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Bayonetta 3 💜 new gameplay trailer

Punished Miku

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call me a nintedo hater, real colorful.
I guess you enjoy the mindless Umbran Climax spam, random blocks and parries from every enemy and of course, having an on rail fight every 10 fucking minutes.
Enemies blocking and parrying is a negative lol? I mean what lol. I guess if all you care about it styling on enemies that sit there then sure, but I like when they fight back a bit.


Gold Member
Well, different voice actresses is one of the reasons people point out and the fact that there's a different Bayo in this game as well.

Reason for why is because from the videos they still talk as if its the same character. Could be that they choice a different voice actor for other reasons than being a different character?


Reason for why is because from the videos they still talk as if its the same character. Could be that they choice a different voice actor for other reasons than being a different character?
The new character having a summon called Cheshire makes things suspicious tho.
Is she an alternate Bayo, her daughter, the real bayo?
there is definetly a connection there.


Also we saw in very first teaser the classic Bayonetta got killed.

and the theme song talks about saving someone from death or some similar stuff.
i have the suspicion that we start the game as the new character to introduce the game mechanics (like Nero) and we save Bayo (like Dante in DMCV) unlocking the more mechanically complex character or something.


Reason for why is because from the videos they still talk as if its the same character. Could be that they choice a different voice actor for other reasons than being a different character?
Platinum hasn't given a reason why they changed a VA. The original voice actress seemed pretty bummed out over not being this Bayo in 3. I wouldn't completely say the theory doesn't have merit because the story itself is rather vague about a lot of stuff.
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Gold Member
People can be salty about it but neither Sony or Microsoft was interested supporting Bayonetta series but Nintendo was.
Yeah, it's too bad Sega was slow on the PC uptake. They got good support there (short and long term) when they finally got around to it.

PS3 Sony can eat my ass. They were massive idiots on multiple fronts. Microsoft too but for different reasons.




not impressed by the trailer,with all those "as big as the screen" moves it remembers me more of the disappointing bayo 2 than the masterpiece bayo 1

Why do the visuals not even look as good as Bayo 2 to me? It's like the bones are there but it looks duller
worse artistic direction
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Enemies blocking and parrying is a negative lol? I mean what lol. I guess if all you care about it styling on enemies that sit there then sure, but I like when they fight back a bit.
being able to punish is an essential component on every fighting game, including action games.
take jeanne in bayo 1, she was really powerful and able to dodge, but if you got her on recovering you were gonna get her and be able to punish her for the full lenght that your abilities allowed to combo her
cue to bayo 2 where everyone outside of witch time dodges everything and where punishers are interrupted by random parries


Gold Member
The combat looks absolutely bonkers with all the summons. Can’t wait to play it! I just hope the framerate is stable throughout.


The nicest person on this forum
What like about the Demon summons is that it part of your move-set similar how you use Legion in Astral Chain instead of being only used for specific fight.


A bit worried about the new cocky arrogant bitch character being presented as heroic and good

Hopefully Bayo makes fun of her all the time

i think the new character is gonna be the focus at the start, the menu shown on the trailer kinda reinforces my suspicion.
It's the Nero or Rainden of this Bayo... well, is kinda literally Raiden of MGR if you look at her running, launcher and defense mechanic.


Represent(ative) of bad opinions
Looks absolutely fucking horrendous. I feel bad for the devs stuck on this PS3 level hardware in 2022. They deserve better.
What is the theme song for bayonetta 3?

bayonetta 1: Fly me to the moon
bayonetta 2: Moon River

I thought she was a badass who fights angels? Where are the angels of the lumen sage clan? I saw one brief clip of them...

Bayonetta 3 voice actress is different, doesn't have the umph of bayonetta 1 and 2.

Where is my beloved peacock wearing lumen sage Father Balder? Daddy better be there.

Jean is in there from previous reveals..

The story line and aesthetic of the game seems wonky. What kind of satisfaction can you get from killing homunculus? I get a kick out of killing angels baby...
Said it in the Direct thread, I'm not usually one to whinge about Switch hardware, but man... Bayo 3 deserves better.
Not enough people want to buy Bayo 1. Now Nintendo (semi) bought out the IP. If Bayo 3 deserve better it would only be possible by opening your wallets. Bayo is still technically owned by SEGA, if it becomes a massive success again then it gets to be release on other platforms. Money talks.


The nicest person on this forum
It seems the Bayonetta we are controlling actually might be Cereza since in Bayonetta 3 she has exact same hair style but it also makes question why Viola is the one has Cheshire?
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You want more Bayo 3 footage I got you, fam:

Yeah, that's definitely the same Bayonetta. She's not dead like that teaser implies. Same powers, same style/flamboyancy/poses, same look (right down to the birth mark at the left corner of her lips; Cereza doesn't have one of those).

Thank fuck this isn't a Raiden, V, Venom, or Nero situation. I have no interest in playing someone new and inferior. Also, thank fuck she's got her long hair back. I was never a fan of the B2 Karen cut.
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It seems the Bayonetta we are controlling actually might be Cereza since in Bayonetta 3 she has exact same hair style but it also makes question why Viola is the one has Cheshire?
but the mole...the mole!
i don't think the Bayo from the trailers is Cerezita, Cerezita doesn't have Bayo's mole and that mole seems to be a big deal for Kamiya-san, meanwhile Bayonetta still has it.
The Bayonetta shown dying doesn't have it tho.
No idea how Viola fits into everything.

There is some weird parallel universe and time travel stuff going on which would tie with the previous games, there is some weird paradoxes and stuff if we consider what has happened so far.
Where's all the hype behind this game?! I thought Bayonetta was suppose to be a big deal.
Bayonetta is great and all, but it’s still a relatively niche Japanese action game. Admittedly, the hype does seem kind of low especially for the Nintendo Switch where I don’t think they have too many games releasing in October 2022 to my knowledge.
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