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Confess your gaming secrets/shame

Grildon Tundy

Gold Member
1. I always make my female characters have massive tits where possible.

2. Even with a 7900xt PC, I still prefer PS5 because I’m addicted to trophies. On PC, if the game has no xbox/pc achievements, then its not even considered.

3. I struggle playing games outside of AAA titles. No idea why.

4. I double dip games WAYYY too much.
I'm going to somewhat agree with your #3 and pontificate. I think we're programmed from an early age to consider things with heavy marketing and production values as "official" and "valid". I'll play indie games, but they have to have had overwhelmingly positive feedback from a large number of users for me to buy in.


I got many games where I stopped playing after reaching the final boss. Just because I wanted the experience to last a bit longer. Haven’t finally beaten Zelda LttP, Metroid Dread, and so many more. Every save game is just in front of the final confrontation.


THE Prey 2 fanatic
Even if a game has loads of side content or a meaty post-game, my urge to keep playing a game usually completely ends once the credits roll. There are exceptions, especially with Bethesda games and Pokemon.
Similarly, I'm usually not into gamemodes that don't have some sort of endgame. I like having an established goal.

I've never played the expansion packs for Skyrim, my favorite game, or The Witcher 3, another one of my favorite games. I swear I'm gonna. Honest.

I really like The Surge, and Code Vein was pretty cool, but I still haven't played a From Software game. I was really turned off by the inability to pause, but it didn't end up being a problem in Code Vein, so I'm more willing to start the Souls games now. I've seen some Souls deaths that look really bullshit and unavoidable though, and I'm looking to get challenged, but not frustrated.

I really like crime sandboxes like Sleeping Dogs, Watch_Dogs, and Saints Row, but I'm not that into GTA.
I hate the writing in the Yakuza series. Unbearable. I know cringing is a very trendy and overused reaction online, but truly, Yakuza's storytelling makes me cringe.


Gold Member
I can’t wrap my head around tactical stuff, if I even have the time and will to try and learn. True strategy games are a big no- no for me, even if I’m interested in FFT and the like. I like monster catching-based RPGs like Persona or FF13-2, but I absolutely need a guide for those, and even with a guide I’ll have to lower the difficulty at one point. Pokémon at least I can brute force through. I can beat Souls games, Super Meat Boy, Hollow Knight etc… but put some real strategy in there and I’m stumped.

Truth be told though, I quit Sekiro at the final boss. Something with that game never really clicked with me. But after DS3 I’ve gotten quite tired of From Software’s shtick.

Generally speaking, I believe there’s really nothing wrong with using guides and spoiling yourself some stuff. Games are too big, and time is finite. In the early ‘90s I could afford to spend days thinking about one puzzle in a Lucasarts adventure… I really don’t feel I can anymore.

Fret Runner

Back in the PS2 days I never completed the GTA games without using cheats. mostly because I got bored with searching for health an ammo so would always end up saying fuck it.

I used to fap to the video unlocks on BMX XXX
For me it was a certain loading screen in Leisure Suit Larry: Magna Cum Laude. There was a picture of a woman covering her crotch area with her hand and you could slightly see some bush. lol



Yeah, fuck that shit. Ain't nobody got time for that!
Great thread kicker kicker , I was planning on creating something similar, but I was put off because this thread idea has been done before. I wasn't expecting it to be such a hit, I guess plenty on NeoGAF have some dirty closets in the back lol. My confession is that I will play the game on the hardest difficulty due to achievements often being tied to them, but this has caused me excessive frustration in the past. I played Return To Castle Wolfenstein on it's 10th anniversary and was quick saving every 2 minutes because I turn the corner and get absolutely blasted by the hit scan enemies.


Gold Member
I wrote a simple script to automate fishing while I was afk in FFXI. There were no mechanics to fishing other than clicking when the message “something caught the hook!” and so I had it look for a specific colored pixel at a specific location to act in the text menu as a trigger for it to “click” to reel the fish in, followed by a pause before recasting the line.

Moat carp were very profitable! Did this until I got my cooking skills high enough to where I could make money selling mithkabobs and coeurl subs.

Only time I’ve ever cheated in an online game.


I've also given up atm Platinuming RE2R. Mr X gives me severe anxiety. Guess I have some core psychological issue about getting chased. I'm pretty immersed while playing so the only thing that helps is drinking while playing.


I got many games where I stopped playing after reaching the final boss. Just because I wanted the experience to last a bit longer. Haven’t finally beaten Zelda LttP, Metroid Dread, and so many more. Every save game is just in front of the final confrontation.

Haha same here mostly. It's a weird thing but it is what it is.


I play games like fire emblem and x-com in permadeath mode but still save scums

I have special editions of all the xenoblade games but have only beaten XC2


That’s why I haven’t touched it lol. I’m intimidated. I think I’m going to need a guide.
It's actually not such a big deal, in reality. Just go in without thinking... the game is well designed to welcome you in.

Then crush you somewhere along the way.


Gold Member
I used to use a ton of cheats back in the day.
I haven't bought one in years but I did buy GTA shark cards back in the day
In games with clothing options I always dress appropriately for the weather and location.


Gold Member
I'd say my only gaming "shame" is the fact that I spent 12 years consistently subscribed to World of Warcraft (2005-2017), and for a good 8 to 10 of those years it consumed most of my entertainment time, making me miss a bunch of good games I had to go back and play late. I'll also let you do the math on how much money I wasted playing one fucking game... Never again.

I thoroughly enjoyed the FPS version of Shadowrun back on X360 and Windows Vista and bought both copies. Used to run around on Vista most of the time so people could earn the "Mine is the Superior Platform" achievement on Xbox. People shit on it at the time because it was an always online, multiplayer only, crossplatform, class-based, objective FPS. No one would ever want that, amirite?! Turns out it was ahead of its time and could have been something special if they had a better post-launch support plan in place.

I hate when card/board mini games are shoved into full release video games, especially when they force you to play them at least once to show off that they're there. No, Square, I do not want to play Triple Triad. No CDPR, I do not want to play Gwent. No Guerrilla, I don't want to play Machine Strike. No Nintendo, I don't want to play Tableturf Battle. If I wanted to play those, I'd buy stand alone versions of them instead.

I'd love to play more indie games but all these digital store fronts make finding new games to play a daunting task because they're just so flooded with old titles and mediocre shit. Feels like I have to sift through mounds of mud and shit to find one gemstone.

I've bought Monster Hunter Rise on both Switch and PlayStation and haven't finished the main campaign in either version. I think this is because I played Monster Hunter World so much on both PlayStation and Xbox that I'm kinda burned out, especially since MH Rise has largely the same weapon and armor backend as World.

And finally, neither Souls-games nor Rogue-lites/likes appeal to me. Hades is the only one I've actually completed. I wanted to like Returnal but just couldn't get into it.
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I hate space/sci-fi themes. If I see the inside of a spaceship or there's a shot of something floating in space I'm clocking out
Do you gag everytime you see the word STARFIELD?

I guess plenty on NeoGAF have some dirty closets in the back
I think it's just everyone in gaming, really.

For example, it's strange that so many people itt think it should be some secret that they play games on easy mode.
Only people who take this waaay too seriously would have an issue with that beyond banter


No matter how much I want to diss Blizzard, I always come back to play Overwatch (2).

It's the only active online FPS that successfully retains and improve on that TF2/UT-style gameplay DNA that I love. I have nowhere else to go for my fix.
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If a single player game feels like a chore or is trying too hard to waste my time I won't hesitate to bust out cheats and play at my leisure.
If I really enjoy the game, I will replay it with no cheats. Maybe even make the game harder.

Grildon Tundy

Gold Member
My first playthrough on Resi4R is on assisted. This to compensate for the expected anxiety.

Feel pretty ashamed of that...

And I haven't finished Sekiro. About 70%
Bruh, you gave me crap for switching to M+KB on RE4R's shooting galleries instead of using a controller lmao


I’ve beaten every Souls type game From has made since demon souls with two exceptions

I am horrible at Sekiro. Want to play it. Just suck at it.

Elden Ring has some cool parts but never has the feel of the other Souls games to me and so I got to the fire giant, quit, and haven’t picked it back up since.

I also bad mouthed BOTW a lot. After getting a guide it’s one of my favorite games ever.

Grildon Tundy

Gold Member
I don't really like the Legend of Zelda games. I've played OoT, LttP, BotW, WW, and ALBW because I've tried to hit all the "classic" game series, but, I dunno...Part of it feels like eating my veggies.

Is it because I didn't play one as a kid? Is the series a never-ending childhood nostalgia for most people?


Over the years, I have spent a combined 200 hours across 5 roguelites (Enter the gungeon, Spelunky 1&2, FTL and Risk of Rain 2) without beating any of them even once.
Reached their end fights several times but then something comes up irl and I lose the flow state

In my opinion, there is no purer form of gameplay than those 5 games (and the genre as a whole really)

Hey, as long as you're having fun.

My shame? I spent a full year worth of time (8.7k hours) on World of Warcraft. That realization made the stop playing it cold turkey.
To detox I played some Warframe and racked up 4.5k hours in it.


Gold Member
I'd say my only gaming "shame" is the fact that I spent 12 years consistently subscribed to World of Warcraft (2005-2017), and for a good 8 to 10 of those years it consumed most of my entertainment time, making me miss a bunch of good games I had to go back and play late. I'll also let you do the math on how much money I wasted playing one fucking game... Never again.

I thoroughly enjoyed the FPS version of Shadowrun back on X360 and Windows Vista and bought both copies. Used to run around on Vista most of the time so people could earn the "Mine is the Superior Platform" achievement on Xbox. People shit on it at the time because it was an always online, multiplayer only, crossplatform, class-based, objective FPS. No one would ever want that, amirite?! Turns out it was ahead of its time and could have been something special if they had a better post-launch support plan in place.

I hate when card/board mini games are shoved into full release video games, especially when they force you to play them at least once to show off that they're there. No, Square, I do not want to play Triple Triad. No CDPR, I do not want to play Gwent. No Guerrilla, I don't want to play Machine Strike. No Nintendo, I don't want to play Tableturf Battle. If I wanted to play those, I'd buy stand alone versions of them instead.

I'd love to play more indie games but all these digital store fronts make finding new games to play a daunting task because they're just so flooded with old titles and mediocre shit. Feels like I have to sift through mounds of mud and shit to find one gemstone.

I've bought Monster Hunter Rise on both Switch and PlayStation and haven't finished the main campaign in either version. I think this is because I played Monster Hunter World so much on both PlayStation and Xbox that I'm kinda burned out, especially since MH Rise has largely the same weapon and armor backend as World.

And finally, neither Souls-games nor Rogue-lites/likes appeal to me. Hades is the only one I've actually completed. I wanted to like Returnal but just couldn't get into it.
Did you get one of those statues Blizzard sent out to long term subscribers? Those looked cool.


I own almost all post-SNES Nintendo consoles and.... I never touched an Zelda Games...

Owing BOTW on Wii U, never launched

EDIT : I'm fine with myself
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Ghost recon wildlands is genuinely one of the most fun gaming experiences out there, probably the best for last gen. Especially co-op with friends and no game does drop in drop out mp as well as it does.

In fact It should be the defacto example any game incorporating mp should emulate or try to recreate

(Breakpoint would get a nod too but God did they fuck up what could have been fantastic with shitty GAAS mechanics, the game now is in a fantastic position compared to what it was prior however)
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