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100% Flat Earth Proof


Every time science makes progress, religion has to make excuses.
Who is religion?
What kind of crap text for understanding life/the world is it if it's filled with metaphors with infinite interpretations. Just sounds like BS to me. The big bang and evolution are in direct contradiction to the Bible, unless you do the endless dance of reinterpretive BS. Science doesn't do such dances.
That's only true if you interpret the bible literally.
There is this interesting trend of scientists in particular becoming more and more athiest.
That's an appeal to authority mixed with scientism. It's a terrible argument.
So the people who are the smartest on Earth, who do careful experiments to study the world, are overwhelmingly dismissing the notion of God as fiction. What does that tell you?
Provide citations for that claim.
Fantasy worlds with easy answers to complicated questions are easy to digest, but "God" gave you a brain for a reason, maybe start using it?
Strawmen and ad hominems.

You obviously have no clue how science nor belief work.
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Every time science makes progress, religion has to make excuses. What kind of crap text for understanding life/the world is it if it's filled with metaphors with infinite interpretations. Just sounds like BS to me. The big bang and evolution are in direct contradiction to the Bible, unless you do the endless dance of reinterpretive BS. Science doesn't do such dances.

There is this interesting trend of scientists in particular becoming more and more athiest. So the people who are the smartest on Earth, who do careful experiments to study the world, are overwhelmingly dismissing the notion of God as fiction. What does that tell you?

Fantasy worlds with easy answers to complicated questions are easy to digest, but "God" gave you a brain for a reason, maybe start using it?
There are many scientists who were, are, and will be christian and/or religious. Even if the majority doesn't that doesn't invalidate religious beliefs and the existence of God. Your problem is your own and I hope eventually you come to terms with the fact that you are wrong. God bless.





There are many scientists who were, are, and will be christian and/or religious. Even if the majority doesn't that doesn't invalidate religious beliefs and the existence of God. Your problem is your own and I hope eventually you come to terms with the fact that you are wrong. God bless.




Interesting data. So the "scientists are becoming more atheistic" thing is bs.
There are many scientists who were, are, and will be christian and/or religious. Even if the majority doesn't that doesn't invalidate religious beliefs and the existence of God. Your problem is your own and I hope eventually you come to terms with the fact that you are wrong. God bless.

You're still prowling the forums, proselytizing. I've already refuted your claims in another topic, but you just can't refrain yourself from evangelizing can you?


Why do you think agnostic or atheist beliefs are most represented among scientists compared to the general population? It's quite evident that scientific knowledge plays a big influence on people's beliefs, favoring an agnostic worldview.


Furthermore, even if scientists believe in god, are less likely to adhere to a particular world and/or institutionalized religion. If our resident flat-earther is anything to go by, we can easily see the general hostility religious people have towards science, especially when it comes to scientific knowledge that directly contradicts their religious dogma (like evolution, anthropology and cosmology for example).
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You're still prowling the forums, proselytizing. I've already refuted your claims in another topic, but you just can't refrain yourself from evangelizing can you?


Why do you think agnostic or atheist beliefs are most represented among scientists compared to the general population? It's quite evident that scientific knowledge plays a big influence on people's beliefs, favoring an agnostic worldview.


Furthermore, even if scientists believe in god, are less likely to adhere to a particular world and/or institutionalized religion. If our resident flat-earther is anything to go by, we can easily see the general hostility religious people have towards science, especially when it comes to scientific knowledge that directly contradicts their religious dogma (like evolution, anthropology and cosmology for example).

When a person's world view is built on fiction from birth, it's much more catastrophic when they realize it, than say if your world view is built on imperfect or incomplete information, but information that can be revised and corrected. I am slowly realizing trying to rationalize with overly religious folks is a lot like trying to domesticate wild animals; should be possible in principle, since they have the capability, but nearly impossible due to years of conditioning and essentially having to do a complete overhaul of their entire psychology.


When a person's world view is built on fiction from birth, it's much more catastrophic when they realize it, than say if your world view is built on imperfect or incomplete information, but information that can be revised and corrected. I am slowly realizing trying to rationalize with overly religious folks is a lot like trying to domesticate wild animals; should be possible in principle, since they have the capability, but nearly impossible due to years of conditioning and essentially having to do a complete overhaul of their entire psychology.

You are conflating faith with dogma.



You're still prowling the forums, proselytizing. I've already refuted your claims in another topic, but you just can't refrain yourself from evangelizing can you?
How am I proselytizing again? I see someone say that science and religion contradict each other, I show them they are wrong. I am not trying to force anyone to be religious. Why do you see it that way? I just like the truth and I don't like religious people being called "idiots who believe in fairy tales" or "people who hold back scientific progress".

Why do you think agnostic or atheist beliefs are most represented among scientists compared to the general population? It's quite evident that scientific knowledge plays a big influence on people's beliefs, favoring an agnostic worldview.
Some scientists are religious and some are not. Some are influenced by their beliefs, others seperate it from their work.

Furthermore, even if scientists believe in god, are less likely to adhere to a particular world and/or institutionalized religion. If our resident flat-earther is anything to go by, we can easily see the general hostility religious people have towards science, especially when it comes to scientific knowledge that directly contradicts their religious dogma (like evolution, anthropology and cosmology for example).
You have a problem with fundamentalists, not me nor the average religious person. Also there is no contradiction despite how many times you try to install them.

When a person's world view is built on fiction from birth, it's much more catastrophic when they realize it, than say if your world view is built on imperfect or incomplete information, but information that can be revised and corrected. I am slowly realizing trying to rationalize with overly religious folks is a lot like trying to domesticate wild animals; should be possible in principle, since they have the capability, but nearly impossible due to years of conditioning and essentially having to do a complete overhaul of their entire psychology.
Maybe you have a problem relating to religious people because you use words like "fictional" and "fairy tales". For example, in this particular instance you compared religious people to dumb animals. I would be hard pressed to find anyone who responds amicably to being insulted in such a matter.
Let's try something else for a change.
In you world view, how do you explain the time-lapses of the night sky?
Do you know about the Polaris star? How do you explain it does not move through those time-lapses?
How do you explain it gets closer and closer to the horizon when you get to the equator?
How do you explain you don't see the Polaris star below the equator?
How do you explain stars turn around a totally different point of the sky below the equator?
And how do you explain constellations change during seasons?

So time lapses we’ve already been over so nothing to really go over there, the pole Star is something I never really gave much thought to so I would like to thank you for bringing it up. This is just a theory right now and I’d have to research it more but it sounds like the pole star may just be the highest star in the sky but also a fixed star. If the further you move south, the closer it gets to the horizon, it’s simply mimicking the same movement the sun does as it travels overhead and moves toward and then over the horizon as it gets further away only because the pole star isn’t moving as the sun is, the observer has to move further away from it to make it appear to get closer to the horizon. This would also mean that the pole star is further away or higher than the sun is. I’m curious as to which science says is closer to us. If it says the pole star is closer that would be pretty funny. You can’t see it below the equator because at that point you’ve moved far enough away from it to where it’s now beyond the horizon.

Stars turning around is simple. The moon does the same thing. If you imagine a colander and rotate it, patterns of holes flip depending on how far you’ve rotated it. Looking from underneath it depending on which direction you’re looking and what position you’ve turned the bowl is what determines how you see them.

Constellations I haven’t researched much either but there are different levels of heavens. Put another larger colander over the first one with a different set of stars on it moving at a different speed and that could be one possibility, another is that the sun changes its course depending on what season it is. Could just be more and less light at different times and in different parts of the sky revealing different stars.

For the ones arguing that science and “religion” can mix you’re fooling yourself. The story of creation is exactly as it reads. It also says God created us in His image. Is the Father of Christ a chimp? No. It specifically says he created plants on one day, animals another and humans on another. Somehow shoehorning evolution into that is absolutely ridiculous and any church preaching it isn’t a church anyone should be attending. Look at the charts that were presented. You’re basically saying you’re willing to accept “truth” about the heavens, earth, and man from someone who doesn’t even believe in your creator.

AngularSaxophone AngularSaxophone

I'm going to repeat myself here, to confirm that you understand what I'm saying.

Only this isn’t correct. The scale is all wrong. Even If you did spin the basketball slow enough to make a full rotation in 24 hours the scale would be incorrect. Science might just have a huge scale problem. Would make sense as God hates lying scales. I wonder if that applies to music too. I’ve heard that the frequencies were different 100 years ago.
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This would also mean that the pole star is further away or higher than the sun is. I’m curious as to which science says is closer to us. If it says the pole star is closer that would be pretty funny.

Do you serious not even know what a star is? I'm asking because quite obviously you also don't know what a solar system is, otherwise you wouldn't have made that comment.
You wouldn’t like my answer to what a star is. The sun has a completely different job than the stars but yes they’re all related. A solar system may as well be the equivalent of sun worship as you probably believe all life is sustained by the sun. I’d tell you the sun hates that idea and he grows hotter by the day because of it.
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What’s so funny about it. They’re angels. Let me ask you this since you feel like being amused. If you don’t believe in God, I’m assuming you believe we’re just done after we die. If that’s the case, why waste any time thinking about what’s in space? You’ll never go there while you’re alive, you don’t believe in what lies there afterward so there’s that so what’s the point? I mean it always points to “there must be life out there” when we can barely get our lives together here now. If we can’t get our lives together here on our own planet then why would anyone else anywhere want to deal with us?
What’s so funny about it. They’re angels. Let me ask you this since you feel like being amused. If you don’t believe in God, I’m assuming you believe we’re just done after we die. If that’s the case, why waste any time thinking about what’s in space? You’ll never go there while you’re alive, you don’t believe in what lies there afterward so there’s that so what’s the point? I mean it always points to “there must be life out there” when we can barely get our lives together here now. If we can’t get our lives together here on our own planet then why would anyone else anywhere want to deal with us?

Give me chapter and verse where the Bible directly states that all the stars are angels.
You wouldn’t like my answer to what a star is. The sun has a completely different job than the stars but yes they’re all related. A solar system may as well be the equivalent of sun worship as you probably believe all life is sustained by the sun. I’d tell you the sun hates that idea and he grows hotter by the day because of it.
This is exceptional fan-fiction.

Super Mario Bros 3 Angry Sun was prophetic, ya know.

Personifying elements of nature is paganism, by the way.
Worshiping them is pagan. Huge difference. There’s tons of references to that here’s a couple.

“by worshiping and serving other gods or the sun or the moon or the stars, contrary to the Lord 's command.”
‭‭Deuteronomy‬ ‭17:3‬ ‭GNTD‬‬

“He rebuilt the pagan places of worship that his father Hezekiah had destroyed; he built altars for the worship of Baal and made an image of the goddess Asherah, as King Ahab of Israel had done. Manasseh also worshiped the stars.”
‭‭2 Kings‬ ‭21:3‬ ‭GNTD‬‬

Give me chapter and verse where the Bible directly states that all the stars are angels.

“Praise the Lord, stars of heaven; sing his praise and honor him forever.”
‭‭Song of Three Young Men‬ ‭3:41‬ ‭GNTD‬‬

Who sings to God in heaven?

“He has decided the number of the stars and calls each one by name.”
‭‭Psalm‬ ‭147:4‬ ‭GNTD‬‬

“Look up at the sky! Who created the stars you see? The one who leads them out like an army, he knows how many there are and calls each one by name! His power is so great— not one of them is ever missing!”
‭‭Isaiah‬ ‭40:26‬ ‭GNTD‬‬

“He called the stars, and they promptly answered; they took their places and gladly shone to please the one who made them.”
‭‭Baruch‬ ‭3:34‬ ‭GNTD‬‬

“God provided the sun, the moon, and the stars to give light, and they obey him.”
‭‭Letter of Jeremiah‬ ‭6:60‬ ‭GNTD‬‬

“He said to me, “I made this decision before I created the world: before the gates of the world were standing; before the winds were brought together to blow, or the lightning flashed, or the thunder rolled; before the foundations of Paradise were laid, or the beautiful flowers appeared; before the powers that move the stars were established, or the armies of angels assembled;”
‭‭2 Esdras‬ ‭6:1-3‬ ‭GNTD‬‬

“Here is the secret meaning of the seven stars that you see in my right hand, and of the seven gold lampstands: the seven stars are the angels of the seven churches, and the seven lampstands are the seven churches.”
‭‭Revelation‬ ‭1:20‬ ‭GNTD‬‬

“Then the fifth angel blew his trumpet. I saw a star which had fallen down to the earth, and it was given the key to the abyss. The star opened the abyss, and smoke poured out of it, like the smoke from a large furnace; the sunlight and the air were darkened by the smoke from the abyss.”
‭‭Revelation‬ ‭9:1-2‬ ‭GNTD‬‬

When Satan fell, were not a third of the angels cast out with him?

“With his tail he dragged a third of the stars out of the sky and threw them down to the earth. He stood in front of the woman, in order to eat her child as soon as it was born.”
‭‭Revelation‬ ‭12:4‬ ‭GNTD‬‬

““I, Jesus, have sent my angel to announce these things to you in the churches. I am descended from the family of David; I am the bright morning star.””
‭‭Revelation‬ ‭22:16‬ ‭GNTD‬‬

julio_grr julio_grr wasn’t meant to be funny but that’s ok. I’m not alone in my thinking. Perhaps it only comes when you seek it.
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None of those shows that the stars are angles, especially since the angels are in heaven, outside the ones chained in captivity. So they wouldn't be in space.
Wouldnt the “underside” of the earth have to be dark for the most part for this to happen?

Exclusive bonus footage

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Rodent Whores
Wouldnt the “underside” of the earth have to be dark for the most part for this to happen?
When the area near the poles is sunny most of the time during the summer, the are near the opposite pole is dark most of the time because it's their winter. This is why when it's summer in the USA, it's winter in Australia. The seasons are switched for the northern and southern hemispheres.

Just read the description in the video.

The midnight sun is a natural phenomenon occurring in summer months at latitudes north and nearby to the south of the Arctic Circle, and south and nearby to the north of the Antarctic Circle where the sun remains visible at the local midnight. Given fair weather, the sun is visible for a continuous 24 hours, mostly north of the Arctic Circle and south of the Antarctic Circle. The number of days per year with potential midnight sun increases the farther poleward one goes. The opposite phenomenon, polar night, occurs in winter when the sun stays below the horizon throughout the day.



Wouldnt the “underside” of the earth have to be dark for the most part for this to happen?
-Continues to ask questions.
-Refuses to (actually knows he can't) answer other people's.

The irony is that that video is more or less what we've expect to see on a flat Earth because on a flat Earth the sun would never dip below the horizon. Not unless it went under the "disc". But don't talk to Angular about horizons; they make him mad and he'd have to answer my questions, at least in part, to explain it. :messenger_grinning_squinting:
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Only think wrong with that animation is that it completely ignores (teehee) the sun moving in and out of orbit in real life. Just as in real life the sun and moon can rise and set, back and fourth at various points day after day. Earth would have to constantly be tilting back and fourth.


Rodent Whores
Only think wrong with that animation is that it completely ignores (teehee) the sun moving in and out of orbit in real life. Just as in real life the sun and moon can rise and set, back and fourth at various points day after day. Earth would have to constantly be tilting back and fourth.
Do you acknowledge that when it's summer in the USA, the Australians are experiencing their winter season?
If it’s true, sure. But it could just be easily said that the sun is on an orbit that puts it closer to North America than Australia at that time. It’s winter in California right now. The sun is further south in the sky which makes it colder. Science just makes the obvious complex for no reason other than to confuse people.
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Evangelicalism did not take recognizable form until the 18th century, first in Britain and its North American colonies.

evangelicals are the attention-getting brand of modern corporate Christianity. they control the political right, they represent the arguing point for all religion for many atheists, they over-dominate & control the conversations around religion. in truth, they have little tie to history religious philosophy, of either the Jewish or Christian traditions. it is cobbled together, politically-minded, outdated pablum. it is largely a modern perversion of religion.

Flat Earth itself is a subsect of a subsect, something the 18th century evangelicals latched on to for political & viral reasons. i don't understand why it commands so much attention. the idea itself is not new, it is thousands of years old, alongside other, less scandalous, more creative models of the universe. i suppose the desire to own the religious is so strong and such a marketable product, itself a marketing technique old as time.
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If it’s true, sure. But it could just be easily said that the sun is on an orbit that puts it closer to North America than Australia at that time. It’s winter in California right now. The sun is further south in the sky which makes it colder. Science just makes the obvious complex for no reason other than to confuse people.

If the sun is closer to North America than Australia, North America and Australia are thousands of miles apart and the sun is only a few hundred miles away from the earth, why does the sun look the same size from North America and from Australia now?


If the sun is closer to North America than Australia, North America and Australia are thousands of miles apart and the sun is only a few hundred miles away from the earth, why does the sun look the same size from North America and from Australia now?
I fear you may never get the answer you're looking for. They're in a better place now.



I honestly couldn't tell if Sax was a troll or not. If he has been trolling this whole time, then I think he was amazing. That would be some absolute prime trolling skill. Best in the business.

If he was genuine, I feel like he's a real-life Van Alden from Boardwalk Empire and I hope he gets the help he needs.

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Or it could just be truth being poured out just as scripture says it would be.

The toilet paper you use to wipe your ass with doesn't count as script-oh wait your dumb ass is banned again. That's a shame. I was just starting to have fun with your ULTRA MEGAZORD COMBINED WITH GREEN RANGER DRAGON CRY FOR ATTENTION trolling.


oh wait your dumb ass is banned again.
Finally. It took him denying the holocaust to get banned. AngularSaxophone is utter scum, he needs to be banned from everyday life, let alone the internet.

And this ban is permanent, good.

AngularSaxophone Post Feb 4, 2019 Permanent. Sorry, you've reached maximum nutter for NeoGAF.
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Those long posts don't cover that red neck boy
The fact that it can even be questioned and that there are actual inconsistencies in what we’re told should be enough to tell you that something is being left out. What they’ve given us just isn’t a solid truth.
The last time i gave you a whole slew of evidence, even independent evidence, you shrugged it off by saying it was not about the topic we were discussing.

If you actually had read the link, you would know it was in fact about the topic we were discussing. But that's the thing with you, you just dismiss any and all evidence when its not Scripture. Which reminds me, you never linked to your papers before.

Atleast one aspect of OldGAF was that folks like you wouldn't have the chance to sprout. Its just painful to read every single time you display such incredible ignorance on any random topic.

I see O OnThePathToWisdom is keeping awfully silent... unless its your alt and you will activate this NPC in the future.

Flat Earth theory isnt any less valid than the rethoric of the left-wing politics.
I am sure it helps politicizing the thread when there is no need for it. Tell that to the doctor. :)

I still think you are just trolling, you can't be this stupid, especially when your sources are your "observations" and a book written by slightly modernized cavemen.
And on top of that never actually linking to his source unless its some thinfoil hattery. Dude also does not believe in vaccinations which is amazing for his kids if true. We are talking actual admittance to child neglect.

If the only visual proof that we have is always distorted then that doesn’t really count as proof does it.
But your BS somehow is more proof? Mate, any time someone makes this a proper discussion you are denouncing it just like you are denouncing it now.

The thing is, you don't really care about any discussion. You don't want to have an actual conversation. You don't want to read actual proof or have to provide proof yourself. All you care about is how many fish will bite in your trap of ignorance and serial stupidity and see what it takes to get your ass banned.

Atleast be a man and admit that as much. But you never will, after all, your precious scripture never said anything about abmitting to be ignorant.

I believe our world is round but that doesn't mean I believe NASA or any of these other space programs. I think they're just bullshit made to further rip off our tax money.
Good thing there is third party evidence independent of NASA.

That’s your opinion.
Amazing dismissal.

''Here is someone with facts. Can you demonstrate the Coriolis Effect?''

''That's just like, your opinion man''

My dude consider giving up your internet subscription and use the resultant money you save to find some help, like proper help.

I love how new NeoGaf lets this conversation happen. Pre the split this would have ended in Angular getting banned and no discussion other than a barrage of insults.
He is banned now anyways. Do you want a discussion? Because i addressed your point. :)

What kind of sociopath creates a list of other people like that?
Someone who believes in common sense.

Angular simply believed in no sense whatsoever.

Or it could just be truth being poured out just as scripture says it would be.
''Scripture sez..'' - DUCKTALES FROM MIANUS the village you perv.

Finally. It took him denying the holocaust to get banned. AngularSaxophone is utter scum, he needs to be banned from everyday life, let alone the internet.

And this ban is permanent, good.
It is painfully obvious that some folks have a very apparent agenda, including OnThePathOfWisdom.

In retrospect it just sucks that it takes so long before any action is undertaken. This has nothing to do with people doing a singular oopsie, these are folks who have made abundantly clear already to not care about actual conversation and are just NPC's from Trolldom.

It should not take this long, especially with the report system is.
I reckon Elcid Elcid will be upset with this.


You mean die right
Institutionalised, more like. Guy is clearly suffering from psychological ailments.
This has nothing to do with people doing a singular oopsie, these are folks who have made abundantly clear already to not care about actual conversation and are just NPC's from Trolldom.
Indeed, NPC is the right term; guy showed up on any topic with some BS conspiracy theory like he was programmed to do it. I'm honestly still half convinced he was just an utter troll pulling our legs, it's hard to believe someone with views like that can be real but alas there are people like that and what makes me think he wasn't a troll is how he shut down when I got him stuck with my questions. A troll wouldn't give a shit and would have said any old crap, he was clearly in flight mode.
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Institutionalised, more like. Guy is clearly suffering from psychological ailments.
The last time i gave you a whole slew of evidence, even independent evidence, you shrugged it off by saying it was not about the topic we were discussing.

If you actually had read the link, you would know it was in fact about the topic we were discussing. But that's the thing with you, you just dismiss any and all evidence when its not Scripture. Which reminds me, you never linked to your papers before.

Atleast one aspect of OldGAF was that folks like you wouldn't have the chance to sprout. Its just painful to read every single time you display such incredible ignorance on any random topic.

I see O OnThePathToWisdom is keeping awfully silent... unless its your alt and you will activate this NPC in the future.

I am sure it helps politicizing the thread when there is no need for it. Tell that to the doctor. :)

And on top of that never actually linking to his source unless its some thinfoil hattery. Dude also does not believe in vaccinations which is amazing for his kids if true. We are talking actual admittance to child neglect.

But your BS somehow is more proof? Mate, any time someone makes this a proper discussion you are denouncing it just like you are denouncing it now.

The thing is, you don't really care about any discussion. You don't want to have an actual conversation. You don't want to read actual proof or have to provide proof yourself. All you care about is how many fish will bite in your trap of ignorance and serial stupidity and see what it takes to get your ass banned.

Atleast be a man and admit that as much. But you never will, after all, your precious scripture never said anything about abmitting to be ignorant.

Good thing there is third party evidence independent of NASA.

Amazing dismissal.

''Here is someone with facts. Can you demonstrate the Coriolis Effect?''

''That's just like, your opinion man''

My dude consider giving up your internet subscription and use the resultant money you save to find some help, like proper help.

He is banned now anyways. Do you want a discussion? Because i addressed your point. :)

Someone who believes in common sense.

Angular simply believed in no sense whatsoever.

''Scripture sez..'' - DUCKTALES FROM MIANUS the village you perv.

It is painfully obvious that some folks have a very apparent agenda, including OnThePathOfWisdom.

In retrospect it just sucks that it takes so long before any action is undertaken. This has nothing to do with people doing a singular oopsie, these are folks who have made abundantly clear already to not care about actual conversation and are just NPC's from Trolldom.

It should not take this long, especially with the report system is.
I reckon Elcid Elcid will be upset with this.

Why would I be upset? Also didn't see the post that got him banned but based off what you he definitely crossed the line. Nice to know about the NASA 3rd party info, never knew that actually. Don't mind me though I'm a hardcore fiscal conservative who hates government and taxation in general. NASA could come up with ways to keep me young forever and I'd still hate them on principle alone.


Those long posts don't cover that red neck boy
Why would I be upset?
I am joking.

Also didn't see the post that got him banned but based off what you he definitely crossed the line. Nice to know about the NASA 3rd party info, never knew that actually. Don't mind me though I'm a hardcore fiscal conservative who hates government and taxation in general. NASA could come up with ways to keep me young forever and I'd still hate them on principle alone.
I mean if you want to distrust NASA then there is still more than enough independent proof that what is argued is legit. But Angular didn't even co that far, he would just dismiss it flatout.

Wings 嫩翼翻せ

so it's not nice
I hate to bring this discussion here (outside of the banning thread) but I believe it took "long" because I think the moderation team is adamant about people feeling free to express themselves, no matter how the general public may perceive their thoughts or opinions. With that said, talking about something like a flat-Earth is arguably not as inflammatory as something like denying the Holocaust (opinion cited) and action was taken when that limit was reached.

In any case, I'd say most people were not making a good enough case by insulting his intelligence (really... I mean, how do we look jumping on one guy who effectively invites your insults? It was clear he knew what he was doing) so he had a bigger platform. I honestly think it would have happened sooner (if that was the desire) if people were not contributing to his entertainment/trolling, which this thread is quite rife with in my opinion.


I hate to bring this discussion here (outside of the banning thread) but I believe it took "long" because I think the moderation team is adamant about people feeling free to express themselves, no matter how the general public may perceive their thoughts or opinions. With that said, talking about something like a flat-Earth is arguably not as inflammatory as something like denying the Holocaust (opinion cited) and action was taken when that limit was reached.

In any case, I'd say most people were not making a good enough case by insulting his intelligence (really... I mean, how do we look jumping on one guy who effectively invites your insults? It was clear he knew what he was doing) so he had a bigger platform. I honestly think it would have happened sooner (if that was the desire) if people were not contributing to his entertainment/trolling, which this thread is quite rife with in my opinion.
You and I are gone be besties. Lashing out with insults is never the way to go imo.


You can literally see the curvature of the Earth by going to a beach and looking at ships sailing toward the horizon.

Because of this, people have always realized the Earth was round.

This. I always thought the flat-earth thing was an epistemological game, like, do you 'know' because you were told and believe it, or do you know because you were told, challenged it, and came to the best conclusion given the empirical evidence.

I'm realizing now that it's longevity as a meme is just proof that as a society we have broken the orbit of gravity of truth.... it's just a rising disc of bullshit.
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