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Age of Wonders III |OT| Follow The Leader

I spent another day basically doing nothing but playing AoW3, and it was awesome, but I'm just 1.5 maps further on in the campaign.

How long (how many maps that is) is a campaign?

Off the top of my head, it's 6 maps. The latter maps get much bigger in scale, largely due to your objectives, so it may yet be a while. One thing to note, however, is that I beat them long before most of the balance patches (+ Golden Realms) came to pass so they may play out very differently nowadays.
Faces of Magic
For the upcoming expansion, it looks like Triumph is sprucing up & expanding leader customization, adding a new specialization (campaign spoilers), adding PBEM (which I guess people use) and, lastly, adding an almost Civ5 Policy-like progression to AoW3 with the addition of a Race Upgrade system.

This expansion's gonna be a big'un. I'm sorta surprised it hasn't been named yet. My prediction?
The Frozen Realm.
This is truly the game that keeps on giving. I look forward to each new update of AoW as much as I look forward to entire games.

Edit: Oops, hope they catch the typo before release!


Finally dove into this game after having it sitting in my backlog for a while. Jumped into the beginner elf campaign and loving it so far. Any general tips for a noob? Haven't had too much trouble mopping up the first map so far.

I bet Diety has something to do with Dire Penguins. It would just make sense.
Finally dove into this game after having it sitting in my backlog for a while. Jumped into the beginner elf campaign and loving it so far. Any general tips for a noob? Haven't had too much trouble mopping up the first map so far.


The Elven Court campaign doubles as a tutorial, so you should be good to go.

My tips would be:
  • Avoid leaving cities defenseless. With walls and the right spells, even a single unit can, at times, defend adequately. At the very least, it will discourage cheap scouting units from capturing your cities while they go by.
  • Always use your heroes when possible. This is especially important during the campaigns, because you will be using some of the same heroes throughout the entire thing, and all that XP and equipment adds up.
  • Don't forget about magic! It really can change everything.

One other thing that'll save you some headaches is having back-up saves in case the campaign missions go sideways for whatever reason. It can end up sorta savescummy, but will prevent a lot of frustration in the long run. Not necessary, but helpful nonetheless.
To add to what Lurker said...

In Elven Court map 4, the Sapphire Archipelago, restart until you get an easy invitation to win the Giant dwelling on the way to the first city. Train up a couple giants and make your way towards Isabella, capturing and burning every city you find to the ground. You can't afford to linger and build a power base on this map. This map can become near-unwinnable if you let Isabella marshal too many of her forces.

Hope that cuts back on some frustration. For some reason this map plays contrary to every other map in the campaign. Took me a few restarts to find this out.
Oh man, that archipelago map, if it's the one I'm thinking of... That was a wild one before the balancing patches. By the end of the game I was using only Shadow Stalkers and a single hero to conquer the entirety of the map, and ultimately win the mission.

I don't know how I would've pulled it off without those units being spammable (which shouldn't be happening so now because of all the balance patches de-emphasizing lategame unit spam).
Thanks for the tips guys. This game is tougher than I thought, or I am just terrible lol.

Any suggestions as to what upgrades to go with when city building?


To add to what Lurker said...

In Elven Court map 4, the Sapphire Archipelago, restart until you get an easy invitation to win the Giant dwelling on the way to the first city. Train up a couple giants and make your way towards Isabella, capturing and burning every city you find to the ground. You can't afford to linger and build a power base on this map. This map can become near-unwinnable if you let Isabella marshal too many of her forces.

Hope that cuts back on some frustration. For some reason this map plays contrary to every other map in the campaign. Took me a few restarts to find this out.
Eh, I played the mission in an entirely different way. Spammed colonies to the west, and won with mostly orc spearmen.
Thanks for the tips guys. This game is tougher than I thought, or I am just terrible lol.

Any suggestions as to what upgrades to go with when city building?

Build workshops to increase productivity ASAP. Scour your surrounding area for resources, especially those precious free additions. AoW3 is definitely a game of momentum.
Build order depends largely on the needs of my empire and the placement of the city (its bonuses). I'm not enough of a min-maxer to puzzle out perfect build orders or anything, but production would be my main focus, unless my empire has more pressing needs in the mana or gold producing departments. For cities on the front lines (likely to be reconquered) I might just produce T0 units to give it a little extra defensiveness, or walls even. For cities on the back-end of my empire it's generally just resource production, since soldiers are logistically unfeasible at that point.

And, as Deified says, momentum is what it's all about. Make that war machine work overtime, but keep it well-oiled.
Bonus points if you can actually make war machines.

Looks like someone may have sniffed out the name in Steamdb.


G'dammit, Steam! You had one job.
There's been some more details about the expansion in the past couple weeks (art & lore stuff, and also a Mac/Linux beta tease), but today's dev journal outlines the specific differences between 'Good' and 'Evil' playstyles, and how the game's new features will improve these systems. Namely, the addition of a vassal system (similar to how Civ5's City States work) for independant cities as well as AI personality profiles to better decide what path enemy leaders will pursue.

Some highlights:
Race Relations
Relations are now tracked per race, making decisions about who you make war with much more important. Declaring war on an Elven city might give you a quick conquest, but don’t expect your Elven citizens to be happy about it afterwards. As your relations with each race improves, you will be able to earn unique racial perks that boost your armies and economy as described in the Race Command Feature. However there are more benefits, like new ways of expanding your realm without warfare.
Play Styles
People who expand through war will more likely to gravitate towards evil, while more peaceful players tend to gravitate to good. Players wanting to go all-out on either play style can choose the Keeper of Peace or Shadowborn specializations, which have been designed to augment good and evil play styles respectively.

As a peace-keeping player makes peace with various cities, their alignment increases and their race happiness increase. This in turn, increases the player’s relations with other independent cities making it cheaper to buy those cities and making it more likely that the cities will start offering vassalage for free.

A warlike player, on other hand, will tend to lose race happiness and alignment as they attack and invade more cities. This forces prices up and means independent cities are more likely to declare war on sight. The warmongering player must make careful use of the Migrate City operation to increase the happiness of their most important races, or face economic disaster.
Using this system we have improved the alternatives to expanding through war. And we have synergized Race Relations, Diplomacy, Specializations, Independent cities and Alignment. You can vassal towns opportunistically, say in a quiet back land, to make it gradually develop while you spend your economy and military resources elsewhere. It’s is also possible to release town you own as vassals. This gives relation bonuses, but it is also a way to reduce micromanagement in the end-game.
and also a big nugget of info:
SikBok said:
That’s it for this week. Expect the formal announcement of the expansion + beta of V1.5 features soon – hopefully in a week!

All I can say is, please release the expansion before Pillars of Eternity. Don't make me choose, Triumph... Because I'll choose both.
The last thing I need is for this expansion to drop in March.
Memory has the scoop on the expansiom... and made a thread about it:
We finally have a release date for Eternal Lords Expansion! April 14th. Price is $19.99 or €19.99 (No UK price yet)

See link for feature list.

Ive sunk around 450 hours into AOW3 so far vs Ai and/or my brother. It was my GOTY last year and i encourge anyone with an interest in fantasy Turn based warfare to pick it up.

The main additions are the Tigran and Frostling races, the Necromancer class and the 3 new specialisations. Other goodies like race goverment, dwellings and spells are also coming too.

Kill and resurrect if old.

Edit: Mac and Linx support also on the way.
A GAFer (sorry I forgot to make note of it, whoever you are) recently made a great observation about the expansion: the overhauled diplomacy may very well put AoW3 on Civ's tier with regards to how the AI handles things diplomatically. With AI personalities and strategic benefits based on race relations, not to mention the City State-esque independents, the diplomacy overhaul will add yet another dimension to strategy in Age of Wonders 3.

It sounded big before, but the way he said it really drove home how impactful it could be.
I really want Mac support to come soon. This game would be perfect for me on a laptop.

Good news: The 1.5 open beta also doubles as the Mac/Linux beta. (Note that it's for the complimentary patch, not the Eternal Lords expansion.)


Eternal Lords

Coming April 14th

Eternal Lords is set for a April 14thth 2015 release and available via online stores such as Steam and GoG. The expansion will cost USD $19.99 , €19.99 or local equivalent.

4 days! (but who's counting)
The wait is getting real painful. All the promo material is making me really want to play some more Age of Wonders but I'm trying to hold it off due to having to restart a new game tomorrow anyway. I think I'll try my hand at some Halfling Necromancers first, that should be fairly hilarious.
I'll definitely hop back into AoW3 with Eternal Lords. It's long past time to re-embrace my favourite game of 2014.

I'm not counting, not at all.

Same here. Bloodborne has kept me satiated for a while, but when it comes to my two favorites from 2014 duking it out for my attention this month - Eternal Lords and Dark Souls 2's remaster - Eternal Lords is going to win out handily.

Are you guys going to start the campaign or dig into skirmishes with the new races/classes immediately?

Edit: Your avatar reminds me I still have to make room for Pillars. Shit.


Are you guys going to start the campaign or dig into skirmishes with the new races/classes immediately?

Edit: Your avatar reminds me I still have to make room for Pillars. Shit.

Coming close to finishing Pillars, but I *may* put it on the back burner to play through the EL campaign.
I'm thinking to start with a custom leader skirmish to get a taste of necromancy, then maybe I'll jump on one of the campaigns... but perhaps I'll just jump headlong into the EL campaign instead.

I've gotta say, it's been good to be a strategy/RPG fan... for once. So huzzah for that.


Ugh, I want to play this so bad. I won't be able to touch the expansion until the weekend though due to school keeping me down. I got this, Pillars, and Dark Souls II: SotFS and hardly any time to play any of them.
Ugh, I want to play this so bad. I won't be able to touch the expansion until the weekend though due to school keeping me down. I got this, Pillars, and Dark Souls II: SotFS and hardly any time to play any of them.

See you next year!

Though, on the bright side at least two of those games can end.


See you next year!

Though, on the bright side at least two of those games can end.

Haha, thankfully I hit act III in Pillars a little while ago so maybe I'll finish that soonish. Then again, I haven't hit the bonus dungeon yet and I want to.

I might have to put it off a bit for this though. I really want to mess around with all the empire changes and the frostlings.


Bah, this one week vacation at mother in law's that started today was *poorly timed*! Best game of 2014. A damn shame that this xpac will likely go unnoticed outside of the enlightened few.
Bah, this one week vacation at mother in law's that started today was *poorly timed*! Best game of 2014. A damn shame that this xpac will likely go unnoticed outside of the enlightened few.

I feel that way about AoW3 in general. It's the best strategy game in years and no one gives a shit.
Just entered the mid game with my newly made Tigren Theocrat and wow, if you go full on good specialization then you can expand terrifying quickly as long as you can keep the gold intake high. Getting flashbacks of playing as Venice in Civ 5
Going pretty much the opposite with Frostling Necromancer with both levels of Shadowborn.

Still fairly early on because i can't play for five minutes without stopping to read a unit's lore or abilities, but I'm loving the Frostlings so far.

For anyone who's put more time in, what's the difference between ghoulifying a captured city and migrating it to ghouls? The latter only takes 1 turn for ultimately the same effect. Is it so you an decide to ghoulify members of a certain race versus ghoulify whoever happens to be living in the city?
Eternal Lords is currently #3 on Steam in my region, right below GTA5 and MKX. More surprising is that the AoW collection (everything) is at spot #9. Altogether, very impressive - especially if they can stay there for a while.
Leader creation gets more awesome with every patch. The added accessories are totally great, and Tigrans have some really cool options. (I've been sitting in leader creation for half an hour.)

I wanna make 'em all...


Really happy to see EL doing so well out the gate, and I hope it keeps it up. I would love if the game was at a place where Triumph can continue to release updates/DLC and make good money doing so, cause they really have great ideas to implement. Can't wait to really fall into the campaign this weekend.
How are the expansions for this? I enjoyed the original release but haven't really followed the game since then. It seems like they've done a lot of work on the game.
How are the expansions for this? I enjoyed the original release but haven't really followed the game since then. It seems like they've done a lot of work on the game.

There are two expansions : Eternal Lords, which is akin to traditional expansions and adds a lot of stuff, as well as the the Halfling-focused expansion, Golden Realms, which is a fair amount smaller and is priced accordingly.

Steam has everything Age of Wonders on sale right now, save for Eternal Lords.


How are the expansions for this? I enjoyed the original release but haven't really followed the game since then. It seems like they've done a lot of work on the game.

Haven't had a chance to play EL yet, but LP folks seem to like it. Golden Realms was a great expansion, especially if you like increased empire building. Halflings are a really fun race, too. The large patches that launch alongside expansions are great too, lots of balance/bug fixes but also a number of new features.


haven't played this since before the first expansion but I love how they seem to have gone with the paradox update model,such a great model for strategy games

I should probably play this some more,as someone who played the other age of wonders games a lot back in the day the only real issue I had with this one was I felt like it could use a bit more stuff in it(it just had a lot of races missing and such) and from what i've heard of the expansions this is probably better than shadow magic at this point
haven't played this since before the first expansion but I love how they seem to have gone with the paradox update model,such a great model for strategy games

I should probably play this some more,as someone who played the other age of wonders games a lot back in the day the only real issue I had with this one was I felt like it could use a bit more stuff in it(it just had a lot of races missing and such) and from what i've heard of the expansions this is probably better than shadow magic at this point
Regarding that:
If there's one thing about this game I still don't care for it's roaming independent mobs that spawn from nowhere. I don't mind the ones that spawn from dens because there's something you can do about them, but the ones that spawn from the edge of the map make it so I don't even bother capturing things anymore that I can't spare 3 or so units on for defense. I need to start reducing their occurance when I play random maps.
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