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A little from column A, a little from column B



Unconfirmed Member

To tell a story, one post at a time.
It's a choose your own adventure story, where every post presents a choice.
But with a twist!
Not where the story goes. Instead, where it came from.


Reply ONLY to the previous post.
If you really want the post, but cannot immediately, type a reservation - DIBS, RESERVE, GIMME A FEW MINUTES, etc
You will have 30 minutes to craft your post. If your time is up (and there are placeholders after you), please edit your post to be ignored.

Your reply consists of two things:
A quote of the prior post. Specifically, quote the path you choose to follow.
Your own text.

Your own text consists of:
Two paths for the next poster to choose from.
Each path can be anything from a single sentence to an entire paragraph (NO WALLS OF TEXT!)
GIFs are also acceptable - either in place of any words, or as part of them. ONLY ONE GIF PER PATH.


The day was drawing to a close. The ignorant among us were already looking forward to the next. They would sleep soon, the hours between only taking moments for them. For others, it was time to get down and dirty - every moment a dangerous one.

There's a time and a place for everything. It was the middle of the day. Party day! We'd rented a boat for the weekend with some friends, but word had gotten out. We were starting to put supplies on board when everyone else started to show up. Bill then said...


The day was drawing to a close. The ignorant among us were already looking forward to the next. They would sleep soon, the hours between only taking moments for them. For others, it was time to get down and dirty - every moment a dangerous one.

But is it worth it? This is what those who stay awake sometimes ask themselves in moments of self doubt. In their hearts don’t know or care what the answer is, for them this is what they’ve always known.

He replaced the bullet spent earlier that day, slid the gun under his mattress (like every night) and wished he didn’t have to do this ever again.
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Unconfirmed Member
He replaced the bullet spent earlier that day, slid the gun under his mattress (like every night) and wished he didn’t have to do this ever again.
But if wishes were hookers, he could run a dozen brothels by now. The list was getting shorter though, so it was only a matter of time. He just had to survive til then.

Bullets were expensive in his line of work. That's why he preferred other weapons. But using those meant he had to get up close and personal. The job was tough enough - no reason to make it harder than it had to be.


But if wishes were hookers, he could run a dozen brothels by now. The list was getting shorter though, so it was only a matter of time. He just had to survive til then.

“One more day”, he whispers to himself as he skillfully maneuvers to his left side, retreating to his corner of the bed. She lost the ability to care about his comfort months ago, and she convinces herself every night that the tighter she wraps herself around him, the safer she is.

Hope is all that keeps him going anymore. Hope and gin.


Today had been a particularly brutal one, he recalled the events of earlier.
He shot upright, having slept more than his body had allowed in recent memory. Today these fuckers will burn.

He startled slightly, leaving the deepest part of sleep but not regaining full consciousness. Her silken touch had apparently soothed his subconscious mind.


The year was 2015. They started an episode of The Office on Netflix.

The year was 2015. His erection gently brushed her leg, but they both ignored the embarrassment, their faces turning bright red in the darkness. He turned on the latest episode of Game of Thrones on HBO Go.
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