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Any reason to think Final Fantasy XV won't disappoint?

I've felt this way for years, every time a Versus XIII tidbit would surface and hype would flow. This game has been in development since at least early 2006 (seven years!!). Is there any precedent where this hasn't spelt doom for the finished product?

Final Fantasy XIII was in development for six years for comparison.


Crystal Bearer
It's possible it could. We won't know until it's released and people have actually played it though.


I don't think we have enough reason to believe it will fail yet. As others have said, it really hasn't been in development quite that long. There are enough die hard FF fans that have become disenchanted with the franchise though and they have become so for a reason. There have been disappointments from Square this gen, so one could point to that as a reason to believe XV might let us down. We shall see.


If at the very bare minimum...and I mean bare minimum....it is straight KH1/KH2 gameplay, it could be my favorite game ever

Been wanting a real FF ARPG since the day KH1 came out


To put it simply: No.

Expectations for Versus XIII were above the roof. Now that they changed the name and made it a mainline FF it will probably only get worse. And this is only playing with expectations, not to mention Square Enix is, until proven wrong, not the same company it was on the SNES/PSX era.

I'm saying that, but I'm buying Lighting Returns... So...
Expect a game with a fighting system about as deep an intuitive as Kingdom Hearts, a story about as good as Bayonetta, cod-philosophy as muted as Metal Gear Solid 4 and a layout and feel about as intuitive as Monster Hunter, and you should be fine I reckon.


It might disappoint for the general public but if YOU personally like everything they showcased then that's all that matters. I know that's all that matters for me so... =)


Honestly, it's Nomura. I feel like if anybody is going to get Final Fantasy right again it's him. Other than The 3rd Birthday's story (gameplay was fun) he hasn't really been involved in bad products.
For those who have been hyping it up as the second coming of christ for the past seven years, I can't see how it won't.

On the whole, in terms of the mass market average FF consumer, I dunno. I really dread to think of what will become of the series if it is a complete disappointment. After the one-two punch of a disappointing XIII and a complete abject failure of a XIV, I really can't imagine what would happen with a third disappointing mainline FF right in a row.
I am a little worried that it will be too actiony but I think the atmosphere will sell me on it. Just do NOT make it so linear like XIII


It can always disappoint, but the fact the Nomura + Tabata are directing and that Toriyama is nowhere to be found gives me tremendous hope, almost certainty that it will be great.


Expect a game with a fighting system about as deep an intuitive as Kingdom Hearts, a story about as good as Bayonetta, cod-philosophy as muted as Metal Gear Solid 4 and a layout and feel about as intuitive as Monster Hunter, and you should be fine I reckon.

I don't know if you were trying to argue high points or incredibly low points...


The expectation are definitely very high, though I think this time they know it too and know in what kind of situation they are, the way SE was in 2006-2009 and now are quite different. I think they want to be sure this one is really good or else it's pretty much done for the brand. What we know of and have seen from it is promising, enough to be optimistic for now I think.


Tabata is the sole reason I can really give so far. Otherwise, I have spent the last 4 years lowering my expectations for this game as much as possible so that when it does suck, I don't feel the way I did after XIII.
I'm already disappointed that a mainline FF is an ARPG.

But as a game, I have faith in the team for now. I mean, I'm also one of the rare few that loved FFXIII, so I'm still pretty cool with those teams.


It'll be hard for it to disappoint me. I've never been hyped for it. But I admit I've always had "...but I bet it'll be awesome when I finally play it" in the back of my mind. I dunno, FFXIII was the straw that broke the camel's back for me. Now I expect the worst in the hope of being pleasantly surprised.
There is a lot that could go wrong with the game for sure.
My one worry right now is that they stick to the promise of having a large world and explorable towns. With all the GRAFFIX that are going into it I'm having my doubts.
I also hope the battle system has a good amount of depth.


I've felt this way for years, every time a Versus XIII tidbit would surface and hype would flow. This game has been in development since at least early 2006 (seven years!!). Is there any precedent where this hasn't spelt doom for the finished product?

Final Fantasy XIII was in development for six years for comparison.


So good, OP, so good!

The music will be awesome, the story might be awesome, the gameplay might be fantastic, the set pieces will be awesome, the graphics look fantastic, the airships and open world will be.... well we'll see about that but where was I...

Look, OP, my hype can be elevated to 100% when Nomura feels like it:



The gameplay looks very satisfying, much like its spiritual successors KH1 & 2. But I could still see myself being disappointed if it hasn't learned from some of the complaints people have had over FFXIII, particularly its unabashed linearity.

I'd like some more choice in where I go and what I do. Linarity is expected in most RPGS, especially JRPGS, but the way it was represented in 13 was totally lazy. It's all been discussed to death at this point, but it's still important to me that they don't make the same mistake going forward.

Also: towns. Please. I thought FF12 was a sign of things to come for the series. The towns were easily the best they'd ever been. I'd really hoped that 13 was going to see the further evolution of that.

FFXV has the opportunity to do everything right once more and set the foundation for final fantasy to regain its former glory in the minds of gamers... and it's been in develop so long that if it doesn't deliver on some of this promise, then yeah, you could say I'd be disappointed.


The game has already reached cult status with its constant delays and mass overhyping. There is already a pretty large cult fan base that's developed over this game and even if it turns out to be disappointing it will be passionately defended.

However having said that I think this will be one of the best final fantasy games of all time.
Belief in Lord Nomura-sama, etc...

In all seriousness though, I'd like to believe they actually know what's at stake here, given the damage done to the brand this past generation. And what they've shown so far actually intrigues me a lot, which is more than I can say for any console Final Fantasy game in the last few years.

Still keeping my expectations in check, though. It could end up a disappointment, too. But that holds true for any game, really.

Huh, got a warning message saying this post was a duplicate. Weird.


Crystal Bearer
The game has already reached cult status with its constant delays and mass overhyping. There is already a pretty large cult fan base that's developed over this game and even if it turns out to be disappointing it will be passionately defended.

However having said that I think this will be one of the best final fantasy games of all time.

Well it has been 7 years since the last truly great one.


I'm already disappointed that a mainline FF is an ARPG.

Why does this matter

Anyway, seeing as Nomura and Tabata are directing this and these 2 havent disappointed me yet, Nomura with KH and Tabata with Crisis Core and Type-0, and also Yoko Shimomura on music, there hasnt been a reason for me to be disappointed
This game has been in development since at least early 2006 (seven years!!). Is there any precedent where this hasn't spelt doom for the finished product?

I'm not sure there are that many precedents one way or another. There are a handful of infamous games that went through protracted development cycles and ultimately disappointed, but not enough that I'd feel comfortable making inferences about FFXV until I know more about its behind-the-scenes struggles (beyond staff being pulled for FFXIV). There have been a few examples of games moving console generations and turning out okay. ICO, for instance...

I'm not particularly interested in FFXV, but at this point it seems like development is back on track, and the main reason to think it won't disappoint is that sometimes (not often, but sometimes) SE makes good games.


I had completely written it off until the newest footage was shown. I'm slightly interested now, but I've learned my lesson when it comes to getting hyped for a Square Enix RPG.
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