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An extended version of DEATH STRANDING (w/ new story content) is in the works for PS4 and PS5


disappointed lea michele GIF


huh? new story? how come? i love DS and it is one of my favorite games last generation but i can't see how they can add a new story since the last hour and a half of the game is character giving monologs and explaining everything :D

also? is there any way for them to bring norman, seydoux and mikkelsen on board again?

I hope this is true. Want to try Death Stranding. If there is a PS5 update and dualsense support will be awesome.
you are going to love it. kojima basically called what would happened in 2020 a year early. you are basically an essential worker delivering packeges across USA(iceland more like) to people who are forced to stay home. its awsome imo
I wonder what they could possibly add to the story that wasn’t already covered. I have to wonder if it’s true then if it’s after end game or before.
it has to be waaay after right? they can't add a prequel story with out seydoux, mikkelsen and wagner.
I got this game on Pro but never fully understood the mechanics. Yeah you have to traverse different terrain but fuck me the game is confusing with that mechanics and the HUD as well.

I find some games confuse the shit out of me with overly complicated mechanics and in this case I had to youtube some stuff and I still had trouble following along.

Played past the first few missions and just stopped. Now the game is gathering digital dust.
give it a one more try. the game and the map really opens up after 3rd chapter and i don't know, i really understand and like the online aspect of people as a whole helping one another.
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Gold Member
huh? new story? how come? i love DS and it is one of my favorite games last generation but i can't see how they can add a new story since the last hour and a half of the game is character giving monologs and explaining everything :D

also? is there any way for them to bring norman, seydoux and mikkelsen on board again?

you are going to love it. kojima basically called what would happened in 2020 a year early. you are basically an essential worker delivering packeges across USA(iceland more like) to people who are forced to stay home. its awsome imo

it has to be waaay after right? they can't add a prequel story with out seydoux, mikkelsen and wagner.

give it a one more try. the game and the map really opens up after 3rd chapter and i don't know, i really understand and like the online aspect of people as a whole helping one another.
Yeah, a lot of those explanations didn’t leave a whole lot of wondering what happened before the DS. I can’t even imagine what people were doing before the DS happened. Mama’s story especially. Go shopping with Mama? The events of each character helped create the character you meet and get to know along the way. Would it even be all that interesting to know any of them before? Post-game would be interesting, especially if something catastrophic happens. I have no place to question the brilliant minds at Kojima Productions. I don’t think I’d even want to know Cliff before the events of DS because he’s shown in such a way that his past events made him who he was.


2 hours in. I like the story, visuals and the whole walking thing isn't that bad so far, I almost like it. "It's like a puzzle you solve with your feet" . Biggest issue so far is getting lost in menus inside menus. Just outfitting your character before a mission is a nightmare. We shall see.

I still feel this was a bad time to start the game though, I hope the PS5 announcement comes soon or at least there's a save transfer.


Gold Member
I get tempted to play Death Stranding from time to time, but I can't get past the fact that its been compared to a open world Postman Pat game.

postman pat GIF
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2 hours in. I like the story, visuals and the whole walking thing isn't that bad so far, I almost like it. "It's like a puzzle you solve with your feet" . Biggest issue so far is getting lost in menus inside menus. Just outfitting your character before a mission is a nightmare. We shall see.

I still feel this was a bad time to start the game though, I hope the PS5 announcement comes soon or at least there's a save transfer.
ugh, UI in that game is awful and confusing as hell espacially in the begining where you don't have much experience with it. Also be patient with uploading packeges and recyling they tend to be a slog.
I get tempted to play Death Stranding from time to time, but I can't get past the fact that its been compared to a open world Postman Pat game.

postman pat GIF
give it a go. it is much more than just delivering packeges. writing is cheesy as hell though but story is not so bad with an impactful twist at the end.

music is awsome though. both the ost and low roar songs.


Gold Member
ugh, UI in that game is awful and confusing as hell espacially in the begining where you don't have much experience with it. Also be patient with uploading packeges and recyling they tend to be a slog.

give it a go. it is much more than just delivering packeges. writing is cheesy as hell though but story is not so bad with an impactful twist at the end.

music is awsome though. both the ost and low roar songs.
If it gets a ps5 upgrade I'll bite. To be honest there is more I like about the game than dislike.


Gold Member
I got up to the boss fight with Mads Mikkelson in the trenches and never got any further. Might have to go back and have another pop if there's a free upgrade.
Legit hated this game.

I can see why people liked it,but it was terrible for me.
What a mature and refreshing take on disliking something.

I'd love a PS5 version of it personally. Definitely a strange game, but it's good to have studios that allow for creative development instead of the suits dictating everything.
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What can they possibly add? I loved Death Stranding, but idk about buying it again like P5R for some DLC. Its also one of those games that I won't be able to go back to for a few years.

Guess I'll pick it up when its on sale on Steam.
Urgh, only consoles? I have it on PS4 so better be a free update. Not paying and it will be hard going down to 60fps (from 141fps) if it even gets that on PS5.
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Can’t Git Gud
If anything, this game needs a "combat-free" mode. No BT's, no Mules. Just you and the landscape.
YES exactly !
Combat free, no BT's mode where You just walk/drive/whatever over difficult terrain. The game is so ZEN it's amazing.
It helps that I also enjoy the ladders, boots, ropes and all the survival items management. Great game.

As for extended edition only on consoles? I play the game 4k120 DLSS quality, max settings, hdr oled on pc... But if they add at least 4k60 and some dualsense support? sure
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I am still waiting to play it, only because of this fucking rumor (I want to play a final, complete version).
It better come to PC day one as well, assuming it is even real.


Neo Member
Kojima seems to prefer PC, so I'm sure it'll get a steam release.

tbh Death Stranding seemed fundamentally and deeply designed around the DualShock controller.

Unless you mean he enjoys the DualShock controller on PC, which I kinda do too.

I'm surprised if Kojima is on record with naming a 'favorite platform', and then slightly more surprised if he named a favorite platform and it wasn't PlayStation.


Finished it a couple of weeks ago. I'd easily play it again just for the dualsense support, seems really fitting somehow. One of the most unique yet flawed gaming experiences I've had recently.


Writes a lot, says very little
Day 1...

Just got a Death Stranding Artbook unopened, I got a massive discount cause the corner was bent lol


tbh Death Stranding seemed fundamentally and deeply designed around the DualShock controller.

Unless you mean he enjoys the DualShock controller on PC, which I kinda do too.

I'm surprised if Kojima is on record with naming a 'favorite platform', and then slightly more surprised if he named a favorite platform and it wasn't PlayStation.
Nah. Kojima wanted a PC port from the beginning and made that point when he worked with Sony. He said something in some interview that he really wanted to make games for PC.

Steam had DS4 support so it doesn't matter.


Game always had weapons and combat. But you missed the game message and plot, if you think thats what the game needs.

No I got it. Good message. Dull game. I’m happy to admit I just don’t really enjoy walking simulators. I like them for about a bit (as I did with DS). But I get bored very quickly.

DS had so much going for a it. Great world, great acting, great mood and tone. Interesting premise (although the idea that the fate of the entire world was linked exclusively to America was a bit off for me). But once I gpast that and into the minute to minute gameplay. I couldn’t play gif more than a few hours.

such a Shane Missed opportunity for me


Oh and it’s worth pointing out I completely get why some people really enjoyed the game and even love it. There’s a lot to love there. But just for me I need more meat on my games. I can enjoy a zen moment in a game but not for longer than a bit. Then I need me some action. It’s why I struggle with narrative heavy adventure games these days. (You’d think I’d get more into them as I got older but the opppsite seems to be true)??


Moderated wildly
I really want to love this game and need to try it again at some point. It just didn’t grab me like his other games.
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