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Anita Sarkeesian's astounding 'garbage human' moment at Vidcon

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Ask a black teen who has been shot for just being black how real racism is, why don't you?

You can't make this point to libertarians/conservatives. They think that if (x) person had just complied (like a white person would), there wouldn't be any problem.
There's nothing wrong with calling them the pieces of shit that they truly are. They do not show any respect to any of these people and actively work on shitting on people like Anita. Calling them shitheads is hardly some "now you've crossed the line to the dark side too" moment, get some perspective.

And, again, their kind of hateful rhetoric does get people killed and physically harmed in this world. Maybe they aren't the ones actually holding the bats or shooting the guns, but the bigotry they are vocally, actively & aggressively pushing forward is doing some real harm in this world when people take their words, attitudes & agendas and turn them into actions.

Shithead, Losers, Morons or idiots is something else i have no problem with. I don't like "human garbage" or "human excrement" or animal names as it reminds me of how Nazis called humans with other opinions or other race. Dehumanizing people doesn't show that they are decent people themselves. But well i'm german and this topic is delicate for some of us.

I understand your second paragraph and it's a problem, the situation isn't good especially in the US with criminals killing people and thinking they save the country. But you can't make people accountable if they don't incite violence personally. Call the perpetrators/killers what you like.
This is how Trump won the election.

Yes after this incident she recieved an outpouring of support but these asshats always harrass her yet her supporters were nowhere to be found when she needed them most.Why didn't the crowd or security stop what they were doing its crazy to me that they were even allowed to do this so easily.The most hateful people are always the loudest while the common sense majority stays quiet thinking good will somehow prevail without them lifting a finger.Nowadays just acknowledging global warming makes me an SJW and it is us that have let that right wing craziness become mainstream.Right now if you ain't white,rich and/or a christian you are being blamed for all of americas problems and with things like Trump care we are all going to pay the price for staying silent on election day.


I would expect people from both sides discussing the issue. You've made an incorrect assumption. Clearly that kind of thing doesn't happen here.

What's the other side? Who's on the other side? What are their arguments? Do they have some kind of justification for harassment?

Do I really have to show you example where she is being dishonest? Anything aimed at men is going to sexualize women, if you don't care for that don't buy the product. The more this happens in general the less products like that will be made (the free market). I personally don't care if men are portrayed a certain way that pleases an audience, even if I think low of it. It's a live and let live approach.

As for Carl, I don't care enough about him to defend him. Think what you will.
Just because something is popular doesn't mean it's exempt from criticism. You can still have good critique of Transformers movies even if they make millions. Anita is describing ways in which these games could be improved. They could be better games if the creators approached certain topics or tropes in a different manner. It doesn't mean certain games should be banned, or shouldn't exist or anything of the sort.

I personally don't care if men are portrayed a certain way that pleases an audience, even if I think low of it
I don't understand this sentence, you're saying you don't care about it even if you don't like it? Isn't that contradictory or am I not understanding it correctly?


I wish you luck constructing your socialist utopia, but consider that creating more mechanisms for forcefully taking and redistributing wealth won't solve any problems. In fact it will create more.


Do I really have to show you example where she is being dishonest? Anything aimed at men is going to sexualize women, if you don't care for that don't buy the product. The more this happens in general the less products like that will be made (the free market). I personally don't care if men are portrayed a certain way that pleases an audience, even if I think low of it. It's a live and let live approach.

As for Carl, I don't care enough about him to defend him. Think what you will.
You cared enough to defend him because you just did earlier. You're being a pathetic coward right now when people call you out on your weak shit and you just decide to ignore it all.

And it's easy to be so dismissive about wanting better representation for your own sex as a man when your particular demographic is already well represented & catered to and you aren't (as easily) harassed for just being a man. Just try to step in women's shoes for a while, show some fucking empathy. The "free market" isn't some magic that is going to solve all of humankinds problems without people taking action & being vocal & active about wanting chance.

"Anything made for men will have women objectified" is a horribly dumb argument. Plenty of male-oriented or made-by-men books & movies that have been written/made with the mindset that doesn't think all men are just horn-dogs that HAVE to portray women as sex objects without much agency in the story. It's not that hard and men won't magically lose their balls if the media they consume portrays women as capable human beings that aren't just in the world for men to conquer or ogle at.


Sargon is a know nothing piece of shit, fuck that guy and everyone like him.

If you have time, check out him getting his arse handed to him by a feminist who did decide to debate him. He's certainly nowhere near as "rational" and "intelligent" as he likes to project.


Wow, not only does he come across as a total dick, he makes childish pantomime gestures while the other speaker is talking.


Why are you on about misogyny?

Because this is a thread about misogyny.

I never mentioned such a thing, but instead posted that people can have an argument that can have merit on both sides.

And this idea that both sides of an argument can potentially have merit is always brought up in conversations where one side is significantly lacking in merit by default.

Your post implies that anyone who presents an argument toward the current feminist push, they are automatically labeled a misogynist (a pretty serious word that gets tossed around a lot for the sake of argument around here) . If the guy is a shithead, then he is a shit head, and that what was presented should go to the wayside. If there is a well thought out argument, then it should probably be considered (and it most likely not about being misogynistic)

No, my post implies that this is not the thread to be asserting that we need to take eveyr side's opinions into account.

I also want to point out that people can want the same thing (equality between male and female), but can have a different perspective/way of approaching it. This should also not prompt people to label others, as they want the same thing. But what instead happens is assumption in the worst possible angle, and people disregarding another's thoughts because it does not fit their own. IMO, this will accomplish nothing, as proper communication is needed to move forward. That would include listening all sides, and consider. If the intent is clearly misogynistic, the obviously thing to do then IS to disregard. But we do this with other subjects anyway.

These sentiments are all well and good. But again, why are you making this point specifically in this thread about a woman who's life has been made objectively worse because she has been targeted by men for years on the basis of misogyny?


What's the other side? Who's on the other side? What are their arguments? Do they have some kind of justification for harassment?

Just because something is popular doesn't mean it's exempt from criticism. You can still have good critique of Transformers movies even if they make millions. Anita is describing ways in which these games could be improved. They could be better games if the creators approached certain topics or tropes in a different manner. It doesn't mean certain games should be banned, or shouldn't exist or anything of the sort.

I don't understand this sentence, you're saying you don't care about it even if you don't like it? Isn't that contradictory or am I not understanding it correctly?

I'm saying if I don't like something I ignore it rather than attempting to drive it out of the market.


I wish you luck constructing your socialist utopia, but consider that creating more mechanisms for forcefully taking and redistributing wealth won't solve any problems. In fact it will create more.

we can't all be so bold as to deny racism & climate change, but boy howdy if wealth redistribution irks you i hope you weren't fond of reagan or any of the corporate ballwashers that want more tax cuts for the rich like that sowell fellow

I'm saying if I don't like something I ignore it rather than attempting to drive it out of the market.

that's cool but women tried ignoring misogyny for a while and it didn't really work

Because this is a thread about misogyny.

you sure? i thought it was about sowell and cultural marxism


I wish you luck constructing your socialist utopia, but consider that creating more mechanisms for forcefully taking and redistributing wealth won't solve any problems. In fact it will create more.

Can't even recognize black victims of racism.

You're such a fucking coward.


When is YouTube going to purge itself of these motherfuckers? Even their thumbnails are rage-inducing.

When a financial reason exists for them to do so.

If it wasn't for places like NeoGAF moderating the hell out of these bigoted assclowns, I'd have given up on Internet "gaming culture" years ago as a morally bankrupt cesspool.


Now what's the next step in your master plan?
I wish you luck constructing your socialist utopia, but consider that creating more mechanisms for forcefully taking and redistributing wealth won't solve any problems. In fact it will create more.

I thought this was a thread about Anita Sarkeesian?


I'm saying if I don't like something I ignore it rather than attempting to drive it out of the market.

Your inability to perceive the world through any lens other than purely capitalist economics makes it impossible to take you seriously.


Do elaborate.

There's two valid sides to :

Women should be harassed.

People of different races deserve different treatment

Of course I don't agree with that shit but that reply is the kind of stuff I'm worried about. Just labeling everyone who disagrees as racists or sexists.


You cared enough to defend him because you just did earlier. You're being a pathetic coward right now when people call you out on your weak shit and you just decide to ignore it all.

And it's easy to be so dismissive about wanting better representation for your own sex as a man when your particular demographic is already well represented & catered to and you aren't (as easily) harassed for just being a man. Just try to step in women's shoes for a while, show some fucking empathy. The "free market" isn't some magic that is going to solve all of humankinds problems without people taking action & being vocal & active about wanting chance.

"Anything made for men will have women objectified" is a horribly dumb argument. Plenty of male-oriented or made-by-men books & movies that have been written/made with the mindset that doesn't think all men are just horn-dogs that HAVE to portray women as sex objects without much agency in the story. It's not that hard and men won't magically lose their balls if the media they consume portrays women as capable human beings that aren't just in the world for men to conquer or ogle at.

If you want a better rep for women, buy games that you perceive to have better rep for women. There's definitely enough horn dogs out there for the "sexy" reps of women to exist. You just have to deal with it, in a free society anyways. I defended Carl as not human garbage, but that's about it. I dislike how progressives jump to dehumanize everyone that disagrees with them.
Shithead, Losers, Morons or idiots is something else i have no problem with. I don't like "human garbage" or "human excrement" or animal names as it reminds me of how Nazis called humans with other opinions or other race. Dehumanizing people doesn't show that they are decent people themselves. But well i'm german and this topic is delicate for some of us.

I'm a Jew living in Austria. I've been to several concentration camps to see where parts of my family was murdered.

But: Carl and his cronies ARE human garbage. They are the lowest of the low. They thrive off of being parasites who literally get paid thousands of dollars for making a coordinated hate campaign against people who speak out for equal rights of women.

Also even if they're not violent themselves or outright inciting violence, they are the ones fueling people into doing it regardless with their hateful rhetoric and fearmongering, not to mention the incessant hypocrisy.

These people do not deserve any respect, defense or platform to spout their shit. They deserve being socially ostracized to the fullest extent.
I don't know what a Voat or bingo are d;

Everyone here needs to youtube Thomas Sowell. You poor bastards.
Lol yeah okay because the economist who's been widely criticised on every side of the coib for speaking with authority about things he doesn't understand.

That's who you should follow and listen too.

Thomas Sowell is a fucking self hating shell of a man who's theories and books are best left to the dust of history.


If you want a better rep for women, buy games that you perceive to have better rep for women. There's definitely enough horn dogs out there for the "sexy" reps of women to exist. You just have to deal with it, in a free society anyways.

We also deal with it by using our free speech to openly critique the medium in question.

But Sargon and people like you apparently don't like that.


Your inability to perceive the world through any lens other than purely capitalist economics makes it impossible to take you seriously.

You can view the world through a purely economic perspective and still see that a more inclusive market is beneficial for everyone.
The reasons may be a bit selfish but seriously fewer opportunities for minorities denies everyone the products (loosely speaking) they would produce if given the choice.


If you want a better rep for women, buy games that you perceive to have better rep for women. There's definitely enough horn dogs out there for the "sexy" reps of women to exist. You just have to deal with it, in a free society anyways.

"Ignore it! That'll make it go away!"

What a weak shit argument, like everything else you've posted.


It always comes back to "something something Marxism" with these people
Give Nesmar people, out of all the people freaking out about "cultural Marxism" or "Marxist feminism" on this forum, he's the only one I've seen arguing for the free market and against socialist policies.


Now what's the next step in your master plan?
If you want a better rep for women, buy games that you perceive to have better rep for women. There's definitely enough horn dogs out there for the "sexy" reps of women to exist. You just have to deal with it, in a free society anyways. I defended Carl as not human garbage, but that's about it. I dislike how progressives jump to dehumanize everyone that disagrees with them.

Dehumanizing people is a pretty apt description of carl.


I thought this was a thread about Anita Sarkeesian?

Except when you ask a feminist what they want, it always comes down to some form of socialism. Any women that disagrees with them is hated on, telling me they don't care about women, but only their silly ideology.
If you want a better rep for women, buy games that you perceive to have better rep for women. There's definitely enough horn dogs out there for the "sexy" reps of women to exist. You just have to deal with it, in a free society anyways. I defended Carl as not human garbage, but that's about it. I dislike how progressives jump to dehumanize everyone that disagrees with them.
So you defended Carl and think he has a right to his free speech, but if we disagree with the portrayal of women in video games the *only* avenue we have is to not purchase those games, and even then enough horny dudes will anyway so that it won't make a difference


Except when you ask a feminist what they want, it always comes down to some form of socialism.
A feminist: I just want women to be treated equally and as people and not just be used as objects in fiction

You: shut up you pinko commie! you're going to ruin the world!!!
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