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Assassin’s Creed Valhalla has gone Gold




In all honesty though this is the one game where I expect the Ass Creed wheels to come flying off & for the thing to crash into wall of angry youtube reactions & explode into a "bad reception" fireball.

It looks way, way too rough for a next gen title & has had some serious competition in the same genre.

Have you watched anything they put out last week? It looks to have come together very well


I watched this one:

the worst you could. most complain he made about gameplay is him not having played previous games and not taking attention to the ui feedbacks (stealh kill with lock, not aiming at the target and expecting prompt , shooting out of range etc....)
a second opinion with more interest and understanding of what is happening will not be a bad thing imo (this guy played stealth understanding how it plays instead of complaining it's not there or working for example)


the worst you could. most complain he made about gameplay is him not having played previous games and not taking attention to the ui feedbacks (stealh kill with lock, not aiming at the target and expecting prompt , shooting out of range etc....)
a second opinion with more interest and understanding of what is happening will not be a bad thing imo (this guy played stealth understanding how it plays instead of complaining it's not there or working for example)

The video I posted shits all over the game whilst yours plays like a sponsored commercial. So which one is right?

I say people can use their eyes & their recent experience with Odyssey to judge the Valhalla footage they see & the comments they read/hear about the game.

Deleted member 471617

Unconfirmed Member
Assassin's Creed Valhalla GOLD edition for me day one on Xbox Series X!!! Hoping Ubisoft reveals the post launch plans before launch.

Mr Hyde

Gold Member
I'm torn on Valhalla. The deep dive video makes the game look great, and when YongYea talks about the game it looks terrible. Probably should wait for reviews or bargain bin. I've only played Black Flag before and didn't like it, but I feel I want to give Ass Creed another shot. Love the Viking setting and the world exploration seems amazing.


I'm torn on Valhalla. The deep dive video makes the game look great, and when YongYea talks about the game it looks terrible. Probably should wait for reviews or bargain bin. I've only played Black Flag before and didn't like it, but I feel I want to give Ass Creed another shot. Love the Viking setting and the world exploration seems amazing.

All i can say to you is Yonyea gameplay problem (the others ones especially visual one are there for sure) are not there.
he shoot arrow when out of range (cross-hair become red when you will hit)
you can't use stealth kill locking an opponent and you need to aim at them (blank dot on them) to have the prompt.
those are hardly new things and present in previous games
so at least his gameplay problems should be ignored
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Gold Member
I never cared for Assassin's Creed, but that deep dive video did look great. But I almost feel like it was made to make the game look better than it is, so I'm still hesitant, lol.

Xaero Gravity

As someone who loved Odyssey, I'm super hyped for this one. Probably the game I'll spending the most time with until Cyberpunk is out.
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AAA game goes gold at start of brand new generation? That's fairly surprising. (BTW, what does "going gold" even mean? How many's that? 10 million?)


Shilyea, yup that's a guy i trust!

BTW how's that VA career of yours going?

Everything he said about Valhalla matched my own experience in Assassin's Creed Odyssey. Everything I've seen of Valhalla looks like a reskinned Viking version of Odyssey.

1 + 1 = 2. It's basic maths.
Everything he said about Valhalla matched my own experience in Assassin's Creed Odyssey. Everything I've seen of Valhalla looks like a reskinned Viking version of Odyssey.

1 + 1 = 2. It's basic maths.
You do you friend, i was just mocking you for citing the opinion of Jim Sterling's monotone Asian cousin.


YongYea is the worst of em all. I don't understand the hype for that guy at all, he really pissed me off when all he did early one was to repeat the news that were reported by other sites on his channel and not adding anything new.
Now that he's a big time youtuber his reactions are just bizarre - he always seems out of his depth to me and I do not belive for a second that this game can come out looking worse than Odyssey. It may play differently and appeal in different ways but there's no reason for it to suck in ways previous games didn't.
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Really looking forward to this. The team that did Origins + Darby makes me excited again.

Seems to be many changes to this game compared to the last 2 when it comes to activities in the world which is kinda of shocking after Origins and Odyssey basically were reskins


Gold Member
Game will obviously be good. I don't know what people expect sometimes.
YongYea is the worst of em all. I don't understand the hype for that guy at all, he really pissed me off when all he did early one was to repeat the news that were reported by other sites on his channel and not adding anything new.
Now that he's a big time youtuber his reactions are just bizarre - he always seems out of his depth to me and I do not belive for a second that this game can come out looking worse than Odyssey. It may play differently and appeal in different ways but there's no reason for it to suck in ways previous games didn't.
People prefer to watch someone regurgitate news (controversy), rather than read it themselves. He is a basically a calm, non obese version of Jim sterling.


WTF???? The most icon weapon of a viking is a one-handed sword.. but there are no one-handed swords in the game says Ubisoft.. it's like AC Odyssey spartans with no shield all over again.


always chasing the next thrill
Assassins creed valhalla is basically rape simulator 2020 right?

the ultimate power fantasy of ubisoft🤣
Can’t believe i ordered this game.. but there is fuck all to play on launch on series X tbh. Most games i played allready on one X


I was on Best Buy and saw the pricing of the season pass at $39.99.
But the Gold Edition is $110 if you want the physical media.
So if I pay them early for the season pass, it costs me $10 extra?
Gotta love Ubisoft.
WTF???? The most icon weapon of a viking is a one-handed sword.. but there are no one-handed swords in the game says Ubisoft.. it's like AC Odyssey spartans with no shield all over again.

While in fact a bummer, especially because it is (at least for me) the default way to compare the combat mechanics of all games, you can acquire a skill which allows you to double wield two handed weapons (thus allowing for the sword shield combo) and since there seem to be some lore based things connecting with other games, i would assume a Sword (other than excalibur) to come into play when crossing lake atlantic at some point of the game, as there is a related collectible in Rogue which i would think will be mentioned in some form.


I love how developers announce a game has gone gold then immediately start working on a 10 GB day 1 patch.
As long as they don't do as CDPR did with Cyberpunk and delay the game, that's fine. I mean... I can't for the love of God imagine how CDPR managed to delay a game gone gold, and still say that they're insecure of releasing in December.
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That's quite an inflated list. I can't see how "mini-games" and "fishing"are BIG changes to Assassin's Creed. But okay...

The combat looks nice. I like the idea of introducing stamina and I like the brutality in animations with blood and dismemberment!

(Edit: Oops.. sorry for the double post)
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the worst you could. most complain he made about gameplay is him not having played previous games and not taking attention to the ui feedbacks (stealh kill with lock, not aiming at the target and expecting prompt , shooting out of range etc....)
a second opinion with more interest and understanding of what is happening will not be a bad thing imo (this guy played stealth understanding how it plays instead of complaining it's not there or working for example)

"My honest opinion" ---> I got paid to tell what they want me to say.


That's quite an inflated list. I can't see how "mini-games" and "fishing"are BIG changes to Assassin's Creed. But okay...

The combat looks nice. I like the idea of introducing stamina and I like the brutality in animations with blood and dismemberment!

(Edit: Oops.. sorry for the double post)

Those videos are all the same with Top 8 things to do, top 40 things you missed, Top 5 activities to do early... I start to hate those market-researched titles with passion. But I guess these websites need to crank out these videos to earn the money, the price of doing it all online.
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