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Best cheapish saturn games?


I never had a saturn when they were being made, and decided to pick one up on ebay because..... I feel like it. What are the best games that can be had for around $10?

So far I'm thinking bug!, clockwork knight, astal, nights, amok and daytona USA

I'm not going to do much research on the games since there really isn't much info availabe, but as long as they're generally considered good, and fairly cheap, I'll try to pick them up.
Astal is pretty good, but don't expect, like, "good gameplay" or anything. Usually a game like Astal doesn't fly with me, but the graphics and music ROX and it's 20+ cred points since it's on Saturn.

And NiGHTS is a must, of course. You gotta have the 3D controller though!


No idea on the prices, but...:

Street Fighter Alpha 2
Guardian Heroes
Shining Force 3
NBA Jam: Tournament Edition
Virtua Cop 1/2
Virtua Fighter 2
Daytona USA
Fighters Megamix
Shining the Holy Ark
Super Puzzle Fighter II Turbo
Dragon Force
Night Warriors: Darkstalkers Revenge
Sega Rally
Fighters Megamix is pretty cheap too. The Fighting Vipers rules (just change the options to VF rules and it's fixed) and characters obliterate the balance, but you get to fight as a car so it's all good. It's also interesting when you see mundane VF characters in the same game as crazy, retarded (like Xbox 360 core pack retarded) FV characters; meaning you get to pit a guy in a karate outfit against a skater/ninja hybrid. It's great.


milkyjay20 said:
Fighters Megamix is pretty cheap too. The Fighting Vipers rules (just change the options to VF rules and it's fixed) and characters obliterate the balance, but you get to fight as a car so it's all good. It's also interesting when you see mundane VF characters in the same game as crazy, retarded (like Xbox 360 core pack retarded) FV characters; meaning you get to pit a guy in a karate outfit against a skater/ninja hybrid. It's great.

Megamix isn't that cheap.


Nash said:
Panzer Dragoon 1

Still the best music of the series.

So true.

I good to see Amok on your list. Scorcher is insane-hard but very fun racer when you get used to it.

And Astal is truly a masterpiece.


Nights is fucking awesome. If you have alot of people you play games with, NOTHING tops Saturn Bomberman, when you have 8 people playing.

It rules. I would think that the multi-tap, and extra controller wouldn't be that much now.
Definately Nights!, also Sega Rally, Panzer Dragoon 1 + 2, Fighters Megamix, winter heat

And of course Radiant Silvergun and Panzer Dragoon Saga (j/k)


Thanks for the suggestions

Panzer dragoon, rayman and sega rally are definates, and I'll be getting a 3d controller for nights, they're really cheap.

Are there any good cheap RPGs? I'll probably end up buying Panzer dragoon saga some time in the future, but I'd like to have a few that aren't astronomically priced to tide me over.


GitarooMan said:
Albert Odyssey isn't too bad, although it depends what you mean by cheap. It's definitely more than 10 dollars, probably less than 50 on ebay

"isn't too bad" doesn't sound too appetizing for a $40 10 year old game..

Is legend of oasis good? That seems to be going for decent prices on ebay

Edit: haha, looks like moku answered that question..

GitarooMan said:
What I meant is that it's that while it's no Grandia or Skies of Arcadia, it's still pretty good. It has the usual Working Designs wacky translation, though. Would I pay 40 dollars for it? Probably not, unless I was flush with cash.

Here's a review though...

Legend of Oasis is more action than rpg...if I remember correctly (only rented it once)

I see, since it seems to be on the upper spectrum of prices, I'll put it lower on the list.

Muchos gracias, dudes
pj325is said:
"isn't too bad" doesn't sound too appetizing for a $40 10 year old game..

What I meant is that it's that while it's no Grandia or Skies of Arcadia, it's still pretty good. It has the usual Working Designs wacky translation, though. Would I pay 40 dollars for it? Probably not, unless I was flush with cash.

Here's a review though...

Legend of Oasis is more action than rpg...if I remember correctly (only rented it once)


hyperbolically metafictive
galactic attack! it's the best game in the whole world! go! now! also panzer dragoon zwei.


Fallen Xbot (cannot continue gaining levels in this class)
sega rally and vf2 are the two most obvious and likely easy to find ones. i got sega rally about a year ago for 2 dollars on ebay :)

guardian heroes is awesome, but no idea what that goes for. its probably somewhat cheap.


The lightgun games are still pretty fun. Virtua Cop 1 and 2 and House of the Dead. Decathelete seems like it would be pretty cheap too.

PC Gaijin

Astal is a mediocre platformer. That Dave Halverson used to splooge over it should tell you something.

Blazing Heroes/Mystaria is a cheap strat RPG (I found a CD only copy at EB for 50 cents once).

You should be able to find NiGHTS with the analog pad for $5-10.

Crusader: No Remorse is a decent little port of the PC game.

Darius Gaiden and Galactic Attack are two cheap shooters.

Fighters Megamix is a nice fighter, should be cheap.

Night Warriors and Street Fighter Alpha 2 are good cheap fighters.

Mr. Bones is a damn strange SegaSoft game, kind of an acquired taste but fun in parts.

Shinobi Legions is a fun side scroller if the rendered graphics don't turn you off.

Tempest 2000 is a great game, but I'm not sure if it's cheap or not anymore. Used to be able to find it for less than $10 new.

Mass Destruction, Soviet Strike, Three Dirty Dwarves, and World Series Baseball '98 are some other cheapies I used to enjoy.

There's a lot of entertaining (IMO) import Saturn titles under $10, but most of those are RPGs/adventure/strategy type games, which require a lot of Japanese or patience.


GhaleonEB said:
I good to see Amok on your list. Scorcher is insane-hard but very fun racer when you get used to it.

I can't believe that I've actually found another soul who appreciates Scorcher. Pure genius of a game. Spooling graphics, PCM music, perfect jet-propelled-marble physics, speed, stunts and insane track design. By far the best racing game of the 32-bit era.



Last Gladiators is the essential realistic video pinball title, and you can pick it up for like $2 like new. I did.


Some replies and comments on previous posts:

"NOTHING tops Saturn Bomberman, when you have 8 people playing."
==> It's pretty awesome with 4 or 5 too!

"galactic attack! it's the best game in the whole world"
==> Actually, Joust is the best game in the world ;), but I agree "Galactic Attack" (aka Layer Section in Japan... I think) is a fun big-sprite vertical shooter with nice bizarre sounds and good parallax at times.

"Astal is a mediocre platformer. That Dave Halverson used to splooge over it should tell you something."
==> I agree that the gameplay is a bit slow and methodical at times, but the hand-drawn background art and nicely animated huge main character, and fun hulkish strength (you can even suck wind and the blow away enemies) and strange designs, and beaming color, make it a great experince to those who enjoy such things. Astal is a textbook example of 2D 'FX'.


Anyway, I'm not too sure of price either, but I've seen Panzer Dragoon 1 and Zwei cheap many times. NiGHTS is probably the most fantastic game at a cheap price, but you NEED the 3D controller (also should be cheap if you can find one).

I love the Saturn rendition of Tempest 2000. Also like Bug! even though it originally disappointed me -- like with others, you just don't find this type of game anymore, and it does have a wacky sense of humor and some fun (but too long!) stages.

Sega Rally is the best racer, you *might* enjoy the Daytonas but I doubt it. Manx TT is a motorcycle game -- it isn't fun because it only has 2 tracks (reversable) and rubber band AI, but if you have that 3D NiGHTS controller, it has superb control (you really feel like you are leaning thru curves) and the best first person perspective -- don't get sick as the horizon tilts!

I picked up import THunderforce V for $20. Pretty good.


Tsubaki said:
Most of the sites are long gone :( but ...


And I'm not sure why you're only looking for $10 software. The SS's library >>>>> all of current generation's library combined.

Well I'm not rich, and I'm now splitting my budget between xbox/gc/ps2/dc/saturn. I asked for cheap games because most of the awesomest games are pretty well known and VERY expensive, so I thought I'd ask for the lesser known things which are usually cheaper, and $10 isn't a hard number, I'd be willing to go over $20 for things like panzer dragoon if need be

That review site seems to have a lot of the games people have been talking about, thanks


The ghost of Dreamcast past
Virtual ON is the Virtua Fighter of mech brawlers: fast paced combat and a lot of offensive and defensive strategy available. Get the Net Link version if you can find the modem and know someone else who'll play.


is beloved, despite what anyone might say
Yeah, Astal is worth playing if you're into 2D eye candy. The graphics are phenomenal, and the music is quite nice, too. But the actual gameplay is fairly shallow and slow moving.

If you want to import - Tengai Makyo: The Apocalypse IV is a wonderful RPG that's very funny, and pretty cheap (like you can get it for ~$15). There's also a full walkthrough online if you're not Japanese-proficient.

Unfortunately, your wallet is gonna suffer if you want some of the best Saturn games...


Cafeman said:
Some replies and comments on previous posts:

"NOTHING tops Saturn Bomberman, when you have 8 people playing."
==> It's pretty awesome with 4 or 5 too!

There's a 10 player version of Bomberman in Japan.


Holy cow-CafeMan has an account here? Very nice.

And with regards to Astal-yeah I suppose Astal is more art and music than gameplay,its got such a wonderful charm behind it. Its rather simplistc yet fun though. Just don't pay alot for it and you'll be ok.


Virtual ON is the Virtua Fighter of mech brawlers: fast paced combat and a lot of offensive and defensive strategy available. Get the Net Link version if you can find the modem and know someone else who'll play.

It plays a helluva lot better than the DC/PS2 version that's for sure.

Virtual On is great, but Saturn Virtual On is a kick in the balls. 30 fps. Scaled down arenas save for Netlink. Belgdor can fire through walls. No single frame cancelling.

And on top of all of that, over half of the attacks have completely out-of-whack attribute changes, be it speed, power, homing, priority, you name it. Still decent to dick around with, but much of the 'perfection magic' that makes it as good as VF is ripped away.

It's fun to mess around with, but the Dreamcast port of VOOT is a much better port. And, if you ask me, a much better game. If you need to play the original, get it on the PC.

Virtual On Marz doesn't exist. I don't know what you're talking about. Shut up.


The ghost of Dreamcast past
Every version of Saturn Bomberman has the squeezed screen, ten player mode. The game's also Net Link compatible. As mentioned, another great multiplayer Saturn game is Death Tank Zwei. It's not a separate game but a hidden extra in Duke Nukem 3D, a good Net Link multiplayer title itself, and is addictive with several people playing.


Lazy8s said:
Every version of Saturn Bomberman has the squeezed screen, ten player mode. The game's also Net Link compatible. As mentioned, another great multiplayer Saturn game is Death Tank Zwei. It's not a separate game but a hidden extra in Duke Nukem 3D, a good Net Link multiplayer title itself, and is addictive with several people playing.

Isn't Deathtank unlocked by having a save game of Duke AND another game by the same company (I forget which one) in the Saturn's memory?


The ghost of Dreamcast past
Yeah, Death Tank is unlocked in Duke Nukem with a Quake save file, or by playing Duke all the way through to destroy every toilet in the whole game.
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