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Chris Matthews (MSNBC) suggests Clinton might run for Gov. of NY in 2018

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If Hillary Clinton wants to continue working in politics it should be behind the scenes with a focus on nurturing the next generation of Democratic leaders. There is no more room for her type of leadership in the Democratic party. Her loss cost the progressive movement at least one Supreme Court Justice, 4 years of environmental progress, 4 years of social justice progress, and the likely dismantling of Obama's signature healthcare policy. Time for Hillary to take a step back from the spotlight.
what exactly does she cost the Democratic Party by running in a state that very much liked her?


When is Chris Matthews going to finally fade in obscurity where he belongs.

The potential development of a young politician with a political future? Dems desperately need to start building a bench.

Maybe Chris was talking about a different younger Clinton
Because contrary to what some may think, she actually give a damn.

That's my problem...the image of her being a self-serving political powerhouse is something that's been created by the smear campaign that's been taking place over the last 4 years.

I freely admit that her at the helm will not bring the votes we need over to the left, however to simply write her off as "Crooked Hillary" is a disservice. She's a famous politician, from a famous, if semi-short lived, political dynasty, but that doesn't make her a villain.
Running for Governor of New York is a completely separate race, with a separate electorate, than running for President of the United States, you know.

I know that. I just can't comprehend the will it takes to not want to retire forever from public life after this last election.

Oh I agree. I think it would be a testament to her character if she still continues in politics. I can't imagine what she's been through.


Junior Member
I think at this point its been established that people don't really want Hillary Clinton anymore. Democrats didn't show up for her in the general election and she lost to Donald freaking Trump. Democrats should keep fighting, but I don't think they're fighting for Hillary

Did you forget that she won the popular vote by 3 million votes.... People definitely wanted her more than trump.
She won the popular vote of the entire country. New York like Cali voted overwhelmingly for her as president. For sure they'd want her as governor.

She won the popular vote because she wasn't Donald Trump.

And she lost, so there will be attention called into question about her leadership skills and they'll be deserved. Why? Because she lost to Donald Trump!
She won the popular vote because she wasn't Donald Trump.

And she lost, so there will be attention called into question about her leadership skills and they'll be deserved. Why? Because she lost to Donald Trump!
People keep saying "she lost to Donald Trump!" as if this was some kind of impossibility.

Stop underestimating Donald trump.


She won the popular vote because she wasn't Donald Trump.

And she lost, so there will be attention called into question about her leadership skills and they'll be deserved. Why? Because she lost to Donald Trump!
And she won the state of NY. They clearly like her. If the state party wants her to run, it's not an issue.


political hot takes are always fun. people revert to their immediate opinion on someone or something, regardless of context.

Why don't the Dems try and develop some desperately needed young talent instead of going with someone with no political future?

because "young talent" doesn't become governor of new york state.
She won the popular vote because she wasn't Donald Trump.

And she lost, so there will be attention called into question about her leadership skills and they'll be deserved. Why? Because she lost to Donald Trump!

How is her ability to lead being questioned by her losing an election while getting more votes?

Also she won NY.


She won the popular vote because she wasn't Donald Trump.

And she lost, so there will be attention called into question about her leadership skills and they'll be deserved. Why? Because she lost to Donald Trump!

This is kind of a hilarious argument. She lost to Donald Trump, despite getting more votes, because she relatively under-performed in some states (The Midwest), while wildly over performing (in... New York).
NY is a blue state, so she should win.

It's looking more like the USA will be divided pretty heavily along state lines now, as opposed to one united country with common, blanket federal laws across the land.

States like California, NJ, NY, etc... will attract the progressive/liberals and states like Texas and North Carolina will attract the Alt-Right conservatives.

Instead of a national healthcare plan, you'll have to settle for state healthcare plans. So, get ready to pick up and move, depending on your political leanings and economic needs.
She won the popular vote because she wasn't Donald Trump.

And she lost, so there will be attention called into question about her leadership skills and they'll be deserved. Why? Because she lost to Donald Trump!

Alright, your posts in this thread are just so uninformed and painfully biased. Please use a bit of logic before posting. Do your research. She won by 3 million MORE votes because people wanted her.

And stop underestimating Trump and the power he has over low-information voters.
How is her ability to lead being questioned by her losing an election while getting more votes?

Also she won NY.

Getting more votes and still losing definitely calls into question her ability to lead and campaign.

If I were a NYer I certainly wouldn't vote for her as governor and I voted for her as president. These are two completely different races. Given Clinton's penchant for losing blue state strongholds, I'd probably wager she'd lose NY at this point.
Alright, your posts in this thread are just so uninformed and painfully biased. Please use a bit of logic before posting. Do your research. She won by 3 million MORE votes because people wanted her.

And stop underestimating Trump and the power he has over low-information voters.

I'm not underestimating Trump at all. But he was still the most unliked presidential candidate of all time. Your post is a complete contradiction. "She won the pop. vote by 3 million!'- don't underestimate Trump!"



Kills Photobucket
How is her ability to lead being questioned by her losing an election while getting more votes?

Also she won NY.

Because after loosing the 2008 primary apparently the only thing she learned was how to fuck up the exact same way in a General Election. Take too much for granted and assume things are owed to her.


Clinton doesn't seem useful for anything other than fundraising. If she really does run for Governor of New York, it's quite possible that she could be beaten by a Republican that attacks her from the left.
Because after loosing the 2008 primary apparently the only thing she learned was how to fuck up the exact same way in a General Election. Take too much for granted and assume things are owed to her.
What exactly did she take for granted, the inaccurate poll data that her campaign was being fed?


Shes not going to pull a Bernie and primary him.

She's going to enter if the state party wants to dump Cuomo and needs someone with immediate name value and recognition because they weren't expecting to have to replace him.

Clinton won NY, is popular in NY, and would easily win the race in NY. This is a local election, not a national one.if you are upset about this, your priorities are all sorts of screwed up.


If I'm back in NY State for that election I'd def vote Clinton over Cuomo. That being said, and as already mentioned, the only way this happens is if Cuomo doesn't just run for a third term himself since I doubt Clinton would primary him of her own accord. I doubt this happens.

Also its funny that 99% (I saw one exception though) of the people shitting on Clinton in here have aren't New Yorkers. Say what you will about her ability to campaign but she can govern well.
Because after loosing the 2008 primary apparently the only thing she learned was how to fuck up the exact same way in a General Election. Take too much for granted and assume things are owed to her.

She lost to Bernie in Michigan and thought it was a good idea to ignore that state until it was too late.

At this point, I'd guess if she went for governor she'd stay in NYC and not leave the city while trying to run for governor of a state. "We've got an unprecedented number of feet on the ground this governor race!"

That's how bad she campaigns. And she loves her people. So she would definitely bring her smart asses from Brooklyn along her governor bid, and they'd probably lose that too!



She lost to Bernie in Michigan and thought it was a good idea to ignore that state until it was too late.

At this point, I'd guess if she went for governor she'd stay in NYC and not leave the city while trying to run for governor of a state.

That's how bad she campaigns. And she loves her people. So she would definitely bring her smart asses from Brooklyn along her governor bid, and they'd probably lose that too!

I guess those other times she won state elections in New York were just a figment of our imagination.


Bitches love smiley faces
Clinton over Cuomo. Wouldn't mind that at all.

Shes not going to pull a Bernie and primary him.

She's going to enter if the state party wants to dump Cuomo and needs someone with immediate name value and recognition because they weren't expecting to have to replace him.

Pretty much. Cuomo isn't going anywhere barring any unforeseen circumstances.


She lost to Bernie in Michigan and thought it was a good idea to ignore that state until it was too late.

At this point, I'd guess if she went for governor she'd stay in NYC and not leave the city while trying to run for governor of a state. "We've got an unprecedented number of feet on the ground this governor race!"

That's how bad she campaigns. And she loves her people. So she would definitely bring her smart asses from Brooklyn along her governor bid, and they'd probably lose that too!

You're aware she ran for, and won, two races as senator of New York that involved a lot of successful campaigning outside of the city?


Eh, this seems like it would be an odd play to me. I feel like most people will still be licking the wounds of the 2016 election by that time, and hell, it's likely some new ones will be opened by the Trump administration by then. It's just so soon that I feel like her momentum could easily be toppled by statements like "You couldn't even manage to win what was considered the most winnable presidential election in history". I think I could see it being the play in 2022 though.
Getting more votes and still losing definitely calls into question her ability to lead and campaign.

If I were a NYer I certainly wouldn't vote for her as governor and I voted for her as president. These are two completely different races. Given Clinton's penchant for losing blue state strongholds, I'd probably wager she'd lose NY at this point.

She won NY by a larger margin than most democrats. She's insanely popular there.

You're honestly not representing yourself well at all. It's embarrassing.
Oh right, her 30 years in service to the people mean nothing.

This irrational hate for her is ridiculous.
One of my favourite shitposts is "a politician should work for the people, which is why she lost"

Wtf did trump do for the American people except literally scam them lmao


I think Hillary would be a good governor, but at some point you just have to move on. Unless there is really no other qualified candidate, let someone else take it. We need new blood in those governors' mansions to build the party bench for the future. And while I don't think Hillary has done anything seriously wrong and that she was a good force in American politics, the meme about her as some sort of political vampire who cost the left everything has set in, and it's best not to lean into it. The fight over Hillary Clinton may have come to the wrong conclusion, but that doesn't mean it's worth the fight to readjudicate it. Just let it go.
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