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Anyone else think that Tales of Arise was a disappointment?


Gold Member
For all the hype I had with this game I was disappointed in the end product.

it started out fairly strong, but completely fell off a cliff about 50% into the game. The world was very linear, the party members forgot the humor that brought charm to the past games.

The new type of skits sucked, the music was just RAH-RAH the whole game. No upbeat or catchy tracks at all.

The only thing it had going was the graphics which looked very nice but other then that this Tales wasnt much fun. I am hoping that the next games in the series goes in another type of direction. Atleast it sold fairly well to secure more games in the franchise.

Tales of Vesperia Remaster pretty much outclass it.
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Authorized Fister
Yes, never got into Tales series. Tried and just that I can't remap the buttons in game and I hate it. So played an hour and will not again.


I thought it was great, one of the few action-focused JRPGs I actually enjoyed (I’m more into turn-based usually).

It also looks absolutely gorgeous overall.

I would agree on the skits though, there were waaaay too many of them.

Punished Miku

Human Rights Subscription Service
I didn't make it through the demo. I'm not a Tales of fan though, so that's about what I expected.


320 skits. I mean, come the fuck on.

Tales of Vesperia Remaster pretty much outclass it.

Tales of Vesperia is fantastic. The remaster however, is a far inferior version. It just adds a lot of really boring and annoying filler content that adds nothing of value. The original version is so much better.
It is my favorite Tales of game so far. The two main characters were very likeable and I appreciated their development through out the story. The ending was a little dragged out, but overall, it was a solid JRPG with good gameplay and characters. Probably wont ever replay it, though. Tales of games have always been a one and done for me.


Nah, I enjoyed it. It's not my favourite Tales game, but its up there.

For me the franchise took a huge dip with Xillia onwards, which was somewhat corrected with Berseria and now further improved in Arise.

Biggest complaint is that the opening kind of sucks. Man, why did Zestiria have such a great opening attached to an imo *meh* game.

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I'm playing it right now.
I'm almost 20 hours in and still enjoying it, though I would say it's more on the good "good" than "great" side.

The new visuals are really nice and a much needed upgrade from the dated visuals of recent entries, and it has some good quality of life changes (like faster transitions after combat with no annoying post battle screen). But underneath the shiny new elements it's basically still the same old JRPG formula with linear levels, WAAAY too many cutscenes and beautiful but kinda empty cities without much to do in them.
The story so far is ok, really generic in its setup but the cast is fun (not kids or annoying furry mascot is a big plus), though I miss some of the humor of previous entries, particularly during the skits.


Gold Member
Haven't played a Tales game since Tales of the Abyss. Gonna be hard catching up since there's Tales of Vesperia, Berseria, and this. I also want to play the "crappy" entries despite what the naysayers say about them (i.e. Tales of Graces, Tales of Zestiria, Tales of Xillis 1 & 2, etc.)


King of Gaslighting
The story was so fucking bad I just dropped the game. BERSERIA was excellent, so ARISE's insane drop in quality was surprising (in terms of narrative; ARISE has a far more enjoyable battle-system, and BERSERIA's system is fantastic). The characters have absolute whiplash in terms of their reactions to one another and the set up of the plot itself is just. . .terrible and hack.

Really, REALLY good combat though (although the highest difficulty can be quite annoying). The aesthetic of the game was also god damn fantastic. Just wish they had brought back the same writers as the previous game (or if they did, they didn't phone it in).


Plays with kids toys, in the adult gaming world
Arise was the reverse of Tales of Zestiria

Zestria had great characters and story but the game itself was shit

Arise is soild but the characters/story are complete garbage its generic as all hell even by tales standards

Gameplay aside I would put Arise even lower than some of the subpar PS3 releases

It really pisses me off Arise is getting all this love/hype/sales that a game like Berseria deserves


The combat was fundamentally flawed. The cast outside of 2 of them were average and the kids were terrible. The story was decent but goes downhill fast at the mid point. The second half of the game is just not much fun to play especially the final dungeon. The bad guy was a complete joke. The game was very small and linear.

The game is average but I'm glad the Tales of series really sold well. It is one of my least favorite of the modern ones.
I really disliked it.

1. Story was abysmal
2. Characters were irritating, repetitive, stupid, and one-dimensional
3. Enemies were fairly spongey and I got really tired of mystic artes and skills by the end
4. Anime cutscenes weren’t very good, the newer skits were ugly, and the pause menu portraits with some watercolor filter over in-game models were ugly
5. The music was even more forgettable and generic than usual which I didn’t think was possible. Stop using Sakuraba he’s clearly completely phoning it in.
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Gold Member
Arise was the reverse of Tales of Zestiria

Zestria had great characters and story but the game itself was shit

Arise is soild but the characters/story are complete garbage its generic as all hell even by tales standards

Gameplay aside I would put Arise even lower than some of the subpar PS3 releases

It really pisses me off Arise is getting all this love/hype/sales that a game like Berseria deserves
I think you summed it good. The PS3 releases were more fun.


I eventually plan on playing this but the biggest disappointment of all of the Tales games and etc for me was Vesperia. I imagine it was overhyped due to console wars but talk about a huge disappointment.


What? No, it's one of the best ones in the series. Gameplay is way, way better than the last few entries, graphics are amazing, I liked the characters and the story was relatively good.
What? No, it's one of the best ones in the series. Gameplay is way, way better than the last few entries, graphics are amazing, I liked the characters and the story was relatively good.
"When you think about it, these Slave General Mass Murderers are people, just like us." -Alphen

I mean it was just Babby's First Attempt At Critical Thinking from beginning to end.


Gentlemen, we can rebuild it. We have the capability to make the world's first enhanced store. Steam will be that store. Better than it was before.
I agree that it fell off at the end, but not the last half... more like the last 10 hours aka 15% of the game.

The game was pretty linear, but the characters were enjoyable
It's an anime game and it's a Tales of game. I did say "relatively". ;)
Lol fair enough! But I've played Symphonia, Symphonia 2 (never finished), Abyss, Legendia, Vesperia, Xillia, Xillia 2, Zestiria, and Berseria, and I think Arise has the most egregious writing of the bunch. But IIRC the same talentless hack responsible for writing Xillia 2 also wrote this game, so I shouldn't be surprised.


I was interested, but waiting on a switch version. Never played a tales game. Hopefully it's better than dragon quest which is just mediocre


Gold Member
The story started out pretty good, but towards the end it became really bad. Also I dont really like Alphen as the main character, thought he whines too much. Gameplay was really fun though, very kinetic, lots of moves for each character. The level design of the final dungeons though, oof, really really bad. Just a series of same looking corridors and uninspired environments.

Karmic Raze

I enjoyed Scarlet Nexus a lot more, but I only got to the 3rd boss before I quit playing Tales of Arise. The combat was so very repetitive and boring and I got tired of the characters really quick too.


I really liked it (enough to plat it, even) but I can understand some of the concerns. I wish the bosses were not so tank-y but it was still great. Enjoyed it the whole way through.


it is a badly design action game .

HP spong boss , mechanic that dont work on boss , Animation lock + boss dont stagger combo basically kill all reason for combo and encourage short animation skill spam , CP system basically kill the reason to using self buff or buff skill , boring corridor world map ,lackluster customization and progression system .

This combat system basically ditching what make Tales combat stand out (fighting system) in favor of being a wanabe downgrade version of Star Ocean combat
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I've had a huge hate-on for Arise since I played it. I've never felt so much hate for a game before. It's complete fucking trash and I still get angry thinking about it.

The battle system is very basic... it's flashy but there's nothing to it, no real technique for the player, it's there so undiscerning idiots can pretend that they're playing a real game. People who enjoy it should literally just play mobile games and stop breathing the same air as real gamers.

The story & cast are by far the worst in any Tales game, and I'm someone who thinks this series is mediocre to begin with. This is a game that preaches the forgiveness of genocidal war criminals... the main character gets angry at the victims of brainwashing and genocide for not forgiving the culprits after a couple of weeks. And almost every character is written in the blandest way possible...

e: oh yeah and i should have said this but every enemy and boss is an insane sponge because the game would take 20 hours to finish otherwise. bosses taking half an hour to whittle down despite having zero mechanic depth is expected.
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