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2009 – The best year of Wii EVAR!! (Games pics and movies)


Ydahs said:
People are complaining about the list? So many quality games in the early half of the year with many having lots of potential to be great. This list looks much better than the 2009 PS360 lineup.

It might have already been mentioned, but this list is damn impressive and we aren't even in 2009. More game will be announced during the year, and hopefully we can get more from the West. Though my main interests seem to be in Japan for the Wii as I have my PC for the FPS games.

It's a shame that next year is year 12 for me, but a lot of money is going to be unloaded in December :D

Year 12 is a bludge man. I spent most of my HSC study time watching Fawlty Towers.
From the games that have actually been shown, here are my most anticipated:

1. Endless Ocean 2

2. PunchOut!!
3. Wii Sports Resort
4. The House of the Dead: Overkill
5. No More Heroes 2

6. The Conduit
7. Sin & Punishment 2
8. Mad World
9. Monster Hunter 3
10. Tatsunoko vs. Capcom



Capcom VS Tatsunoko interests me more than Street Fighter 4...Hmmmm

I see a lot of great games coming. I can't wait for the New Pikmin/Mario/Zelda/Metroid etc...

Wii's future looks bright :)


legend166 said:
Year 12 is a bludge man. I spent most of my HSC study time watching Fawlty Towers.
Is it? I'm doing IB, and it's supposedly harder than VCE (which is HSC's equivalent, right?). My exams consist of two years of work, not unit 3 & 4 (one year of work). Correct me if I'm wrong.

The reason why it's so demanding on me is because I missed out a term of school because of a broken hand and I've had little time to catch up. It's going to be my first maths exam I get less than a 90%... I better get back to studying IT and Islamic History... while listening to some MJ!


Honestly, Nintendo's been kicking me in the stomach for most of this generation and I have no interest in casual games. This list would have reinvigorated me if not for the imbecilic western-only fans here. I like Japanese games more, so I'm thrilled.

almost certainly:
Muramasa: The Demon Blade
Klonoa: Door to Phantomile (well, as a gift for someone, since I already own it)
Little King's Story

Sin and Punishment 2
Arc Rise Fantasia

Trace Memory R
Fragile: Farewell Ruins of the Moon
Tales Of...
(Capcom Versus Tatsunoko and Pikmin 3 aren't coming here this year)

And considering Nintendo won't announce things until a month before release, I'm actually excited.


Ydahs said:
Is it? I'm doing IB, and it's supposedly harder than VCE (which is HSC's equivalent, right?). My exams consist of two years of work, not unit 3 & 4 (one year of work). Correct me if I'm wrong.

The reason why it's so demanding on me is because I missed out a term of school because of a broken hand and I've had little time to catch up. It's going to be my first maths exam I get less than a 90%... I better get back to studying IT and Islamic History... while listening to some MJ!

I have no idea what you're talking about. What is IB?


Eteric Rice said:
Since we're doing ages here, I'm 20.

Birthday is April 23. :D
So is mine; same day! Taurus in an Aries cusp, among the most dynamic signs in the Zodiac. We're so cool.


...hate me...
I'll probably buy a second Wii in 2009. A single Wii can't handle so much awesomeness.


motherf... when has tales of been announced?

This is really looking bright for me. And I do have a massive backlog. Ive been studying abroad last year and didnt bring my Wii along. Hell, I dont even own Super Mario Galaxy yet.

Im mostly interested in Fragile, Arc Rise, Sin & Punishment 2, NHM DS, Mad World, bhlah blah blah. Well, most of those games really. And by interested I mean thoroughly craving.
I'm going to be broke later this year.

Oh who am I kidding? I'll wait for most of them to fall in price :(

Darklord said:
... :\

I guess if you like Japanese games it's good...?

I can't say a single game on that list looks good. Even Madworld.

Jesus Christ.


BDGAME said:
Overlord: Dark Legend - Release Date: TBA 2009
Published by: Codemasters, Developed by: Climax Studios, Genre: Adventure
Video: http://br.youtube.com/watch?v=IiO2Dyaf86I
This is the first time I've paid real attention to this. Just watched the video and it look AMAZING. When a game looks that good on Wii, you know the developer is putting some serious effort into it.

WOW @ the environments! I need a direct feed video to really judge it, but the screens look good!

The hell is this game? Interest +100
It's a decent list, but it looks godly compared to this year and the last year...

Top interests for me:

Mad World

Tasunoko will be good for sure, but I doubt it'll be out in the US.
I kept saying 'well that's on my radar now', and so is that one, and so is that one.. Amazing line up if they all actually come out next year. I don't think my 360 will be getting as much play time though I suspect MS will announce some new titles soon.


hide your water-based mammals
This is definitely turning out to be the best year for the Wii. If not for the RPG's I wouldn't care much though. Way better than this year though.
I have mixed feelings about Capcom vs. Tatsunoko (if it gets a N.A. release)

I don't personally care for most 2D fighters, or the Capcom 'VS' series in general - but I sort of want it just because the Gatchaman characters look so awesome. I used to watch 'Battle of the Planets' quite a bit as a kid.


Wow, the screens for Punch Out look terrible.
LiquidMetal14 said:
This is definitely turning out to be the best year for the Wii. If not for the RPG's I wouldn't care much though. Way better than this year though.
Doesn't take much to be better than this year, the year of Wii Music.


hide your water-based mammals
Farnack said:
Wow, the screens for Punch Out look terrible.

Doesn't take much to be better than this year, the year of Wii Music.
I should correct myself and say next year is turning out much better but I think most will know.

And true, this year is not so good. 3rd parties are just starting to show compelling content though.


Nintendo's Pro Bono PR Firm
The crisis limiting big budget risky projects + Wii's proven ability to sell +20 million consoles/year + Balance board insanely high penetration + Motion+ opening new doors in game creation... will not only make wii's support increase in 2009, but even moreso in 2010. TGS 08 was only a glimpse of things to come: Wii's future has never looked so bright, even for gamers my friends :)


marc^o^ said:
The crisis limiting big budget risky projects + Wii's proven ability to sell +20 million consoles/year + Balance board insanely high penetration + Motion+ opening new doors in game creation... will not only make wii's support increase in 2009, but even moreso in 2010. TGS 08 was only a glimpse of things to come: Wii's future has never looked so bright, even for gamers my friends :)
Your optimism is dangerous.


I decided to count the opinions of those who participated here in this thread and for my surprise:

~70% of GAFers like this list.
~30% don't like this list, or don't like the wii, or only like 1 or 2 of this games.

A curiosity is that the page with the bigger number of people that don't like this list is the first one (around 1/3 of people that don't like this list).

So, for now, GAFers likes what was showed! :D


BDGAME said:
I decided to count the opinions of those who participated here in this thread and for my surprise:

~70% of GAFers like this list.
~30% don't like this list, or don't like the wii, or only like 1 or 2 of this games.

A curiosity is that the page with the bigger number of people that don't like this list is the first one (around 1/3 of people that don't like this list).

So, for now, GAFers likes what was showed! :D
Are you, like, counting those who said "FUCK! Anything is better than 2008!"


ὁ αἴσχιστος παῖς εἶ
Farnack said:
Your optimism is dangerous.


BDGAME said:
I decided to count the opinions of those who participated here in this thread and for my surprise:

~70% of GAFers like this list.
~30% don't like this list, or don't like the wii, or only like 1 or 2 of this games.

A curiosity is that the page with the bigger number of people that don't like this list is the first one (around 1/3 of people that don't like this list).

So, for now, GAFers likes what was showed! :D

Trolls always hit the first page hard, they gotta get in the cheap shots before the supporters show up. ;)


When It's all said and done I'll probably own seven or more of those games. Doubt I'd buy most new though because I got other gaming platforms to buy games for too.


Redd said:
When It's all said and done I'll probably own seven or more of those games. Doubt I'd buy most new though because I got other gaming platforms to buy games for too.

My plight as well. As a 'fanboy' of Japanese software the list is quite appetizing to say the least.



Is that Casshan? If so I might have to import if this doesn't get a U.S. release soon!

Anywho, thanks for the tread OP, I just bought a Wii a little bit ago despite saying for the last few years that I was waiting for a price drop before jumping in (because I now don't see a drop coming for a long time, Nintendo is clearly applying the DS business model to the Wii). This thread was a nice into to some upcoming titles.

My 2009 must buys played a big role in me picking one up though, got to be honest. Muramasa, Punch-out!!, and Klonoa are games I'll be on day one. Looks like I'll be adding MadWorld to the list as well.

The big question though is how many of these games will actually deliver and be something more than just average. But I think what we're really seeing isn't "the year of the Wii" as much as we're seeing the start of its sales success paying off and developers finally breaking the mold and trying something different. It took the DS some time as well. In both cases developers held back betting on the competition (PSP and 360/PS3) respectively, but now they need to start servicing a large section of the industry or lose ground on their competitors who do.

I think this upcoming boom of Wii software will probably ultimately push back the rumored WiiHD release as well. very late 2011 is the soonest I'd expect it, I'm betting Nintendo waits until more like mid to late 2012. Wouldn't be at all surprised if they give Sony and MS a year head start next generation. Much of their Wii fan base isn't going to migrate with the new systems and it'd allow Nintendo to release a next gen system much closer in terms of graphical muscle without the such a big price tag.


ὁ αἴσχιστος παῖς εἶ
The next Nintendo home console won't come out until 2013, I'm calling it now.

Sony's and Microsoft's could be 2011 or 2012 depending on how desperate they are.


...hate me...
Andrex said:
The next Nintendo home console won't come out until 2013, I'm calling it now.
2013 would be nice. I believe it wouldn't be too hard to launch a console that's advanced for, say, 2010 standarts, at a good entry price like Nintendo enjoys to do - 250 max.

And 2010 is 4/5 years after the PS360.

If Nintendo wants to expand on the Wii's success, they need to ride the boat of easy ports / assets and development sharing with the competition consoles' games. That's what's been helping the PS3 to stay alive, and that's what made possible some nice surprises to come up on the 360.


Ydahs said:
This is the first time I've paid real attention to this. Just watched the video and it look AMAZING. When a game looks that good on Wii, you know the developer is putting some serious effort into it.

WOW @ the environments! I need a direct feed video to really judge it, but the screens look good!

The hell is this game? Interest +100
It's pretty much a pointer-based Pikmin with a more "dark" theme.


No one shall be brought before our LORD David Bowie without the true and secret knowledge of the Photoshop. For in that time, so shall He appear.
Out of those, here are the ones I really want:
Mad World
Capcom VS Tatsunoko
Sin and Punishment 2
Kororinpa 2 (HELL YES!)
Fatal Frame 4
House of the Dead: Overkill
The Sky Crawlers
The Conduit
Wii Sports Resort
Pikmin 3
Renegade Kid's Dracula
No More Heroes: Desperate Struggle

Rofl at the aliasing in Bleach. Is this N64 yet? :lol


kenji said:
if i remember well Level 5 said that Inazuma Eleven Break will be out in 2009 in NA

Inazuma Eleven Break


I don't read anything about this game come to USA, but I really want that happens.

It's a Soccer RPG.


kenji said:
if i remember well Level 5 said that Inazuma Eleven Break will be out in 2009 in NA
oh shi- totally forgot about that!

And I hope they do release the DS version a couple months before the Wii game to prepare the market. :D


Green Tentacle said:
Has Inazuma Eleven Break been confirmed for wii or is it that still just speculation?

I want to know this too. While IMO it's rather strange to not have it on Wii, I wonder why L5 haven't announced the platform yet.
Ydahs said:
This is the first time I've paid real attention to this. Just watched the video and it look AMAZING. When a game looks that good on Wii, you know the developer is putting some serious effort into it.

WOW @ the environments! I need a direct feed video to really judge it, but the screens look good!

The hell is this game? Interest +100
Dude are you high?
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