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Calling fellow Playstation lovers - do the right thing and call out Sony!


Would you rather a ps4 situation where these games launch this year as PS4 exclusives instead? This is just Sony making games ps5 compatible that were falling into the ps4 gen instead. I'm ok with it but I hope GOW and the games after except for MLB don't support the ps4.


CliffyB's Cock Holster
Read the thread, hell the OP itself. webelieveingenerations

(you) do as you posted here.

A statement of belief in something is not a mandate to slavishly stick to doing it in every possible situation!

Its like calling out MS for saying "noone is getting left behind" then announcing Series S/X only titles! Its a spectrum, and if the companies are starting at opposite ends of which its reasonable to believe that their output will skew towards their stated position.

It also conveniently conflates the issues posed by the two-tier Series S/X situation that DOES pose a threat in holding back the new gen consoles.
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Nobody forced the morons at sony to have horizon as a launch title or launch window title...

You gave more time to devs and wait until 2022 or 2023 whem you have 20 to 30 ps5 installed.

But no, better make the game a fucking crossgen even if your already have a shitload of good games on year 1...
I'm sorry but I'd much have horizon 2 launch now and get a horizon 3 in 3/4 years time when the ps5 pro launches. Why would I wish for just 1 game instead of 2 in that time.
I could understand why Spider-Man was cross-gen but who made the decision for Horizon to be cross-gen as well? Guerilla Games are graphical powerhouses in the industry and a perfect fit to showcase your next gen system.

Legit curious who makes those decisions. Was it yoshida or layden?
A guy with the name of Share Holders.

Evangelion Unit-01

Master Chief
Why are people upset about this? Because you used it as lame forum fodder for your console war when it was MSFT doing it?

If the game can be scaled such that it runs on current and next gen hardware then it should be released on both. PS4 has a huge install base and many of those users will not upgrade for 2-3 years. Launch window titles never sell as well as later releases so this is the right thing to do financially for SNE and their shareholders. Same thing with MSFT.

They have to look at this on a game by game basis. If the games can scale then they should release on both to maximize revenue. If you look at MSFT and SNE's shows you'll see thats exactly what they did-some games are crossgen and some are not.

The only people who look silly here are the ones who got swept up in these broad statements from these interviews.

Edit: They aren't forcing games cross gen either...that is a pretty dumb narrative.
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If their 1st parties were to build new engines and games from the ground up for PS5, the games would not launch this year, or the next, and then people wouldd be whining about that instead.
Would you rather a ps4 situation where these games launch this year as PS4 exclusives instead? This is just Sony making games ps5 compatible that were falling into the ps4 gen instead. I'm ok with it but I hope GOW and the games after except for MLB don't support the ps4.

The point is that they said one thing and did something else.
Promises of experiences not possible on PS4, and then lo and behold we have cross-gen games.

It makes sense of course, as they want to leverage their massive install base for risk aversion on expensive games. But their words spoke contrary to this.


Gold Member
You weren't lied to. Ryan never said PS5 games wouldn't come to PS4. That was just the journalist's assumption, and he printed it as a headline, as fact, and people ran with it.

What Ryan said was that games "should" be built to "make the most" of the "benefits and features" of the PS5. This was in the context of a discussion about SSD, haptic feedback, and 3-D audio. That statement does not mean the game does not also have a PS4 version. Ryan never said that. The journalist wrote the headline that said it, but that was the journalist's assumption, not what Ryan said. This is not the first time a headline hasn't reflected the actual content of what was said. Anyone who's been around for more than a couple decades sees this all the time. It's commonplace.

It never made sense to me that Sony would turn their back on PS4 versions -- that's 120 million potential customers! Why would you do that? I always thought a good chunk of their exclusives would be cross-gen, at least for the first couple years. But people loved believing otherwise, so they ran with it.

Granted, Sony could've been more forthcoming and could've corrected the misunderstanding, but they didn't. That's on them.

I think the journalist, and journalists in general, could've done a better job. The article writer could have checked his assumption for validity, rather than just printing it in headline form as fact. Why not just ask Ryan or some other Sony bigwig specifically whether all or some PS5 exclusives were coming to PS4? Apparently no one thought to do that.

Oh well. I know that a dispassionate analysis of syntax won't do anything to derail the notion that Sony "lied." Anger and outrage at the big mean corporation is more tempting. So, outrage away, I guess.

I'm going to have lunch. Steak and eggs, mm.
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What's the issue? Not all games are coming also to PS4. This gen there were cross gen games and we knew a few this gen would be "but not all" is Godfall cross gen? Ratchet and Clank? God of War 2? Demon Souls Remake? Fake ass concern and sensationalism in its highest form. Who thought the ps4 was going to be forgotten after we got cross gen games for ps4/3 for two years. Sony's sole focus isn't on cross gen and like usual they are striking a balance. What we saw were still next Gen looking games with gameplay that looked better than the monstrosity of Craig that wasnt even shown on a console. Demon Souls Remake looked better than any bs cgi, cutscene or bullshit shown anywhereand there's an issue? Lol I can't.
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I can't be angry that more people are going to be able to play a game. However I can be mildly annoyed that this now confirms these games will not be designed to take advantage of the new hardware from a game design perspective, so it will just be prettier graphics (which are always welcome). I was hoping that Miles would get powers that allow him to fly through Manhatten at lightening speed, or that he would be transitioning through the multiverse at blistering pace, but no 🤷‍♂️

Not sure how you can say “just prettier graphics”. The CPU alone, to me, couples with SSD’s standard in both consoles means games will reach higher framerates, to go along with prettier graphics. The speed of the OS, load times, how much faster the cpu is, is more of a jump than simply prettier graphics.

That said you have to realize these consoles aren’t even out yet, and developers have been working on games for current gen, while messing with the dev kits for the new hardware. It has ALWAYS taken time to push new hardware.

Why are people acting brand new to this hobby?


I understand being upset about Horizon and Spider-Man being represented as just PS5 but we already have more PS5 only games than Xbox Series X has Series X only games.

I'm willing to bet Ratchet and GT7 are only on PS5.


Go Go Neo Rangers!
You weren't lied to. Ryan never said what people are claiming he said. He said games "should" be built to "make the most" of the "benefits and features" of the PS5. He didn't say that all first-party games will be exclusive to PS5 and not appear on PS4. In fact, to do that would be an incredibly stupid business decision. I'm glad you guys aren't in charge of Sony, or they'd be bankrupt.

It's all based on a misinterpretation or over-read of what Ryan said. I am well aware that my saying that will do absolutely nothing to derail the narrative that Sony "lied." Neutral analysis doesn't hold a candle to anger and outrage on the internet.



You weren't lied to. Ryan never said what people are claiming he said. He said games "should" be built to "make the most" of the "benefits and features" of the PS5. He didn't say that all first-party games will be exclusive to PS5 and not appear on PS4. In fact, to do that would be an incredibly stupid business decision. I'm glad you guys aren't in charge of Sony, or they'd be bankrupt.

It's all based on a misinterpretation or over-read of what Ryan said. I am well aware that my saying that will do absolutely nothing to derail the narrative that Sony "lied." Neutral analysis doesn't hold a candle to anger and outrage on the internet.

If you keep telling yourself this, you might even start to believe it!


Not Banned from OT
I understand being upset about Horizon and Spider-Man being represented as just PS5 but we already have more PS5 only games than Xbox Series X has Series X only games.

I'm willing to bet Ratchet and GT7 are only on PS5.
That is the issue not being honest about those games being cross generation. If they were upfront and honest most would have zero issues with it and ww3 would of not happened online over cross generation games. They played up the whole ps5 only experiences getting great press and Microsoft get destroyed online and in the media. All while while trotting out 2 cross generation games. This was the most under handed marketing since the 75 million polygons per second crap and astroturfing sadam Hussein looking to buy PS2s to power his missiles to end Sega.


At least Killzone was a real next gen title and so were many third party games available at launch.

Infamous Second Son, one of the most beautiful games this generation and solid ow action, released only few months later.

This time even NBA 2K looks exactly the same as before and it's a mtx shitfest.

I would be literally buying PS5 to play Cyberpunk 2077 but because I have both Xbox One X and PS4 Pro the benefits minimal.

So I am not buying next gen consoles for a while.

Have they shown the next gen version of 2K21 yet? Other than the Zion Williamson trailer (which looked nothing like current gen)?
Read the thread, hell the OP itself. webelieveingenerations

(you) do as you posted here.

I did read the op. My point sill stands. Who gives a shit? Oh no, w few cross gen games like what has happened for generations before the prior generation is packed away. How does this affect anything. How does this prove Sony lied about having supporting the idea of generations?

The prior two generations had reams of games that were cross gen and yet, the idea of generstions weren't abolished. This is the most retarded thing to be whining about, it makes me wonder how a functioning adult can really get bent out of shape over such a thing.


Unconfirmed Member
You're calling on playstation lovers...

But that's not how love works.
Love isn't perfect.
Love forces you to care through thick and thin.

Love is a fire that burns forever


I did read the op. My point sill stands. Who gives a shit? Oh no, w few cross gen games like what has happened for generations before the prior generation is packed away. How does this affect anything. How does this prove Sony lied about having supporting the idea of generations?
Company spokesman lied, you are saying he didn't and that's just about it. Everything else doesn't matter. Simple as, no ifs, ands, or buts about it.
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Dear fellow Playstation lovers,

Just like you, I've been enjoying the last few months shitting on Xbox for their cross-gen antics. I've been relishing the opportunity to throw yesterday's PS5 showcase in the face of Xbox fans as a 'AHA TAKE THAT BITCHES' moment but after that we find out that at the very least, Horizon Forbidden West and the Miles Morales game are coming to PS4 as well as PS5.


I'm stoked as much as you are for PS5 but come on. Although they didn't necessarily say those games would be PS5 exclusive, the messaging very strongly hinted at it and for them to now mention, almost in passing as if they don't want to draw attention to it, that two of the key first party titles aren't actually next-gen exclusive.................. it's just a bit of a slap in the face.

Do you not hate being lied to? I know I do. Sure it's not lying if they never technically said those games wouldn't come to PS4, but it's effectively the same thing. They've been riding the wave of hate towards Xbox and it turns out what they're doing isn't really much different. If we try to hide behind the fine print then we're doing what the 'other side' did.

So, again, calling all fellow Pureisuteishon lovers, let's call it out because if we don't do it then we're just as bad as the Xbots who blindly support the likes of Aaron Greenscreen and Phil Spritzer.

note: If you think I'm posing as Playstation lover to whip up a frenzy, check my post history - I've been shitting on Xbox for months ;)
I like this dude. Not afraid to take a massive dump on the so called competition
I think it's a really stupid complaint. Game companies make games to sell them, and it would make no sense to deprive themselves of 113 Millions of potential buyers who own a PS4 to sell a new title to only 2-4 Million of early PS5 adopters. They're not releasing a new game to lose money, and selling 4 million copies of Spider Man : Miles Morales would be a flop, even if every single PS5 early adopters would buy it , it would be a flop...

As for the "we believe in generations" saying.. It's also kinda dumb to assume these game's visions were compromised because of this. There's always a lead platform so to speak when making games, and obviously the dev teams made the new games with PS5 hardware in mind, then downported it / found solutions so it could run on pS4, which probably wasn't that much work considering how Spiderman 1 looked and player great on PS4 hardware.

It's like saying a game isn't reaching full potential because it has a Switch port that looks really bad and runs at 20 FPS... Or that a cutting edge PC game is made less impressive because it has graphics settings to make it possible to run it on a potato PC... Not true... Said port / low graphical settings was probably handled by a totally different part of the team whose sole job was to optimize and downgrade everything so it could run on said hardware, and the overall design was not compromised so the inferior port could be achieved...

So yeah, you can still believe in gap in generations and offer cross-gen games...
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Not Banned from OT
It’s no big deal. Weird that they straight up lied about it though.
Not weird they played the fans and media knowing they can get away with it to build hype. The media depends on fan clicks and the fans are dependent on their games lol. Perfect for them they can lie let them spread it and say btw fine print suckers and no consequences.


Why is it such an issue??
I’m guessing because Sony themselves said “We believe in generations”, and that people ridiculed Halo Infinite, then BAM! Mikes Morales and HFW are both coming to PS4. I suspect many of Sony’s first party titles will.

Cant wait until they announce GoW: Ragnarok is also on PS4 😁


Gold Member
If you keep telling yourself this, you might even start to believe it!

Actually, it's lols from dumb guys like you that give me more confidence in my opinion. It shows you don't have an argument. You don't really have any counter to what I've said, and all you've got is "lol."

I think it's a really stupid complaint. Game companies make games to sell them, and it would make no sense to deprive themselves of 113 Millions of potential buyers who own a PS4 to sell a new title to only 2-4 Million of early PS5 adopters. They're not releasing a new game to lose money, and selling 4 million copies of Spider Man : Miles Morales would be a flop, even if every single PS5 early adopters would buy it , it would be a flop...

As for the "we believe in generations" saying.. It's also kinda dumb to assume these game's visions were compromised because of this. There's always a lead platform so to speak when making games, and obviously the dev teams made the new games with PS5 hardware in mind, then downported it / found solutions so it could run on pS4, which probably wasn't that much work considering how Spiderman 1 looked and player great on PS4 hardware.

It's like saying a game isn't reaching full potential because it has a Switch port that looks really bad and runs at 20 FPS... Or that a cutting edge PC game is made less impressive because it has graphics settings to make it possible to run it on a potato PC... Not true... Said port / low graphical settings was probably handled by a totally different part of the team whose sole job was to optimize and downgrade everything so it could run on said hardware, and the overall design was not compromised so the inferior port could be achieved...

So yeah, you can still believe in gap in generations and offer cross-gen games...

Yup. As I've said before, it makes NO sense, from a business perspective, to walk away from the massive PS4 install base. You build a multi-million dollar budget game, then try to sell it to a miniscule install base? And ignore 120 million potential customers? That's crazy.

And as you point out, saying you "believe in generations" is a far cry from stating unequivocally that all first-party games will be exclusive to PS5. People heard what they wanted to hear. And now they're paying the price.
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I’m guessing because Sony themselves said “We believe in generations”, and that people ridiculed Halo Infinite, then BAM! Mikes Morales and HFW are both coming to PS4. I suspect many of Sony’s first party titles will.

Cant wait until they announce GoW: Ragnarok is also on PS4 😁

They believe in generations. They also believe in profits. In the beginning of this gen they will have some cross stuff and then they will move on. No biggie.

PS4 was full of PS3 games in the beginning.


Flashless at the Golden Globes
WTF do you think we have been doing for the past 18 hours OP?

Thats one thing i will give ps fans credit for. the backlash was immediate and swift and didnt let up. i dont see anyone defending this shit. at least not to the extent MS fans who defended every fucking thing Phil says.
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I’m guessing because Sony themselves said “We believe in generations”, and that people ridiculed Halo Infinite, then BAM! Mikes Morales and HFW are both coming to PS4. I suspect many of Sony’s first party titles will.

Cant wait until they announce GoW: Ragnarok is also on PS4 😁

But Miles Morales looks way better than Infinite, and it looks great for a launch title anyway (and still has next-gen features such as RT). This transition practice has happened every generation and I don't see why there is a fuss all of a sudden.


Not Banned from OT
I’m guessing because Sony themselves said “We believe in generations”, and that people ridiculed Halo Infinite, then BAM! Mikes Morales and HFW are both coming to PS4. I suspect many of Sony’s first party titles will.

Cant wait until they announce GoW: Ragnarok is also on PS4 😁
It is more than that.

Phil we are doing cross generation for 2 years.

Jim right after that. We believe in generations to throw it in Microsoft's face.

Then for about 6 months every Sony fan has thrown this in xbox fans faces. Using spider man and horizon 2 as real next generation games. That cross generation games are no longer games along with simulators. All this time Sony was hiding the fact those games were cross generation to avoid the negative press Microsoft got all spring and summer for Phil being honest.


Neo Member

He's lying again 100%, the games are not designed "from the ground up" with PS5 full power in mind if they have to also work on a base PS4, no way. SSD, Haptic Feedback, New Controlers? Well after all, 'PS5' games will work no problem without these innovations on a PS4. On a PS5 is mandatory though because "they believe in generations". Can't have it both ways Sony.

It's a joke, I understand the business side but just be honest about it. They are pushing two different narratives for us to eat like we're stupid. Worst part is that a lot of people will eat it like always.


I agree that this messaging is misleading...

While I'm baffled that H:FW is going to be cross gen. Spider-Man and Sackboy make total sense as launch titles. How many kids would be bummed out this holiday just because they're parents couldn't get them the PS5.


Neo Member
If you think “we believe in generations” means “ we will no longer support new PS4 games after PS5 launch” you may have autism.

Supporting PS4 games to work on a PS5 is a good thing. Making games that should take full advantage of new hardware (PS5) to work on an aged PS4 is backtracking and wasted potential.


It was really irritating to hear. But you know what? I thought of something.

There's 100+ Million PS4 Consoles. So what're they going to do? Not get games? How long until Sony can even PRODUCE that many? I do hope there's PS5 only games so we can see what it can do. I know Project Athia was designed ONLY for PS5. Same with Ratchet and Clank?
That is the issue not being honest about those games being cross generation. If they were upfront and honest most would have zero issues with it and ww3 would of not happened online over cross generation games. They played up the whole ps5 only experiences getting great press and Microsoft get destroyed online and in the media. All while while trotting out 2 cross generation games. This was the most under handed marketing since the 75 million polygons per second crap and astroturfing sadam Hussein looking to buy PS2s to power his missiles to end Sega.

No one is surprised by your take. PS5 has some cross gen games as well as strictly ps5 games so what was said was truth. Just another fud, sensationalist narrative to cause discussion and others fir clicks on websites. Ps4/3 we had cross gen games for up to two years and a few sole ps5 games this gen is no different. People acting like they didn't know this would be the case is funny and not how history has shown. It becomes an issue when allllll your games are cross Gen. I don't think Godfall is, Demon Souls remake, GoW 2 we don't know, Ratchet hasn't been said to be cross gen, etc


Neo Member
I agree that this messaging is misleading...

While I'm baffled that H:FW is going to be cross gen. Spider-Man and Sackboy make total sense as launch titles. How many kids would be bummed out this holiday just because they're parents couldn't get them the PS5.

I mean, I get Spider-Man MM but Horizon Forbiden West? A game done by one of the best teams in the world (Guerrilla) right now to be held back by a a base PS4? It's good money but I bet it alters the game's vision in some major ways.
Supporting PS4 games to work on a PS5 is a good thing. Making games that should take full advantage of new hardware (PS5) to work on an aged PS4 is backtracking and wasted potential.
Sony does both thts the beauty, they always have. It becomes a problem when you solely focus on cross gen.
That is the issue not being honest about those games being cross generation. If they were upfront and honest most would have zero issues with it and ww3 would of not happened online over cross generation games. They played up the whole ps5 only experiences getting great press and Microsoft get destroyed online and in the media. All while while trotting out 2 cross generation games. This was the most under handed marketing since the 75 million polygons per second crap and astroturfing sadam Hussein looking to buy PS2s to power his missiles to end Sega.

No one is surprised by your take. PS5 has some cross gen games as well as strictly ps5 games so what was said was truth. Just another fud, sensationalist narrative to cause discussion and others fir clicks on websites. Ps4/3 we had cross gen games for up to two years and a few sole ps5 games this gen is no different. People acting like they didn't know this would be the case is funny and not how history has shown. It becomes an issue when allllll your games are cross Gen. I don't think Godfall is, Demon Souls remake, GoW 2 we don't know, Ratchet hasn't been said to be cross gen, etc


Gold Member
I'm sorry but I'd much have horizon 2 launch now and get a horizon 3 in 3/4 years time when the ps5 pro launches. Why would I wish for just 1 game instead of 2 in that time.
Oh yeah, i'm happy that they are rushing and porting on ps4 the sequel of my gotg just to have a chance of getting a third game...

I don't give a fuck about having a great third game if the second one get compromised.

You don't even know if there is gonna be an horizon 3, the only thing we know for certain is that the second one is a crossgen, it's enough to get mad at sony no matter the amount of excuses or wishful thinking from some of you.
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