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Auction for rare NES-game ends at...


So today was a big day for Nintendo-collectors. An auction for the only known existing copy of "Nintendo Campus Challenge 1991" ended a few hours ago. The guy who sold it bought it this summer for $14000, and put it out on ebay now because he's building a house. He made it start at $0.01, with no reserve and let it run for just over a week. The bidding quickly went up to $8500, and stayed that way until just two or three minutes before the auction ended.

Now, I had a hankerin' for this thing myself, so I prepared a bid of $12100 just to be sure to win. I don't have that kind of money, but have a nice bank and figured I could pay it down without too much trouble. So I waited until there was a minute left. Someone bumped it up to $10000 as I wrote in my amount, but I still felt pretty safe. Then I made the bid, got distracted by someone and had to look elsewhere a few seconds. Went back to the computer and clicked the confirm-button. Got held up again, and didn't see how the auction ended. Came back a few minutes later, anxious to see if I had won, and...

Well, I certainly didn't win, that's for sure. In the last few seconds, the price soared up to $20100. Highest amount ever paid for a game.

Here's the link.


If you have to go ask your bank for the $12K it would have taken to buy a game if it had ended at that price, I really have to say that you might want to re-think your priorities in life.


I feel sorry for the winner...I love games as much as the next guy, but this is a horrible waste of money (IMO).


Really? You were going to pay $12k for a fucking video game cartridge? :lol

It makes me sad that you have that kind of disposable funds and would waste it on an "investment" like this.


Deep into his 30th decade
You were willing to go into debt, not for school, not for a house or land, but an NES game?
wait, I think I remember the thread when the original guy who bought it over the summer, if I'm right then he's a gaffer. lemme take a sec to find that thread...


Amazing. That's a real piece of gaming memoribilia / collector's catch. I wouldn't have paid it, but it is really unique.


You have to be a die-hard collector to understand. If you're not, you won't. It's kinda nice to have lost the bidding this time, though, since it's so freaking much money.
maybe games are a priority for him, you guys giving him so much grief because he likes to collect rare games and is willing to pay the price for his collection... That happens ALL the time. Video games are art, people pay thousands for great/rare art, hell some people pay thousands for great/rare stamps, who cares? I think it is interesting, and if you had no other obligations and you weren't taking food out of your babie's mouths to buy the game, really, whats the problem?


So you were prepared to spend more than twelve thousand dollars for a video game, but got distracted by household chatter twice as you were about to do so? I cannot relate to that :)


shidoshi said:
If you have to go ask your bank for the $12K it would have taken to buy a game if it had ended at that price, I really have to say that you might want to re-think your priorities in life.
It wasn't that much of a priority if he let himself get "distracted" twice during the final minute of the "most important auction ever."

I call glorified storytelling.

Lost Fragment

Obsessed with 4chan
My first instinct is to say that I wouldn't spend that kind of money on something like this if I had a lot of disposable income.

But that's easy to say when you're poor. The truth of it is that I'd probably spend tens of thousands on far more stupid shit than this.


He who pursues two rabbits gets two rabbits.
innervision961 said:
maybe games are a priority for him, you guys giving him so much grief because he likes to collect rare games and is willing to pay the price for his collection... That happens ALL the time. Video games are art, people pay thousands for great/rare art, hell some people pay thousands for great/rare stamps, who cares? I think it is interesting, and if you had no other obligations and you weren't taking food out of your babie's mouths to buy the game, really, whats the problem?
What makes it funny is that the OP doesn't have the money for this, but was considering a purchase anyway.

I buy $100+ games from time to time, but at least it's money I have to spare.


I like how you imply that the person who paid 20 grand for it is a little nuts, but you were perfectly willing to pay 12,000 yourself.


innervision961 said:
maybe games are a priority for him, you guys giving him so much grief because he likes to collect rare games and is willing to pay the price for his collection... That happens ALL the time. Video games are art, people pay thousands for great/rare art, hell some people pay thousands for great/rare stamps, who cares? I think it is interesting, and if you had no other obligations and you weren't taking food out of your babie's mouths to buy the game, really, whats the problem?

Is the game any good?
Oh boy, people are going to start saying how irresponsible you are for not taking that $12k and giving it to charity or something, I can't wait!


Hilbert said:
You were willing to go into debt, not for school, not for a house or land, but an NES game?


kamspy said:
Activision is using this auction as marketing research.

Actually that could be interesting. Imagine if Activision made 1 copy of some super premium edition of COD: Modern Warfare 2. Maybe include real military grade night vision goggles (worth $2000-3000). Personally signed copy and disc of the game. Artwork on case/booklet etc would be unique. And then they just put it on E-bay and see how high it would get. :lol
thomaser said:
You have to be a die-hard collector to understand. If you're not, you won't. It's kinda nice to have lost the bidding this time, though, since it's so freaking much money.

Thank god I'm not a die-hard collector.

Now I can go buy 1200 tacos.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
Well, this particular cart has already proven that it is a solid investment, that was quite a good short term flip. :lol

Probably could have made 25-30k in a year or two.


I was at work dealing with a customer as it ended :lol I couldn't just ignore her, could I?

Anyway, I totally understand everyone who thinks this is nuts. I would never jeopardize my personal economy just to get something like this, and I don't think anyone else would either. Not even the person who's now going to pony up over 20 grand for it. But if you are a serious collector and a once-in-a-lifetime chance to get something unique like this comes up, you will probably do a lot to stretch yourself up to your limits.


Heh... collectors. I'm kind of thankful that that particular bug hasn't bitten me yet.

Shame you didn't get the winning bet, OP. Better luck next time. :)


I don't have that kind of money, but have a nice bank and figured I could pay it down without too much trouble.

Im' not clear what you mean by this. You were going to secure a personal bank loan to buy the game? You have a line of credit with a bank?


Deep into his 30th decade
thomaser said:
I was at work dealing with a customer as it ended :lol I couldn't just ignore her, could I?

Anyway, I totally understand everyone who thinks this is nuts. I would never jeopardize my personal economy just to get something like this, and I don't think anyone else would either. Not even the person who's now going to pony up over 20 grand for it. But if you are a serious collector and a once-in-a-lifetime chance to get something unique like this comes up, you will probably do a lot to stretch yourself up to your limits.

Are you going to play it and post your scores?

edit: This may be the stupidest thing I have ever written. You didn't win the auction... *slapping my forehead*


Hail, peons, for I have come as ambassador from the great and bountiful Blueberry Butt Explosion
Dizzle24 said:
Really? You were going to pay $12k for a fucking video game cartridge? :lol

It makes me sad that you have that kind of disposable funds and would waste it on an "investment" like this.

Read the OP again. He quite openly admits not having the funds to pay for it, relying on bank loans instead.

I make some crazy buying decisions (buying games upwards of $400), but even I think this is total insanity.


I don't mind people spending money on whatever they want, heck is their money...

Though I agree with this:
CuznLarry said:
I like how you imply that the person who paid 20 grand for it is a little nuts, but you were perfectly willing to pay 12,000 yourself.
..with 12,000 I can easily pay more than half of the amount of money I owe because of some failed business with a "friend" that just disappeared.. :p


And even i am moderately surprised
But if you are a serious collector and a once-in-a-lifetime chance to get something unique like this comes up, you will probably do a lot to stretch yourself up to your limits.

define serious collector - are you looking for a complete NES set or picking up ultra rares?


Everyone is trashing this, but the guy who sold the game made a $6000 profit in a few months.

EDIT:All right, whose avatar is causing the login screen to keep popping up?


thetrin said:
Read the OP again. He quite openly admits not having the funds to pay for it, relying on bank loans instead.

I make some crazy buying decisions (buying games upwards of $400), but even I think this is total insanity.

Well he'd still basically need "disposable funds" to pay the loan back, so my statement is correct. :p


GAF's Ed McMahon
Who cares if the guy wants to spend 12k on a game ? People pay millions for some shitty paintings just because it was made by someone famous.


Kandrick said:
Who cares if the guy wants to spend 12k on a game ? People pay millions for some shitty paintings just because it was made by someone famous.
The big difference is the people who pay millions for painting usually dont have to go into debt to buy them.


Kandrick said:
Who cares if the guy wants to spend 12k on a game ? People pay millions for some shitty paintings just because it was made by someone famous.

The same kind of people who ride their bike to Gamestop five times over an 18 month period to make $10 installation payments on an upcoming game.
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