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BioShock - Official Thread of horror and awesome and draconian DRM for PC gamers


Ironballs said:
Yeah... I'm afraid we're gonna need just a bit more justification there.

I'm at school so I can't post any info from my blog which explained the whole situation or quotes from the 2k forums but the lowdown is this. Ken Levine told the PC community that the PC version was going to be mod supported way before the game was released. For the longest amount of time he was fabricating this to the PC community in the bioshock forums as well as TTLG.(The biggest irrational fansite) This of course got people excited(Including me) As there would be a number of interesting mods you can create for a game like bioshock.

As soon as the game released Ken went silent. Everyone thought that they would simply be releasing an editor later on after release, so no one really made a fuss about. Instead they were making a fuss about the other problems of bioshock PC. Namely widescreen and crashing issues, as well as 2K's complete lack of any regard to fix these issues on the PC, as they released a patch fixing problems on the 360.

October comes along and still nothing. After many questions being posted on the 2K and TTLG forums the community manager of 2K comes out silently and said that an editor not only wasn't going to be released, but was never planned to be released at all. Meaning that Ken just fed us a bunch of bullshit to get us hyped up about the game and buy it. As soon as they got enough sales on the PC side, they went ahead and admitted that the whole thing was pretty much a lie to lure us into buying the game.

So yeah, that's the gist of it and it's something I just can't brush aside. Bioshock, as amazing a game that it may be will be getting no support from me and many others now from this situation because I don't support companies that simply lie and fabricate bs in order to milk us dry and simply throw us to the side.


onemic said:
Honestly.....I hate 2K as well as ken levine for the complete bullshit they fed us toward the games release. Any credibility I had towards that man is now gone.

And what bullshit are you talking about? I think they delivered on a lot of their promises. Explain yourself youngin'

edit: seems you have already.
Been playing this, good game, but nowhere near system shock 2, let alone **** Ex......its System shock gone consolified though.....the fact that there's no inventory section just blows....anyway graphic wise its fantastic, it has great atmosphere but that alone isnt enough to touch the classics....


onemic said:
I'm at school so I can't post any info from my blog which explained the whole situation or quotes from the 2k forums but the lowdown is this. Ken Levine told the PC community that the PC version was going to be mod supported way before the game was released. For the longest amount of time he was fabricating this to the PC community in the bioshock forums as well as TTLG.(The biggest irrational fansite) This of course got people excited(Including me) As there would be a number of interesting mods you can create for a game like bioshock.

As soon as the game released Ken went silent. Everyone thought that they would simply be releasing an editor later on after release, so no one really made a fuss about. Instead they were making a fuss about the other problems of bioshock PC. Namely widescreen and crashing issues, as well as 2K's complete lack of any regard to fix these issues on the PC, as they released a patch fixing problems on the 360.

October comes along and still nothing. After many questions being posted on the 2K and TTLG forums the community manager of 2K comes out silently and said that an editor not only wasn't going to be released, but was never planned to be released at all. Meaning that Ken just fed us a bunch of bullshit to get us hyped up about the game and buy it. As soon as they got enough sales on the PC side, they went ahead and admitted that the whole thing was pretty much a lie to lure us into buying the game.

So yeah, that's the gist of it and it's something I just can't brush aside. Bioshock, as amazing a game that it may be will be getting no support from me and many other that now of this situation because I don't support companies that simply lie and fabricate bs in order to milk us dry and simply throw us to the side.

Thats the strongest defense for criticism that I've seen in a long time. I got it on 360, so mods were never in my future, but I can understand being pissed at being fed a pack of lies. I'd like to blame 2K more than Ken Levine, since he's already told us that "powers that be" forced the decision to have two endings. If it was his doing all along, however, that is pretty shitty.
Chao said:
I can't find that FOV option on my 360 version of the game. Where is it supossed to be, or is it only for the PC version?

Start the game, Click START button, go to Options. It's near the very end of the list of options.


Sigh, they didn't fix the subtitle problem, it still skips some parts. It's not a biggie, but midly annoying waiting 3 months for a measly patch fixing some bugs and "adding" new plasmids that already shipped with the original release.


demifiend said:
Thats the strongest defense for criticism that I've seen in a long time. I got it on 360, so mods were never in my future, but I can understand being pissed at being fed a pack of lies. I'd like to blame 2K more than Ken Levine, since he's already told us that "powers that be" forced the decision to have two endings. If it was his doing all along, however, that is pretty shitty.

Well I say Ken Levine because it was him that was on the forums and was feeding us the bs, but you may be right. If he was forced into it by 2K then all is forgiven on his part, but since we'll most likely never know he's automatically part of the problem.


Well I might as well offer my opinion on the game here while the thread is bumped. I liked everything about it except the level design and one aspect of the difficulty. I like a game either to be "sandbox" open or "Half-Life" linear but Bioshock is somewhere in between, though certainly leaning well towards the Half-Life side. The game has a bunch of places -- like various apartments -- that you can enter, and keep going for a little while...but then you have to stop and go back to the linear path. The problem is exacerbated by the fact that searching every drawer and corner is quite integral to the game and also because you're sometimes punished by scripted attacks after exploring, another one of my pet peeves.

On the difficulty side, I felt the average enemy was a bit too difficult to kill. I'm not calling for a pussification of the game but, like the exploration, it kind of straddles the line between one side of the coin and the other. I would have preferred a game where the difficulty was the same (I didn't mind dying) but where the enemies were either more plentiful and easier to kill or less plentiful and more difficult to kill, though obviously still less difficult than killing a Big Daddy. The difficulty the game was at made most battles more of an annoyance for me than either a cool experience or an intense encounter.

I'm sure many people appreciate the game being on the line in these areas rather than too far into one or the other, and that's fine. It's just not to my preference.

I have a few nitpicky complaints as well, such as
Atlas' true identity.
I loved the other twist but this one struck me as silly, as was the final boss battle itself, which seemed too gamey to me, though the way it finished was suitably creepy. These are all minor in comparison to the first two, and even those didn't kill the game for me, but I just want to get it all out there now.

All that said, I'll be playing it again soon. The game was otherwise spectacular and memorable in every other area.
Stoney Mason said:
Enjoying it but for some reason I feel like a midget as I play...

I felt like a midget too! Some things in the game just seem proportionally humungous to your point of view. It's weird, as if their level designers weren't using the same scale.


Junior Member
MrCompletely said:
I felt like a midget too! Some things in the game just seem proportionally humungous to your point of view. It's weird, as if their level designers weren't using the same scale.

You'll get used to it.
Downloaded the Bioshock DLC today. I might replay it over break in between semesters. I might also have my first HD TV then. I still need my Hard achievement and I'll get the Vita-Chamber achievement at the same time. And get to try the new Plasmids. And replay one of the best games of the year for the third time.
The fixed FOV makes it feel so much better.
I decided to replay the game, so I won't get to see the new plasmids for a while.
Sonic Boom sounds cool, though
Stoney Mason said:

Enjoying it but for some reason I feel like a midget as I play...

I just downloaded the update and I feel it too. It seems like when they expanded the field of vision it has an unintended side effect of making the camera seem like it's too close to the ground. I'm sure I'll get used to it about five minutes into the game though.


I traded my brother a copy of this game for his Wii, sent the Wii back to him; as my refurbed 360 just came back recently. Looks like I get to play the game it was meant to be. This is awesome.
Stoney Mason said:

Enjoying it but for some reason I feel like a midget as I play...

Why don't game designers see this when they are making these FPS?
If you have COD4, play it and notice everyone you come into contact with is much taller as your eyes are about up to their nipples.
Kinda weird.


CitizenCope said:
Why don't game designers see this when they are making these FPS?
If you have COD4, play it and notice everyone you come into contact with is much taller as your eyes are about up to their nipples.
Kinda weird.

Are you being serious when you ask that question? Bioshock wasn't designed with this fov in mind. The designers said as much when players complained about this "issue" when the game was released. Kwitcherbichen.
Rogosh said:
Are you being serious when you ask that question? Bioshock wasn't designed with this fov in mind. The designers said as much when players complained about this "issue" when the game was released. Kwitcherbichen.
Awesome response!
Not talking about FOV. I'm talking about your characters size in comparison to other characters in the game. You are a little person in both BioShock and COD4. Nipples in yo face!
CitizenCope said:
Why don't game designers see this when they are making these FPS?
If you have COD4, play it and notice everyone you come into contact with is much taller as your eyes are about up to their nipples.
Kinda weird.

I'll look for it next time I play COD4. Hadn't really noticed it there but that may be due to the play style. I play Bioshock very slowly and explore every area where as I run around a bit more frantically in COD.

It's not a gamebreaker or anything in Bioshock it just feels like I'm constantly crouched. I'm constantly actually crouching just to make sure I'm not doing it by mistake but of course I'm not.


CitizenCope said:
Awesome response!
Not talking about FOV. I'm talking about your characters size in comparison to other characters in the game. You are a little person in both BioShock and COD4. Nipples in yo face!

Actually, your field of view can have quite an affect on your sense of scale. I honestly never noticed a scale difference in Bioshock, or Call of Duty 4 in terms of characters, but i'll have to take a look next time i pop one of the games in.
Yeah in COD4 it's obvious when you interact with your squad mates. Your looking up about a foot. Again no big deal just wondering why. Maybe I notice more because I'm 6'4" and used to looking down at 99.9% of the population.:lol


Sho Nuff said:
The FOV fix looks amazing in-game, but kind of ruins the opening sequence

Please explain this. Anyone else feel the same way? I haven't played Bioshock yet - it's sitting on a shelf wrapped in plastic awaiting the purchase of a new console - but I've played the demo. I didn't hate the original zoomed FOV, but in the various screenshot comparisons I tend to prefer it fixed. The fact that it defaults to true 16:9 since the patch rather than the original zoomed FOV which was supposedly the director's choice suggests that the complaints are more than a matter of some people's particular tastes; whatever Ken might have said in response to the initial criticism. I'm glad I'll be playing the patched version when I finally begin the game, but if there is any controversy over the FOV setting I'd like to make an informed decision for the best possible experience.


CitizenCope said:
Not talking about FOV. I'm talking about your characters size in comparison to other characters in the game. You are a little person in both BioShock and COD4. Nipples in yo face!
Seriously. I haven't noticed it that much in COD4, but in Bioshock your character is very, very low to the ground.

I have being 6'4'' in common with CitizenCope though, maybe this is a problem only relatively tall people will have with the game, heh heh.


Any word on if this patch fixes the 'stuttering' frame issue? The one where some 360 players see an annoying frame jitter every second or so?

I ran into that bug halfway through Fort Frolic and none of the supposed fixes (clearing cache, starting from an earlier save) fixed it for me. It got annoying to the point where I quit playing the game, hoping for a patch to fix it.
Started my third play through Bioshock tonight. Playing on Hard and doing the no Vita-Chamber thing. Got up to Neptune's Bounty. Hopefully I'll be able to get through it by the end of the week. School and work are both really busy right now though so we'll see. It's crunch time.
ToyMachine228 said:
Started my third play through Bioshock tonight. Playing on Hard and doing the no Vita-Chamber thing.

So, to get the "Brass Balls" achievement all you have to do is play on hard and turn off the Vita-chamber option correct?

I guess without the Vita-Chamber you just revert back to your previous save spot?
siamesedreamer said:
So, to get the "Brass Balls" achievement all you have to do is play on hard and turn off the Vita-chamber option correct?

I guess without the Vita-Chamber you just revert back to your previous save spot?

I think you can just play it and not use the Vita-Chambers by reverting to your save. Not sure though. I hope so because I already started with them on just loading my saves not to use them:lol


So, I could have sworn I saved all the Little Sisters, but I never got the achievement saying so. Do you get it at the end of the game?


Dr_Cogent said:
So, I could have sworn I saved all the Little Sisters, but I never got the achievement saying so. Do you get it at the end of the game?

go back to each level, pause, and check (some levels have different parts of which have little hos on)

Eric P

so i'm a bit late on this. i just got it for PC (thank you, steam and thank you new machine) and it's pretty fun. i have everything maxed out and it looks gorgeous. the settings remind me a bit of myst crossed with starship titanic except done in real time. i'll look at something like the water effects and just giggle because of how good it looks.

i don't really like the fact that doing a quick save takes you to a seperate screen. it kind of takes you out of the experience, unlike something like HL2 which just says "game saved."

i'm playing the game on normal and have just hit neptune's bounty and so far it seems kind of easy. i like the hacking though, because i loved lucasarts's pipe dream, so it's a piece of cake to do. the first "big daddy" was kind of easy, as was the boss Steinman. Does it get harder? Should I bump the difficulty?

I like the atmosphere, dislike the the taped diaries (too much like Doom 3). since there are boss fights i guess i am going to be fighting andrew ryan? it's going to be weird kicking harry lime's ass all over rapture.

Eric P

i basically played this all day saturday but not all day sunday. i just finished the bit with the artist guy and am going to andrew ryan's house.

this game is pretty goddamn awesome. i'm choosing to save all the little sisters though it's frustrating not having enough adam at times to max out. i'm hoping that the teddy bears balance out the difference


the game arrived today,so tempted to play it but im waiting for my new monitor so i can play it in HD. im sure this will be a good game for my first experience with HD.


Eric P said:
i basically played this all day saturday but not all day sunday. i just finished the bit with the artist guy and am going to andrew ryan's house.

this game is pretty goddamn awesome. i'm choosing to save all the little sisters though it's frustrating not having enough adam at times to max out. i'm hoping that the teddy bears balance out the difference
Yeah, it does. Plus, you CAN skip some plasmids. (Like go from Electro-shock 1 to 3 and skip 2)
I finally got a new cable to transfer pictures off my camera and uploaded this photo I took way back in September..

I call it "Lemon Rapture Party"

I have the sepiatone final version too but it clips the guy on the left's foot which I think is a really nice touch.
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