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Bloomberg: "Washington Loves General McMaster, But Trump Doesn't"

Didn't see anything posted after doing a couple searches. Not sure how Bloomberg is viewed around here, but seeing as a few contributors/commentators from other news organizations (NBC, CNN, MSNBC) are talking about it on Twitter, I figured it was worth some merit. Interesting highlights bolded:

More at the link: https://www.bloomberg.com/view/arti...gton-loves-general-mcmaster-but-trump-doesn-t

For the Washington establishment, President Donald Trump's decision to make General H.R. McMaster his national security adviser in February was a masterstroke. Here is a well-respected defense intellectual, praised by both parties, lending a steady hand to a chaotic White House. The grown-ups are back.

But inside the White House, the McMaster pick has not gone over well with the one man who matters most. White House officials tell me Trump himself has clashed with McMaster in front of his staff.

On policy, the faction of the White House loyal to senior strategist Steve Bannon is convinced McMaster is trying to trick the president into the kind of nation building that Trump campaigned against. Meanwhile the White House chief of staff, Reince Priebus, is blocking McMaster on a key appointment.

McMaster's allies and adversaries inside the White House tell me that Trump is disillusioned with him. This professional military officer has failed to read the president -- by not giving him a chance to ask questions during briefings, at times even lecturing Trump.

Presented with the evidence of this buyer's remorse, the White House on Sunday evening issued a statement from Trump: "I couldn't be happier with H.R. He's doing a terrific job."

Other White House officials however tell me this is not the sentiment the president has expressed recently in private. Trump was livid, according to three White House officials, after reading in the Wall Street Journal that McMaster had called his South Korean counterpart to assure him that the president's threat to make that country pay for a new missile defense system was not official policy. These officials say Trump screamed at McMaster on a phone call, accusing him of undercutting efforts to get South Korea to pay its fair share.

This was not an isolated incident. Trump has complained in front of McMaster in intelligence briefings about "the general undermining my policy," according to two White House officials. The president has given McMaster less face time. McMaster's requests to brief the president before some press interviews have been declined. Over the weekend, McMaster did not accompany Trump to meet with Australia's prime minister; the outgoing deputy national security adviser, K.T. McFarland, attended instead.

Here's the WSJ article it's referencing.
A potential firing of General McMaster would be a good way to deflect some attention away from the Yates-Clapper hearing, and I'm sure Bannon would be pleased...


It's good to know Trump fully intended to double down and try to force South Korea to pay for a missile system we're not selling to them.


Now what's the next step in your master plan?
A lot of people really respect McMaster especially in the military. Firing him would be a pretty stupid move for a variety of reasons.
Didn't see anything posted after doing a couple searches. Not sure how Bloomberg is viewed around here, but seeing as a few contributors/commentators from other news organizations (NBC, CNN, MSNBC) are talking about it on Twitter, I figured it was worth some merit. Interesting highlights bolded:

More at the link: https://www.bloomberg.com/view/arti...gton-loves-general-mcmaster-but-trump-doesn-t

Here's the WSJ article it's referencing.
A potential firing of General McMaster would be a good way to deflect some attention away from the Yates-Clapper hearing, and I'm sure Bannon would be pleased...

Bannon doesn't get much say according to rumors now

So its plausible then.

Very lol


I was under the impression that McMaster was going to be one of the few "voices of reason" in Drumpf's administration. Is this impression correct or there is something i'm missing? (legit question).


McMaster 2020

Follow in Eisenhower's shadow. Insult the President and then beat him in an election.


Two grains of salt:

1. This is a column, not an article from Bloomerg proper. Despite featuring some reportage, Eli still has his own motives otherwise it wouldn't be in the opinion section. Eli's still an old-fashioned neocon war hawk, and we'll see where McMaster fits into that equation.

2. Palace intrigue is boring and largely pointless. When something happens, we'll know.
I was under the impression that McMaster was going to be one of the few "voices of reason" in Drumpf's administration. Is this impression correct or there is something i'm missing? (legit question).

The thing about voices of reason is that they will often tell you things you don't want to hear, and it demands a reasonable level of humility and maturity to listen to what they say and reflect on it.

You can perhaps imagine why this particular President would find himself having... difficulty with that.
For weeks and longer alt right had been tweeting that the "globalists" need to be fired: Kushner, mcmaster etc as they are suspect, soros, cucks etc all the usual (((crap))).

Then in the last few days cernovich and a few other bigger accounts suggested McMaster was going to get promoted up and out.

I guess as long as Bannon hangs in there there is a chance that adults that speak truth to power will still get fired.


Trump doesn't like to fire anyone. It would take a united effort by members of his family or a legal issue to force someone out.


1. This is a column, not an article from Bloomerg proper. Despite featuring some reportage, Eli still has his own motives otherwise it wouldn't be in the opinion section. Eli's still an old-fashioned neocon war hawk, and we'll see where McMaster fits into that equation.

My dude, show the official/unofficial political correspondent to the I Am Rappaport Stereo Podcast some respect.


I'm always going to take opinion articles with a grain a salt. My personal takeaway is something we all already knew: Trump has zero idea how the military works and constantly has to be lectured when he gets indignant about it.


Now what's the next step in your master plan?
2. Palace intrigue is boring and largely pointless. When something happens, we'll know.

Isn't something happening every single week, if not several things a week with the Trump administration?
One of the things that is indisputable about Trump is that he will for some reason randomly state a position or say something without having thought it through or establishing it as official policy. That's the nicest way of saying he has diarrhea of the mouth. The fact that we have somebody like McMaster to combat that in foreign affairs is a great thing and Trump should realize it's an asset. It's like a child that can't help but lie about doing something wrong complaining that an older sibling covers for them without consulting thing first.


Not surprising. This is going to continue all throughout his term. Firing people that aren't loyal to him or crosses him. Wouldn't be surprised if Spicer is next to go at some point.

Truly a dictator.
Poor USA military, General McMaster has to apolozie to South Korea because its missle defence system needs to be there to warmonger China

Trump is a monster, Imperialism rules
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