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Xbox One: Details on Connectivity, Licensing (24 hour check-in) and Privacy Features

Yes, it sounds like only one person you shared it with can play it at the same time as you, not all 10.
I read that as one person can play at a time, not you AND one person.

Up to 10 accounts with access to shared games. One account can play a shared game at a time.

That's how it reads.
But the PC platform still offers disc-based games. Its just that Steam is more orientated around DD. I still have trouble seeing the difference, because both consoles are transitioning to DD, what with the whole "buy it online and play instantly".

It's no different. People want to hate it. Let them have their moment. They'll all buy it and PS4 after they do same let publishers decide stuff move.

I guess people don't notice all electronic media has DRM. If this really allows 10 people to play same game. Fuck yea. My whole family can play games day one with me always. Day one for me on new xbox.


Horrible. The mask finally slips all the way off, they really are the malign and nasty influence on gaming everyone feared they would be 13 years ago.

If Sony have similar policies then I am done with them too.
Why should it matter to you who supports it? Aren't people allowed to make their own decisions? This is largely the problem with some on here. There is such a lack of being comfortable in your own skin. It isn't enough for you to say fuck Microsoft and you're not buying a shitty Xbox One, because you don't like their policies or strategy. You also have to display animosity towards people who don't agree with you.

How childish is that?

It's not about a difference in opinion. It's about people supporting a corporation that's releasing an anti-consumer console. Being a diehard supporter of a corporation in general doesn't really make sense, but this takes it to another level.

For an optimal experience, we recommend a broadband connection of 1.5Mbps. (For reference, the average global internet connection speed as measured recently by Akamai was 2.9 Mbps).

Is this a real stat? Sounds rather outrageous.
If this is making people reject a system I'm guessing it means the only non drm choice left will be the wiiu.
perhaps I haven't been paying attention, but I have not seen anything resembling this coming from Sony, rumor or otherwise. I would be disappointed if true, though.

and besides, people seem ok not choosing the Wii U regardless.


I really can't understand how there's people defending this anti-consumer bullshit.

I guess the -What I like about NeoGaf is that there's a defense force for everything- motto is real
I love how the people who kept damage controlling during the Orth incident and May 21st are right here continuing to spin even after everything is confirmed to be as bad as it seemed.

You are either horribly deluded fanboys or you people really are corporate shills. Like a malignant tumor on this board.


Very interesting, surprised that they've cleared it up at all. This will suck when I move house for a few days, but otherwise I won't notice the difference, hard to get upset about it.
I think the family thing has no real way of checking who really is in your family so I think it's going to be as flexible as people think it is. Since you can't all play at the same time, it's not going to be a big deal. It's unlikely they're going to do any extensive checks because there are just so many issues involved that I doubt will make it worthwhile to MS to do. They're just calling it family, so you don't immediately read into it as a way to exploit it. For many they won't think beyond family members.


10 accounts on your family account meaning in the house with multiple Xboxes of GT I assume yes, not out to friends unless they can be added to family somehow

Yeah, they said on twitter that the 10 family members can be on separate accounts on any xbox.


They don't say SELL, they say TRADE IN. Does that mean if I trade in a game at GS, I can only get a GS gift card? no cash?


If these idiots will really let you game share with 10 people then they are...well...idiots.

I can see groups of 10 forming now. You can then get all new release games for $6 each.

It won't be as simplistic as this.

If Gaffers think of this idea, so have Microsoft and Publishers. I am sure there will be restrictions.


Hold on, friend! I'd love to share with you some swell news about the Windows 8 Metro UI! Wait, where are you going?
My girl just tweeted "Gee thanks xbox, so anywho my net cuts out , I have a £400 blu-ray player I can talk too. Thank you for being so understanding"

Her internet consistently goes down for 24 hours at a time? That sucks for more than just wanting to game.


Yes but are you likely to know that at the point of sales. The game is hardly likely to have a sticker on it saying 'used games allowed'.

I am likely to know that, but that's because I fully expect to keep myself an informed consumer. That's the responsibility of every consumer.
Also lol at Publishers being able to choose if their games should be allowed to be traded in! Online passes is one thing, but the entire game? This is merely the beginning to more fuck consumers in the ass ploys.

If one company was going to pioneer such crap, it had to be Microsoft. It's the pay to play online of this generation.

Sony already stated this could happen wtf man. At least be consistent.


Family members most likely means anyone with the same XB1 as their "home" console (where they made their gametags, install their games, keep their offline saves).
Umm, this sounds pretty amazing to me.

This right here is how I will let people borrow my games, only it sounds to me like I'll also be able to play my own games at the same exact time as up to 10 of my friends and family are. This is fucking amazing, if true. Microsoft needs to be asked about this for clarification pronto!!!

My biggest concern about used games (which I don't buy) was being able to let friends or family borrow and play my games, and it sounds like that's completely addressed with this system. I'm a happy camper. There is only a restriction if you plan on giving someone your physical game disc. They have to be on your friends list for at least 30 days, and each game disc can only be given once. Microsoft also needs to be asked about this specific part here. Are they saying that they original giver of the game disc can not receive the game disc back from the friend they gave it to? Or are they saying that the original owner can only ever give their physical game disc to one person ever, but that the original giver of the game disc should also be able to receive that game disc back and have it work with no issues?

So you think MS went to all this trouble to restrict game redistribution...only to implement wide scale, manufacturer endorsed piracy of their games?

No, it's one at a time. And you can also be sure that you can't just call any random friend a "family member".




He is suggesting Microsoft made it less shitty than it was going to be because of gamers' reactions.
Q for all gaf members!: Would you support a system licensed by microsoft that lets you RENT GAMES digitally from their servers for 10$ a week.

Just like blockbuster or rogers.

SO you can buy the games you love, and rent the games you wanna try out?.

I think it would be brilliant.

Why would they implement this when you'll already be renting games for 60$+


So... never buy used games, but enter a consortium with 9 of your friends to only buy every 10th game... not a bad deal I guess?

That's assuming you're allowed to be active on a single account on multiple machines simultaneously, which is unlikely I guess... oh well.


People acting like this is GOOD? Wow I guess Microsoft really have spent a lot of money on marketing with all this deceiving they are doing. Well done Microsoft, great PR department.
Folks, it's time you get with the times. All software except for games moved down this path many years ago. The physical "I own the software" time is over. It's only time when music stops making CD's and movies stop producing DVD's and go all 'cloud'.

Will cost come down with games in this new world? I think so. No more are the publishers stuck with agreements with retail to sell downloadable games at the same price as retail. Steam can offer sales because retail abandoned PC games. Steam just filled a hole. MS and Sony must see this and act accordingly or there will not be another generation.


Did you get paid to write that?
How is this even remotely better?

It's all the same. They just came up with a better marketing spin.

Not buying the Xbone. At least not until it's cheap.


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
Now that we have pretty firm details, we desperately need to get answers out of Sony. Pleeeeeeease don't make this be on both.

More like: Uh sure, maybe we'll do something like that someday. Whatever gives gullible people hope that this will suck less for them at some point.
So with Microsoft putting the ball in the publisher's court, are we going to have to wait for a statement from each publisher prior to a game's release as to whether they will allow / how they will allow us to sell it?

"Preorder our new game now! Will you be able to sell it after you're done playing it? Er, we'll get back to you on that."


Party Pooper
Online authentication has always been the deal breaker for me, as I sure as fuck don't trust any company to have those servers up in 20-30 years




Sony's will be very, very close to this, if they arent the pubs will stick with the Xbox, it's as simple as that. Microsoft have passed off the responsibility to the pubs and the pubs will want Sony to do the same, if anyone thinks otherwise then the PS4 will not look as appealing to the suits that make the big money decisions at the end of the day
Man the forum feels heated right now

I don't know what to make of all of this cause I don't buy used game....but I do lend games to friends


They really drive home the "family" designation. I wonder how they'll be authenticating "family." I hope it's with Kinect. Facial recognition. Lol. That would be hilarious.
Umm, how is this any different than the PS4? Sony has said its up to the publishers there, MS just said the same thing. How are the situations different?

Also interested in the share games with 10 family members, how will the One know they are "family"?

24h check-in / 1 hour check-in? Maybe you should read the whole thing.


Neo Member
If Sony goes this way I am skipping next gen or buying a Wiiu. I am not letting a company tell how to play, when I have to be online or what I can do with it after I am done. They want me to pay them money for a system and monthly online fee also, Do they think we are stupid?


it's fucking HILARIOUS to me the people crying 'well, PS4's gonna have this too!' like some sort of taunt, as if that's not making a horrible situation WORSE.

we should all fucking HOPE to FUCK that Sony has no such used games or DRM policy in place.

gotDAMN. -_-

Seriously. Somehow two wrongs make a right? If Sony does this too I'm out next gen.


Can't wait til Sony reveals their policy. Gonna be so much backtracking here, its gonna make your head spin.


I take this to be an implication that the legions of people who want to keep their consumer rights are only complaining because they are Sony fanboys?

Do fuck off old chap.
Great news! Basically an improved Steam PLUS the option to trade in used games if the publisher isn't a dick! MS first party allows used games too? This is fantastic news. Not sure how much of this negativity is phony fanboyism?
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