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Battlefield 4 |OT2| Is it fixed yet?


Played Conquest Large on my PS4 starting with Operation Firestorm, Gulf Of Oman, Caspian and finally Metro.

Never really liked any of the maps except Metro, but Caspian Border is fantastic now with the addition of the border and Gulf's sandstorm is a cool addition. Firestorm's still meh.

But finally getting to play Operation Metro with 64 players is fucking superb. So much chaos!

Did come across a bug near the end of my Operation Metro game where I couldn't move when I spawned, only jump, like when you spawn before a game starts, gun was pointed downwards and only way I could respawn was if someone killed me, Redeploy wasn't working, weird bug


As well as the dmr and pistol shortcuts.

Damn this download though, 4.7gb
Now that metro is out I refuse to use the shotgun shortcut, I have been waiting for metro to level my shotguns, it is time.


Second Assault is up on the US PS4 store via search function. Downloading it now.

DMR and Handgun shortcuts are up as well.

It's available below the PS4 digital upgrade version of the game, not the main BF4 one, so maybe it's only available to digital version right now?

Edit: Late!


formerly "chigiri"
Goddamn unplayable rubberbanding on every game mode except TDM, smh. Playing FFXIV Beta and Strider instead. Damnit DICE.


Looks like all this assignments are to be done in a round... either that or I'm glitched.

Two kill assit ribbons in a round lol.


If anything this probably falls on EA for forcing DICE to put the game out before it was ready.

How much more time do you figure DICE needed? We're still experiencing a lot of bugs. Blame EA all you want but DICE hasn't done the best of jobs with the game still.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
Firestorm looks a lot better than the BF3 variant, IMO.
So I just added SA to my download queue from work. Will it automatically be downloaded when I get home, or does it have to do that worthless daily 5am check before it realizes?


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
Not sure if 'were' gonna complete this mission

No1currs about Gold Battlepacks, son. That's why it ain't gonna happen.

How about they fix their fucking stupid Assignments instead? Or fix the fact that second assault continues to "time out" and disconnect people from servers?
Well Operation Firestorm was a whitewash. Died around 5 seconds every time I spawned. Only got to fire my weapon once and it was the usual full clip then died.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
Assignment progress isn't showing up on Battlelog. My fucking Sniper Ribbon better count on doing it again. >:| Just leaves the five kills on Caspian or Firestorm for the GOL. Ugh.


Ok, I don't remember gulf of Oman at all, like... at all, nothing about it is familiar to me... Did I just not play that map on BF3 or did they change tons?


so are they gonna fix the ps4 version? I lost everything I unlocked. Level 60 and have nothing but the starting weapons...


Assignment progress isn't showing up on Battlelog. My fucking Sniper Ribbon better count on doing it again. >:| Just leaves the five kills on Caspian or Firestorm for the GOL. Ugh.
Looks like it's in a round, I've done both multiple times. Just never in the same round.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
Wow. Metro is shit on conquest. Far superior in rush, just like bf3.

LMAO no. Metro is shit in Rush since they removed a bunch of cover/destroyed shit + it's shit in Obliteration since people don't have to fight in the Metro itself (so why the fuck does it support that mode?) but in the terrible first set.

Conquest/Large at least saves it because it's the same (shitty) 3-flag variant that BF3 had.

Got 10 kills on Metro. Leaves the two assist ribbons. :/


Thats great but I don't care about those, I want my guns back
Has to do with EA servers which have been going down periodically for years now. Once they come back up you'll have your stuff back. Meanwhile enjoy playing in a sandbox that isn't over-saturated with weapons and gadgets.
LMAO no. Metro is shit in Rush since they removed a bunch of cover/destroyed shit + it's shit in Obliteration since people don't have to fight in the Metro itself (so why the fuck does it support that mode?) but in the terrible first set.

Conquest/Large at least saves it because it's the same (shitty) 3-flag variant that BF3 had.

Got 10 kills on Metro. Leaves the two assist ribbons. :/

I couldn't disagree more of you paid me. I'll never play metro in conquest again. It's a disaster.

Edit: what am I saying. It's metro. I'll play it again :(


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
DAO seems to need Shotgun ribbons on Caspian at the same time you do the raise-lower. Or DICE's assignments are even more fucked up. :/

God, that map IS NOT built for Shotguns.


It is illegal to Tag Fish in Tag Fishing Sanctuaries by law 38.36 of the GAF Wildlife Act
Cant connect to EA servers... game got stuck in the Main Menu screen.
This game... this game. =/

EDIT: Welp, i cant get past the main menu.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
Ah, so it isn't just me then. Game suddenly won't let me join servers. "Can't connect to EA Online."


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
Yes, a lot slower than BF3's. Use 2XP to rank those up.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
DAO has to be a shotgun ribbon on Caspian in addition to the bridge requirement in the same round.

Fucking horseshit. Now I gotta do 6 sniper kills/Sniper Ribbons and 5 kills on Firestorm or Caspain's tower.

The 10 kill streak isn't unlocking for me.

More importantly, on CTF if you get revived and die instantly, you don't respawn again...WTF.


Goddamn unplayable rubberbanding on every game mode except TDM, smh. Playing FFXIV Beta and Strider instead. Damnit DICE.

Not just me than thank god.

Unplayable fucking mess, tried Caspian Border: unplayable, tried Oman: unplayable.

I thought we would get some patches this month also?

I am about done with this train wreck of a game.
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