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Deservingly dead series


The Amiga Brotherhood
It's hard to think of any series that doesn't at least have potential or had some good installments. Dino Crisis and Crazi Taxi sucked by the 3rd iteration but they were good to begin with. On the other hand some series that SHOULD die WONT, like Dead to Rights. Others are still playable but are so STALE, like Bust a Move and Megaman.

Ranger X

TheDiave said:
Gex 2 and Gex 3 were way ahead of their time, at least from a technology standpoint. Had they been done on the Dreamcast, or something more powerful, I think they would've came out much better. I mean look at the wonders the DC hardware did for the first Soul Reaver (in comparison to its PSOne rendition). I'd love to see Gex come back on the next-gen systems.

Even on the PS1 it was good. Gex2 and Soul Reaver are 2 of my most beloved games of the 32/64 bitters era.


dabbled in the jelly
Pimpbaa said:
Some of you need to be dragged out into the street and shot.
I'm starting to think some people confused to the topic for games they would like to see again instead of franchises that belong dead. Otherwise.....


Rise of the Robots. I remember the hype around that one, and the end result was shit in a cartridge. And then they actually made a sequel!

I liked King's Quest a long, long time ago, but its gameplay (or lack thereof) is obsolete now. Same with Ultima (graphical Rogue-like). Those two series never made it into the world of modern game design. They innovated in ways that didn't matter in the long run.

Steel Battalion is another one that should stay dead.

Red Scarlet

...I didn't like Ultima 7.

The computer I played it on was epically slow, and the humongous world detracted from that, as well as the 'mouse only' way to play. They removed the parser thing from 4-6, which I really liked (Ultima 4 was the game that got me into the RPG genre to begin with). I think I played it for a few days and the magic didn't seem to be there.

...I didn't like Ultima 6.

I didn't like how they changed battles, so many of the dungeons were annoying to go through, and you never had to go through one at all in order to beat the game..making every dungeon a waste of time. I thought the Gargoyles were really cool though, the Draxinusom (sp) king of them was neat along with how they talked. The game crashed a lot on my Amiga, but I did go through it a couple of times (finding Nicodemus to get the Unlock Magic spell really pissed me off, though). I didn't really care for the level of interactivity that was added, and the Pickpocket spell also added to the "dungeons are pointless" factor, of course along with the instantly-warp-all-over black Moon Stone.

I have Ultima Collection, but really only play Ultima 3-5 on it. 1 and 2 play too insanely fast (no idea how to do the moslo thing), and 7/8 don't want to run with my mouse or something. I'd like to try 7 again, as I've heard that it and/or Serpent Isle were really good. I'd probably be able to play it now. 8 sucked though.


Hail to the KING baby
Vandiger said:
WTF? You are stating Ultima 7 worse than its predecessors? You are just plain ignorant dude, if you made a mistake than ignore this :p

I would like to concur with all the sentiments about the Ultimas through 7. 7 is my second favorite game of all time. 5 was good too, and the argument usually breaks down to which is the best out of 4 through 7, but there's no way I'd ever knock any of those, some of the finest gaming in history.


gblues said:
Rise of the Robots. I remember the hype around that one, and the end result was shit in a cartridge. And then they actually made a sequel!


I never played the first on SNES but I remember the big hype in Nintendo Power. I played the second one on the Saturn. Horrible piece of junk! I actually thought to myself, "so this is what it's like to play a 40 percent completed game." Seriously, its like they said, "we're out of money, just release it now." It was slow and so broken. Just horrible. Trying to control your fighter was like trying to make a brick tap dance...

Red Scarlet

AstroLad said:
I would like to concur with all the sentiments about the Ultimas through 7. 7 is my second favorite game of all time. 5 was good too, and the argument usually breaks down to which is the best out of 4 through 7, but there's no way I'd ever knock any of those, some of the finest gaming in history.

4 and 5 are the best of those, duh. <3 4.


Redbeard said:
Road Rash
How does Road Rash deserve to be dead? That game would kick ass on current and next gen consoles.

Anyway, as for my vote it goes on Army Men and also Legacy Of Kain.
Indeed, the last Kain game turned both legendary reavers into nothing but a couple of fucking trampolines for christ's sake, no more Kain.


hobbitx said:
How does Road Rash deserve to be dead? That game would kick ass on current and next gen consoles.

Agreed, wasnt Road Rash an EA game? I'm surprised that havent milked the hell out of it...


PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 Xbone PS4 PS4
Sony's GT series. GT4 is a complete waste of time. Just a tarted up version of GT3.
No online, no damage etc...

Why did they bother.

Oh yeah. That's right. Money.
Red Scarlet said:
...I didn't like Ultima 7.

The computer I played it on was epically slow, and the humongous world detracted from that, as well as the 'mouse only' way to play. They removed the parser thing from 4-6, which I really liked (Ultima 4 was the game that got me into the RPG genre to begin with). I think I played it for a few days and the magic didn't seem to be there.

...I didn't like Ultima 6.

I didn't like how they changed battles, so many of the dungeons were annoying to go through, and you never had to go through one at all in order to beat the game..making every dungeon a waste of time. I thought the Gargoyles were really cool though, the Draxinusom (sp) king of them was neat along with how they talked. The game crashed a lot on my Amiga, but I did go through it a couple of times (finding Nicodemus to get the Unlock Magic spell really pissed me off, though). I didn't really care for the level of interactivity that was added, and the Pickpocket spell also added to the "dungeons are pointless" factor, of course along with the instantly-warp-all-over black Moon Stone.

I have Ultima Collection, but really only play Ultima 3-5 on it. 1 and 2 play too insanely fast (no idea how to do the moslo thing), and 7/8 don't want to run with my mouse or something. I'd like to try 7 again, as I've heard that it and/or Serpent Isle were really good. I'd probably be able to play it now. 8 sucked though.

What you want to do is go HERE and get yourself a copy of EXULT (totally free). It will let you run U7 on un upgraded engine, in higher resoultions, with better sound and music, visual filters, etc, all under Windows XP.
Deservingly dead series?

Battle Arena Toshinden is right up there.

Crash Bandicoot and Tomb Raider SHOULD be dead series, but those dead horses continue to be beaten.

I'd say Killer Instinct, as I always felt that was a really sub-par button-masher. But, recent rumors of a sequel are floating around.

Series that should NOT be dead, but are:

Earthworm Jim. The first two games were brilliant, and a next gen EWJ game had so much potential. Then EWJ3D came out and killed Jim forever.

Rocket Knight. I guess the second one didn't sell as well as the first one, and Konami pulled the plug on that series. What a shame.
Tomb Raider. I've heard of a new game in the works, but surely that will be the final nail in the coffin. Every game that followed TR2 was absolute shithouse and I would think everyone would have gotten over Lara Croft's jagged D-cup titties - which really was Eidos' selling point for the series - by now too.


Hail to the KING baby
Red Scarlet said:
This is where you say what it is and get me interested in playing it.

Oh sure, here take a read this: http://www.mobygames.com/featured_article/feature,6/ It's a pretty comprehensive review. Usually I'd be hesitant to recommend Wasteland since it came out over 15 years ago, but if you're still into the pre-7 Ultimas so much I don't doubt that you'll quite enjoy Wasteland

As far as sequels, Fallout was certainly the spiritual successor to Wasteland, but Wasteland has never had a true sequel (not even the ill-fated Fountain of Dreams, thank God, or the never-completed Meantime, both of which used the Wasteland engine), which in a way kind of adds to the mystique.


Earthworm Jim and Jet Moto didn't deserve to die.

Alright, Jet Moto did, but the first one was great. The second one was crap, the Greatest Hits version (tweaked so much it was a different game) moreso. Damn 989.

aoi tsuki

Canadian Psycho said:
Double Dragon

It was fun while it lasted, but we really don't need updates of these games.
i'll agree when they reserve multiple sequels that suck.

Pit Fighter is the only game i could think of.



after mechwarrior 2 the series died painfully and the latest games are only utterly bad and have nothing to do with battletech >:O


Wow, the number of series that are still alive in this thread about dead series is truly mindblowing.

I wud like too ad:
Spore &7 Destroy All Yoomans!!!11


SickBoy said:
Wow, the number of series that are still alive in this thread about dead series is truly mindblowing.

I wud like too ad:
Spore &7 Destroy All Yoomans!!!11
dun forgit aboot Finul Fanatsy and GRan pewp otto LOL!!!


As far as actual dead series go, I think that, sadly, due to the nature and questionable quality of the last game/spinoff in the series, Baldur's Gate is better off dead. :(
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