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99.99% of Gaming Rumours Are False


Gold Member
Prove me wrong GAF.

Nobody guessed the HouseMarque acquisition or the BluePoint acquisition leak from Sony Japan, sure they’ve been on lists as hopeful acquisitions but nobody had come out and said recently that this or even something is about to happen.

Instead, we get false rumours like Sega, Square Enix and the recent Arc System Works from the most unbelievable source ever which still somehow managed to get 100’s of comments. Or rumours of a new Switch which has been ongoing for what, two or three years now?

Rumours are dead, long live leaks, and ARGS!

RaZoR No1

Instead, we get false rumours like Sega

I dont know where you get the number, but a lot of leaks were true.
Next gen specs + XSS were true (expect the clock speed), alot of gaming rumours were true too.
It just depends from which leaker you get the leaks.
Anyone predicting Housemarque, Bluepoint, insomniac acquisition wouldn't make for a rumour worth noting.

Most people would be asking "duh, they are not already owned by Sony?".


I've heard from a friend of a friend who know the wife of the son of Kevin Smith's godfather, that in the new He-man series He-man disappears after a couple of episodes and the rest of the series becomes about some other character nobody cares about.


Gold Member
many of them are false because they're leaked internal plans or decisions that are subject to change. Some are third-hand accounts, translated badly


Yes but that means 0.01% are real. That should give you enough hope to perpetuate the rumor. Spread it. Live it. Love it. Caress it. And when it's warranted and the mood is just right; masturbate to it.


Forgot about that, I’d say that’d classify as a leak since it came from the gaming industry and not a random person with “connections”

I remember that, I translated some of what they were talking about.

Also I understand what you mean by rumours not being accurate... it all started after MS got some studios, fake rumours started showing up. Anyone with a twitter account was a "insider" and all those rumours were just for console wars fuel.

The Square Enix rumour actually is the only one who came from a news media with good reputation.


The problem is that nobody just outright leaks stuff anymore. You get these "influencers" who drip feed it like "Oh yeah I mean my sources are telling me lots of stuff but... gotta protect my sources gobble gobble...all I can say is [insert long video about practically nothing] but I could be wrong. If I remember correctly... I think.."

I remember the old GAF days (when I was a lurker without an account, like 10 years ago or more) when we would get proper, out of the blue, comprehensive leaks. It was crazy.

Now we just have Jeff Grubby Beard, Jason Screecher and then whatever bullshit IbizaPocholo (I put him on ignore so I don't have to see his constant updates about obscure games that nobody asked for) comes up with in his daily diarrheic posting spree (most of which is stuff nobody gives a shit about).


Neo Member
neh I don't know what is the real number in percentage but the major of rumors are false, it's obvious
today it's very easy to write something on tweet and pass it as a rumors, it works because the fanbase want ear it as bender said

we can look to the Nintendo rumors for example that are pretty close all time false


Step 1 - Get a rumor right (made up or from someone that actually knows something).

Step 2 - When a rumor start, pretend that you know something about it. "Yeah, I also heard something like that from someone".

Step 3 - Create a fake list of games, some safe bets and some wild but with the things may change excuse. "This, this, this and this will be showed at the show. But remember, things change, so some stuff might not be there. Maybe in the next show..."

Enjoy all the retweets and people posting your tweets on forums/reddit because there's barely any real leaks/leakers and the game industry has become boring.


Step 1 - Get a rumor right (made up or from someone that actually knows something).

Step 2 - When a rumor start, pretend that you know something about it. "Yeah, I also heard something like that from someone".

Step 3 - Create a fake list of games, some safe bets and some wild but with the things may change excuse. "This, this, this and this will be showed at the show. But remember, things change, so some stuff might not be there. Maybe in the next show..."

Enjoy all the retweets and people posting your tweets on forums/reddit because there's barely any real leaks/leakers and the game industry has become boring.
Wait till Sony announces their 3rd acquisition for 2021, the announcement will Shock You!
It is still not finalised, my bet is later this year, a big Japanese studio like that one takes a lot time on negotiations.

Are we doing it alright ? are we starting a rumour? are we insiders ? I do not have twitter :(


It is still not finalised, my bet is later this year, a big Japanese studio like that one takes a lot time on negotiations.

Are we doing it alright ? are we starting a rumour? are we insiders ? I do not have twitter :(
Sounds plausible, ship it!


If you want to be even more of a cynic you could say that some rumours are just flat out fabricated solely for the benefit of content creators being able to pump out suspiciously timed 10 minute videos that are just long enough to monetise.

But hey that's crazy talk right?

True leaks are usually totally innocuous until they are officially announced and someone realises that a burner account posted it on reddit 6 months prior and no one even gave it any attention, example being the Frontier leak last year that turned out to be totally legit.


Prove me wrong GAF.

Nobody guessed the HouseMarque acquisition or the BluePoint acquisition leak from Sony Japan, sure they’ve been on lists as hopeful acquisitions but nobody had come out and said recently that this or even something is about to happen.

Instead, we get false rumours like Sega, Square Enix and the recent Arc System Works from the most unbelievable source ever which still somehow managed to get 100’s of comments. Or rumours of a new Switch which has been ongoing for what, two or three years now?

Rumours are dead, long live leaks, and ARGS!

99.99% of the "insiders" with a twitter account are morons.

I find anonymous rumors much more realiable these days because idiots looking for visibility or to troll do it on shitholes like twitter.
So if they really want to remain anonymous may be because they have legit stuff to share.


You’re not wrong

Let’s have a think back over the year….

MS buying:
And a host of others

And not one leak MS would buy Bethesda…

Sony buying:
Well not many rumours - which I guess demonstrates that MS needed to pad their news with anything.

Housemarque which happened and bluepoint not yet happened. These are obvious predictions - no leak needed.

Anyway that MS list is enough to discredit most leakers.

On top of that:
PS5 yield problems
Clocks too high
Clocks too low
Clocks too variable
SSD too small
Fans too loud
Will be destroyed by Xsex
Poor performance of Resi
Poor performance of <insert multi plat>
Can’t do RT
RDNA <invent number>
Tflops <invent number>

Enough bad analysis to discredit most of those “journalists”.

You can come up with a bingo card of rumours you can think of, flip a coin and put those on Twitter and they’ll be as accurate as the gaming press in leaking or analysing anything.

The sad thing is game enthusiasts in places like GAF swallow this stupid crap every . single . time. And yet maintain an attitude like they’re better informed. Nah the general public is better informed because they get their gaming news when it is officially announced and they never hear the 99% of stupid clickbait.

Rumour threads should either be banned outright or given an OT to stop polluting the front page with nonsense. Most of it is console warring in the end.

The days of insiders directly leaking anything of value (nevermind the butt licking journalists claiming to have contacts) is long gone. It’s too big a business for that to be tolerated.


Yes, but the problem is the games industry is more sercretive about projects than every other industry out there. Its to the point where even knowing a game exists is a big deal if it hasnt been officially announced. This has opened the door for clout and attention seekers to make a carreer/persona off of “leaking” game announcements. I wish most studios would take the marvel route, just be open about what you have in development for the next couple years and these twitter parasites wont have anything to attatch themselves to.

also wider consumers are to blame. Thanks to “Hype” culture and influencers needing announcements to pretend to be excited about. We have companies more secretive than ever so they can capitalize on the shrieks of mouth breathers across twitch and youtube. Whenever i see idiots crying that a game reveal has been “spoiled” for them a piece of my soul leaves my body. Oh what, your sad that the company cant market to you exactly how they wanted to? Boo fucking hoo. Its a commercial, fucking idiots
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A tweet that he made January last year? Fuck, let me try. Ahem. Sony is going to show a new game that hasn't been revealed yet. I'll bookmark this and use as proof of my leaker status... Next year.
Follow the leak, bud. They mentioned it was ironed out early 2020, but left it there until Returnal was completed.
Try harder


I'm sure the majority of rumors are generated by liars hoping to raise their own profile, act as elaborate trolls, or generate traffic to some site or youtube channel they're associated with.

It would be less of an issue had there been more vetting of sources. Neogaf used to have a stringent standard for this sort of thing to weed out all the bullshit, but after 2017 that standard went out the window.
I find it amusing how much Gaf as a whole detests Resetera, yet we still use them as sources for leaks/rumors. That forum is fucking awful yet even they still require a standard lol.

I'm tired of seeing posters cite that stupid fucking subreddit for the latest bullshit rumor or leak. Pretty much anyone can post anything on there. I have no idea why some still believe it to be credible.
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Prove me wrong GAF.

Nobody guessed the HouseMarque acquisition or the BluePoint acquisition leak from Sony Japan, sure they’ve been on lists as hopeful acquisitions but nobody had come out and said recently that this or even something is about to happen.

Instead, we get false rumours like Sega, Square Enix and the recent Arc System Works from the most unbelievable source ever which still somehow managed to get 100’s of comments. Or rumours of a new Switch which has been ongoing for what, two or three years now?

Rumours are dead, long live leaks, and ARGS!
It’s Wednesday tho


Nobody guessed the HouseMarque acquisition or the BluePoint acquisition leak from Sony

It's because nobody cares about those. They were already making exclusive PS games. Nothing changes.

The others are a different story.
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Prove me wrong GAF.

Nobody guessed the HouseMarque acquisition or the BluePoint acquisition leak from Sony Japan, sure they’ve been on lists as hopeful acquisitions but nobody had come out and said recently that this or even something is about to happen.

Instead, we get false rumours like Sega, Square Enix and the recent Arc System Works from the most unbelievable source ever which still somehow managed to get 100’s of comments. Or rumours of a new Switch which has been ongoing for what, two or three years now?

Rumours are dead, long live leaks, and ARGS!

isnt that a rumour that 99.99% are wrong though?


Whenever i see idiots crying that a game reveal has been “spoiled” for them a piece of my soul leaves my body. Oh what, your sad that the company cant market to you exactly how they wanted to? Boo fucking hoo. Its a commercial, fucking idiots
You're being harsh. Are you really saying Last Guardian, Shenmue 3 and FF7 reveal would have felt the same way if it was leaked earlier ?
That's comparing living in a tin box alone vs sharing a dinner with friends.

but outside E3, yeah don't give a shit. Show Hogwarts here or there, I know I am gonna tread lightly.


Even when you find the 0.01% they can be subject to changes occurring during the development of the game thus rending them false to many.
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