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Banished |OT| Its like SimTown, but by one guy instead of Maxis, oh and its great


wishes it were bannable to say mean things about Marvel

Sweet, that didn't take long! I just might use that "no burning coal" one, coal is for tools not heat!!!


Tried out some of the new mods. Apiary is a nice addition, although it's pretty OP. Managed to get 1800 food from one of them in one year. The fishing buff is nice, it was pretty under powered to begin with unless you found a tiny island to place it. Looking forward to what the mod scene is coming up with. I could see people creating complete reskins of every building.


Rodent Whores
Tried out some of the new mods. Apiary is a nice addition, although it's pretty OP. Managed to get 1800 food from one of them in one year. The fishing buff is nice, it was pretty under powered to begin with unless you found a tiny island to place it. Looking forward to what the mod scene is coming up with. I could see people creating complete reskins of every building.

While I like the mods that have been released so far, I want to see mods that expand the gameplay and make it harder, not easier.


Rodent Whores
This one looks promising: a mod that will make it easier to set down a field on uneven terrain. LOL at the description.


Tried out some of the new mods. Apiary is a nice addition, although it's pretty OP. Managed to get 1800 food from one of them in one year. The fishing buff is nice, it was pretty under powered to begin with unless you found a tiny island to place it. Looking forward to what the mod scene is coming up with. I could see people creating complete reskins of every building.

Oh yeah. I fully expect to see a Renaissance italy mod and a roman empire style mod, among other things.

While I like the mods that have been released so far, I want to see mods that expand the gameplay and make it harder, not easier.

I feel like it's easier to make it well, easier, than it is to make it harder, in terms of balancing. We'll see it swing in the other direction soon enough.


wishes it were bannable to say mean things about Marvel
Just a heads up, Banished is on sale for $5.99 over in the Humble Bundle store:


That's an insane price for this fantastic game. If anyone has been waiting to buy it, now is the freaking time!

I only have one more achievement to go, Tenure. I'll have this game 100%'d soon enough. Then I'm going to mess with mods after that.


Bought the game from the Humble Bundle store. I've been taking it slow since hearing someone call it a Starvation Simulator. :p Right now I'm figuring out how to grow my population without killing everyone. First time I played people started starving, so I focused more on getting food from various sources.

For farms, is it a good idea to take workers off the farm after harvest and during the winter? It doesn't seem like they're actually doing anything.

Is it possible to "overfish"?


Rodent Whores
Will achievements works even with mods?
Nope, they're disabled, IIRC.

Bought the game from the Humble Bundle store. I've been taking it slow since hearing someone call it a Starvation Simulator. :p
You're welcome :D

For farms, is it a good idea to take workers off the farm after harvest and during the winter? It doesn't seem like they're actually doing anything.
Not necessarily. During the winter, they all do laborer work anyway, so unless you need to fill other professions during the winter (other than laborer), just leave them be.

The way to micromanage farmers is to have them plant all the crops during the spring, then reassign them to another job, then reassign them to the farm once the crops are at 70-80%. As long as they are all planted, the crops will grow regardless if anyone is working there or not.

An easy way to manage this is to just turn off work on a farm after all the crops are planted. Then, the unemployed farmer will do laborer work until you resume work on the farm. The danger with this is that their AI will have them doing something so that they will be late to return to the farm, and not harvest all of the crops before winter.

Is it possible to "overfish"?

Sort of. It's best to have as much water within the fishing dock radius as possible. As long as you have manpower, it's best to have as many people working in the dock as possible too. Yields will be reduced, however, if you overlap the radii on fishing docks. Don't do that.


Whoa did not know mod support was added. Loved this game, I think I have about 120 hours played. I foresee more hours incoming with mods.


Got my first achievement: Builder! I thought my town was growing pretty quickly, reaching almost 100 people in year 17, but then I looked at the achievement lists and a "settlement" is 300 folks.

How quickly do you all normally grow your towns?
Got my first achievement: Builder! I thought my town was growing pretty quickly, reaching almost 100 people in year 17, but then I looked at the achievement lists and a "settlement" is 300 folks.

How quickly do you all normally grow your towns?

Is there a male and female that are going to be adults? Build them a house.

Besides nomads, that is the best way to grow.


Is there a male and female that are going to be adults? Build them a house.

Besides nomads, that is the best way to grow.
I will keep that in mind.

My town seems pretty liberal. Quite a few dudes living together without gals. Or lots of old folk who won't die.

Like this, but usually faster. (look at the graph. Don't mind the disease...lol...)
How can I not mind the disease, it's everywhere! :p

But it's the food icon I'm afraid of. Most of my folks are farmers or fishermen and I feel like I'm still on the edge constantly.


Rodent Whores
I will keep that in mind.

My town seems pretty liberal. Quite a few dudes living together without gals. Or lots of old folk who won't die.

How can I not mind the disease, it's everywhere! :p

But it's the food icon I'm afraid of. Most of my folks are farmers or fishermen and I feel like I'm still on the edge constantly.

You have to think about how to make your setup more efficient. Try to minimize the distance farmers have to walk to the storage or their house. Try to maximize the amount of food that one farmer can harvest in any given area of farmland before the winter frost sets in.

If you have a lot of space, gatherers bring in the most food per worker. Farmers, however, bring in the most food per area of space.


I village just completely collapsed. Everything was going amazing everything was fine and then everyone decide to stop eating. My new graveyard that could fit 90 graves filled almost instantly. There was plenty of food I had great production, markets. They all just decided to die. I just don't get it. Time for a new town I guess.



I village just completely collapsed. Everything was going amazing everything was fine and then everyone decide to stop eating. My new graveyard that could fit 90 graves filled almost instantly. There was plenty of food I had great production, markets. They all just decided to die. I just don't get it. Time for a new town I guess.

I recently caused a mass die-off by overplanning. I had placed a bunch of paths across a river to map out a future area, thinking that since there wasn't a bridge they wouldn't be able to get to them and would ignore them. Nope. Fuckers walked to the very edge of my Large map to get across the river, and froze/starved on the way there.

The Colonial Charter mod is awesome. Adds a ton of new buildings, crops, and production chains, and incorporated some of the better stand-alone building mods too (Little Chapel, Grain Silo, etc). It conflicts with a bunch of stuff, but right now all I need is the Map Generator plus Colonial Charter and I'm good to go for a while.


wishes it were bannable to say mean things about Marvel
The Colonial Charter mod is awesome. Adds a ton of new buildings, crops, and production chains, and incorporated some of the better stand-alone building mods too (Little Chapel, Grain Silo, etc). It conflicts with a bunch of stuff, but right now all I need is the Map Generator plus Colonial Charter and I'm good to go for a while.

Wow, that mod looks awesome!!!!

I still have one achievement to go, the Tenure one that requires a city over 500 pop for 200 years. Once I have that then I'm exploring the mod scene like crazy, and that one just may be the first mod I try.
I did the tutorials a long-ass time ago and I forgot all of them. A couple days ago I finally gave the game a fair shot. My town is well into its 6th year or so and it's still a shithole. At least I still have food and people are healthy. I am slowly starting to figure out shit on my own, but I can't figure out how to make the market work.

I also can't get leather.


wishes it were bannable to say mean things about Marvel
I did the tutorials a long-ass time ago and I forgot all of them. A couple days ago I finally gave the game a fair shot. My town is well into its 6th year or so and it's still a shithole. At least I still have food and people are healthy. I am slowly starting to figure out shit on my own, but I can't figure out how to make the market work.

I also can't get leather.

You get leather from cows. Make a pasture, assign some workers to it, and then trade for a cattle or two and put them in the new pasture. The cows will reproduce and give you milk, beef, and leather.
You can also get leather ("hide") from a hunter's cabin.

This will do, since the first merchant boat that arrived has no cows. I can't trade for cows! D:

I bought beans, though. My people might wear ragged clothes, but will keep themselves warm in Winter by means of copious farting.

I was wondering why my population hadn't grown, until I realized I had them living all stacked in the first 5 houses they built. The Young ones didn't have a chance to meet and fuck other Young ones. Now I built more of them and they instantly moved out and formed new families.


Dang. 3 merchant boats and none of them has cattle. How can I trade or buy cows or sheep?

Just gotta wait til a boat comes by with one. You can build multiple trading posts and increase the number of boats that visit and increase the odds a bit. (I have been playing the game since release and just found that out this weekend! :[ ). They are individually stocked though, instead of sharing inventory you've got set aside for trading.

It can take a while to get a trader you want. The worst is when you just want sheep or cows and they keep coming by with chickens. AGAIN AND AGAIN. ENOUGH WITH THE CHICKENS.

Last week I gave up on a town after almost 30 years went by without a single livestock trader visiting. That's not the norm, though. Usually one will come by eventually.


I found a list that i read that has decent mods..but for the life of me the site they link to doesn't work. Any help? The mods were found on reddit and link to some banished.com/mods.


Rodent Whores
I found a list that i read that has decent mods..but for the life of me the site they link to doesn't work. Any help? The mods were found on reddit and link to some banished.com/mods.

banishedinfo.com is down at the moment, but you can try steam workshop or banishedmods.com



Colonial Charter. The people making it have added a ton of new stuff since I last posted about it (awesome looking buildings, product chains, more "historically accurate" crops, etc) and they're working on yet another update. They've also incorporated features of some of the more popular stand alone mods out there (like the Sawmill, small Parish church, mines/quarries that can be replenished - just to name a few).

There's also a mod (compatible with CC) that enlarges maps and gives additional map types (Plains, Swamp) that's fun to play with. Plains is great for open expanses of land without those little hills in the exact spot you want to build a market. It can be challenging at times (big open expanse of land, and sometimes you start pretty far away from the nearest mountain for Iron/Coal mines).

EDIT: high five, Rentahamster~


Colonial Charter seems to be all the rage at the moment.


Colonial Charter. The people making it have added a ton of new stuff since I last posted about it (awesome looking buildings, product chains, more "historically accurate" crops, etc) and they're working on yet another update. They've also incorporated features of some of the more popular stand alone mods out there (like the Sawmill, small Parish church, mines/quarries that can be replenished - just to name a few).

There's also a mod (compatible with CC) that enlarges maps and gives additional map types (Plains, Swamp) that's fun to play with. Plains is great for open expanses of land without those little hills in the exact spot you want to build a market. It can be challenging at times (big open expanse of land, and sometimes you start pretty far away from the nearest mountain for Iron/Coal mines).

EDIT: high five, Rentahamster~

How do you download the mod? I even created an account.


Well I officially am scared of this mod it adds stuff which I don't know if its a must have now or wait type thing...soo much stuff -.-


Well I officially am scared of this mod it adds stuff which I don't know if its a must have now or wait type thing...soo much stuff -.-

I say just go by trial and error. The game starts exact the same way as in regular Banished. You only start with so many types of animals, crops, etc depending on if you choose Easy/Medium/Hard. You won't even see the rest of the new stuff until a trader comes by and you're able to buy it.

A lot of the supply chains are completely optional. The only new stuff that's probably "mandatory" to start working on is glass production and bricks, and that's only when you want to build the new houses or upgraded production buildings.

The Sawmill is incredibly efficient at making firewood, but requires Steel Tools to build which you need to make (which means you need to have iron and coal mines and also make bricks to upgrade your Blacksmith, or do what I did - just buy them from a trader.)


So I finally make it to not starving to death to get to year like 20 and everybody dies..I even made houses..1-2 per year =/

I need help!


So I finally make it to not starving to death to get to year like 20 and everybody dies..I even made houses..1-2 per year =/

I need help!

20 years is around the time I hit a wall sometimes. Either too many workers die of old age and there aren't enough laborers to replace them, or I get complacent and let my population outpace my food production. Sometimes I catch it in time and import food to get me through a few years.

Each person needs 100 food per year. The Town Hall gives you statistics on how much food is used versus how much is produced. If you don't make enough, people will run and stock up on what little food there is at every opportunity, which can take them away from their jobs of... producing food. It's very easy to feel that you're fine because you have lots in storage, and then focus on something else for a while when suddenly all your stores are down. Or you let in Nomads and they use up all your stuff.

Also, for food starting out: one thing that really helps is to make sure food producers don't have to walk too far to put their goods in storage. That way they're spending more time producing and less time taking it to the barn. I started putting a barn in my forest/hunter/gatherer complex, and food supply went up very quickly.
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