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Assassin’s Creed Origins Director Calls Xbox One X Version ‘Most Beautiful Version’


PC gamers are annoying. I play games on pc but i don't feel the constant need for validation. I'm sure we'll get an nvidia features video in a few weeks.

The sec i saw OPs thread i knew once again another xbox thread will turn to garbage. PC dudes don't want to be left out/behind even though this thread has nothing to do with pc, but its the nature of the gm, just can't stand the fact and the attention X getting it. Threads about "console" X ver..Deal with it.

Crossing Eden

Hello, my name is Yves Guillemot, Vivendi S.A.'s Employee of the Month!
Look about as good as MGSV, which is fantastic but it's not some cutting-edge graphic, plus, this is Ubisoft we are talking here, the final game probably doesn't look this good.
The last two AC games looked better than MGSV by a country mile. Including this one. And AC games don't get downgraded. Also we talking the same Ubi that released Far Cry Primal, ACU/S, and WD2 unchanged from pre-release demos in terms of visuals?


The sec i saw OPs thread i knew once again another xbox thread will turn to garbage. PC dudes don't want to be left out/behind even though this thread has nothing to do with pc, but its the nature of the gm, just can't stand the fact and the attention X getting it. Threads about "console" X ver..Deal with it.

It's a dumb and factually wrong marketing statement.

People make fun of dumb and factually wrong marketing statement.

Get over it.


Why is this even a thread?

The more powerful console has better graphics than the console with inferior hardware.

What an incredible revelation.


RSI Employee of the Year
Why is this even a thread?

The more powerful console has better graphics than the console with inferior hardware.

What an incredible revelation.

Thats not always true. The GPU is maybe 6TF, but that still doesn't mean it's more powerfull in any department. Pro GPU had also features the One X doesn't have.


Junior Member
Thats not always true. The GPU is maybe 6TF, but that still doesn't mean it's more powerfull in any department. Pro GPU had also features the One X doesn't have.



Gold Member
Thats not always true. The GPU is maybe 6TF, but that still doesn't mean it's more powerfull in any department. Pro GPU had also features the One X doesn't have.

Good Lord, not more of this fp16 shit again. One feature that is hardy going to be used does not negate the X's 2 teraflop lead in GPU performance. It's a cool feature, but it's deliberately disingenuous to keep bringing it up in every X thread considering how little it's used. I'm more interested in fp16 utilization on the switch, that's where it can, and does, have an appreciable effect on workflow and performance.


The sec i saw OPs thread i knew once again another xbox thread will turn to garbage. PC dudes don't want to be left out/behind even though this thread has nothing to do with pc, but its the nature of the gm, just can't stand the fact and the attention X getting it. Threads about "console" X ver..Deal with it.

The experience of the game is the same across all of the different platforms. We try to make sure the game shines on every platform the best it can. Having said that, the Xbox One X version is absolutely the most beautiful version

How did you get "We're talking about console versions only" out of that?

All platforms = Only consoles? What?
Most powerful console has best looking console version of the game. Quelle suprise

Most people expressing a lack of surprise are not salty, it's just not news. Similar to how ps4 pro versions of games were better than the Xbox and PS4 versions of games. Any other outcome would be surprising.

Also, yeah the PC version is obviously gonna be the prettiest if you have the rig for it. I don't have a problem with people pointing that out, unlike a few very defensive Xbox fans who are apparently mad about people seeking validation for their platform of choice in a thread entirely based on giving validation to the Xbox One X.

Getting it on PC. Won't play it in 4k because I want ultra with 60fps.


RSI Employee of the Year
I mean..........it's always true.

Since when? Both PS4 and Xbox One had both different GPU's. Yet the PS4 was overall more capable. But even the 1.3TF Xbox One had some advantages over the PS4. Funny if you think the One X will always be better in every department (hardware). The difference between Pro and One X won't be huge in games.


So why is not only constant validation for the X1 being the most powerful console but straight up lies as to its overall specs in comparison to PC somehow ok?

I have a 3 year old laptop so I'm not fanboying here.

MS, having had a harsh gen so far, want to reassure their base that they're back at the top of the power tree, and as moar powah! is the bedrock of X1X marketing, MS want synonymous descriptions applied by marketing partners.

Some PC owners need reassurance that their $1000+ rigs aren't being caned by some $500 box.


Why does he wear the mask!?
Do we know if the PC version will be supporting HDR?

If it is, then I'd have a feeling they're just thinking about console versions. If it does not support HDR, then I could see why they would say it's the most beautiful since HDR contributes greatly to the overall image.

I hope MS has fixed HDR


Since this is kinda related anyone know if they will restock the Xbox versions of the Collector's Editions? They all seem to be sold out likely due to Scorpio hype.


The sec i saw OPs thread i knew once again another xbox thread will turn to garbage. PC dudes don't want to be left out/behind even though this thread has nothing to do with pc, but its the nature of the gm, just can't stand the fact and the attention X getting it. Threads about "console" X ver..Deal with it.

Do you think the game is coming to PC or not?


Since when? Both PS4 and Xbox One had both different GPU's. Yet the PS4 was overall more capable. But even the 1.3TF Xbox One had some advantages over the PS4. Funny if you think the One X will always be better in every department (hardware). The difference between Pro and One X won't be huge in games.

Dude, Pro/X1X power comparisons are never going to come out saying Pro is on top.

If it matters to you this much already steer clear of any DF or tech threads until PS5 launches because they'll be chilly places for us Sony-leaning posters.



Unity does by a long mile. On pc that is

Otherwise don't worry dudes and dudettes, xbox one x is the go to for pretty much anything regarding tech whoring, if you re gaming on console and actually care about this more than the games themselves


Why does he wear the mask!?
Unity does by a long mile. On pc that is

Otherwise don't worry dudes and dudettes, xbox one x is the go to for pretty much anything regarding tech whoring, if you re gaming on console and actually care about this more than the games themselves

In which case, I don't know why they wouldn't build a gaming PC


Ask me about the moon landing or the temperature at which jet fuel burns. You may be surprised at what you learn.
I know many people on GAF (notice how I said many people and not GAF?) have hate boners for Ubisoft and the AC series but I genuinely think the new one is gonna be the best one yet.

Maybe its the ancient Egypt setting or the huge overhaul they did of the combat and game mechanics. Pretty excited for this one actually.


Why does he wear the mask!?
I know many people on GAF (notice how I said many people and not GAF?) have hate boners for Ubisoft and the AC series but I genuinely think the new one is gonna be the best one yet.

Maybe its the ancient Egypt setting or the huge overhaul they did of the combat and game mechanics. Pretty excited for this one actually.

It looks amazing, and ancient Egypt is so interesting to me.

I honestly can't wait.


Of course it is. ;) They've been promoting mainly the X version all this time. Have we actually seen any other versions running yet? Certainly not the standard One and PS4 versions.
Come on, don't let us buy a pig in a poke. Show us those versions too. :/


Question: How are the PC ports of Assassin's Creed games? I know U-Play gets complained about a lot, but what about the quality of the ports themselves?

Only one I have on PC is AC2 and it seems decent (except for some controller issues).

Tried Black Flag out a few days ago.

I have a 1070/i5-6700k combo with 16 GB of RAM, and it ran terribly no matter what settings I've tried

Haven't installed Unity yet

Rogue works well
Not that I have anything wrong with it but this is kinda funny considering how Ubisoft went out of their way to ensure Unity and Syndicate ran and looked identically on PS4 and Xbone.


Definitely not an STD, as I'm a pure.
Of corse the PC version will look better. Ubisoft has a marketing deal with Xbox, that's why they're saying this.


Junior Member
Since when? Both PS4 and Xbox One had both different GPU's. Yet the PS4 was overall more capable. But even the 1.3TF Xbox One had some advantages over the PS4. Funny if you think the One X will always be better in every department (hardware). The difference between Pro and One X won't be huge in games.

Speaking specifically about GPU's, not really.

Not even sure what those last two sentences are trying to say. Seeing or not seeing a huge difference has more to do with what davelopers focus on than whether the GPU is better or not.


And the X does? It's obviously the most powerful console, no shit it's gonna look better.

But then again, the PC port could be total shit, so this statement may end up being true anyway.

The PC has had the best performing versions of games for decades. The X isnt even out yet. I think its fair for them to push the message. Still a lot of people out there who don't know about the X.
Thats not always true. The GPU is maybe 6TF, but that still doesn't mean it's more powerfull in any department. Pro GPU had also features the One X doesn't have.

This sounds like an echo of the PS4 v Xbox One speculation over their tech specs prior to the launch, where people were saying they were theoretically evenly matched due to their similar architecture and slight advantages in different categories.

I think personally we will see some devs just do a "one-size-fits-all" enhancement suite that works across PS4 Pro and Xbox One X exactly the same, but when devs actually take time to optimize for each, I think we'll probably see that extra power in Xbox One X produce noticeable advantages over the PS4 Pro for people with a discerning eye for detail, similar to the difference of, very generally speaking, 900p Xbox One versus 1080p PS4 output.


Not that I have anything wrong with it but this is kinda funny considering how Ubisoft went out of their way to ensure Unity and Syndicate ran and looked identically on PS4 and Xbone.
Well, here's the thing...When Ubi striked a deal with MS for AC unity with a weaker console, they said "They are all about parity across systems"..in essence, the PS4 version would never see a better resolution over MS's console......

Now, they have another deal with MS on Origins where MS has the stronger console...Ubi declares "Parity be damned, this is the most beautiful version of the game based on this new XBOX POWAH".....

It will be interesting to see the other versions side by side though, at MS E3 conference when the dev showed the game on XBONEX, most people thought it was a native 4k presentation.....since it read, "Play it in 4k Ultra HD and HDR".....Every one thought it would be uncompressed pixels.....

I do expect the XBONEX to have some sheen though, if they could make Unity on XB1 run at the same resolution and a better framerate over the PS4 (a mean feat, no doubt)..I'm sure they can do something to honor the deal they have with MS on more powerful hardware...


As a PC gamer, I don't see the big deal about this. We know PCs will always* be superior.

*except when we receive crap ports.

Well, here's the thing...When Ubi striked a deal with MS for AC unity with a weaker console, they said "They are all about parity across systems"..in essence, the PS4 version would never see a better resolution over MS's console......

Now, they have another deal with MS on Origins where MS has the stronger console...Ubi declares "Parity be damned, this is the most beautiful version of the game based on this new XBOX POWAH".....

It will be interesting to see the other versions side by side though, at MS E3 conference when the dev showed the game on XBONEX, most people thought it was a native 4k presentation.....since it read, "Play it in 4k Ultra HD and HDR".....Every one thought it would be uncompressed pixels.....

I do expect the XBONEX to have some sheen though, if they could make Unity on XB1 run at the same resolution and a better framerate over the PS4 (a mean feat, no doubt)..I'm sure they can do something to honor the deal they have with MS on more powerful hardware...

Wait a second, so a marketing deal with AC Origin means more effort on the 1X but a similar deal for Destiny 2 means they put no effort on the Pro? Lmao btw don't bother responding, I really don't care about any crap you would spew.


As a PC gamer, I don't see the big deal about this. We know PCs will always* be superior.

*except when we receive crap ports.

Wait a second, so a marketing deal with AC Origin means more effort on the 1X but a similar deal for Destiny 2 means they put no effort on the Pro? Lmao btw don't bother responding, I really don't care about any crap you would spew.
I don't know what you're talking about....Ubisoft Montreal and Bungie are two entirely different teams....

Do you hear the Bungie guys saying the PRO version is the "Most beautiful version"?
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