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Better pack-in tech demo: Wii Sports or Astro's Playroom?

Better game?

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The Wii and PS5 both came with highly regarded games to show off the capabilities of the controllers.

But which game do you think is the better of the two?

Personally, I would have to give the edge to Wii Sports. I loved Astro, but the game had very little replay value. After you finish it, there isn't much reason to come back to it.
Wii Sports can always be a blast with friends.


Gold Member
Astro is definitely higher quality, but also very quickly completed. I spent a LOT of time playing tennis, bowling and golf back in the day. Wii Sports was perhaps not a particularly great game in retrospect, but a hugely important one.

So I can't choose.


°Temp. member
Astro’s Playroom. It’s a brilliant showcase of what the PS5 (specifically the dual sense) can do and also a very fun celebration of PlayStation history.


Astro’s Playroom. It’s a brilliant showcase of what the PS5 (specifically the dual sense) can do and also a very fun celebration of PlayStation history.

I disagree with that, for the simple fact that you can turn off all the Dualsense features and still play it. (literally, you can)
you can not do that in Wii Sports since the features are integral to how it is played. so IMO that makes it a clear choice for Wii Sports as the "better" tech demo.
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I prefer Astro's play room. If Sony made a full game with proper challenges it in around the core gameplay elements, it would probably among the top games in its genre. Yes, as good or better than 3D Mario games...

But Wii sports was a societal phenomena—That does not make it good, neither are Kinect games.

So Astro.
I mean wii sports had people that never played a video game in their life playing.

Astro playroom was just…a short super easy playformer that was more of a demo for the controller.

It wasn’t something that had grandma playing like wii sports did. People that were playing wii sports (casual to the non video game person) would not care about the PlayStation history that was the collectibles of the game. Shit I’ve been gaming for 38 years and didn’t hear of half the shit in there.
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°Temp. member
I disagree with that, for the simple fact that you can turn off all the Dualsense features and still play it. (literally, you can)
you can not do that in Wii Sports since the features are integral to how it is played. so IMO that makes it a clear choice for Wii Sports as the "better" tech demo.
Let’s say that Gran Turismo 7 comes out on PlayStation 5 and has ray tracing and everyone praises the ray tracing implementation as a prime example of how to do it right.

However, let’s say the game also releases on PlayStation 4 without ray tracing. Does this mean that the PS5 version isn’t a good showcase for ray tracing since you can technically play the game without it?
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As strictly a tech demo - Wii Sports easily.

I wish Astro was a longer, more fleshed out experience. It has the makings of an all time great platformer.


Let’s say that Gran Turismo 7 comes out on PlayStation 5 and has ray tracing and everyone praises the ray tracing implementation as a prime example of how to do it right.

However, let’s say the game also releases on PlayStation 4 without ray tracing. Does this mean that the PS5 version isn’t a good showcase for ray tracing since you can technically play the game without it?

ok lets ignore that we know how RT is implemented in GT7 (which we do know and it's disappointing to say the least)

that is not a good comparison here as RT is not a feature that is in any way essential to how the game is played. Wii Sports without the motion controls would just not be the same game. Astro without Dualsense features or GT7 without RT is still basically the same game, but with some small neat features missing

hence, IMO, Wii Sports is the better tech demo as it shows exactly what the Wii Remote can offer in unique gameplay experiences. Astro does not show that, it just has some cool features that feel cool but are ultimately not substantial enough to call it a better tech demo
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Wii Sport was a groundbreaking experience for its time. Astro's playroom is a good experience filled with nostalgia refrences that only long-time PlayStation gamers will get and appreciate. It's not even close, Wii Sport wins.
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ok now we have gone too far when we got people on here saying Astro's Playroom is "as good or better than 3D Mario games"
like wtf?
It handles extremely well, the level design is fun.

All they really need is to make a more challenging version and it could be right there at the top.


Astro is a more advanced tech demo (as in, it shows off more features in one package), whereas Wii Sports was a lot of the same motions/utilizations of the controller.

But Wii Sports is legendary and a much better example game. Especially because of it being multiplayer and super accessible.


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They are both stellar titles.

For anyone who says Astro doesn't have replayability, just start a new game so it wipes your progress. I promise it's a joy to play on subsequent playthrough.

Honestly the real difference here is you will probably be able to play Astro in 10~20 years without having to seek out ancient hardware. I'm skeptical Nintendo will bring Wii Sports back instead of something new.


honestly the real difference here is you will probably be able to play Astro in 10~20 years without having to seek out ancient hardware. I'm skeptical Nintendo will bring Wii Sports back instead of something new.

well the Wii is ridiculously easy to emulate on any modern PC 🤷‍♂️ including Wii Remote support
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Wii sports will be remembered with a degree of fondness.
Astrobot while I might love it my daughter commented that it killed the battery in the controller several times in only a weekend. The game that kills dual sense batteries.
How many at bats did it take everyone to realize the motion controls were completely BS and all you had to do was flick your wrist? I think it took me two. Still funny to watch people try and swing properly with form when it doesn't matter one bit.


Wii sports, easy. Old folks homes bought the Wii specifically to play Wii sports and bowling. Can’t say the same for Astro’s playroom even if I had a great time with it and my kids loved it.


Please take note of the title that refers to Astro as a demo. That is all.

I pick wii sports by a landslide, it's responsible for a bazillion wii sales all by itself. Nobody was lining up for a ps5 for astro. (Even though it's great)
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Wii Sports is way more fun as a game. Astro's Playroom was a cool tech demo and a Playstation jerk off fest but it was pretty damn cool at that. Tough call.


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Wii sports easily, the wii and its control scheme was unlike any other game console and wii sports showed it off really well.
Astro was not introducing anything new, just a evolved rumple and resistive triggers.
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