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Borderlands (2024) Official Trailer

Honestly doesn't look too bad.

But Kevin Hart as Roland just feels wrong. They couldn't have picked someone a little more appropriate?

Season 5 Nbc GIF by The Office



I love Cate Blanchett, and she seems to be the king kong here, but this is below everything. When will NA people understand they can't make humorous movies? They don't understand humor, they don't have humor. Those who have, are rarely exposed. With Carlin's passing, humor went down the drain, US is without humorous people, at least in the entertainment industry. This is cringe, vicarious embarrassment maxed out. Just give these game adaptations to South Korean production companies for fucks sake.


Blanchett is too fugly to be Lilith, Hart was completely the wrong pick for Roland. Been a long time since I played BL but i dont remember Roland being the short arse funny man, he was serious business no?


As much as I like Jack Black I wish they kept the current voice actor from the games. Jack could've played many different characters from the games, just not Claptrap.


Gold Member
Castings is meh

Kevin Hart basically makes me not wanna watch it

Jack Black is an OK choice for claptrap tho


I love Cate Blanchett, and she seems to be the king kong here, but this is below everything. When will NA people understand they can't make humorous movies? They don't understand humor, they don't have humor. Those who have, are rarely exposed. With Carlin's passing, humor went down the drain, US is without humorous people, at least in the entertainment industry. This is cringe, vicarious embarrassment maxed out. Just give these game adaptations to South Korean production companies for fucks sake.
Lol what? Such silliness and outright incorrectness
I love Cate Blanchett, and she seems to be the king kong here, but this is below everything. When will NA people understand they can't make humorous movies? They don't understand humor, they don't have humor. Those who have, are rarely exposed. With Carlin's passing, humor went down the drain, US is without humorous people, at least in the entertainment industry.
Dave Chappelle Player Haters Ball GIF
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"Trailer Starts Now" the fact that so many trailers nowadays feel the need to do this is a prime example of the state of mental retardation and adhd junkie abuse the civilization has regressed into and it's abhorently pathetic and tragic at the same time.

Absolute state of the world right now:


I won't even comment on the trailer,how they even roped in so many big names into this is beyond me.

Miyazaki’s Slave

Gold Member

~20 years misscast
Mrs. Blanchett seems miscast here.
Some podcast said that Jennifer Lawrence was originally cast to play Lilith and she can do sarcasm...so it would have fit, but I guess she dropped out of the industry for a few years.

Personally I would have preferred the original Claptrap voice actor at least for the nostalgia, also is the bunny ear character Tiny Tina?

Neon Xenon

This trailer left me more bored than anything else. Maybe it's just this style of trailer in particular that I'm bored with, but I just don't care for this sort of action/comedy movie when they come off so similarly.
I'll forget about this by the time it releases.


Gold Member
I love Cate Blanchett, and she seems to be the king kong here, but this is below everything. When will NA people understand they can't make humorous movies? They don't understand humor, they don't have humor. Those who have, are rarely exposed. With Carlin's passing, humor went down the drain, US is without humorous people, at least in the entertainment industry. This is cringe, vicarious embarrassment maxed out. Just give these game adaptations to South Korean production companies for fucks sake.
detecting no lies here. whatever understanding people once had? it's fuckin' gone. i mean, hell, you like this shit? guess what? even the 3 stooges did it better:



Lol what? Such silliness and outright incorrectness
People, get out of your bubble. Expose yourself to the real world. There are lots of different cultures, and don't try to culturally colonize everyone. And the worst is, those who are in the bubble don't even realize they are exploited, dumbened down generation after generation and fueling a faceless entity that sucks the living life out of everyone.

Watch old US movies and compare them to this. What do you see?

Clint Eastwood is not some old boomer who can't handle reality, he tells the truth about what the fuck is happening.
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Is anybody still enjoying these tropes? They seem ancient. I don't even have to watch the movie and I've already seen it a million times.


Hollywood still riding that wave of releasing a movie version of a game well beyond its peak popularity and relevance. That cast is black hole levels of cringe... then again so were the last few Borderlands games so fair enough I guess.


People, get out of your bubble. Expose yourself to the real world. There are lots of different cultures, and don't try to culturally colonize everyone. And the worst is, those who are in the bubble don't even realize they are exploited, dumbened down generation after generation and fueling a faceless entity that sucks the living life out of everyone.

Watch old US movies and compare them to this. What do you see?

Clint Eastwood is not some old boomer who can't handle reality, he tells the truth about what the fuck is happening.

Jim Carrey What GIF


You finished or wanted to add something more?

That gif alone had way more to add than your random as fuck ranting. Seriously, from video games to humor, you act like some massive conspiracy is brainwashing anyone who conveniently doesn’t see something the way you do.

”You like Baldur’s Gate 3 combat? Well, you’re just brainwashed by YouTube and Twitch influencers!”
”North Americans are incapable of humor, and anyone who disagrees must be living in some bubble and unaware they’re fuel for some vaguely defined entity!”

Geezus fucking Christ. Mindless generalizations and conspiracy theories fucking everywhere with you.

You sound one step away from babbling about the Illuminati and lizard people.


That gif alone had way more to add than your random as fuck ranting. Seriously, from video games to humor, you act like some massive conspiracy is brainwashing anyone who conveniently doesn’t see something the way you do.

”You like Baldur’s Gate 3 combat? Well, you’re just brainwashed by YouTube and Twitch influencers!”
”North Americans are incapable of humor, and anyone who disagrees must be living in some bubble and unaware they’re fuel for some vaguely defined entity!”

Geezus fucking Christ. Mindless generalizations and conspiracy theories fucking everywhere with you.

You sound one step away from babbling about the Illuminati and lizard people.
: DDDDD Fuck, I see you are trying hard.

1. You use quotes when you quote someone verbatim, word by word. Back to elementary school.
2. You quote what is distilled in your tiny mind reading my posts and try to frame my persona with your degenerate lunacy.
3. I said: BG3's combat is inferior, because it wastes your time with old, cumbersome, outdated mechanics. Enemies do their moves one by one, instead of doing it in parallel (where applicable and do not rely on each other's outcomes). I said BG3 owes part of its success to the influencers who give fellatio to anything that feels trending, no matter the quality, since it's all about reach, likes, views, and exposure. They are in a dependent relationship with whatever they cover. I'm not gonna repeat myself about the praise I gave to the game, do your homework.
4. I'm not even going to start with the humor thing. Just go back and read what I wrote and forget about hostility, generalizations and the like. It's just criticism, not anti american, not hostile in any way, just my take on the current state of affairs.
5. You only hear what you want to hear. When you read someone's take on something and your brain shuts down after the first sentence that creates cognitive dissonance in your brain, maybe do not get into an argument.

"Geezus fucking Christ.". In order to be a great analyst, you first have to know your biases. You have some, time to work on it.


: DDDDD Fuck, I see you are trying hard.

1. You use quotes when you quote someone verbatim, word by word. Back to elementary school.
2. You quote what is distilled in your tiny mind reading my posts and try to frame my persona with your degenerate lunacy.
3. I said: BG3's combat is inferior, because it wastes your time with old, cumbersome, outdated mechanics. Enemies do their moves one by one, instead of doing it in parallel (where applicable and do not rely on each other's outcomes). I said BG3 owes part of its success to the influencers who give fellatio to anything that feels trending, no matter the quality, since it's all about reach, likes, views, and exposure. They are in a dependent relationship with whatever they cover. I'm not gonna repeat myself about the praise I gave to the game, do your homework.
4. I'm not even going to start with the humor thing. Just go back and read what I wrote and forget about hostility, generalizations and the like. It's just criticism, not anti american, not hostile in any way, just my take on the current state of affairs.
5. You only hear what you want to hear. When you read someone's take on something and your brain shuts down after the first sentence that creates cognitive dissonance in your brain, maybe do not get into an argument.

"Geezus fucking Christ.". In order to be a great analyst, you first have to know your biases. You have some, time to work on it.

Oh, wow, you’re really going to high road me about how to debate, after you multiple times used ad hominen, probably the biggest no-no in debating, on other people in a prior thread? This is like a kid who can’t ride a bike criticizing someone who can’t fly an airplane.

”You only hear what you want to hear”. Bruh, you’re the one constantly belittling people’s opinions by acting like anyone who has those opinions are easily influenced, manipulated, ignorant, etc. It shows how little faith you have in anything you’re saying if your argument can’t stand on its own two feet but instead has to rely on making baseless claims about other people’s intelligence.

Also, I already caught you in a prior thread lying about your thoughts on Baldur’s Gate 3 overall (so not just the combat*) based on what you had said in a thread before that one where you flat out called the entire game mediocre. You said that, flat out, stop trying to handwave it away.

*also Dungeons and Dragons had already skyrocketed in popularity several years before BG3 released, funny how it become such a huge success despite having the same “old, cumbersome, outdated” mechanics. Oh, let me guess, “the influencers brainwashed them, man!”

You know what, you truly deserve the ignore button. What’s the point in talking with someone if they’re not even genuinely honest about what they’re supposedly arguing for? I’d still roll my eyes at a person who rants about crazy shit, but the dishonesty truly crosses the line for me. Oh, and the ad hominens for that matter.
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