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Blizzard and Vicarious Vision are working on a Diablo II remake


I replayed Diablo 2 up to chapter 2 last year. It wasn't as great as I remembered. Spammy enemies casting icy etc. projectiles which froze the character in place unable to do anything but die.


I think this is the right group to handle this remake. After playing the THPS remake they got the feel just right. I think that is key with Diablo 2, getting the feel right for the game to take off. The big risk here is it being more popular than Diablo 4.


I cry about SonyGaf from my chair in Redmond, WA
Few reasons:

- Blizzard team responsible for Diablo are trying everything they can to regain fanbase goodwill.
- Diablo 4 will be combination of D1 inspired atmosphere, D2 inspired mechanics and D3 combat feel.
- "Remake" doesn't always mean complete remake. They could just remake graphics like in Demon's Souls and leave mechanics untouched.
- Remaking D2 could be good training before release of D4
- Remake of graphics with old mechanics should be fairly quick much quicker than making D4.
- D4 is YEARS away from release
Blizzard then :

We make great games. We never give release dates because it's done when it's done.

We listen to our fans and respect them.

Blizzard today:
"you think you want it, but you don't"
"don't you guys have phones?"


I replayed Diablo 2 up to chapter 2 last year. It wasn't as great as I remembered. Spammy enemies casting icy etc. projectiles which froze the character in place unable to do anything but die.

i played a shit ton of d2 back in high school. i went back to it the other day, the only problem i have with d2 is stamina loss. i really hate that shit


Cool. Played a lot of this in my early teens. Even made friends at school over selling SoJ and a legit windforce.

Nightmare cow runs. Fuck, lots of nostalgia.

Lmao It was quite the time. I remember selling 40 chiped gems for SOJ's. The economy pre-SOJ purge was crazy. The golden era IMO.


Blizzard’s Team 1 had been responsible for the Diablo 2 remake, but after an internal post-launch analysis of Warcraft 3: Reforged, Activision Blizzard took that project away from Team 1.

Team 1. Responsible for legendary games like Warcraft III, Starcraft, and World of Warcraft got pulled because they don’t trust them to handle a remake of d2. Oh how the mighty have fallen.


Gentlemen, we can rebuild it. We have the capability to make the world's first enhanced store. Steam will be that store. Better than it was before.
I'm currently re-playing Diablo 2 for the first time in years (decades?) right now. Got a fix for ultrawide and a preset that smooths the textures. Game still looks great visually and holds up really well. It's obviously still a 20 year old game, but still a massive amount of fun.

If they can bring something like this into the modern era with redone sprites / textures as well as updated cutscenes, it could help bring appreciation to the game (and the genre itself) to a whole new generation of players that weren't alive when it released.


Considering how badly they want Diablo 4 to be a return to form ala Diablo 2 I'm not sure how they are going to time these releases. If they release them too close they will just cannibalize each other. One of these releases is far off, like 2024/2025.


always chasing the next thrill
Considering how badly they want Diablo 4 to be a return to form ala Diablo 2 I'm not sure how they are going to time these releases. If they release them too close they will just cannibalize each other. One of these releases is far off, like 2024/2025.
i hope it will be diablo 4

so i can ignore that shit
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