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Any reason to think Final Fantasy XV won't disappoint?


I liked XIII, but not XIII-2.

I don't however agree that these two games regardless of their quality somehow cancel out Dissidia, Birth By Sleep, Dream Drop Distance, TWEWY, Type-0, Theaterythm, Dragon Quest VIIr, Dissidia 012, BDFF, and CC FFVII. Just because these aren't on consoles and don't have the budgets of XIII doesn't mean they are any lesser in my eyes. Each and everyone of those titles were good to excellent and all very much worth the asking price.

Not having them localized, doesn't stop them from being quality products that SE has produced over the last few years. 2 titles by a crap director doesn't really change the fact they've had some amazing output.

Console v. Handhelds notwithstanding...

But that's the thing; I can say that I know DQVIIr and Bravely Default are "most likely" good games. But when considering that a lot of people in English speaking forums can't really play them in a cost-effective or intelligible fashion, the conversation for those titles kinda stops there. At that point, that becomes more of an issue with how Square-Enix does not seem to be pushing their higher quality titles on handhelds; they absolutely exist, but with the company's lack of emphasis on them and the collective lack of experience with them, it can't really effectively rebut the things that Square has put their focus on in the last several years. (Hell, I would go as far as saying that people shouldn't even be begging for things like Type-0 and Bravely Default in the first place).

At a certain point, the conversation in this area can only really progress due to exposure.

Now titles like Dissidia 012, Dream Drop Distance, and Crisis Core, I would say that they're fun games, but not quite Square's best efforts (and the former of the two are Square's most recent localized efforts outside of the XIII titles with the exception of Theaterythm).
I have a thousand different reasons, but I'll just summarize the biggest ones here:

1.) Nomura is taking A LOT of queues from Final Fantasy XII

Tetsuya Nomura has stated that he wants the characters to be "realistic and believable as real people" and not "anime-like" or "fictional." In pursuit of his goal, he appointed Jun Akiyama to be the event director due to his experience directing the event scenes in Final Fantasy XII. Tetsuya Nomura believes the characters in Final Fantasy XII felt like real people rather than the fictional characters one would normally associate with the Final Fantasy series.

One of the most encouraging things I've heard about the game so far *expectations rising*


As much as I enjoy KH and wanted Versus, I'm not sure if slapping the big X and V on the title was a good move for a primarily turn-based RPG franchise. We'll see, though.


I've played every Final Fantasy and I know that they have had sci-fi elements in the past, but the games were still based in high fantasy first and technology was sprinkled in. It seems the other way around now. All I'm saying is there is room for both to co-exist.

And I'm not talking variants. XIII is a variant of a turn based system, but it isn't turn based. You still can't control your whole party. Like I said earlier, the last FF that had a true turn based system was FFX (X-2 if you count that). How long ago was that? Turn based is not coming back unfortunately.

Ah, my mistake then. My apologies on that assumption. I'd argue that VII and VIII leaned a bit more on the sci-fi than the high fantasy myself personally. The best blend of it might have been VI. This game, from what we've seen, does seem more on the sci-fi scale, but it's important to remember that we haven't really seen all that much of this world yet so the jury could still be out.

Even FFX is a variant of the original system really and apparently XII's was considered the official evolution of it or something to that effect. It could still re-emerge in some new form, but given that they've tried to change and add to the formula it could simply be that they've run out of ideas on how to innovate it without simply copying past games.


Well I'm expecting the worse so I can only be pleasantly surprised.

Likewise. The footage we've seen so far well, it sure looks flashy yet at the same time the dialogue appears corny (although i guess that's a given with FF) and the action doesn't seem all that "fun"


As much as I enjoy KH and wanted Versus, I'm not sure if slapping the big X and V on the title was a good move for a primarily turn-based RPG franchise. We'll see, though.

Well the series name is in the toilet right now that this may be its only chance of coming back.


Made by Square overall and that's close enough these days.

Well the reason you are probably saying that is because of the XIII games. Nomura is behind XV, and he's probably one of the better people in Square. The KH games are still great, and he helped create one of the best DS games ever, The World Ends With You.


Nothing I have seen about this game yet has excited me. They have been taking this series the wrong direction since X in my opinion, and it looks like they don't have any intention of turning it around. XIII was a chore that only opened up too late, and XIII-2 I gave up on after a short while.

There have been far better RPGs of late that don't carry the FF name.


Well the reason you are probably saying that is because of the XIII games. Nomura is behind XV, and he's probably one of the better people in Square. The KH games are still great, and he helped create one of the best DS games ever, The World Ends With You.
Don't forget Tabata and Nojima are also on this project. It's shaping up nicely!
I like how Square releases 2 'bad' games in a franchise, and is suddenly the worst developer in history. People need to get over themselves.


I like how Square releases 2 'bad' games in a franchise, and is suddenly the worst developer in history. People need to get over themselves.

The disappointment was too much for some. Thank god XIII from early on looked like shit to me. I'm glad with a lot of Square's handheld work this gen (Birth by Sleep, both Dissidia games, The World End With You, Crisis Core).


I like how Square releases 2 'bad' games in a franchise, and is suddenly the worst developer in history. People need to get over themselves.

Final Fantasy fans are extremely hyperbolic and tend to distort time and memory to suit their stance.

For example, FFX was TWELVE YEARS AGO. People saying things haven't been good since then are basically saying they've been complaining for more than a decade.

You could have made your own company and new franchise in 12 years.


This was always the more interesting of the two back when Square first showed it with FF13. I'm not a fan of 3D FF games but can't wait to see how this one goes.
Anything always has the potential to suck or be awesome. Who knows. I didn't know I would mainly dislike FFXIII until after I finished it.
I understand being cautious but geez guys. This game is shaping up to be a really great product. The story looks heartfelt and will actually expand upon the lives of several characters and how they grow as people. The combat looks flashy yes but it also looks deep. It takes someone with real skill to pull off the moves shown in the gameplay trailer. Switching between weapons, warping, parrying, dodging, blocking, switching between characters, using magic and items. Your juggling a lot of systems there. It's certainly not "press X for everything awesome".

The music is fantastic of the three tracks we have heard from the game. Yoko Shimomura is absolutely brilliant. Story is written by Nojima and Nomura. Last FF they both wrote together was FFVII so.... yeah.

You have the open world with epic set pieces (you know... the ones you saw throughout the epic E3 trailer) that Final Fantasy made famous.

I literally have a ton of friends and family who are now interested in trying the series out because of the trailer I showed them. Remember the last time traditionalists were cautious and new fans were excited for a Final Fantasy? That was Final Fantasy VII.

And the team did an interview a few years back where the team said they were proud they were on the team and they are basically as excited for this game as they were when they were making FFVI, FFVII and FFX. That tells me the team understands the vision for the game and they understand and know how great it will be.

I understand everyone's guard is up for this game but can we let the game prove itself and give it the benefit of the doubt like we have given every other Final Fantasy. If we gave X, XII and XIII a chance I think XV and Nomura at least deserve a chance and a shot to get you excited.


P.S. It also bugs me when people say "no matter how amazing it is it will still disappoint me". Grow up.


I've played every Final Fantasy and I know that they have had sci-fi elements in the past, but the games were still based in high fantasy first and technology was sprinkled in. It seems the other way around now. All I'm saying is there is room for both to co-exist.

And I'm not talking variants. XIII is a variant of a turn based system, but it isn't turn based. You still can't control your whole party. Like I said earlier, the last FF that had a true turn based system was FFX (X-2 if you count that). How long ago was that? Turn based is not coming back unfortunately.

The entire plot of Final Fantasy 4 is based around an alien invasion and no less than 3 of the dungeons in the game, each of them significant to the plot, are heavily technological areas with mechanical enemies. One of the hardest bosses in the main game is called CPU.
I am cautiously optimistic. Final Fantasy XIII gave me good first impression from trailers and whatnot, but that was year ago and now I've have more critical experience to know how to adjust me expectations.


FFXV could be one of those games where
opinion could be divided (not as much as it was with XIII tho).
I can see people saying it was the best thing ever
and others being like 'we waited over X years for this crap?'
Personally I think I'll enjoy it, from what we've seen so far.


The Amiga Brotherhood
Too much delayed games have always disappointed, on the other hand the game is in the hands of tabata who made crisis core & type 0...


People seem to like me because I am polite and I am rarely late. I like to eat ice cream and I really enjoy a nice pair of slacks.
FFXIII was in development for 3 years, and 9 months. Where do people get these 5-6 years from?

If people think FFXIII took too long, they should have seen the gap between FFX and FFXII.


I just need an Akihiko Yoshida inspired bonus armor on Noctis and I'll be satisfied. Everything else I've seen looks amazing.
I have so much faith and hope in this game.... like never did before with any other game.

Maybe it have the chance of knocking FFVII from the top of my list.


If all the battle is a messy pre-scripted sequence then I think it will ultimately disappoint.

If I am ACTUALLY PLAYING that action we saw in all the trailers, I will be excited.

I was burnt by XIII. Square redeemed themselves (ever so slightly) with XIII-2.

I am optimistic but at the same time not expecting much. If that is even possible :p


It's the next main Final fantasy, they cannot fuck this up.

Also the game looks promising and by far the more ambitious title I've seen lately.


Well, Nomura usually makes fairly decent games. His short coming has historically been that, he's not all that great with complex story lines. In theory though, that could be fixed with the right support team.

Well, two weaknesses, stories, and outfits with tons of zippers and pockets. He usually does a good job with his mechanics and set pieces though.


just based on what I've seen thus far and the more action oriented battle system already makes me feel like the game will be better. This may be the first FF game I've bought since 12.


It could suck or it could be great. I think FFXIII was a disappointment, but Type-0 is a very good game. I read about people's dislike for FFXIV when it released, but A Realm Reborn has been fun to play. Hype also matters. I am expecting a solid actio rpg, if I get that, I will be happy.

It could go either way.
It's not an MMO cash-in being shoved into the mainline series yet again. That alone is reason enough for me to give it the benefit of the doubt. Despite it's tortured development and origins.
So far, it looks like pretty much everything that was promised is in, including quite possibly the most flashy combat I have seen in a game. At this stage it could go either way, could be massively impressive or massively disappointing.


The small bit we've seen shows more likable personality and character interaction than the entirety of 13 and 13-2. If they can at least deliver a memorable world and characters I actually like I'll be very happy.

Whether the battle system is: A: actually anything like the videos we've seen and B: Good will remain to be seen but right now I'm hopeful for it


Or is it just one of Phil's balls in my throat?
There's a good chance it'll disappoint no matter how good of a game it is. It just won' live up to the unrealistic expectations people have built up over the last half decade +.


FFXV will be the HD FF that we deserve

Nomura has a really good track record, the whole setting + characters make a way better first impression than FFXIII and the dynamic gameplay seems to offer so many options (and I don't care for FFXIII shitty and exploitable paradigm shift system).

I had high expectations when they showed the trailer at E3 and I must admit that I couldn't believe it when I saw it; literally the first and last time that my jaw dropped while watching a E3 press conference.

So yeah, in my opinion XV will be a blast and I can't wait to put the disc into my console of choice.


Thirteen flew over the cuckoo's nest
There's a good chance it'll disappoint no matter how good of a game it is. It just won' live up to the unrealistic expectations people have built up over the last half decade +.

Every single Final Fantasy disappointed someone, so I don't understand why this time should play different.


zero cognitive reasoning abilities
FFXV will be the HD FF that we deserve

Nomura has a really good track record, the whole setting + characters make a way better first impression than FFXIII....

Hold on a second... FF XIII's record launch sales means that it gave more than a good impression.

At the end of the day we do expect FF XV to surpass XIII's over 6 million sales and the funny part is that in the likelihood of a PC version that might prove really hard. The pc market is a harsh mistress.

A lot of loud people may insist on how they dislike XIII but it did deliver sales. At this point it literally is Final Fantasy XV Versus XIII.
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