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Can The Metroid Franchise Move Forward? Or Stay In The Past?

Move forward or Prequels?

  • We need Metroid 5

    Votes: 28 80.0%
  • I started with Prime and are okay with exploring the past>

    Votes: 7 20.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
  1. Metroid and Metroid: Zero Mission (NES/Game Boy Advance, 1986/2004)
  2. Metroid II: Return of Samus and Metroid: Samus Returns (Game Boy/3DS, 1991/2017)
  3. Super Metroid / (Metroid 3) (SNES, 1994)
  4. Metroid Fusion / (Metroid 4) (Game Boy Advance, 2002)

Is it possible for this franchise to progress forward or do we continue to demand more prequels? I and everyone else love what Retro has done with the Prime trilogy and were just as happy when news came that they were making 4. But yearning for more by going back to play all of the main games has now wanted me to see the 5th games in the series.

Is the Nintendo today that made the mainline games capable of progressing the story forward?


I usually prefer when the series goes forward instead of the past. Have some exceptions like Street Fighter Zero which is too cool to not love.

But the thing is...I don't think Nintendo cares about story. They pretend to care about Zelda story, don't care about Metroid story and definitely don't care about Mario story, even a little bit.

Probably, if they did a Metroid past Fusion, it would have the same upgrade, mechanics, atmosphere, art style as if it was before Zero Mission. I wager it would not even be clear where the game is in the chronology.
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Not gonna lie, I would love for Metroid to stay a side scroller like how it was on the 3DS just with updated console graphics. Nintendo will just keep milking Mario and Zelda so I have no faith in Metroid. I say this as I wish I got another actually good Star Fox game :messenger_face_steam:


I liked the Metroid Games, but they need to move forward in story, it is a shame Nintendo cares so little in the story department. Since she is a bounty hunter, it would be cool is she was after some bad guys that can interact with her and some other bh that are after the same guys. Desolate planets are enough. Idk if this has done before in the franchise but it would be neat if done right.


My first Metroid game was Fusion. My entire time as a Metroid fan has been spent wondering what happens next.

It's a shame because they have the opportunity to take the story in a really interesting direction from where it left off.


Seeing how Mercury Steam butchered the classic series with its GB remake, and how Nintendo authorized it, I'd rather we let dedicated people do a quality work, or don't have games at all.

AM2R is such a game, built with the high quality standards in mind.

Hopefully Retro Studios can do something decent with Prime 4. I hope that it is not going to be another game "largely inspired by" the previous games.
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Never cared for the prime story, especially after the first, so I'd rather get a mainline sequel from Sakamoto. Well, assuming he doesnt bring Mercury Steam in on it anyway.

Dr Bass

Such an underutilized franchise.

Imagine exploring entirely different planets with different enemies. Each game could feel like an incredibly unique entry in the series, "Samus goes to planet X to investigate some phenomenon." She's a bounty hunter right? There could be a game where you're tracking down a singular target over the course of the game. Could be super high production 2D. Or 3D third person. I felt like the gameplay setup for Other M could have been great, if it wasn't so dumb and was actually executed well.

So many, many possibilities. Even one solid game per generation seems like it would be more than we get now. Nintendo just doesn't seem interested in doing that outside of Mario and Zelda though. That's why they leave F-zero, Star Fox, Metroid and a ton of other stuff just sitting on the table. Foolish IMO.

Punished Miku

Human Rights Subscription Service
I want a third person, 3D game. The closest we saw to this was some of the walking sections in Other M.

Take inspiration from Vanquish for the combat, with the morph ball functioning like the rocket dash at times. Then add in complex exploration and secrets in 3D environments.


I don't think Nintendo even knows how to make original content at this point, they're trying to set a great example for the future generations reduce(budget costs) reuse(all content) recycle(all old ideas). The only way we'd get a new Metroid game is if they remade the NES one.
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Seeing how Mercury Steam butchered the classic series with its GB remake, and how Nintendo authorized it, I'd rather we let dedicated people do a quality work, or don't have games at all.
I'm curious about where your vitriol for Samus Returns comes from. I've played every game in the series besides the original Metroid II, and I had a great time with the game. Too handholdy for you or something?


Too handholdy for you or something?
Bad controls and bad enemy placement are the main problems. Levels also dragged a bit.

Metroid has never been about precision aiming, so requiring to be constantly aiming at a correct angle feels out of place to me, and very uncomfortable on 3DS. Metroid is about firing straight or in diagonal, or in 3D games, using a lock-on. These are meant to be exploration games, not precise shooters.

Field of view is way too small and you get hit by enemies regurlary because they pop-up so close to you, this is extremely annoying as well.

Did not like the 3d graphics either.

These are the reasons I did not enjoy the game. It did not feel like a good continuity to the previous ones.
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I'd like to see it move forward. It's an interesting galaxy but we don't need the same old purple dragon villain all the time.
The last Metroid is dead. There's no going forward for this series, unless they come up with infinite cloning, the same for MGS.

it's done, just move on. What's not done however is the Metroidvania genre of exploration of a single giant level design. Too bad Nintendo is not into this anymore... could work even for Mario...


Unconfirmed Member
Prime had an interesting way of telling a story. I really enjoyed scanning everything to find out what its all about. Its very subtle.


The last Metroid is dead. There's no going forward for this series, unless they come up with infinite cloning, the same for MGS.

it's done, just move on. What's not done however is the Metroidvania genre of exploration of a single giant level design. Too bad Nintendo is not into this anymore... could work even for Mario...

There's still Halo without being on a Halo (I know returning to one is still well received, but still). The galaxy is interesting. I'd like to see more of it without the same old retreads of the same old plots. No metroids, no purple dragons. The Federation's growing corruption would be an interesting avenue to explore. New species rising, more Chozo shit, etc.
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The story is not important for Metroid, gameplay is. Other M's story was awful. Gameplay was a mixed bag with the jump between 2d and 3d styles. Keep it simple and focus on the mechanics, don't bring back dead bad guys for the millionth time. No melodrama for the love of god.

I want to see a new 2D Metroid developed in-house by Nintendo, they've their work cut out though as the metroidvania genre has plenty of gems giving its namesakes a run for their money.
3D we're covered with Metroid Prime 4 but it needs a VR option I think.
Who even cares about story in Metroid games?

I do, when i played Metroid back in the 80s as with many other games i wanted more lore more story. That doesnt mean nonsense like other m..it just means more lore and more story...doesnt have to be deep just fun.

I think the series being named after the antagonist does hold it back a bit though because you cant really have Samus do something else.....id like to see Samus on a new mission sans metroids.

Also 2d gameplay pls...prime was fine but just not the same feeling for me


The best 3D Metroid was in this order:

Prime 1, Prime 3, and then Prime 2. 2 went in a direction I hated. The light and dark mechanic never quite did it for me, in a way I could never get into, although I did get far into the game before giving up. 3 was good, especially the motion controls, but the narrative seemed a bit cheesy and you never felt as isolated like in Prime 1.

I think Prime 4 can innovate again if the team tries hard, but they may be limited by the Switch's technology, though that didn't stop BotW from changing Zelda games from going in a new exciting direction.
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The best 3D Metroid was in this order:

Prime 1, Prime 3, and then Prime 2. 2 went in a direction I hated. The light and dark mechanic never quite did it for me, in a way I could never get into, although I did get far into the game before giving up. 3 was good, especially the motion controls, but the narrative seemed a bit cheesy and you never felt as isolated like in Prime 1.

I think Prime 4 can innovate again if the team tries hard, but they may be limited by the Switch's technology, though that didn't stop BotW from changing Zelda games from going in a new exciting direction.
MP2 is my favourite. I preferred the darker world and more challenging gameplay.


It's my favorite game franchise. I think it can turn around and add much as I've been displeased with Nintendo i really feel they know they need to get this next metroid right and it's why they restarted development. At least this is the line I feed myself as one who loves these games


I think a lot of people aren't understanding the thread. It's about the chronological order of the games, and the fact that everything released since Fusion 18 years ago have been prequels. This thread is about a direct sequel to Fusion.


Golden Boy
I’d love to see something like this one day:


Dr Bass

I’d love to see something like this one day:


This is painful to look at because it just holds so much potential. Imagine if they kept making entries like this that were the pinnacle of 2D expression in games. And each entry took place on a completely new planet with all new characters, locations, enemies, abilities, story etc.
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