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Best in the Batman Arkham videogame series?

Best in the Batman Series?

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Arkham City was a refinement of Arkham Asylum, but in an open world environment.

It was better in many ways, but Asylum was definitely impacted me more. I didn't play much of Arkham origins, but from what I played it was just more of the same.

Arkham knight, whilst its pretty but it was disappointing at the same time. Still worth playing if you are a fan of the series.

Tldr: City >\= Asylum > Knight >\ = Origins
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City for me, best story, best atmosphere, loved the snowy Gotham environments, and also one of the best open worlds ever designed. It is packed with shit to do, little details at every corner, but isn't 348973489km square like most of the others.


I played and loved all of them, this is one of the best and most consistent series ever. Each chapter improved the previous one (apart from Origin which was never a mainline chapter) and to me Knight is the best one overall.


I easily consider Arkham Knight the best. I barely remember Arkham City, which is wierd because its the highest rated one. It just never left an impression.

Arkham Knight left an impression. A shit stain on my couch when Man-Bat jumpscared the shit out of me from fucking nowhere. I don’t think any horror game has even gotten close to the terror I felt in that moment.
Lemme see.....

- Asylum is arguably the best but the boss battles were terrible and so was the Joker fight

- City is probably the most well rounded overall

- Origins is a dark horse and a surprisingly great game

- Knight is one of the graphically most beautiful games ever created and really solid everywhere but the Batmobile ehhh

Asylum started it all, but City, while lacking the darker, more horror tones of the first game location, virtually bested every other feature

Knight overstayed its welcome, a more of the same ruined by that shitty Batmobile parts

Origins is both different and faithful to the series, it's great

City holds the crown for me
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City is my favorite but Asylum is so, so close.
It’s completely fair to pick either to be honest.

Knight and Origins were fun, but not like the other two.
Arkham City had the best combat out of the entire series, they could throw wave after wave at you and the game still played out as a sort of song where if you would wait for the “beats” and react accordingly Batman would never get hit. The rest of the games were great but City just feels perfect to play.
1) Asylum: Kinda biased but it was the first and had that “New” factor. Also I prefer the smaller, more focused Metroidvania world design. The atmosphere is top notch too.

2) City: A great sequel to a great game. Was more open world than Metroidvania, but wasn’t overall bloated with filler bullshit.

3) Origins: Basically a not as great City, but the bosses are probably the best and most challenging. Though Deathstroke was a pushover and basically a QTE fight. Started to get a little bloated in terms of collectibles and stuff. Troy Baker did a great job as the Joker; even if you can tell he doesn’t have the same range with the voice as Hamill.

4) Knight: Honestly didn’t like this game that much. All of the stuff that was carried over from previous games is good, but the new aspects just don’t work well. The Batmobile is fun to drive around town, but the forced tank sections and Riddler races aren’t particularly fun and don’t really fit in a Batman game. The whole Joker coming back as a figment of his imagination thing is fine, but the whole story feels a bit unnecessary after the ending of City was such a high note and had a tinge of finality to it. The DLCs weren’t that great either. I figured encountering Killer Croc again would require some cunning strategy like the first game but instead Batman and Nightwing just beat him up….. The mad hatter DLC was neat though. Also just fuck the Ubisoft levels of bloat in this game, especially since it’s required to get the “real” ending.


Asylum > Origins = City > Knight

Knight could have been so much better. I liked it but how could they not have real boss fights?


Knight by a mile

Asylum has the comfiest setting though and feels like a truly authentic Batman adventure


Gold Member
I loved the Easter eggs in Asylum. Nothing topped the audio logs and finding out where some of the inmates had been. City was awesome in terms of its cast and the aesthetic was overall very good. It was a very good sequel, which is why I voted for it. City also had good Easter eggs, but not as tight as Asylum. Origins kinda bored me, but it had its high points. I wasn’t a big fan of the cast. It’s kinda like the oddball Batman game to me. Arkham Knight was good, but the extra content wasn’t fun with the bat-mobile races. It felt like they really missed the mark on the side stuff. I enjoyed Knight, especially the graphics and the extra costumes.

I also had read Hush and Heart of Hush, so City did some really cool things with that.
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I must get round to finishing Arkham Knight at some point. I tried playing it on Xbox One but it really looks horrendous. My PC could probably manage it at 1080p60 which would be slightly better.

My favourite is still Arkham Asylum. It's the only one (so far) that I've collected 100% of the Riddler's puzzles.
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Asylum, for me, was all about the detective work and setting up the overall story. It was comfortably linear, but open enough to satisfy explorers. It also introduced us to the freeform combat system that we’ve all come to know and love. The story was a bit dull for an opening to the series, but not dull enough to turn me away. The combat and boss battles were the highlight.

City blew me away when I first played it. That opening sequence was pure french kiss, and set up the rest of the story nicely. Just when you think you’re going to be in another linear arena, boom, you’re chucked into the wide open. A lot of people dislike the Assassins Creed approach Rocksteady took, but I liked the variety of side-missions. Again, the combat and boss battles were brilliant.

Then along came Arkham Knight, one of the first games I bought for PS4. And what a fucking game to play. It took the best from both Asylum and City, merged them together, then threw a lot more content into the mix. The story, the combat, the twists, the setting, all of it was perfect. The one part that did annoy me, but only slightly, was the Batmobile segments, particularly the fight against the titular Arkham Knight - but I can forgive that for all the good points about the game.

I never played Arkham VR or Origins.
Arkham asylum for me. The Free flowing combo system felt and looked amazing back in 2009. The predator style stealth felt really good and polished and the metroidvania exploration was great. I finished it about 5 times.

I enjoyed arkham city but even by then the limitations of that style of combat were apparent and have not really been solved even today. Only spiderman has built upon it and that still feels limited compared to a really hit box combat system. Flying around as batman was kinda cool but other games at the time and since have done it way better like infamous, spiderman and even just cause 2. I enjoyed it though finished it twice.

I couldn't even finish arkham knight lol. I don't have much to add other than the batmobile sucked. Arkham style stealth was now the default stealth system for other games and starting to get old.


wants to fuck an Asian grill.
Knight. It has the worst story and absolutely too. much. batmobile.

But it has the most varied challenges, great sidequests, incredible graphics, & Catwoman looks gorgeous. Asylum & City are great too of course.
Origins is the undisputed best Arkham game by miles.

The pacing of the game, the boss battles, the story/writing, boss battles, world design, traversal, literally everything except a batmobile/batcycle, were nailed near perfect.

Montreal are hands down the SUPERIOR Arkham studio. Their PC launch had some bugs which were quickly fixed later.

That said Rocksteady are no slouch either. City was such an evolutionary step from Asylum in terms of scale, it was insane for it's time. Asylum had a great Metroidvania design going to it, till the end, and a final boss that was less than stellar. Knight was fantastic, but the Batmobile combat sections were a bit repetitive, which were even more annoying in those Riddler trophy/challenges to trigger the true ending - Knightfall.

I'm super stoked for both Gotham Knights and Suicide Squad, but a bit more for Gotham Knights because it's developed by WB Montreal.


Gold Member
City will always be my favorite. Asylum was too confined and Knight was too open and unfocused with weak boss fights and too many drones. Tho, I didn’t mind the batmobile.

City felt like a special event episode of a Saturday morning cartoon, takes place over the course of one night and everyone and their dog makes an appearance


I’ve played and taken all base achievements in the games and I think the Arkham games get better and better for each one released.
So my votes go to Gotham Knight!


My ranking
1) City
2) Asylum
3) Knight
4) Origins (relatively speaking still a great game but someone has to be last.)

City was just perfection. It's started with Catwoman. What an awesome character to play, also free roam was fun with her (shame it wasn't possible in knight)
story was superb
Boss fights was solid (dr freeze fight was the best one of the best boss fights ever played)
And of course Batman was more badass than ever.


GerAlt-Right. Ciriously.
Arkham Origins is actually my favorite.

Easily the best. The Deathstroke fight and Royal Hotel sequence are some of my favorite in gaming. Mad it didn't get a remaster like the first two.
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