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An extended version of DEATH STRANDING (w/ new story content) is in the works for PS4 and PS5


I mean, I fucking loved this game, despite thinking it looked like ass, but I have almost no interest in this. Not really the kind of game that warrants a re-play and the story felt pretty complete, not really got any further burning questions.

Definitely won't be worth the £70 that Sony will inevitably charger either.


Gold Member
Ehh... I dunno. Don't get me wrong, I quite liked the game - when you describe the gameplay, it sounds like completely ass, but it can be surprisingly enjoyable. And the presentation is great, no question there.

But if you ask me what would improve it, "more content/length" is like the last thing on my list.


hmm... i don't know what to do.

only got to the start of episode 3 on pS4. bought it again on PC but only like an hour or so into it.

if it's only coming to Playstation then i'm not interested but if it's coming to PC i'll wait.


Hmmm... I mean I enjoyed it while it lasted, but I don’t think Death Stranding is a game I would want to revisit. Good for die hard fans though.


Hmmm... I mean I enjoyed it while it lasted, but I don’t think Death Stranding is a game I would want to revisit. Good for die hard fans though.

I can appreciate the technical aspects and had a lot of fun with zip lines etc, but having put it down a while back (I just met Heartman) I'm not sure I have the will to pick it up again, let alone replay it. I'd love to see Kojima deploy the traversal tech in other games though.

Navtra leaked several game announcements from both PlayStation 5 events from last year and also tons of Square Enix stuff (Marvel's Avengers Spider-Man DLC, Final Fantasy XVI). I'd say he (or she) is pretty reliable.
I'm both happy as hell, DS was one of my biggest surprises ever as a gamer, i'd replay an extended version for sure

And also fuckin sad, it's impossible for me not to think i'd want this treatment for mgsv, sigh

Btw I want to play as Higgs, is an awesome character
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Should i sell my unopened copy? I've bought for 20 bucks but now I want the complete version.

Why didn't i wait some more.


When you’ve been told 3 times Sony has nothing to do with a 3rd deciding to release a different version of the same game. You are an idiot and a clown.
Care to explain how Sony had nothing to do with a cashgrab re-release of a product, when, for obvious reasons, this has been a Sony exclusive release up to this point? 🤡

What is so hard to understand about that they could simply release it as a DLC or upgrade pack for existing owners at a - reasonably - lower price? :messenger_dizzy:
Care to explain how Sony had nothing to do with a cashgrab re-release of a product, when, for obvious reasons, this has been a Sony exclusive release up to this point? 🤡

What is so hard to understand about that they could simply release it as a DLC or upgrade pack for existing owners at a - reasonably - lower price? :messenger_dizzy:
You make a fine addition to clown world with me and Ronald.


If that artwork that Kojima shared on Twitter, of the Bridges aircraft, is intended for this release, then I'm quite interested to see what they add. I like to think that would tie into gameplay, but maybe it's just for a cut scene.


Loves his juicy stink trail scent
I wonder if he had plans for some kind of souls like PvP for the game. It seemed poised for it.

Heck a regular PvP kind of mode would be interesting too.

I loved MGO back on ps4 for MGS4. I hope Kojima dabbles again in unique and fun pvp experiences.

Honestly I'd pick up a PS5 ultimate edition of this with a few extra goodies. Was my GOTY 2019.
I assumed it was auto uploading like every other game. Didn’t even bother to check before wiping and selling my Pro.

When I went to download the saves on the PS5 they were never there, not even a single save file.
You have my deepest sympathy.
No really. I'm not fucking around.

All good, lol. If the PS5 upgrade and extended story is worth checking out I’d be glad to play it again.
Yeah same way i feel about Cyberpunk. Sunk over 50 hours into that only to find my local saves failed to upload to the cloud after Sony refunded me and locked the game.
Now I have to do it all over again hehe


I had no idea what to expect when I started to play this game. In retrospect, it is one of my best and strongest gaming memories from the last console generation. It does not help you at all though - and the first few hours are slow as hell. But what a masterpiece this game is - bloody brilliant in every aspect. It has that 'thing' that games should have and gives absolutely zero fucks about being easy to digest. Love it.
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What is so appealing about Death Stranding?

Atmosphere, unique desolate feeling. I loved the hardships you had to endure. It felt like an accomplishment to reach a stronghold. Then you built infrastructure, others built as well, you would log in later on and suddenly a road connected the areas making that very tough on foot section a cakewalk with a vehicle. On top of that you had the weight management, would you take an extra delivery making it very tough to reach your goal or would you save it for later? Later on the game does give you far better suits, tools and vehicles making it easier to do more deliveries in one run.

I would stray a lot from the main missions to loot resources so I could build roads and bridges. I just loved it, but its just not a game for everyone. Should DS have been another gung ho TPS, or another formulaic open world game? Not that I hate those, I love Ghost and Days Gone to bits, but I'm glad DS turned out what it is.
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I got this game on Pro but never fully understood the mechanics. Yeah you have to traverse different terrain but fuck me the game is confusing with that mechanics and the HUD as well.

I find some games confuse the shit out of me with overly complicated mechanics and in this case I had to youtube some stuff and I still had trouble following along.

Played past the first few missions and just stopped. Now the game is gathering digital dust.
Keep trying. Often the hardest struggle, brings the biggest rewards.


Its one of those games that becomes easier though. Generally for the first few chapters just stick with the plot. After that you can get vehicles, and a superior exo suit.
It’s an incredible game. I beat it when it came out on PS4 and then again recently on the PC re release. The story is the best Kojima has ever done. Mads and BB <3 Just so good. And it’s great to have him back in full force, you really see the polish on this game.

Hope I don’t have to triple dip to see some new story stuff. But the game was so enjoyable that I just might.
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Gold Member
I missed out on the original release, so a "complete" version sounds like a buy from me.
I just hope people are right about the game, cause from some gameplays and yt reviews it did look a bit... Unusual with a possibility of boring


I had no idea what to expect when I started to play this game. In retrospect, it is one of my best and strongest gaming memories from the last console generation. It does not help you at all though - and the first few hours are slow as hell. But what a masterpiece this game is - bloody brilliant in every aspect. It has that 'thing' that games should have and gives absolutely zero fucks about being easy to digest. Love it.
It really is an experience unlike anything else, I don't thing I'll ever forget the first time reaching the mountains.


I mean, even without a rumour it'd be something I'd expect. The timing kinda sucks though, because I just started the game.


thinks Halo Infinite is a new graphical benchmark
The clock is ticking on Kojima’s next new game it’s required he gets a trailer out this E3 no doubt.


First of all I'm extremely happy about this rumor. I'm really hoping it turns out to be true.

However, I'm guessing the upgrade path will be similar to that of FF: VII-RI? I mean PS4 owners will be able to upgrade to the base version for free on PS5 but you have to pay if you want the extra content. Hopefully this is the case.


Extended version? Like a GOTY edition?
Yes and no.

GOTY editions usually feature all the previously released DLC content in one package.

The thing with this re-release of Death Stranding is that the new content has been made specifically for this new version of the game. Think about it as Persona 5 Royal type of situation.


I might be playing it wrong.

Played it for 3 evenings, 1-2 hours each.
Impressed by visuals.

Story was... so meh, I got HZ vibes. I mean, it was not terrible, but for some reason I expected more from hyped Kojima.


Backpack Simulator Director's Cut
K Lol GIF by Rodney Dangerfield

Wish the impressive landscape was used for... another purpose.
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Story was... so meh, I got HZ vibes. I mean, it was not terrible, but for some reason I expected more from hyped Kojima.
Play more than 2 hours. You haven't even started the game. By Chapter 5 you will have seen enough to make a decently informed impression.

There are some mechanics like the social stuff and the world building that don't sink in until hours and hours later.

It gives a feeling of accomplishment that few other games even attempt to attain. As you make deliveries, you expand the Chiral Network. As you do this, it reveals what others are doing in your shared world, making traversal easier. Making your job easier. The more you accomplish, the easier it gets to accomplish things. The more gear you get to accomplish it faster, until you are literally flying over the world like Santa Claus. The grind is well rewarded between cutscenes and gameplay options.

In between it all is a fascinating, deeply atmospheric 1970's sci fi style apocalyptic narrative. Like the best metaphysical sci fi (2001: A Space Odyssey, Solaris, Dune) it ties physical landscapes and journeys to spiritual ones. The technological conquering of Death being almost an inevitable heightening of the usual Kojima futuristic nanomachines nonsense. Here we get to wander around and see what these people would do, if they could never die. Again, think of 1970's science fiction films, like Logan's Run, or Zardoz, which concerned with how humanity might grapple with immortality. Sam Porter Bridges is patient number zero for such a study.

And the narrative that (slowly, flowingly, beautifully) unfolds between him and Cliff Unger, the mysterious character Mads plays, is simply life affirming and beautiful. There is a lot of pain and misery in this world, but a lot of optimism and beauty. Thankfully Kojima was given ample time to deliver the full polish on this work, and you can really tell, as every menu, hologram, UI, etc. is lovingly and ornately rendered, presenting a vivid an almost retro-futuristic world. The Phantom Pain suffered in the polishing phase, due to his early firing, but that is fully present here, and looks great in HD.

BTW these mountain landscapes look hella good on 4k. Hard to be bored when this game looks so damn good. I think this was one of the original inspirations tbh, the kind of demo videos they would show on 4k presentations at stores, with sweeping mountain landscapes.
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