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99.99% of Gaming Rumours Are False


Plays with kids toys, in the adult gaming world
coming to xcloud in 2022

I don't understand why people are so bothered by rumors these days? Is this a zoomer thing?

Ten years ago almost no one was so hostile towards them it was fun to discuss, laugh at or debate
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So I guess I found the 0.01% :

Sony said multiple times recently that they were considering acquisitions, we knew they were hiring HR people to integrate people from acquired studios and we knew they were increasing a lot the budget for 1st party gamedev salaries for this fiscal year. So without insider info we knew Sony was going to acquire at least one studio soonish.

the recent Arc System Works
For many reasons this acquisition makes way more sense than Housemarque and Bluepoint. It fits with:
  • Their anime IPs and anime streaming services
  • Their deal with Kadokawa
  • Their eSports patents/EVO/fighting games strategy
  • Wanting to grow in Asia or PC (they are working in the fighting game of one of the 2 top grossing PC games during the last decade, which is a fucking huge Korean beat'em up MMO for PC)
  • Helps to compensate the Japan Studio downsizing with more Japanese 1st party games
  • They're a fairly small studio that works in 2-3+ games at the same time and managed to make more money than any Kojima game with an anime fighting game
  • Their tradition of buying studios with a long tradition of PS exclusives, they published over two dozen PlayStation console exclusives since PS1.
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Nah lots of them are true. They predict the most obvious out come usually so even if they're made up they'll often be true.


The problem is that nobody just outright leaks stuff anymore. You get these "influencers" who drip feed it like "Oh yeah I mean my sources are telling me lots of stuff but... gotta protect my sources gobble gobble...all I can say is [insert long video about practically nothing] but I could be wrong. If I remember correctly... I think.."

I remember the old GAF days (when I was a lurker without an account, like 10 years ago or more) when we would get proper, out of the blue, comprehensive leaks. It was crazy.

Now we just have Jeff Grubby Beard, Jason Screecher and then whatever bullshit IbizaPocholo (I put him on ignore so I don't have to see his constant updates about obscure games that nobody asked for) comes up with in his daily diarrheic posting spree (most of which is stuff nobody gives a shit about).
Always amusing when a group of 'influencers' or 'journalists' all come out with the same info at the exact same time. Oh right cool, so I guess whoever leaked it must have BCC'd a whole bunch of people, and somehow they all did their own independent fact checking and research in exactly the same length of time, amazing!

I'm sure this has gone on for decades but the fact that anyone and everyone wants to be a somebody online and online makes everything immediate it is just now far too blatant.
Nobody guessed the HouseMarque acquisition or the BluePoint acquisition leak from Sony Japan, sure they’ve been on lists as hopeful acquisitions but nobody had come out and said recently that this or even something is about to happen.
People been saying this since last year...


Gold Member
I'll never believe rumors without some kind of concrete truth. Be it an image, a video, or something that at least looks more legitimate than a screengrab from a 4chan post.


Prove me wrong GAF.

Nobody guessed the HouseMarque acquisition or the BluePoint acquisition leak from Sony Japan, sure they’ve been on lists as hopeful acquisitions but nobody had come out and said recently that this or even something is about to happen.

Instead, we get false rumours like Sega, Square Enix and the recent Arc System Works from the most unbelievable source ever which still somehow managed to get 100’s of comments. Or rumours of a new Switch which has been ongoing for what, two or three years now?

Rumours are dead, long live leaks, and ARGS!
Don't forget the fabled Metroid Prime Trilogy HD


Well, yeah.

These days to be an "insider" and start a rumor you basically have to:
- Hopefully have a decent number of followers on twitter
-Keep up to date with gaming news and know enough about the current gaming landscape to make an informed guess like: "MS might acquire more studios in the future" or "Nintendo might release an enhanced version of their handheld as they've done multiple times before".
- Make your guess public but claim it's actually based on info you got from a "credible anonymous source" working for X company.
-Bonus credibility points if you have worked in games "journalism" or are twitter buddies with people that do
-With any luck you get it right from time to time and bam!, now you even have a "decent track record"


I'm gonna be honest here.

Does GAF latch onto any old twitter/reddit/4chan etc rumor due to the exodus of actual devs and games media folk posting here because it's not a "safe space" like Era?

I feel like we deffinately used to have more credible rumors and leaks to discuss last gen.

SF Kosmo

Al Jazeera Special Reporter
Even reliable sources I have had are often like 50/50 because a lot of this stuff is a moving target and until things get announced they're not sure things. Companies might be in talks or a game night be in pre-development but it doesn't mean we'll ever see it.


Gold Member
I'm gonna be honest here.

Does GAF latch onto any old twitter/reddit/4chan etc rumor due to the exodus of actual devs and games media folk posting here because it's not a "safe space" like Era?

I feel like we deffinately used to have more credible rumors and leaks to discuss last gen.
Only if they can console war it.


I'm gonna be honest here.

Does GAF latch onto any old twitter/reddit/4chan etc rumor due to the exodus of actual devs and games media folk posting here because it's not a "safe space" like Era?

I feel like we deffinately used to have more credible rumors and leaks to discuss last gen.

Could be true but it kinda feels like more of it comes through Twitter or people's own Youtube channel/other social media.

I guess there's no real need to post leaks on GAF or Era anymore.
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