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Xbox One: Details on Connectivity, Licensing (24 hour check-in) and Privacy Features

Most of it seems fair to me (Steam user here), except for the checking in every 24 hours. But that small detail is enough to keep me from buying an Xbox One.

Ok Sony, let's see what you've got...
Japanese CEO's are not American CEO's. Sony and Microsoft simply do not run their companies in the same way as each other.

They also can't afford to. Japan is a huge market for both Nintendo and Sony so second hand games are seriously influential to both of them. Unless Sony wants their console to die in their home region and lose out on 10-20 million sales, then by all means secede Japan to Nintendo.


This seems to open the door for exclusive trade in locations in my mind.


Call of Duty 9, exclusive tradable at Best Buy

Gag me...


It all makes sense now.

The used games sales publishers have been bitching about aren't their retail partners at Gamestop, Best Buy, etc. giving $10 in trade value for a game they'll turn around and sell for $55.

No, the used games "problem" in the industry is us shitty consumers. We let untold MILLIONS of people just borrow our games, we sell them on the black market that benefits NO ONE (not directly affiliated with the publishers themselves), and we have this inordinate sense of entitlement whereby we think that if a game is shit we shouldn't be stuck with it until they personally feel it's acceptable for us to trade it in to their specific list of retail partners.

This isn't anti-used games. This is anti-consumer in it's purest form. Consumers are the only target here (except Gamefly I guess). Microsoft and their partners are literally saying the problem with the industry are their customers.

Absolutely brilliant conclusion. How could this have played out any better? Gamestop, Best Buy, etc. were just handed a monopoly on buying used games. Why give $10 for that game you'll sell for $55 now? Why not just give $5? Its not like these poor saps will KEEP it since it won't work in 10 years when the XB1 servers are shut down and you can't update your 24 hour registration.

Fucking hell. Die in a fire games industry.


is this the new "I don't know how much you know about Japanese culture (I'm an expert)..."
There is truth to the notion that how they handle corporate is not the same in general. How different Kaz Hirai really is, and HOW this will be handled differently is a very different matter.

Deleted member 80556

Unconfirmed Member
I want to know, MS, what about third world countries where there are no Gamestops, nothing of that kind, where indie stores (or mom and pops stores, whatever) sell games, huh? Or am I going to be fucked over when I purchase your console?

I want to know why can't things just keep going like they are, there has got to be a better way to deal with these things.



Is the tar and feathers ready?

Jaffe's already coming up with strategies:


What the actual fuck. Of course they're thinking like developers, but the costumers can go fuck themselves I guess?

Wait, what?


If these idiots will really let you game share with 10 people then they are...well...idiots.

I can see groups of 10 forming now. You can then get all new release games for $6 each.

Except you have to schedule a time to use the game since only 1 copy can be active at a time? Though since it only checks in every 24 hours I don't see how more than 1 copy couldn't be working at a time.. hrmm


Don't pass gaas, it is your Destiny!
Love the family thing, that's what I hate about steam. 2 people can't be logged on same account even if they want to play different games.

Oh and looks like its up to the game makers if you can trade in your games, guess you can still blame ms for giving the developers what they asked for right?


I am shocked. SHOCKED, that this wasn't released on a Friday afternoon. That's usually when this kind of dirty news gets floated out there.
Again, I can easily see them requiring you to tie a credit card to the account to enable game sharing.

Also, I wouldn't put it past them to require Gold for it, either.

Seriously, when has any of this broken in a way that has indicated a more open system?
Same. This is just a guess but it'd be my guess.


Thinking about it. Stuff like this empowers GameStop because they will most likely be an authorized reseller.

Do we hear GameStop complaining? Not at all.

They've been so silent in this whole used-games issue, even after taking a stock value hit a while back.

We know what that means, more power to the corporate giants!


So if you can still trade in you games.... then why do this shit at all? Because of renting and piracy? I have doubts that they lose that much money to those.


Unconfirmed Member
People in this thread that are practically hoping for Sony to do the same so that Microsoft isn't alone D-I-S-G-U-S-T me.


I mean, what is that? you're that invested in a company you want everyone else to validate their shit decision so you can feel better about yourself?

fuck. you.

if Sony go down this road then they can shove the PS4 up their arse sideways for all I care. I'm not going to support either.


Nobody knows. One side will say "HAH! M$ are evil and you loose everything." On the other side you could have MS dropping the DRM checking of titles 1 or 2 years after they launch. You still have the disc, so you would be able to play with no issues.

Or Xbox live exists for as long as there is an Xbox of some sort. Which according to Microsoft is about 100 years if their 360 sales are to be used as any indication of.


Neo Member
I don't get this, the sheer lack of logic some people are displaying here.

MS are out to make money and you need to bear that in mind with every decision, it's all be round tabled, it's all been thought through. People need to stop guessing at what they think will be the case and go with worst case scenario, because unsurprisingly, this is what you're going to end up with, not right away, but it'll scope creep into it, they will push it as hard and as far as you let them.

Jaffe's talking about "no used games for the first 3 months" I don't know how many people have actually paid attention to publishers and such in the past, but in case you didn't notice here's how things go:

"We'll try to change something in a small way, then once you've accepted that, we'll make it bigger"

We saw DLC/XBLA games at 400 points, then 800 points, then 1200 and so on. Now the content in those games increased I'll grant you but I bet the average price compared to dev cost has gone up, a lot.

So that 3 months, will become 6, then some publisher will come along and decide on 12, and then "oh we don't allow used games", but hey you took it before, you can deal with it now, right?

Luke Smith said it best years ago, it's a science experiment on your wallet.

And as for the "I'll just add 10 people as a family" There's been "family" on Xbox Live for years with a few restrictions on the account, granted it was for the live gold family accounts which have since gone away, but there were lots of restrictions, not least of which is one credit card tied to family and only the primary account can use it. You didn't spot some magic loophole, I guarantee you they'll have thought of it and you won't be getting games for £6 per person.

It's a business, they're out to take your money for as little effort as they can, the only question is, are you going to hand it over?


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
I imagined as much too, but the page specifically says these family members can play the games on any Xbone.


Person 1 lives in House 1 and their primary device is Console 1.
Person 2 lives in House 1 and their primary device is Console 1.
Person 3 lives in House 2 and their primary device is Console 2.

Person 1 or 2 and can go to Person 3's house, logon to Console 2 as a guest and play any of the games linked to Console 1. But you're not going to be able to make Person 4 a 'family member', at least not without putting a big limitation on how the Console 1 users game.

You'll have to have your account linked to one 'home' console, and it'll be majorly inconvenient to try and have that be a console you don't typically play on.
Like Xbox Live Family, any under 16 accounts attached to a parents account.


The problem with this is you have to factor in how accounts were created on the Xbox 360. You're not working from a clean slate. This is why I think you'll be able to white list any Xbox Live account and since only one person can access a game at a time, it's not a big deal who does it.
Cool, I guess its confirmed Im not buying the new Xbox. Now to wait to see if Sony would also like to take a shit on my chest and tell me to be happy with it.
I'd like to know more about the family stuff - are they expected to log on as you or is it via IP? Otherwise I don't see how it differs from the lending to a friend thing.

Speaking of which, is it pick one friend, let them enjoy it, get your game back; or is it lend=trade?


Child please. Bluray speeds have NOTHING to do with these new rules. This is about companies wanting to control their customers and squeeze more money out of them. You no longer have the same rights you had owning an Xbox 360.

You do not truly own your Xbox One games.

You're describing the official position companies have had for over a decade. Read a EULA sometime. They don't want to sell games, just licenses to use them. "Rights" haven't changed since the 360, they're just actually enforcing them now


Dreams of a world where inflated review scores save studios
why are so many people happy about this? wtf is going on


At this point all Sony has to do is walk on stage at E3 and say that we can do what the fuck we like with our physical copies and I can't see how Microsoft can possibly compete.

Weird times.
I realllly hope they do but i'm too cynical to to believe they will without similar bullshit.
"Family members" means "Same IP Address"

No, it absolutely doesn't.

Just like today, a family member can play your copy of Forza Motorsport at a friend’s house. Only now, they will see not just Forza, but all of your shared games.

Why mention at a friend's house if it has to be in your own home? This is wherever they are, which I think is pretty fucking awesome.
1.) It is aggressive but can be adjusted as issues pop up. And being MSFT said they will have options for deployed military, I have a feeling this 24 hour rule might be lifted in a few other cases possibly or changed a little bit in some regions.

2.) Looks like originally they didn't think about renting, but now they are. Wouldn't be hard to do honestly. Blu-Ray movies already make "rental only discs." All publishers have to do is work with MSFT to change the code to "rental only." Downside is even if you rent, some publishers may put a limit on how many days you can rent before being forced to buy...

3.) Sony will have something. With EA's moves and Sony's silence, something is out there. So if you want to still game on one of those two consoles, your way of using "used games" is going to change it looks like, mainly by the publishers themselves.

I'm hoping you can rent games through Xbox Live.


How do they determine who your family is? They specifically say 'up to 10 family members' but how will they know if Joe Schmo is my brother or my friend?
It's cringeworthy reading through these threads and then seeing someone being A-okay with it also rocking a "Only an Xbox" label. Jesus.

This. What in the fuck is going on here? I just don't see how anyone besides MS and the NSA can be fine and dandy with this shit. And that is what this is. It's SHIT.
To be honest, if the Xbox One was a 4 TFLOPS machine for 350€ I wouldn't be that upset personally. But it's a ~1TFLOPS machine for 400-500€. I don't understand how they think they can get away with this when they don't have a spectacular product in the first place.



With Xbox One you can game offline for up to 24 hours on your primary console, or one hour if you are logged on to a separate console accessing your library. Offline gaming is not possible after these prescribed times until you re-establish a connection, but you can still watch live TV and enjoy Blu-ray and DVD movies.

Sorry Dave, I cannot let you do that (until you check in).

Microsoft does not charge a platform fee to retailers, publishers, or consumers for enabling transfer of these games.

Doesn't sound so bad if there aren't any transaction fees or devil in the details scenario?


We really shouldn't take it out on fellow GAFers only because they sport an "only on Xbox" avatar. I did, too, for a while, for laughs and giggles.
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