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144hz is magical!


Glad you enjoy it.

For me personally, the jump from 60 to >=120 is not that meaningful as from 30 to 60. More than 60 is an extra cherry on the top.


High refresh rate monitors are very useful outside gaming too. Just moving the mouse around feels much more responsive. Enabling smooth scrolling on your browser and scrolling pages up+down looks great, at 240hz you can read the text as you scroll. Going back to a 60hz monitor for everyday use is impossible after this.


I also bought a 144hz laptop this month, but honestly I can't tell the difference.

you should be able to. right click a blank spot on your desktop, click "display settings", scroll all the way down to "advanced display settings" and make sure you see the monitor running at 144hz.
afterwards, open up a game and have it run at 60hz in the graphic options, play in it for a minute, then bump it up to 144.


Gold Member
So, as someone that has never had a monitor with 144hz, should I bite? I don't think I'll ever be a 4K player by any means, I honestly don't really care to be. But I've been looking at monitors recently with a higher resolution than 1920x1080, HDR, and 144hz. I've been holding back on the purchase because I don't NEED it by any means, especially since the current monitors I have now are more than fine, they just don't contain what I mentioned above, lol. Thought about just replacing one of them at least...


Gold Member
Why did 144 come out? I've always been interested in that. Why didnt it just got 30, 60, 120, 240 etc? 144 seems odd ball, like 75.


I only use my tv as a monitor when i play games so i never really tried more than 60 fps...

Maybe with hdmi 2.1 and more capable tv in the future...but still, i don't know if i would sacrifice 4k or details to get over 60 frames...
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when we reach something like 500hz and similar fps numbers we might actually get the same motion smoothness as with the old CRTs :D
Sometimes I miss the old giants.
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I refuse to believe that someone actual can see a difference between 120 and 144 hz, at certain point, its just a placebo.
I mean what are they gonna sell in 5 years, 1440 hz ?
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I refuse to believe that someone actual can see a difference between 120 and 144 hz, at certain point, its just a placebo.
I mean what are they gonna sell in 5 years, 1440 hz ?

1440 Hz is nothing. The real jump occurs at 2880 Hz, feels so real, can't understand how you peasants tolerate 144 Hz now.

You just need cyber eye implants from the Night City doctor.


It's a game changer for sure. Using 3x Acer Predators' they're 1440p/165hz/IPS and they look and feel amazing. It's so buttery smooth.


I jumped down to a high resolution and 100hz from 144. Dont really see much difference. but i dont play really anything online except co op or BF.
Difference between 120 and 144 is not that big tbh.

That's a whole GTAV on PS3 worth of performance difference.

But for real, anything above 60 feels so much smoother in shooters. Playing games without a 60Hz limitation of a TV/Console setup is like playing a completely different game. I think 4K60 or 1080p144 (even 1440p144) are the best options for high end PC gamers. It really does elevate the games you're playing.


Had a 144 Hz monitor (Dell S2417DG). Yes it looks smoother, but nothing like 30->60.
On the other hand I don't play competitive games.

At the same time colours looked like shit even after calibration and photo editing was a hell.

So I haven't even consider high refresh rate when I chose the next one (Benq PD3200u).

So I think if you play competitive games, especially FPS, you should have some benefits.
Otherwise maybe it's not worth it. And it definitely is not magical (at least for me).


Bought this thing a few months ago, I never realized what a quality monitor could do but hot damn everything looks better



240hz + last gen games that can run as fast = Incredible smoothness with the minimum input lag possible and near CRT motion clarity.
Is there a big difference between 120 and 240? Is it super noticeable.

Why is 144fps a thing? I get 60 because it's double 30 and double that is 120 but when the random jump by 14 frames to 144? And again 240 is double 120. I don't get it.


I cry about SonyGaf from my chair in Redmond, WA
Difference between 120 and 144 is not that big tbh.


I went from a 120hz to 144 Hz g sync monitor.

Holy fuck i can never go back to the old ways again.


I confirm, even if i still play in 60fps in general, i must say that 144fps in a competitive game is kind of fuc**** amazing. Even in Gears 5 it's feeling much smoother !

I was "secptical" at first, cause i'm kind of a dum dumb when it comes to details, but... wooo


Got a new gaming laptop, and the screen is 144hz! Things feel smoother and more responsive than they have any right to be. I tested The Evil Within with it and it was glorious! Can't wait to install some of my other favorites on there and see the 144hz effect on them :messenger_beaming:

You got G Sync on that bad boy?

Oh my lawd.


High refresh is good but iirc you lose out in picture quality. Either worse colors, more banding, lower subpixels res,

Mhmmm 2077

Got a new gaming laptop, and the screen is 144hz! Things feel smoother and more responsive than they have any right to be. I tested The Evil Within with it and it was glorious! Can't wait to install some of my other favorites on there and see the 144hz effect on them :messenger_beaming:
The only drawback is that if you are planning to get into VR gaming, you will be going back to ~90fps, but it's still worth it imo.


I've got a 144hz monitor but honestly can't tell much of a difference. Some of my games that run at 144FPS like Fall Guys look the same as when they're running at 60.....maybe it's just me.


Is there a big difference between 120 and 240? Is it super noticeable.

Why is 144fps a thing? I get 60 because it's double 30 and double that is 120 but when the random jump by 14 frames to 144? And again 240 is double 120. I don't get it.
The difference between 120 and 240 is most noticeable in the clarity of the image when it moves, not so much in the extra smoothness. There is a small difference in input lag which may not be that much but it adds up.

I also don't understand why 144hz is a standard instead of 120. Seems like a random number to choose. Then again you have other odd ones like 165hz.


Kerotan Kerotan nkarafo nkarafo I thought 144 had something do with it being cleanly divisible by 24 and avoiding 3:2 pulldown for video. 120 divides, but as an odd number (5) and perhaps that can cause issues.
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