my bets this wins GotY. It'll be the new Metal Gear.

I don't even know if I can fault anyone for voting this goty. It's a really great game but I will probably not vote for it because of how bad the end ruined the entire series.

But if others just don't care as much then I can't blame them. The game really is great. It's not like ME2 which is terrible from the first 30 minutes and on, I do blame people for voting for that.
I think its perfectly reasonable to just say Shep died on the Citadel with Anderson and never actually got resurrected on that rising platform to the Guardian. That was the point where shit hit the fan. Everything after that point was just some death throes hallucinations.

Shit, we've already gotten to "Squall is dead" levels of denial? It took FF8 years to achieve that Bioware, years. You've accomplished it in only 3 days.


From the second the platform raises and Shepard meets with that thing is an abomination. There is no redeeming quality about it and everyone involved with it should be jailed to prevent future atrocities to gaming.

I feel like I was mentally raped today. I don't even want to talk about it.

Since you made it all the way here, you just proved my plan to control the development of AI isn't working :lol. Better not explain why my people were doing this and how that crucible/catalyst thing makes any sense. Don't ask me why your war assets influence these things:

-Blow up everything that is synthetic but your dumb people will make more robots that will kill you instead of MY giants robots killing you (renegade)

-Control the reapers like that Illusive Man wanted to do. It still doesn't break the cycle but I'm not telling you this or else it would be the same ending as the other. (paragon :lol even though it's the Illusive Man's solution)

-Be grinded into magical pixie dust by a giant green beam that will merge the DNA of organics with synthetics for some reasons.
Seems like its MGS4 all over again.

I enjoyed every moment of the final mission, the limping to the beam, walking past all the corpses, reveal of husk Illusive Man, and getting to make the final decision how to handle the Reapers. An incredibly difficult scenario, but an epic one. It was heartbreaking on so many levels, knowing how much was lost like the mass relays and whatever else depending on the path. I was very touched by the post-credits cinematic with the old man too, gave me goosebumps.

DTL is that you?


No bald cap? Lies!
Shit, we've already gotten to "Squall is dead" levels of denial? It took FF8 years to achieve that Bioware, years. You've accomplished it in only 3 days.

Well Im not actually trying to believe this or anything, just that if one were to do so that would be the correct time since others were saying theyd have it occur on Rannock or Thessia.
But if others just don't care as much then I can't blame them. The game really is great. It's not like ME2 which is terrible from the first 30 minutes and on, I do blame people for voting for that.
What do you like about ME3 that isn't present in ME2 (besides bigger and better skill trees/combat)? ME3 has even more action and less exploration than 2. This is coming from someone who likes all 3.


What do you like about ME3 that isn't present in ME2 (besides bigger and better skill trees/combat)? ME3 has even more action and less exploration than 2. This is coming from someone who likes all 3.

ME2 took almost all of the rpg elements away and the exploration that was there (N7 missions) did not add anything to the overall story. Not all in ME1 did either like that mission where you're on the shuttle and that crazy biotic woman attacks you, but some did like the Cerberus missions (that ME2 eventually ruined anyway).

Then you spend half the game fixing everyone's family or friend problems, most if not all having nothing to do with the story. I almost had a stroke in ME3 when you run into Miranda and she kind of makes it seem like she's going to ask you to do a mission for her sister again. Luckily when that part happens in 3 it's tied into the main story. The collector story meant nothing to the ME lore and it changed nothing. I think the Reapers were delayed like 2 months before trying what they tried in the Arrival DLC.

ME3 is much better at tying everything into the plot and the RPG elements that are there are acceptable for the series. Sure I'd like planet exploration back but it's obvious Bioware can't do it any better than 1, and I don't want the same system. The war asset system is nice even if none of it matters in the end. But that's just another Mac Walters & Crew failure.

edit: On a side note since this got me thinking of the ME2 people, I thought it was pretty odd that Morinth just randomly appears during the London part as one of those Reaperized Asaris. There's no comment and no special scene, she just appears. I wouldn't have even known it was her if her name didn't appear on top of the health bar.


edit: On a side note since this got me thinking of the ME2 people, I thought it was pretty odd that Morinth just randomly appears during the London part as one of those Reaperized Asaris. There's no comment and no special scene, she just appears. I wouldn't have even known it was her if her name didn't appear on top of the health bar.

Wait..what? She died back on Omega how the hell is that possible? Or did you keep her alive in your playthrough?


Subete no aware
Okay. The game is stupid, but the fanservice is hilarious. Catching Tali and Garrus making out was a really unexpected moment. Too bad Wrex gets no interspecies love. :(

Oh wow, and Shepard makes a joke about how she's basically a shrink for the entire crew and how everyone has daddy issues.

Too bad they won't have a fourth game to apologize for the ending of this one.
Here is the ending I want:

Faraborne said:
I received this from a friend who just beat ME3. This was his solution to the ending problem:

Proposal is as follows:
There should be a fourth option available at the end - and the beauty of it is that it would naturally branch in a way that satisfies both of the outcomes people are asking for.

Right now, the Guardian presents us with three options - destroy, control, and merge. Each are depressingly self-destructive in their own ways, and as we all know, we have no choice but to pick one. DLC could add a fourth option: REFUSE.

Shepard stabs a defiant finger in the Guardian's chest and declares it is not their right to "protect" us from the consequences of our own actions. If peace was forged between the Quarians and the Geth, Shepard cites that as proof that the Guardian's premise of inevitable conflict between synthetics and organics is wrong. If not, Shepard can simply deny the Guardian's conclusion and declare that we're going to go down fighting. Shepard delivers an ultimatum: take your abominations and go. Whether we live as a civilization or die by our own hand is a choice to be left to every one of us. So, f*** you very much, but thanks for thinking of us.

The Guardian blows off Shepard's ultimatum, and the Reapers continue to fight. At this point, the outcome is out of your hands. Shepard watches, unable to intervene, as the fleets continue to engage, the forces of the galaxy attempting to defeat the Reapers once and for all in conventional combat. The Guardian taunts you, trying to goad you into choosing one of the three options it offered, while assuming the forms of different people you've lost along the way: Virmire casualty, Anderson, and your love interest, dead or alive, just to screw with you. You can change your mind, or continue to stand and watch. If you gathered enough war assets (as in, much higher than the required amount for the "perfect" ending we're given now), the Reapers are defeated at horrific cost, but the Relay network remains intact, and Shepard gets to reunite with his/her LI and squad provided the Normandy survived the fight (itself dependent on other criteria). This would be the hardest ending to achieve, requiring the greatest effort and providing the most reward. You would really have to work your ass off to do this, but as evidenced by this poll, most of the people here would be willing to try.

If you didn't have enough resources, the Reapers emerge victorious, and, having defeated the combined military might of the galaxy, they are free to harvest everyone else. The cycle continues. They win. Either way, you get to spit in the devil's face once more instead of bowing to the invariably self-destructive choice he offers you.

Me: I personally think this solution would be profound. Furthermore, it really gives five endings for the game. If you we're not fully prepared for the war, then Shepherd allows the Reapers to win without sacrificing his integrity (which would be a major win in my book). Finally, if you were fully prepared then you receive the most rewarding ending possible with what I think could potentially be one of the most creative boss fights in gaming history...a battle of wills alone.


Wait..what? She died back on Omega how the hell is that possible? Or did you keep her alive in your playthrough?

Yeah I chose to keep her for my mostly renegade playthrough of 2. Though I did keep the council alive and destroyed the Collector base. I got an email relatively early in ME3 from Morinth about how she basically had to leave before Shepard turned the Normandy in and she hopes to see me again sometime.

Then during that side mission where you help Samara's other daughters you can spot some other emails being sent from Morinth to them. I actually thought Morinth would show herself there but she never did.

Then all of a sudden during the London end game part I'm killing one of those asari creatures and it says Morinth. It might have been a bug but that one seemed tougher to beat than the already tough to beat normal asari creatures.


Here is the ending I want:

Yeah that's been posted a couple pages back and, while it has problems, is much better than the stupid, contradictory, and meaningless choices we got.

Of the endings Bioware actually made, I think destroy is the best. My only problem with it is when the Catalyst says that "the cycle will begin again." Honestly, I wish there was an option for Shepard to say "fuck you, we ended it with the Quarians and the Geth, we'll do it again."

But Bioware doesn't let us get in a good retort with that prick.



not sure if serious.

The Reapers don't kill ALL organic life (last time they only killed the Protheans and let lower organic life live (humans, salarians, hanar, asari etc.))

you guys should stop with your horrific fanfic "That's how it should have ended" bullshit. deal with it already.
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